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A Beginner Guide to one of the World’s Deadliest Martial Arts

By James Kippax

Book Published 2016. Version 1.0


Warning and Disclaimer ........................................................................... 7

Introduction ............................................................................................. 8

Who Is Thai Boxing For? ......................................................................... 10

What is Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)? .......................................................11

Thai Boxing for Self Defense ............................................................... 12

Curling Up into the Fetal Position on the Street .............................. 13

Can You Use Weight Training for Self Defense? .............................. 14

Your Ultimate Self Defense Tool ...................................................... 15

Fitness & Health ...................................................................................... 16

The Health Benefits ............................................................................. 16

Am I Too Old to Start Muay Thai? ................................................... 16

How Much Weight Can You Lose Doing Muay Thai?.......................... 18

Further Reading ............................................................................... 19

How does Muay Thai Build Muscle? ................................................ 19

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise........................................................ 21

Anaerobic Exercise ...........................................................................22

Body Conditioning ...............................................................................23

Cortical Remodeling ........................................................................23

Impact Training ...................................................................................24

Bone Density........................................................................................ 25

Flexibility .............................................................................................26

Do I have to do all this?.................................................................... 27

How Muay Thai Can Improve Balance, Coordination & Agility .............29

Coordination ....................................................................................... 30

Mental Focus and Reducing Stress with Muay Thai ............................... 31

It Isn’t Mindless Thuggery ............................................................... 31

Stress Relief ......................................................................................... 32

Conclusion ....................................................................................... 33

How to Find the Perfect Muay Thai Gym ................................................ 35

Can't find Thai boxing Gym? Try This .............................................36

Further advice .................................................................................. 36

Can't find a local Muay Thai gym? Try this ..................................... 38

How to spot a good and Bad Thai Boxing Gyms? ............................... 38

Tips for Spotting Good & Bad Training ...........................................39

Lesson Cost and Paying for Lessons ................................................... 40

Form filling ......................................................................................42

Your First Lesson .................................................................................... 43

What you should expect as a Beginner ............................................44

Advice for Your First Muay Thai Lesson ............................................. 45

25 Tips for Your First Muay Thai Lesson ............................................46

Muay Thai Gear .......................................................................................50

Boxing Gloves ......................................................................................50

Hand Wraps......................................................................................... 51

Groin Guard (Guys only) ..................................................................... 51

Ankle Wraps ........................................................................................ 52

Shin pads ............................................................................................. 52

Thai Boxing Shorts .............................................................................. 52

Avoiding Injuries ..................................................................................... 54

What are the common injuries in Muay Thai? .................................... 54

How to Prevent Injuries During Sparring ........................................... 55

Partner Misses the Pads ................................................................... 55

Clumsy ............................................................................................. 55

Too Fast............................................................................................ 56

Pad Placement.................................................................................. 56

Bad and Broken Pads ....................................................................... 57

Unlucky ............................................................................................ 57

Dealing with Aches and Pains..............................................................58

The Day After ...................................................................................58

Getting Good ........................................................................................... 61

How to Get Good at Thai Boxing - Fast ............................................... 61

Rate of improvement ....................................................................... 61

Keeping motivated ...............................................................................62

Macro Improvements.......................................................................63

Friends .............................................................................................64

Get involved with the gym and fellow students ............................... 65

The Before and After Photo Motivation Trick.................................. 65

Training on Your Day’s Off......................................................................66

Running, Cycling and Skipping ...........................................................66

Bodyweight Exercises ...................................................................... 67

Shadow Boxing................................................................................. 67

Get a Heart Monitor ........................................................................ 68

Pad Work Tips & Tricks ...................................................................... 68

Breathe ............................................................................................ 68

Painful Limbs .................................................................................. 68

Avoid Tension ..................................................................................69

Keep your Guard Up ........................................................................69

Diet & Hydration .................................................................................70

Keeping Hydrated ............................................................................70

Diet ................................................................................................... 71

Helpful Videos ......................................................................................... 72

Conclusion ............................................................................................... 73


Copyright © 2016 by James Kippax

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations
in a book review.

Published, 2016

Warning and Disclaimer

Make sure you seek out a competent coach if you are serious about
learning Thai Boxing. It’s very easy seriously injure yourself if you do not
take basic safety precautions when training.

A competent coach can show you the basic health and safety precautions
that are needed to prevent bad injuries like: paralysis, broken bones,
brain damage, muscle and ligament damage, etc.

It’s easy to cause yourself a serious injury, and it’s easy to seriously
injure someone else with this combat sport. And injuring someone else
using this martial art could get you in trouble with the law and the

Use your brain and learn to train safely. You’ve been warned. I take no
responsibility for the use or misuse of the information in this guide to
Thai Boxing.

If you are worried about your level of fitness consult with a doctor before
starting Thai Boxing. Especially if you suffer from asthma, obesity, or
another severe illness.

Although Thai Boxing will get you fit, it's hard work. If you suffer from
health problems that make exercise difficult, seek professional guidance.
Otherwise you may hurt yourself.

I take no responsibility for any injuries or damage you may incur. The
advice given in this article if for entertainment purposes only. Use it at
your own risk. You’ve been warned.


Fancy learning a sport that teaches you to deliver bone crunching

punches and elbows?

Would you like the toned body of an athlete?

Are you interested in developing the skill to kick with power like a
baseball bat?

If you like the sound of this, then you should learn Muay Thai (Thai

"It’s fun to learn... It’s a great way to get fit… And it can build
confidence too."

Thai Boxing is considered an excellent martial art for self-defense.

Giving you the ability to fend off thugs, hoodlums, and robbers.

I think you'd agree that it sounds great doesn't it?

This PDF contains around 13,001 words and it should take you around
53 minutes to read (or less if you read fast). But if you read it you'll have
a better idea than most about this deadly art.

The information in this PDF would take ages find out on your own. It
would take you months of painstaking research and reading.

You’d have to buy books on the subject... Go through loads martial arts
forum post... And talk with Muay Thai coaches/trainers.

And most people just don’t have spare time like that.

How do I know all this you might ask? Because this is what I had to do.
It’s taken 3 months to write this book. And I was going to publish it as a
'paid' Kindle book (I still might)

But, for now, you can read it for free. Why? You may ask...

Because (I hope) that by reading it you’ll get inspired to try a sport that I

A sport that’s helped me stop smoking... Helped me lose weight... And

helped me tone up.

It's a combat sport that's given me a major confidence boost too.

So, take your time and read this free Thai Boxing guide. Because, if you
finish reading it, you’ll learn more in 53 minutes than I learned in my
first year of Muay Thai.

It might take you a while to read, but it'll be worth it. And if you find it
hard to grasp at any point, just stop. Digest what I’ve written. And then
come back and carry on reading it when you feel fresh.

Put into the action the tips I mention on here, and you’ll be in a better
position than 99% newbies who start the sport.

You'll improve faster... Avoid the common mistakes that novices make...
And you'll see an improvement in your health, confidence, and fitness.

Anyway, enough blabbing, let us get on with the show.


Who Is Thai Boxing For?

"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…Lao Tzu"

Well, there are various reasons that you might want to start training in
Muay Thai. They are:

• Lose weight

• Help combat stress

• Improve your cardio

• Build your confidence

• Improve your mental discipline

• Improve your strength and endurance

• People who want to learn self defense

• If you want to get fit and be more active

• Improve co-ordination and balance and speed

• Improve your social life by joining a team (gym)

• Looking improve your MMA training or complement existing martial


Does this sound good? Well then read on. I’ll explain every point I’ve
made, and many more...

What is Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)?

Muay Thai is a deadly combat sport that originated from Thailand. It’s
known as the ‘art of eight limbs’ as it uses punches, kicks, knees and
elbows as weapons.

Additionally, Thai Boxing uses other attacks too. They are clinch
techniques; as well as shoving and pushing with feet and arms.

Muay Thai training is designed with goal of human combat in mind.

Don’t let this put you off though, because you never have to spar. Most
Thai Boxing gyms won’t ever put any pressure on you to fight. It’ll always
be your decision.

Around 8 out 10 people who learn Muay Thai do it just for health and
self-defense reasons... And they never fight...

