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1-10: Basics of Pandas

1. What is Pandas and why is it used in Python?

2. How do you install Pandas in Python?
3. Explain the primary data structures in Pandas.
4. How do you create a Pandas DataFrame from a Python dictionary?
5. What is the purpose of the head() and tail() functions in Pandas?
6. Differentiate between a DataFrame and a Series in Pandas.
7. How do you check for missing values in a DataFrame?
8. Explain the purpose of the shape attribute in Pandas.
9. How can you rename columns in a Pandas DataFrame?
10. What is the role of the dtype parameter in Pandas?

11-20: Indexing and Selecting Data

11. Explain the difference between loc and iloc in Pandas.

12. How do you select specific columns from a DataFrame?
13. What is boolean indexing, and how is it used in Pandas?
14. How do you drop columns and rows from a DataFrame in Pandas?
15. Explain the purpose of the isin() function in Pandas.
16. How can you set a specific column as the index in a DataFrame?
17. What is the purpose of the at and iat accessors in Pandas?
18. How do you reset the index of a DataFrame?
19. Explain the role of the isin() function in Pandas.
20. How can you filter rows based on multiple conditions in Pandas?

21-30: Data Cleaning and Transformation

21. How do you handle missing values in a DataFrame?

22. Explain the purpose of the drop_duplicates() function in Pandas.
23. What is the purpose of the apply() function in Pandas?
24. How do you convert data types in a Pandas DataFrame?
25. Explain the purpose of the groupby() function in Pandas.
26. How do you pivot a DataFrame in Pandas?
27. What is the merge() function, and how is it used in Pandas?
28. How do you handle outliers in a DataFrame?
29. Explain the purpose of the map() function in Pandas.
30. How do you perform one-hot encoding in Pandas?

31-40: Time Series Data in Pandas

31. What is the purpose of the to_datetime() function in Pandas?

32. How do you resample time series data in Pandas?
33. Explain the concept of a rolling window in time series analysis.
34. How do you handle time zone conversion in Pandas?
35. What is the role of the shift() function in time series analysis?
36. How can you extract specific components (year, month, etc.) from a
datetime column?
37. Explain the purpose of the diff() function in Pandas.
38. How do you handle irregular time series data in Pandas?
39. What is the date_range() function used for in Pandas?
40. How do you handle time series missing data in Pandas?

41-50: Advanced Topics in Pandas

41. What is MultiIndex, and how is it used in Pandas?

42. How do you perform hierarchical indexing in Pandas?
43. Explain the purpose of the pivot_table() function in Pandas.
44. What is the cut() function used for in Pandas?
45. How can you optimize memory usage in a Pandas DataFrame?
46. Explain the concept of method chaining in Pandas.
47. How do you serialize and deserialize a Pandas DataFrame?
48. What is the purpose of the crosstab() function in Pandas?
49. How can you apply a function to each group in a Pandas DataFrame?
50. What are some ways to handle large datasets in Pandas efficiently?


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