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To my mentor , Logo guru Sudhir Kove Sir ,
only because of his inspiration this book
came into existence.

My husband Kapil Gupta &

son Bhavya Gupta for their love ,care and
patience , when I was busy writing.

I thank My lord Swaminarayan, My

Gurudev, my Parents,my siblings & friends
for their good wishes and blessings.
My journey
Chakras introduction
Root chakra
Sacral chakra
Solar plexus chakra
Heart chakra
Throat chakra
Third Eye chakra
Crown chakra
My journey
When I look back, it all started when I was 13
or 14 yrs old. From an old books fair in a
nearby school Linda Goodman catched my
eye. And I read the book uncountable times.
I still remember how I research Sun signs of
my friends n relatives, making notes ,
highlight the traits in book which are true
(atleast in 4 persons).
My parents were strong believer in
Presence of Supreme in every action,but
never believed in occult sciences. Still,
because of there unconditional love
towards their children, they never stopped
me in reading and researching .

But I was gathering this knowledge in tits n

bits ,as these practices fascinated me.
After marriage, as time passes I got involved
in house hold work, caring my child and a
big joint family. Financial and emotional
made me take a break from my research in
occult practice.
But even in those difficult years of my life, I
took small break in afternoon to stand in
my balcony (while everyone in house taking
short naps after lunch). From there I tried
to read faces and action of passerbys on
street. This became my favorite hobby .
Now, today I can see that it was a call from
my intuitive self.
A friend introduce me to Tarot cards in
2010 and my journey to self healing
started . Tarot,then Reiki healed me as a
person. After Graphology came in life it
changed my whole life and thought
I got to know myself, my qualities,my
insecurities and how to overcome life
issues and today I'm leading a blissful life.
Now I help others to know themselves and
lead there lives in a better way.
I believe chakras play a vital role in one's
The chakras are energy centers in our
bodies they are in constant activity
even though their activities are not
physically seen . The word 'chakras
'comes from Sanskrit an ancient
language of India and means wheels of
There are more than 88,000 of chakras
out of which 40 are secondary and the
7 main chakras are related to our glands
in physical bodies however chakras act
on the subtle bodies of our body.
Distributed along spine
Root chakra

'Muladhar' is it's Sanskrit name, it is located

at the base of spine. This particular chakra is
associated with Earth .Because everything
that is created is connected to Earth, So it
gots it's name Root.

It acts in physical dimension of humans

distributing the impulse of life and life
energy throughout the body, without it, no
material creation is possible. It rules the

Some physical and emotional

diseases can be caused due to its
imbalance. Some of them are;
Anemia ,problems in spine, bone,
teeth ,nails ,leg and feet. Lack of
confidence and self-esteem,
selfishness , guilt, depression,
low BP
Sacral chakra
It is also known as' Swadhistana' , which
means House of pleasure .It is located
four fingers below the navel. It's
connected with the water element and it
carries the color orange.
This particular chakra is responsible for our
creativity and it rules our reproductive system

It's imbalance can create problems in

bladder ,reproductive glands , lack of
creativity, intolerance ,lack of love for life ,
even fragile bones,low libido etc.
Solar plexus chakra
This chakra is related to maintenance of our
personal power. It is the powerhouse for
whole body .It is located in abdominal area
specifically in the intestine.
in Sanskrit we call it 'Manipura'which means
city of jewels. It is located four fingers above
the navel and guards our pancreas.

Since it rules stomach,

pancreas liver and spleen the
diseases which are caused due
to its imbalance are;
Arthritis, mental exhaustion,
poor digestion, gastric,
problems with liver,
gallbladder, feeling of
loneliness ,difficulty in logical
reasoning, lack of self-control,
impatience, difficulty in
coordinating thought and
Heart chakra

Situated in the center of upper and lower

chakras, responsible for compassion , universal
love, and drive to find truth .
'Anhanta' which means untouched or sound that
has not been produced. It is situated in the
cardiac region and rules the heart.

It's imbalance can cause

coronary disorders,
circulatory system
problems, headaches,
fever, insomnia ,physical
and mental exhaustion
,lack of compassion,
difficulty opening up to
unconditional love ,lung
problems, inflammations,
immunity problems,
feeling of sentimentally
wounded ,physical energy
imbalance and list is
Throat Chakra
Located in our throat this 'Vshuddha 'chakra
means purifier or center of purity ,is of sky blue
It is responsible for knowledge, communication,
happiness, planning ability and rules over
respiratory system.

It is responsible for colds, tonsils, sweating,

sore throat, thyroid disorders ,difficulty
accepting new things in life ,obsessive
ideas, difficulty expressing creative energy
,communication difficulties , difficulty
internalizing in finding peace , difficulty in
expressing feelings......
Third Eye chakra

'Ajnana' means authority, power ,command.

Located in the center of forehead between the
eyebrows is third eye.
Very important chakra for self-control
,intuition, Clairvoyance, clairaudience, purity ,
wisdom, knowledge of seeking knowledge,
desire for knowing divine consciousness.
Eyes and nose problems ,boils, wounds,
claustrophobia, inferiority complex ,difficulty in
understanding and relaxation ,emotional
frustrations, need to reform interiors and
forgiveness are some of the problems caused
because of its imbalance.
Crown chakra

Located above the head

'Sahastradhara' which
means Divine light
It is the connection
with divine,
enlightenment, full
manifestation of the
Divine, trancendence.

Very few highly Divine souls got balanced crown

chakra, otherwise it is responsible for excessive
hunger, infections, emotional and spiritual
imbalance ,mental and nervous disorders, lack
of self control , lack of resistance to changes,
strong need for spiritual elevation.
"Disease is often an
accumulation of dammed-up
energy . When we learn how
energy moves through the
chakras we can begin to allow
it to flow freely through our
bodies , creating greater

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