But, if take up the sport, you will be trained to high level of fitness.
Because Thai Boxing training is setup to get you fit enough to compete.
Not just against anyone. But another trained athlete over a duration of
several 2-minutes rounds.

It’s tough work, but it’s a testament to how fit you’ll get if you start the

Also, with Muay Thai training, you will get a comprehensive exercise.
You’ll utilize many body parts and muscles, not just certain points of the

Train hard and you can achieve a great physique and all-round body
tone. Your fitness, weight, and cardio can improve fast with regular
And, when you feel fit, you often feel good about yourself. Exercise is
great for this, and regarded as one of the best natural anti-depressants
there is.

Likewise, you’ll have a boost in confidence too, because you’ll have the
skills to fight. And this is valuable if you ever have to defend yourself on
the street.

Thai Boxing for Self Defense

Muay Thai is regarded as the most efficient striking martial art there is.
Making it an excellent form of self-defense.

Thai Boxing teaches you how to punch, kick, elbow, and knee effectively.
It also has a range of defensive measures, namely: blocks, parries, and
counter strikes. This arsenal of weapons provides a great tool set for
defending oneself.

Additionally, Muay Thai, unlike other martial arts, teaches you how to
attack. You don’t just learn moves that are counter based and defensive.
In a street fight, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. And Thai
Boxing provides you with some of the best attacking strikes there is.

Another testament to effectiveness of Muay Thai is its use in MMA.

MMA tends to pick the best parts of various fighting systems. Because
Muay Thai uses most of the body striking, with extreme efficiency and
speed, it’s very useful for MMA students. A lot of the top fighters like
John Muir, Tommy Caldwell, Anderson Silva and many other rely on the
art for stand-up fighting.

Generally speaking though, Thai boxing is primarily a ring sport.
Although you can defend yourself thoroughly in stand-up fighting using
it, you do not learn any weapons disarms and ground fighting. However,
learning some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga can fix this - providing
you with a more comprehensive self-defense tools.

Curling Up into the Fetal Position on the Street

One of the best things Muay Thai teaches you is: remaining calm whilst
being attacked. Because this is what happens when you are in the ring
sparring. Learning how to get hit (and not curl up into a fetal position
because of the shock) is one of the best self-defense moves you can learn.
And it’ll help you a lot if you ever have a street fight.

One of Muay Thai greatest advantages when it come self-defense, is that

you get used to being hit. Fighting is a tough and dirty business. It’s
certainly not like it is in the films, where the hero dodges around every
punch and blow. You will get hit. However, if you can hit your opponent
faster, harder, and more effectively than they can hit you, chances are
you’ll win the fight.

"If you can hit your opponent faster, harder, and more effectively than
they can hit you, chances are you’ll win the fight"

Muay Thai is different to other Eastern forms of martial arts - like karate
and Kung Fu. Training sessions differ in Thai Boxing because the
emphasis, when doing pad work, is to train in building power, speed, and
reflexes. In this way Thai Boxing is very similar Western boxing, which
has a large emphasis pad work, bag work and sparring. And in Muay
Thai there are no katas like karate or Kung Fu.

Can You Use Weight Training for Self Defense?

Many people think that weight training can help with self-defense,
especially when it comes to punching and striking power. This is
incorrect. Punching requires a snapping motion, whereby you exert
maximum force in the least amount of time. Compare this to weight
training, where you train using slow and heavy repetitions - lifting
increasingly heavier and heavier weights. They are very different body
workouts and build different reactions and reflexes. On its own weight
lifting is not a great self-defense skill, but combine weights with Muay
Thai and you’ll have a winning combo.

Because of the emphasis on sparring, Thai Boxing, is a very practical

martial art. You’re constantly being put in the ring and actually fighting
– trying to hit an object that's trying to hit you back. You are simulating
some of the conditions that happen in a street brawl (but in a safe
controlled environment). Sparring like this teaches you the valuable skill
of learning to react under pressure and whilst being attacked. This is
sadly lacking any many other martial arts.

As you can see, Muay Thai is a great martial art for self-defense. For
stand-up combat, it’s one of the best. Combine this with the fact you’ll be
fit and strong because of the rigorous training it provides, and you can
see why it’s such a lethal combo.

However, Thai Boxing does lack certain defensive elements, namely

ground fighting and weapons training. For those looking for the best
martial art combo, a combination is key. For ground fighting you should
look at something like Brazilian jujitsu, Sambo, and even wrestling. For
weapons training Krav Maga. Combining a good knowledge of those
martial arts with the strikes of Muay Thai will give you the most
comprehensive form of self-defense.

Your Ultimate Self Defense Tool

Before we go any further with this I must make one thing clear. The best
move for any street fight, mugging, or hostile situation is to run and
escape. Every Thai Boxing instructor I’ve trained with agreed with me on
this point.

If you’re unlucky enough to have a weapon pulled on you, you should do

what the other person wants, or get the hell out of there. It might not be
the most glamorous option but you will live another day. And you’re less
likely to run afoul of criminal law too.

Furthermore, depending on which country you live in, criminal law can
treat people badly after their first attack on an assailant. Often the law
views you as a trained professional, and therefore in full control of your
actions. It’s easy to hospitalize/kill a person using this stuff. You could
end up jail depending on how seriously you damage your attackers.
Why? Because the law views that you knew exactly what you were doing.

So as good as this stuff is, use it with caution. And if you have the chance
- run away! You’re far less likely to get into trouble that way. You’ve been

"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight - Sun Tzu"

Fitness & Health

Thai Kick Boxing can get you fit and help you lose weight. But in what
ways do you get fit? Let’s look.

The Health Benefits

Thai boxing works so many body areas. It’ll help you lose weight, build
muscle (more muscle tone than bulk mass), improve your cardiovascular
endurance, improve your hand and eye coordination, improve your
balance, and it'll increase your flexibility too.

Muscles and joints also become conditioned. Hits/impacts to the body

hurt less, and the body becomes tougher.

If you want to look at the extreme effects of a Muay Thai training regime
just take a few professional Thai fights. You’ll see athletes who are lean,
toned, and flexible.

Am I Too Old to Start Muay Thai?

A common question I hear people say about training in Muay Thai is:
‘am I too old to start’? The answer is no. But it does depend on your

If you just want to get fit, and learn an effective form of self-defense,
then age is not a problem. I’ve even read of people in their 50s joining
gyms in Thailand and later competing in smoker fights.

One of my old gym instructors was 74 and he still trained and did a few
lessons per week and keep himself in shape. He didn’t spar anymore and
couldn’t do a high kick, but he could execute a lethal low kick and punch
combos. Although my old trainer was an ex-boxer, he didn’t start Muay
Thai until he was 54. But even at that age he pushed himself hard to later
become an instructor.

This goes to prove that if you want to get fit, and if you’re reasonably
mobile, you can do it. Age shouldn’t be a barrier.

Yet, if you’re reading this and wondering how long it takes to become pro
I’ll give you this rule of thumb. It takes around 10 years to become a
master of any sport. You can reduce this figure if you train hard. If you
are around 20-years-old, you still have plenty of time to become a pro.
But you need to start now and to push yourself.

I’ve even heard of people who started in their 30s to become pro fighters.
But they have put themselves through brutal training sessions for years
to achieve this. This is rare but can happen.

The older you are the slower your metabolism. You're going to have to
train harder than the young guys to get the same results. And alter your
diet if you want fast results. Therefore, if you're planning to use Muay
Thai as a weight loss tool bear this in mind.

To summarize: if you’re below the age of 25, you commit 3 or more

lessons a week, and train hard. You have a good chance of becoming a
pro if you have the skills.

How Much Weight Can You Lose Doing Muay

Thai boxing is good for weight loss because it consists of interval training
type exercises.

Pad work and bag drills are a large part of Thai Boxing training. This
work consists of sets of repeated strikes, combinations and moves,
lastingbetween5-30 seconds. You’ll have to repeat these combinations
several times for a few minutes.

Every time you perform this type of training you are using a burst of
energy. You're interval training. And burning many calories in the

Many studies regard interval training as an excellent method for building

lean muscle. This be a fast way to lose weight and tone up.

A person weighing 180 pounds can burn 243 calories by punching a

heavy bag for 30 minutes. You can burn even more energy if you add
roundhouse kicks to the workout as well.

