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Name: ________________________

Date/Period: __________________
Atomic Number and Mass Number

Complete the following chart and answer the questions below.

Element Atomic Number of Number of

Mass Number
Name Number Protons Neutrons
carbon 6 6 6 12

Oxygen 8 8 8 16

hydrogen 1 1 0 1

Helium 2 2 2 4

hydrogen 1 1 2 3

nitrogen 7 7 7 14

Hydrogen 1 1 1 2

Uranium 92 92 146 238

Potassium 19 19 20 39

Sodium 11 11 12 23

Silver 47 47 61 108

Xenon 54 54 77 131

Bromine 35 35 45 80

Chromium 24 24 28 52

Sulfur 16 16 16 32

Gold 79 79 118 197

Osmium 76 76 114 190

How are the atomic number and the number of protons related to each other?
-The atomic number, and number of protons and electrons are the same

How do the number of protons, number of neutrons, and the mass number relate to each other?
-The atomic mass can be used to determine how many neutrons and protons are in an element. By subtracting the
number of protons from the atomic mass, the number of neutrons can be found. Similarly, by subtracting the number of
neutrons from the atomic mass, the number of protons can be determined. When the number of protons and neutrons are
added together you should get the atomic mass.

What is the one thing that determines the identity of an atom?

-The number of protons

What sub atomic parts are equal to make a neutral atom?

-When the number of protons and electrons are equal, then it makes a neutral atom.

Explain in your words how to calculate the mass of a sodium atom.

-Add the number of protons/electrons and the number of neutrons. If sodium has 11 electrons, then when multiplied by 2,
or when doubled, the atomic mass should be found. So, the atomic mass of sodium is 22.
Draw and label three element symbols that are representative of the periodic table. It should have atomic #,
mass #, name and element symbol.

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