Do some sparring and you can expect to burn 500 calories or more in 30

Typically, the calorie burn rate for Muay Thai is around 10 to 12 cal per

But this all depends on how difficult the gym session is and how hard
you push yourself.

But even doing a crap lesson you should burn somewhere in the region of
500 cal per session. And if you push yourself, you can burn 700 calories
or more.

Further Reading

How does Muay Thai Build Muscle?

How does Muay Thai build muscle? Does Thai Boxing give you a
bodybuilder physique? Can you use it to bulk up? And why is Thai
Boxing such a good workout for women? These are questions we'll now
look at.

Muay Thai does build muscle, but it builds lean muscle. Let me explain.

You see, much of your power for Thai strikes comes from your core and
your hips. This includes punches on elbows too.

Strong strikes, such as hooks and elbows, rely on good hip rotation to
create power.

The same thing happens with one of Muay Thai's deadliest weapons –
the Roundhouse kick. A good roundhouse kick is a combination of leg
and hip strength; and good timing and technique.

Watch some Muay Thai videos on YouTube and you'll see how the pros
move their hips when kicking. Here's a link to a video where you can see
this clearly:

Watch this video of Thai legend Buakaw demonstrating excellent kicking


It's not just pure limb strength these athletes use when striking. The hips
and core provide much of their attack strength.

Every strike you throw will exercise your hips, core and limb muscles in a
small amount. Your arms and upper body will become toned through
throwing countless punches, elbows and grapples. Legs, hips, and
buttocks will become toned through numerous kicks, knees and foot

A typical Thai Boxing lesson involves throwing many kicks, punches,

elbows, and knees. Providing an extensive workout that moves a wide
range of the body parts.

Muay Thai also exercises your chest and stomach muscles. It can help to
reduce stomach and pectoral flab. If you train hard, and control your
diet, you can see excellent results fast. It's possible to develop a flat
stomach and toned upper body.

For women, Muay Thai, can be the perfect workout. You'll build lean
muscle and get that toned look. It tends not to build a bulky muscle mass
like a bodybuilder.

If you are looking for that bodybuilder look, Thai boxing, might not give
be for you. But combine the sport with standard weight training and you
can reap great results. Not only can you build a good physique, but the
weight training will improve your fighting too. A fighter who's physically
strong can strike harder and excel in clinch. But you want to bulk-up
whilst learning Muay Thai, calibrate your diet. Otherwise you might lose
too much weight, and not be able to build the muscle bulk you desire.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Not only does Muay Thai help you lose weight build lean muscle. But it's
great improving cardiovascular endurance.

A good Thai boxing session will get the heart pumping. Unlike jogging
and cycling, Muay Thai consists of interval training exercises.

In interval training you use many energy bursts over time. The heart is
not pumping at a constant amount. The heart rate varies.

In a way, this is like running up and down many hills. The intensity of
the exercise varies, as does the heart rate. The heart cannot get into a
repetitive routine as it's forced to adjust to the changing conditions.

A Muay Thai workout is similar. It's dynamic. You don't perform the
same exercise throughout the lesson.

A typical Thai boxing lesson may consist of pad work, skipping,

shadowboxing and sparring. These exercises will vary in intensity, thus
causing the heart rate to fluctuate.

And dynamic workouts that vary heart rate are good for improving
cardio. They provide a more efficient aerobic workout than running on
flat ground.

Likewise, if you’re wanting to improve your Thai boxing, run up-and-

down hilly ground. Hilly running matches the exertion you use when
fighting. Long jogs can help, but they're not as effective as lots of hilly
running for improving your Muay Thai.

Anaerobic Exercise

Muay Thai improves your anaerobic endurance too.

If you're confused by what this means, let me explain. Anaerobic

exercises are short duration, high-intensity, exercises. They last from just
a few seconds, but up to (and around) a few minutes in length.

The 100-meter sprint is a good example of anaerobic exercise. The gun

goes off, you run flat out for a few seconds, and you stop. Steady jogging
and cycling don't follow this pattern. They lack the intense intervals of
tough work.

Thai boxing does train you in anaerobic exercise. For example, during
pad work you start your combination, perform your combo, and stop.
You still have the intense exercise in the middle, where you're using
energy and pushing your heart. It's a similar pattern to the 100-meter

These types of exercises are excellent for improving your

aerobic/anaerobic endurance, and they provide a brilliant cardiovascular
workout too.

Body Conditioning

Muay Thai toughens the body. Every time you hit something, check a
kick, or even run, you cause an impact on the body. And you'll do
hundreds of these impacts every lesson.

These exertions cause loads, stresses, and strains on your bones, joints
and muscles. Done correctly, these types of movements can be good for
you. As they can improve the body’s ability to take damage.

The body’s ability to resist damages deteriorates with age. Varied

exercises of the right type can help minimize this loss.

Thai boxing is an excellent way place loads on the joints. Exercising the
joints using Muay Thai can help them remain strong, flexible and supple.
Helping you maintain a better body condition with age.

Cortical Remodeling

When fighting or sparring, good body conditioning is critical. A tougher

body means you can absorb more blows, incur less damage when hit, and
not feel uncomfortable when struck.

An extreme example of body conditioning in Thai boxing is shin


Thai boxers (Nak Muay) toughen their shins up through a process called
cortical re-modeling (Wolff’s Law). This allows fighters to withstand
bone crunching impacts that would otherwise snap the shin.

To toughen a shin, a person needs to strike increasingly harder objects
with it. Every time a hard object is stuck it causes a minute amount of
bone damage. The body will heal this damage, but this time making it a
little stronger than it was before. The Thai boxer will repeat this process,
sometimes over many years.

The shin toughening effect is gradual. But, over time, this extra layer of
protection adds up. The fighter’s shin can become so strong it can
withstand damage that would normally break the person bone.

In Thailand, professional fighters have been known to strike walls, trees,

and other hard objects to help toughen limbs. But this is an extreme

If you're starting Thai Boxing, don't let all this worry you. You won't be
asked to kick a banana plant any time soon (if ever).

But the simple act of kicking and punching the pads is enough to cause
mild body conditioning.

And, if you want to toughen those shins up, try kicking a hard punching
bag. But do it softly at first mind, otherwise you could do more harm
than good.

Impact Training

Another element of Muay Thai is impact training – reducing the body’s

reaction to pain. You can do this in a variety of ways.

Sparring is one way of becoming acclimatized to the sensation of being

hit. Frequent sparring teaches the body and mind to adapt to impacts

that occur when fighting. It also teaches you to respond while under
pressure. And, over time, it'll increase your tolerance to pain.

Another impact training exercise that's common at Thai Boxing gyms is

stomach training. This helps you becoming winded when taking an
impact to the lower body.

If the lungs are full of air and you get hit in the stomach area, you'll
become winded. If the lungs are empty, and you get hit in the same area,
you won't become winded. Therefore, you practice expelling air from the
lungs before taking lower body strike. It takes practice for this action to
become automatic. But it's a good skill to learn for fighting situations.

Other impact training exercises include muscle toughening. To do this

place a Thai pad over a muscle and get another person to strike the
padded area. The strikes should continue for a few minutes.

At first you should find the pain is uncomfortable but bearable. But as
this exercise progresses, pain and discomfort will build. The aim of this
act is to improve your pain threshold and to toughen your limbs. This
will enable your limbs to carry on working, even when they're repeatedly
hit in a fight.

Bone Density

One overlooked benefit of doing any combat sport is an improvement in

bone density.

Your bone mass is at its highest when your mid-30s to late 30s. After this
point, if left unchecked, it declines with age.

Exercises that put loads on your bones and joints can help reduce this
loss. They can sometimes halt or increase your bone mass too.

A low bone mass in later life can lead to medical conditions like
osteoporosis. Making your bones easier to fracture.

Muay Thai loads a large amount of your bones. Every time you kick and
punch you are using your bones. Every time you skip and run you are
impacting your bones. And every time you do push or pull-up you are
loading your bones.

And, best of all, you're doing a variety of exercises and thus loading the
bones in diverse ways.

Not only are you toughing your body up, but you're also decreasing the
chances of becoming frail with age.


Muay Thai can increase your flexibility. To execute a kick, knee, punch or
an elbow you need to extended and stretch parts of the body.

Joints, muscles, and ligaments are all used every time you move and

Certain moves, like head kicks, need a high degree of flexibility.

Especially when fighting a taller opponent.

You might throw hundreds strikes per lesson. Every one stretching the
muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Over time, this provides the body with a good workout and helps
improve flexibility. Flexibility is also something that deteriorates as we
get older. You can minimize this flexibility loss if you perform an exercise
that stretches the body. And Thai boxing provides the body with a good
all-round flexibility, and a work-out.

Yoga is another good way of maintaining a flexible body. And it can

complement your Muay Thai too. It'll help you kick higher, and it can
help heal the body too. Yoga is a great exercise to do after a hard Thai
Boxing session, especially if you're aching the day after.

Do I have to do all this?

The answer is no.

Don't let impact training, cortical remodeling, and flexibility training,

scare you.

When you join a good Thai boxing gym you'll never have to do the
extreme body conditioning unless you want to.

And you'll only be allowed to try these things once you have the
necessary experience.

Yet, by taking part in a Thai Boxing lesson you’ll toughen your body up to
a degree.

Kicking the pads toughens your shins up. And punching stuff with gloves
on helps strengthen the arms.

This will improve your health, improve your damage resistance, and
improve your flexibility too. And it'll improve your bone density as well.

How Muay Thai Can Improve Balance,
Coordination & Agility

Thai boxing can improve coordination, balance, and agility.

Many strikes in Thai boxing need balance. Kicks especially. Because you
throw many kicks every lesson, you are constantly testing your balance.

High kicks (especially against a taller opponent) need excellent balance

to be executed correctly.

There’s always some way to challenge your balance in Muay Thai. Here’s
one way:

• Try a low kick, then try a body kick.

• Once you can do a body kick, move on to a head kick.
• After you can do them all, try practicing them against a taller

You can vary these practices too. For instance:

• You could try adding more power to your kick.

• Or try throwing a few kicks in a row, as quick as you can.
• Or try to throw a kick after countering an opponent’s strike.

The above is a small way to challenge your balance. There are plenty
more things you can practice. Your Thai boxing instructor will know
many other methods to improve your balance. Why not ask them for

You see, there's always room to improve. And there’s always something
new to try. It’s part of the reason why Muay Thai never becomes boring.


During you Thai Boxing training you'll be hitting targets and defending
against incoming strikes.

Sometimes these might come from moving target (like when you're
sparring). These tasks need hand and eye coordination.

Additionally, they also need skills like focused movement, memory

recall, and muscle memory.

When a Thai boxing instructor shows you a combination you'll use all 3
of these elements. Here’s an example:

1. First, you'll have to focus on how you are going to move.

2. Second, you'll have to recall the correct way to execute a certain
3. Third, to speed up the combination, you'll have to rely on your
muscle memory.

As you can see, Muay Thai, trains your coordination with every
combination you do.

Focused movement, memory recall, and muscle memory are all things
that deteriorate with age. And practicing them is a good way to sharp and

Mental Focus and Reducing Stress with
Muay Thai

Another benefit of Muay Thai is an improvement in mental focus.

Although the basics of Muay Thai are easy to learn, combining them is
difficult. Knowing where, when, and what combination to use requires
skill. And it takes years to hone talent like this.

This complexity makes Muay Thai stimulating and fun to learn. And
because it’ll remain fun for years to come.

It Isn’t Mindless Thuggery

It requires brain-power to memorize the finite numbers of moves of

Muay Thai. When you're fighting, you cannot just go 'metal', and flail
your fists and legs till you win.

Talk to anyone high who's fought in a combat sport and they'll say it's a
tactical game. Professional fighting is full of strategy, it's not mindless

Even pad work, exercise, and training drills demand mental focus. You'll
need to use your mind just to get the basics right.

And, as you progress, your instructors will suggest small changes to your
technique. You'll have to use your brain-power to ensure you’re carrying
out your trainer’s new tips. But following their advice will make you
improve further and faster.

This cycle is repeated every lesson - over months and years. This is how
your progress. This is how you use metal focus to improve your Thai
Boxing. And forcing the brain to learn new skills in this manner is great
exercise for the mind.
"It's less about the physical training, in the end, than it is about the
mental preparation: boxing is a chess game. You have to be skilled
enough to know how many ways you can counterattack in any
situation, at any moment - Jimmy Smits"

Stress Relief

Muay Thai is a fantastic way to relieve stress and unwind.

Had a bad day at work? Get yourself down to the gym and smash the
pads. It's a good way of blowing off steam.

Thai Boxing requires mental focus and physical work. Want a way to
shift your attention from your problems, and stop yourself worrying? A
Muay Thai workout can do that.

I’ve done this personally. I’ve used Muay Thai to help me deal with some
tense times in my life. Hitting the gym allowed me to escape my personal
problems that were eating away at me.

Besides, exercise is an effective way to combat stress and depression. It's

a healthy (and safer) alternative to drink and drugs.

You also stand a better chance of sleeping well after rigorous exercise.
The body is physically tired, and this can aid sleep. And a good night’s
sleep is another good way to combat stress.


As you can see, Muay Thai, is a great form of exercise. It trains the body
and can help the mind too.

Furthermore, it's a complex martial art to learn. Making Muay Thai a

pursuit that remains interesting for years. There’s always something new
to learn.

Exercise can become boring fast if you do the same few exercises daily.
It’s part of the reason many people quit trying to get fit.

Muay Thai is a complex martial art with many areas of skill. There's
always something new to learn. There's always parts of your technique
that can be improved. And there's always some new thing to try in

It’s also practical. Even a basic knowledge will help you defend yourself
effectively on the street.

All these elements combined will mean that Muay Thai can remain
interesting for years. After all, it takes at least ten years of hard training
to master the art. That's if you ever can master it.

My point is this. It's an excellent form of exercise that remains

interesting for years. Plus, it's bloody excellent for getting you fit, toned,
and boosting confidence. And it's fun.

Being a member of a good gym is like joining a family (of sorts).

Sadly, many of the positive things I've mentioned are missing from
people’s lives. This can result in:

 People living unhealthy lives.

 Being unhappy with their body shape, and weight.
 Feeling lonely or isolated.

If you are suffering from the above, give this sport a go. You may surprise
yourself with what you can accomplish.

How to Find the Perfect Muay Thai Gym

Thanks to the Internet it's never been easier to find a good Thai Boxing

Here are five ways to help you find a gym in your area:

1. Search Google to find a local Muay Thai Gym. If you click here, I've
done the work for you:
("muay thai" | "thai boxing" | "thai kickboxing") gym near me
2. Facebook is another choice for finding nearby Thai gyms. Some
gyms don't maintain websites and they often rely on a Facebook
page for advertising.
3. Yelp or the Yellow Pages can be good for finding local Muay Thai
gyms. Some bigger (or longer established) gyms might also have
reviews. These may help your choice. Bear in mind that a new gym
may not have any reviews. So, don’t discount gyms just because
they don’t have any feedback.
4. Craigslist - Many Gyms and trainer offer services on using this
website. I’ve also seen private tuition offered. If you have the room,
you could take a private lesson at your home.
5. Word-of-mouth is another way of finding a Thai Boxing gym. But
you'll need to find someone who practices Muay Thai, and talk to
6. Ask around on martial arts forums. Reddit is good place to ask.
7. Travel to Thailand - Fancy training in Muay Thai's birthplace?
How about training at the best gyms in the world? If you've got the
money, and the spare time, you could train in Thailand. This is the
fastest way to get good at this sport. If you fancy this option, then

do your research. You have a LOT of choices. Training regimes vary
a greatly. Some are gyms designed for tourists, while others cater
to hard-core professionals. Read books, ask questions in forums,
and Reddit, can all be good sources of information.

Can't find Thai boxing Gym? Try This

If you cannot find a local Muay Thai gym, you could try to find a MMA
(mixed martial arts) gym.

Again, if you click here I've set up a handy custom Google search to help:

(MMA | "mixed martial arts") gym near me

Sometimes MMA gyms offer Muay Thai training sessions. But if they
don’t, you could just do MMA instead. In MMA, you’ll learn a stand-up
fighting and ground fighting.

Further advice

To find a good Thai boxing gym you’ll need to start asking questions.
Because, not all gyms are created equal. Lesson cost, quality of training,
and payment systems are some of things that can vary.

Don’t just join the first gym that you find. Especially if there’s a few to
choose from in your area.

Before making your choice, ring a few gyms up, and discover what they
offer. This is the best way to find services that suit you, your budget, and
your circumstances.

You might train at your new gym for years so make sure you’re happy
with what they provide. Because, if you’re happy you’ll be more likely to
train consistently. And consistency is crucial if you want to becoming fit,
tough, and improve at Muay Thai.

Here are few ways to contact gym owners:

 Phone
 Email
 Facebook
 Twitter

I recommend that you phone gym owners rather than using other
contact methods.

You will find some gym owners who don’t use Facebook or Twitter.
Likewise, they might never check their emails either. You might send
your messages, only to be waiting days (or weeks) for replies.

Waiting for messages means you’re missing possible training sessions.

Also, you risk never starting any training, and putting it off till another
day. And that day often never comes. This can lead to you becoming
unmotivated and never getting started.

Get on the phone now and ring some gym owners. After all, what’s the
worst thing that could happen? Remember, that the gym owner wants
your business. You don’t need them. You are the one with the power.
And it’s your choice.

This best way to get started. And speaking with the owners is the best
way to find a gym that fits your needs. Do this and you’re more likely to
be happy with your choice in the years to come.
Can't find a local Muay Thai gym? Try this

If you’ve tried all the gyms in your area, and you still cannot find one
which suits you - don’t give up. The solution: find another martial art.

Many other martial arts provide a good workout and decent self-defense
skills. And the experience you gain this is other martial art will help you
if you train in Muay Thai in the future.

After all, training something is better than training in nothing.

You don’t have to look far to find alternatives. Here are a few other good

 Boxing
 Kickboxing
 Savate
 Knockdown Karate
 Tae Kwon Do

How to spot a good and Bad Thai Boxing Gyms?

Here are a few tips to help you decide whether a Thai Boxing gym is good
or bad:

Pay attention to the instructor who'll be teaching most of your

lessons. Do they move well? Do they look as if they can fight? What's
their experience? An instructor that has never had any fights is a red flag.
Plenty of tough guys run martial art gyms. But just being tough doesn’t
automatically make you a good teacher.

What do the senior students of the gym look like? Again, do they
look as if they can fight? Can they move well?

A lack of senior students can't always be a sign of a good gym. The gym
might have just started. And it may lack students and a history because
of its newness.

The history of the gym owners, trainers and fighters is another

obvious thing to look at. How have they performed in the sport? Titles,
competitions, and belt wins are a good sign you're dealing with a decent

Do the trainer/coaches spend time training in Thailand? This

isn’t essential, but it can show they take the sport seriously.

Tips for Spotting Good & Bad Training

When training here are a few things you should look for:

1. You should be learning how to use elbows, knees, and clinch work.
If you’re focusing on just punching and kicking, you’re not learning
real Muay Thai – just good kickboxing.
2. Most gyms won’t let students spar for the first few months. A good
gym will give students a gentle introduction to sparring at first,
allowing them to attempt harder sparring as they build their

3. If you’re sparring sooner three to four months, or fighting
experienced guys who hurt you badly, you might be at a hardcore
gym. If you're not happy with this, change gyms.

Lesson Cost and Paying for Lessons

You need to pay for your Thai Boxing lessons, and the payment method
can vary.

It’s recommend that you train three times a week; thus, we'll use this to
work out a typical lesson cost.

The average cost of twelve lessons per month (three lessons per week) is
around $50 to $175.

Some Thai Boxing gyms charge deposits, or a registration fee when you
join. Ask about these before signing up. Being aware of these costs allows
you to factor them into your budget.

Some Muay Thai gyms use monthly and yearly contracts. Thus, you may
need to pay for a month, quarters, or years’ lessons up front. Be sure you
are happy with your gym choice before committing.

Direct debit payments are sometimes used by Muay Thai gyms. They will
not take cash. You may need to set one of these up before you can start to

If the above points are putting you off, let me explain why some gyms
take payments using these methods.

Running a combat sports gym is an expensive business. It can also take
time collecting payments from students before and after lessons. The
more students you have the bigger the problem.

Some gyms use contracts, and direct debits, to cut the time it takes to
collect student payments. It also means the gym owners will have a
predicable monthly income. And a predictable income is valuable when
you're running a small business - like a combat sports gym.

Don’t write gyms off because you don’t like their payment procedure.
Talk with any gym owner and they'll tell you it’s difficult to keep a gym

But, there are a few things you can try to make it cheaper. Let me

If a gym is charging a high registration fee, try bartering them. Phone the
gym and tell them you're keen to start. Explain that you think their
training is great. But tell them you're struggling to afford the registration
fee and lesson cost. Also, offer to pay cash up front for your lessons.
Maybe pay for a few lessons at a time too.

Try this and you'll stand a better chance of being able to negotiate your
registration fee. In extreme cases, you might get it wavered.

Bartering like this doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a try. Especially if
you like the gym, but you don’t like their payment system.

Just remember: gyms need money to exist. Running one is a difficult

business. Don’t be too hard on the owners because you don’t agree with
their payment policy. Especially if they have a good reputation and
provide a good service.

Form filling

You may need to fill out forms before you can start your training. The
following forms may be needed: direct debit, contract agreements and
wavier form.

Waiver forms are required by some gyms for health and safety purposes.

Because of the nature of Muay Thai, there's always the risk that you'll get
hurt or injured. Signing the waiver form means that you are legally
aware of these risks, and you accept them.

This is just a normal procedure for some gyms and you shouldn’t worry
too much about it.

But, like any other legal form, you should read before signing it. And if
you have any questions about the document, be sure to ask questions.
Either contact the form owners or speak to a lawyer.

If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian will often need to
sign these forms for you.

Your First Lesson

One common question that gets asked by new Thai Boxers is:

“Is it possible to learn Muay Thai online or with a DVD before joining a

Can home Muay Thai training help? To a small degree the answer is a
‘yes’. But this type of training will only take you so far.

"With absence of a professional coach, you'll increase the chances of

developing bad habits. And you'll have no one around to correct your
technique. You progress more slowly too."

A decent Kru (Thai Boxing coach) will have taught thousands of students
like you. Often, good Kru can spot common faults immediately, and
correct them. And the more time you spend with a professional coach the
quicker you'll progress.

If you are nervous about learning Muay Thai, consider a private lesson to
begin with.

If funds are a problem, consider doing a private group lesson with

another friend or two.

Near the end of this article we have listed some good books, videos, and
DVDs. These can help you to learn the basics of Thai Boxing. But they
are not a substitute for real lessons.

In addition, home practice - such as drills, shadowboxing, running and

weightlifting - can be great complement for your Muay Thai training.

This sort of home practice can also help improve your technique and
weak areas.

"Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable

combination for success - Napoleon Hill"

What you should expect as a Beginner

When you start, it'll take a few months to become coordinated. Your
strikes and defenses may seem poor when compared the experienced
students in the class. This is normal.

You're are training new muscles; learning to balance in unfamiliar

postures and moving your body in unusual ways. It will all seem strange
at first.

Muay Thai is an athletic sport. It's tough to do, and demanding in

fitness. But the best thing to do initially is to listen to your body. That

 Rest between training sessions.

 Treat aching limbs and injuries (more on this later).
 Practice patience. This sport takes a long time to learn. Don't be in
a hurry to try too much too soon and risk an injury.

You’re running a marathon, not a sprint. And Muay Thai requires a long
journey before you become competent. Be humble and learn to enjoy the

Advice for Your First Muay Thai Lesson

Muay Thai classes length varies from gym to gym. Often lessons last for
around an hour or two hours.

Most Thai Boxing classes follow a common pattern; this is:

1. Warm up start of class. Usually between ten minutes to an hour

long, depending on lesson length.
2. Second part of class will be Muay Thai fundamentals. Learning
techniques, kicks, punches, elbows, knees, clinch work, and
3. End of class warm down.

This is a rough guide at best. Don't panic if your classes don't follow this

Sometimes gyms dedicate certain training methods to certain days. For

example, your new gym may run strength training one day. It might run
a sparring night on another. Alternatively, one day might focus on just
clinch work.

There are no set rules requiring lessons to be set out a certain way.
Different coaches, and gyms, will have their own ways of doing things.
But the above should give you a rough guide of what you should expect.

Also, if you training in Thailand, things will be completely different.

You’ll be training for hours every day, and your training will be spread
out over the course of a day.

25 Tips for Your First Muay Thai Lesson

The tips below should help you get through your first Thai Boxing lesson
in one piece:

1. Be polite, and listen to your instructor. They are there to help you.
2. One of the biggest rules at any Muay Thai gym is: don’t be a dick.
Leave your ego at the door. Be modest. Ask questions when
appropriate. Take advice from your training partners, and the
instructor, because they’ll know more than you.
3. Being ignored by the established students, and professional
fighters at a gym is normal. Don’t get insulted by this. Gym
regulars see many people come and go at their gym over time. They
won't invest their time with a new student until the student has
attended classes a few classes. If they can see you're committed,
and you're an enthusiastic student, they'll talk to you. Listen to
what they say because they'll often provide great advice and
training help.
4. Don’t worry about how you look when training. Even the best
fighters looked bad when they started the sport.
5. Don't get frustrated if you feel as though you’re learning too slowly.
It takes time to learn just the basics of Muay Thai. Mastering Muay
Thai takes years. If it were so easy to learn, more people would do
6. Don’t be scared to ask questions. If you cannot get the attention of
the coach during parts of the lesson, ask an experienced student for

7. Try to eat at least an hour or, an hour and a half, before your
lesson. And don’t eat a big meal. Otherwise you may suffer from a
reoccurring stitch during your lesson.
8. Don’t drink ice cold water during training. Drinking room
temperature water will help you take deeper breaths.
9. Drinking a little water frequently is the best way to prevent stitches
during training. Avoid the temptation of guzzling loads of water as
you'll likely develop a bad stitch.
10. Much of the power in Thai Boxing comes from the hips. Try
to rotate them when kicking and punching.
11. Pop your hip when throwing push kicks and knees.
12.When shown combinations during a lesson, try to look at teacher’s
footwork. Don’t just focus on the movements from their torso up.
Look at where the teacher positions their feet, their shoulders, and
their hands. Pay attention to how they shift and move.
13.Don’t underestimate holding pads - it's an art form. Moving the
pads around, effectively and safely, for a partner is difficult. Don’t
get worried if it doesn’t seem to gel with you at first. Holding and
moving the pads is another skill you must master.
14.When training with others give out compliments and encourage
them. You're a part of a team now, and it’s in your own interest
help each other improve.
15. When you start Thai Boxing, your shins, knees, elbows, and hands
can become painful. It might take time for your body to become
used to impacts and movements. Ensure you rest your body on
your days off. And try taking a warm bath containing Epsom salts.
These things can help you recover.
16.If you are still suffering from pain when performing moves, get the
coach to watch your technique. It might be bad technique that’s
causing you pain. The coach might be able to correct your errors
and minimize your discomfort.
17. If the punches are hurting your arms, wrap your wrists. A good set
of hand wraps is a wise investment, and they can prevent injuries
when punching. Here's a video on how to tie them yourself.
Alternatively, get an instructor to show you how to wrap your
hands correctly.
18. Keep your wrists straight, and in line with your forearm,
when punching. Bending the wrist, when hitting something, will
place pressure on your joints and can cause pain. It can also lead to
19.Don’t worry about getting out of breath, or feeling sick, especially if
you’re unfit. Thai Boxing is a vigorous workout. If you’re not fit, be
prepared for a tough workout. But keep at it. The results you can
accomplish in a few weeks are dramatic.
20. If you're struggling with the pace of pad work during
training, take a break. Wait till you get your breath back, and then
carry on. Until your fitness improves, you may struggle to keep up
with the rest of the class. This is normal. Don't let it discourage
21.Some gyms may hold traditional Muay Thai training values dearly.
Make sure you were in respect these. Ask the gym owner or coach if
there any etiquette you must observe.
22. If you try sparring, you'll get hurt, and you’ll hurt somebody
else. If you've never fought, you might find the experience
uncomfortable. But keep at it, and as you will get better. You might
start to enjoy sparring once you improve - trust me, it happens.
23. If you're worried about your fitness, or self-conscious, about
training in a class, try a private lesson. The beauty of this is that
you can go at your own pace. And you'll have a coaches undivided
attention. Also, private lessons will make you improve fast. The
downside is they're more expensive.
24. Make sure you wear deodorant and try to avoid being the
smelly kid in class. Dripping with sweat is acceptable. If you reek of
body odor people avoid training with you, especially when learning
clinch work.
25. Get to know your coach. You may train with him for years.
They'll be a key person in your life if you ever want to become a pro

Muay Thai Gear

When you start Thai Boxing you won’t need to buy any gear or apparel.
You only need basic sports clothing to start. And that’s a pair of shorts,
joggers, tracksuit bottoms, and a T-shirt. And if you’re a woman you’ll
want to wear a sports bra.

Don’t spend money on the other combat sports gear until you've done a
few lessons. Once you're confident you're going to stick at Muay Thai,
you can then go buying extra equipment.

Most Thai Boxing gyms can provide you with the basic equipment, like
gloves and pads. The gyms’ basic equipment will be damaged and tatty, it
may also smell funny, but it'll do the job and allow you to start training.

Boxing Gloves

During your first three months, the only equipment you need to buy are
boxing gloves. A quality pair of gloves will last you years. Cheap one’s
last months.

A couple of reputable brands worth a look at are:

1. Sandee
2. Fairtex
3. Top Kings
4. Twins

Before buying gloves ask your coach whether you should train using a
specific weight of gloves. Boxing gloves come in various weights, usually
measured in ounces. And some gyms prefer students to use a certain

Most gyms use the following weights:

 Men - 14 ounce gloves

 Women - 12 ounce gloves

One good idea is to ask the instructors, or experienced students, for glove
recommendations. They might be able to recommend you a
manufacturer that's more suited to your size and shape of hands.

Hand Wraps

A good pair of hand wraps are a sensible investment. They'll improve

your punching, make your gloves more comfortable, and minimize wrist
injuries. Just be sure to learn how to wrap your wrists correctly. There is
a science to it. Below is a video showing you how.

Groin Guard (Guys only)

If you're a guy, get a groin guard. Try to get used to wearing it for most of
your lesson, not just when you’re sparring. Because a strike to nuts can
happen at any time, not only when you're fighting. Even a weak kick in
the privates can put you out of action for the whole lesson or more.

Ankle Wraps

Ankle wraps are another good thing to buy. They'll help minimize leg and
ankle injuries. Don’t buy the cheap ones as they won't last. Especially if
you're using them a few times per week.

Shin pads

Good shin pads are probable the last thing you need to buy. Unless, your
gym tells you otherwise.

A decent set of shin pads will become important as you start to spar
more. Your Thai Boxing gym will usually have some old shin pads, and
you can usually use these when needed.

Like boxing gloves, shin pad quality varies. You can't go wrong with
Sandee, Top Kings, and Fairtex. Ask at your gym, and fellow students,
for recommendations.

Thai Boxing Shorts

The use of Thai Boxing short varies between gyms. Some gyms may
never require you buy any. Others will insist you need some after the
first few months. Some gyms may want you to wear the gyms colors
when training. Basically, it varies.

Once you've been at your gym a while, ask the instructor whether they’ve
any preferences.

Training in proper Thai Boxing shorts is a good idea. They're designed to
keep you cool and allow easy movement. They can improve you kicking,
especially when performing high kicks. They also give your partner an
idea of where to land certain strikes too.

Avoiding Injuries

Like all competitive sports Muay Thai has its injury risks.

Football, rugby, and hockey are generally more accident-prone sports

than Muay Thai. Ask your Thai Boxing instructor and they’ll tell you the

In Thai boxing, you only have to worry about one person causing you an
injury. When playing a team sport, the odds increase with the number of

That's not to say Muay Thai isn't without risk. It’d be silly to suggest such
a thing. The risks are there, but they're smaller compared to popular
team sports.

What are the common injuries in Muay Thai?

Due to Thai Boxing's nature, you should expect the odd injury to happen.

Here are a few of the common ways to get injuries in Muay Thai:

 Sparring
 Partner misses the pads
 Crappy pads
 Not holding pads right

There are more. But these are the main ones. And they're the ones you
can do something about.

How to Prevent Injuries During Sparring

If you find you’re getting frequent injuries when sparring, you might be
doing it wrong. The sparring might be too hard. When sparring, ask your
partner to go lighter if you're getting injured frequently.

If you've asked your opponent to go light, and they refuse, tell the
instructor. If the instructor and members refuse to calm it down, go
elsewhere. Chances are you're at a meat head gym.

Alternatively, you could try flow sparring. See this video for details:

Partner Misses the Pads

Missing the pads is another way to pick up injuries.

If your partner keeps hitting you during pad work there could be a few
things at play, like:

 Clumsy partner
 Partner going too fast
 Incorrect pad placement for certain moves
 You were unlucky


If you have a clumsy partner, there's not a lot you can do. Some people
have bad coordination. If you cannot avoid partnering with the clumsy

person, try to make sure you know how to do pad work safely. This
should help minimize the risk of damage.

Too Fast

If your partner is going too fast for you during pad work, and making
contact, ask them to go slower. Get them to concentrate on technique
rather than speed.

The thing is: speed follows good technique. The fastest way to throw a
combo is using good technique. So, technique first, speed second. This
approach is better for pad work too; it'll give you more time to get the
pads into the correct position.

Pad Placement

But don't underestimate holding the pads. Good pad holding is an art

Elbows, and spinning attacks require the pads to be held a certain way.
Sometimes you'll need to hold the pads in weird way for a certain

Other times, your partner must give you a second and allow you to move
the pads into the correct position. Allowing the partner to hit the pads
correctly, and to prevent him hitting you.

These are things you won't learn during your first week. You'll pick these
things up with experience. But I want to illustrate the point that pad
holding is an art, and is difficult.

Never be afraid to ask your instructor about the correct way to hold the
pads. Because this might prevent a nasty injury.

Bad and Broken Pads

Thin and broken pads can cause you and injury. Especially if you’re
padding for a hard kicker.

If you Thai Boxing gym has been around for a few years; they'll have a
selection of pads. Some will be better than others. Seek the better Thai
Pads in the gym if you're with a big hitter.

But, once you've decided you're sticking with Thai Boxing, you could buy
a set of Thai pads. A good set of Thai Pads is a wise investment. A good
set will last years.

Don't moan if the free gym Thai pads are garbage. It costs money for a
good set of Thai pads. The ones at the gym were likely to have been good
at some point, but through many gym lessons they’ve been worn out.
And, unless your gym charges a lot for membership, they probably won’t
have enough spare cash to replace them frequently. Most Thai Boxing
gym owners don't make much money from their gyms - it's usually a
labor of love.


Sometimes you get injured. Eventually every Nak Muay does. And the
harder you train the higher the risk.

If Muay Thai didn’t have risk it’d be boring. If you don’t like risky sports
stick to playing checkers.
Dealing with Aches and Pains

The Day After

If you've never done Thai boxing before, or a similar sport before, you
should expect to be in pain the day after.

The more unfit you are the worse the pain.

This is part of the learning curve. If you want become healthy, fit and
strong, you’ll need to get used to aches and pains.

The first week or two will kill you. But keep at it. Once you've been
training for around a month it will get easier. Your fitness will improve
and you'll ache less the day after.

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence -is the key to unlocking

our potential. – Winston Churchill”

If you are badly out of shape, or suffer from other health problems, don't
give up. There's a few things you can do to ease into the sport. They are:

1. Contact the Thai Boxing gyms in your area and see whether they
run beginner’s classes. These might provide a workout that's not as
2. Consider doing a private lesson. One-on-one lessons are good
because they’ll go at your pace. And you'll learn the basics of Muay
Thai faster. Also, if you're shy person, private lessons allow you to
try the sport without having to train with a group.

If your body is aching after a gym session, it's a good sign that you

Muscle rubs like Tiger Balm can help the day after. And I find that
Epsom salt baths help soothe an achy body the day after a Thai workout.
Gentle Yoga can also help the day after as well.

The post gym and the day after

Reducing Pain the Day After Your First Lesson

The day after your first lesson can be a painful experience. Your body will
ache and be sore. But don't worry, because there are things you can do to
help recovery.

If you have dinged your shins, or bruised parts of your body, get a bag of
ice on your injuries when you get home. You won't need to treat every
bruise, only the sore ones. If you don't have a bag of ice, use something
from the freezer.

A nice warm bath is an excellent recovery tool. Filling the bath full of
Epsom salts can improve its restorative qualities further. Bathing after
the lesson is good way to reduce the pain the following day. It’s not a bad
idea to soak in the tub on any days you’re aching. It will aid recovery and
reduce soreness.

Deep Heat, and other warming muscle rubs can also help. It might be
worth stocking up on something called Tiger Balm. Tiger Balm is a waxy
substance that smells of cinnamon. Like Deep Heat, Tiger Balm warms
the muscles up, helping reduce the tightness of muscles and joints. Be

warned, don’t get the stuff on a sensitive body area because it can be
unpleasant. I once smeared the stuff on my eyelid and it was horrible.

Yoga is a great exercise to do the day after a Muay Thai training session
as well. Be sure to pick the right type of yoga otherwise you may cause
your body more damage. You'll want to try a more restorative, or gentle,
type of yoga. Avoid power yoga (or other similar styles), as they can be as
difficult as a Thai Boxing lesson themselves.

Yoga is a fantastic compliment to any combat sport. It can improve your

strength, balance, and flexibility. And it can help speed recovery time
when injured too.

Here are a couple of free yoga exercises that have helped my recoveries:

Getting Good

How to Get Good at Thai Boxing - Fast

So far, we've covered the basics of Thai Boxing. Hopefully, you've booked
(or done) your first lesson(s), and you're enjoying Muay Thai.

We've established that Thai Boxing takes years to master. But now we're
going to look at how to improve your learning rate. Follow the advice in
this next section and you'll improve faster in a short space of time.


Rate of improvement

Here's a rough idea of the results you’ll see if you train around three
times a week (at least an hour per lesson).

If you train more, or less, you'll have to alter the numbers.

Also, if you're dieting and training you'll see quicker results.

Week 1 - Your body will be sore and you'll be feeling tired.

Week 3 - Your body will become used to the training. You'll start ache
less and you should start to feel fit outside your lessons.

Week 5 - You'll start to see small improvements in your physique. If

you've combined your training with a good diet, you should see dramatic

3 to 6 months - You should start to see significant weight loss and
muscle tone. Obviously, this will be affected by what you are eating.

You should be able to perform basic punches and kick correctly. And you
should be able to perform the basic head guard.

12 Months – You should have mastered the basics, lost weight, and
built muscle tone.

The basics of Muay Thai aren’t difficult to learn. It's the combinations,
and knowing when to execute them, is where skill comes in. These areas
will take you years to learn. Don't let this put you off, because this keeps
Thai Boxing fun and interesting to learn. And Muay Thai is a sport that
can remain fascinating for years - even decades.

Also, on your Muay Thai journey you should expect to hit walls and have
bad days. How you deal with terrible days is what separates good
students from the bad.

Good students take the bad days in their stride and carry on. Bad
students give up when it gets difficult, and training doesn’t go their way.
Which one are you?

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to
succeed is always to try just one more time – Thomas Edison”

Keeping motivated

The best way to keep motivated over the long term is:


Like any other skill, you must put the practice in it to become good.

That means training when you don't feel like it. Training when you're at a
low point and your technique seems to suck. Training when your friends
have asked you out for a beer or a night out.

Anyway, here are a few things that can help you keep motivated, and
keep you hitting the Thai Boxing gym:

Macro Improvements

Don’t become discouraged when you look at other members of the gym
who seem better than you. Like when you see another class member:

1. Perform multiple powerful roundhouse kicks in row.

2. Punch the pad like Mike Tyson.
3. Beast through the warm-up sessions.

Don't let this worry you. Because...

All the good students were in your shoes at one point. But they put the
commitment and effort in. And this is something you can do, if you
choose to.

Every Thai Boxing lesson should be approached with improvement in

mind. You are not looking for leaps in your improvement. Often you'll
improve in small unnoticeable increments.

When you train, you should try to increase your exercise reps a few every
lesson. Let’s take press ups as an example. Let's say that during your last
lesson you only managed 5 out of the 30 press ups during the warm-up.
At the next lesson try to set a goal of achieving 7 out the 30 press ups
during the warm-up. Try little macro improvements like these with the
other exercise, moves, and combinations.

Over the months these macro improvements will start to add up.
Especially if you apply this over a wide field of technique, areas, and

Before you know it, you'll start to catch up the more experienced
students in your class.


Making friends at the gym can be a good idea. It can help train with
people who are the same level, have same goals, and have a similar
attitude as you.

For example, if you're training three times a week, it'll be a good idea to
train with someone else as regular as you. You might want to avoid
training with person who's only training one day per week. Because they
might not have the same goal or motivation level as you.

Another good motivational tool is to train with a friend. It’s always fun to
progress together. And you can keep each other motivated on your off

Get involved with the gym and fellow students

Keeping in touch with people from the gym is a great way to stay
connected with the sport.

Sharing videos, blog posts, and fight criticisms with each other is a good
way to improve and keep motivated. Watching fights together, or sharing
online fight videos is another. I share a couple of good video channels to
watch near the end of the article. These should provide you with some
good material to share (and learn from)

The Before and After Photo Motivation Trick

Here's a fantastic way to keep motivated for your Muay Thai lessons.
Especially if you're using Thai Boxing to help you lose weight.

Before you first start your lessons take photo of yourself and your body.
Make sure you hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week for the next month. In one
month look at the photo from a month ago. You should see an
improvement in your body shape. And this will help your mood.

Now, every time you're feeling lazy, dig out the photo you took before
you started training. This will remind yourself of your progress.
Sometimes a trick like this is all you need to summon the energy to hit
the gym. Especially when you're feeling unmotivated.

Training on Your Day’s Off

Outside of you lessons there are plenty of way you can improve your
Muay Thai. Here are a few suggestions.

Running, Cycling and Skipping

There's a saying in combat sport, it’s that "cardio is king.” It can help
your Thai Boxing in so many ways.

If you want to improve your cardio, with the goal of improving your Thai
Boxing, start running on your days off. The best type of running to do is
interval training. That means running over lots of hills, and performing
speed bursts. This type of running is great for losing weight, and it
matches the cardio pattern of Muay Thai.

An easy way to incorporate sprints into your running is to listen to

music. Try running fast for one song, then walk for one song - and

Cycling also a good way to improve your cardio. It's also better on your
joints. Again, you should try to cycle over hills, and try sprinting on your

Skipping is another excellent exercise you can practice at home. Not only
is it improving your cardio, it'll improve your footwork too.

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are inexpensive and easy exercise that'll help your
Muay Thai skills.

Push-ups, squats, planks, burpees, and sit-ups are exercises that can
done for free.

Two excellent exercises great for Muay Thai are: chin pull ups, and kettle
bell lifts. However, you will have to buy equipment to do these. These
exercises will help you lose weight, help your punching, and improve
your clinch work.

Shadow Boxing

Shadowbox daily. And make sure you shadowbox like you mean it.

Here’s a great video showing how to shadow box properly

To take it further, try watching professional fights, then shadow box. Try
to copy the pro fighter techniques.

Pay attention to fighters the same height and weight as you. Watch what
they do against bigger and smaller opponents, then copy.

Try shadow boxing for multiple, two minute rounds. You are intending
to simulate the fitness demands as a real Muay Thai fight. It's surprising
how exhausting shadow boxing for multiple rounds can be. Practiced
frequently it will help your stamina and technique in the ring.

Get a Heart Monitor

Get yourself a heart monitor and use it when you’re training at the gym,
and during your days off. This'll allow you to see whether you’re pushing

Alternatively, use your heart monitor when shadow boxing. Try to

increase your heart rate with every session. This will ensure that you're
training harder and improving.

Pad Work Tips & Tricks

Here are some that can help you when practicing pad work.


Remember to breathe. Exhale on all your strikes. Some Thai Boxer make
a 'achh' sound when they hit the pads. This noise is acceptable in a Thai
Boxing class and it can help control breathing. Just try it. It might help

Additionally, make sure you breathe in through your nose, and out
through your mouth.

Painful Limbs

Remember, much of the power in Muay Thai comes from other parts of
the body, and not only the limbs. Avoid trying muscle through your
strikes. Otherwise you'll tire quickly.

Keep your limbs relaxed and loose. And pay attention to where you are
aching and burning energy. For example, if your shoulders are hurting,
you might be keeping them tense.

If this happens, slow the combination, and focus on relaxing your

shoulders. Hitting the pads should become easier after a few relaxed
practices like this. If you can focus on staying relaxed, you shouldn't tire
as quick. Repeat this approach with other moves that cause you any pain
and discomfort.

If this doesn’t work, get the coach to watch what you're doing and get it

Avoid Tension

Another amateur mistake is the constant tensing of fists when

performing combinations.

You only need to tense your fists just before they make an impact. After
the impact, you can relax your hand again. And try to keep your other
hand loose. You’ll find that you’ll not tire as easily. Remember that all
tension is wasted energy.

Keep your Guard Up

A good guard is as important as a hard strike. Keep your hands up, and
close to your head. Make sure you leave enough space between the hand,
and arms, so that you can still see your opponent. Your elbows should be
tucked next to your upper ribs.
See this video for details on various Muay Thai guard styles:

Focus on your guard when throwing the combination. Most newbies

drop their guard when throwing strikes. Remember, whichever arms
throwing the strike, the opposite one should usually be guarding. Not
doing this leaves you open to attack.

If this keeps happening to you, then slow down. Focus on the

combination and the technique, rather than the speed. Get the instructor
to watch what you are doing and correct your mistakes.

Don't worry about speed, it improves with good technique and time.

Additionally, work and not dropping your hands after every set of
combinations. Drop your hands after a combo and you're leaving
yourself wide open to counter strike.

Also, keep your chin down when doing combinations. And if you have no
mouth guard, keep your mouth closed. Believe me, getting an uppercut
on the chin without a mouth guard sucks.

Diet & Hydration

Keeping Hydrated

Drink lots of water on your days off to keep hydrated.

Stay off the soda, beer, and other sugary drinks, or at least keep them to
a minimum.

You are most likely to be attending your Thai Boxing lessons during the
evening. It's a good idea to try to hydrate yourself though the day. That
way you're you have less chance of suffering from fatigue, or
dehydration, when at the gym. Again, drinking lots of water, in small
amounts, thought the day will help you in lesson later. Minimizing your
coffee intake can help you remain hydrated as well. If you train in a
warm gym this, these steps can aid your training.


Drinking high calcium drinks after training can help you maintain strong
bones. Almond milk is very effective as it’s high in calcium, and vitamin
D, but low in fat. It's also suitable for vegetarians. If you don’t have
access to almond milk, ordinary milk is better than nothing.

The older you are the more important your calcium intake is. Taking a
high level of calcium will help to stop your bone becoming brittle with
age. Also, you'll be less likely to develop certain types of injuries when

Protein supplements can also aid recovery. Whey protein is good one to
try. You just need to drink a set amount after every Muay Thai session.

Try to maintain a good diet. That means lots of fruit and veg. Stay off the
process foods. And mix low fat meats into your diet - like chicken and

If you want to build muscle mass when training, or want a toned body,
you could try carb rotation.

Helpful Videos

Below is a selection of useful Thai Boxing videos that should help you
with your journey. – Introduction to
the Muay Thai Stance. – Basic Footwork,

Punches & Elbows for Muay Thai – Yodsanklai Fairtex

bag training. – Bag training with

Kru Yod. - Saenchai shadow

sparring. – Buakaw shadow

boxing. – Pad work from

Sitjaopho Muay Thai. – Low kick training

with Kru Dam.


I hoped you have found my Muay Thai training guide useful. And I hope
it’ll inspire you to get started Thai Boxing.

Do you think I’ve missed something? Have you some valuable advice
that might help a person starting this sport? Then share your ideas and
thoughts at this page. I’d love to hear your feedback and how you get on.

Thank you, and well done for reading all this. Now go and train


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