?2023-05-29 @PCM BM2

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Png 🧠2023/05/23 @PCM BM2

1. The following needs urgent palliative intervention

A. Fever, cough
2 B. Bleeding, seizures
C. Sprain, fracture
D. Itchiness on IV site

2. a 25 years old female complaint of weight loss, BMI was taken. Getting a
a. Diet assessment
b. Clinical assessment
c. Biochemical assessment
2 d. Anthropometric assessment
e. All of the above

3. Which of the following does not characteristic low income countries?

A) Varying income inequality
B) Varying political system
C) Small political system
2 D) High political instutuonalization
E) Low proportion of labor force in agriculture

4. Which among the following requires low amount than others

A. Carbs
2 B. Vitamin And Minerals
C. Fats and lipids
D. Protein

5. The preserve lives and meet the basic needs of the affected population
during or immediately after an emergency or disaster
A. Prevention and mitigation
B. Preparedness
1 C. Response
D. Recovery and rehabilitation

6. This aims to restore and improve health facilities, health conditions,

organizational capacities of affected community and reduce risk complaint
with the principle of building back together?
A. Response
2 B. Recovery and rehabilitation
C. Preparedness
D. None of the above
7. One of the following is an important question with material to create an
effective product.
2 A. What is your main message.
B. Who is going to pay for your fees.
C. What is your education background.
D. What is the benefit for your scientific study.

8. Which of the following is not involved in public nutrition?

A. Anthropology
B. Nanotechnology
2 C. Ecology
D. Psychology

9. Testicular enlargement, the hallmark of puberty in males seen in early as

A. 8 yrs old
B. 8.5 yrs old
2 C. 9.5 yrs old
D. 10 yrs old

10. Risk reduction formula

A) Risk =Hazard +Vulnerability /capacity
2 B) Risk =Hazard *Vulnerability /capacity
C) Risk =Hazard *Vulnerability /population
D) Risk =Hazard *Vulnerability

11. In risk reduction management. Risk communication in relation to

disaster risk management, according to school of thought ….general
function of
a Cultural Theory
b Psychological approch
c. Social framework to improve risk
d. None of the above

12. This tradition medicine was classified as the first pharmacopoeia in the
19th century.
A. Indian traditional medicine
B. Kampo medicine
2 C. Chinese medicine
D. Westen medicine

13. The vulnerability of the community indicators for risk management

2 A. People, property, service, environment
B. Biological hazard
C. Natural phenomena
D. None of the choice

14. True about micronutrients supplements?

A) given vitamin A dose once a year to all the children of 5 years & less
B) given vitamin A to all the pregnent women less then 100,000 IU
C) not given vitamin A to children who has diarrhea
D) Iron supplements given to all pregnent women for at least 180 days

15. Which of the following statement is true regarding the Micronutrients

A. Vitamin A is to be given once a year for 5 years old and less
B. Vitamin A is to be given to pregnant mothers with 100,000 IU
C. Vitamin A is mandatory to be given to children with diarrhea
D. Fe supplementation is to be given to pregnant mothers for at least 180
2 E. All of the above

16. What is the tool use in assessing the dietary intake of the population
A. Tolerable upper intake
B. Estimated average request
C. Recommended dietary allowance
D. Any of above

17. The most common cause death in adolescents age 10-19 age old
A. Road traffic injury
B. Pneumonia
C. Suicide
D. Drowning

18. Base of the give scenario, The scheme implemented To improve the
mental health of the teenagers by the medical officer what module
A) ecological module
B) social module
C) biological module
D) method clinical module
E) transversal module

19. Which of the following requires in large amount more than others?
2 A. Carbohydrates
B. Vitamins
C. Minerals
D. Zinc
20. Which of the following provides energy levels of 9kcal/g?
A. Protein
B. Carbohydrates
2 C. Fats and lipids
D. Any of the above

21. Food Energy values

a. One gram of carbohydrates 7 calories
b. One gram of protein 9 calories
c. One gram of fats 4 calories
2 d. One gram of alcohol 7 calories

22. In the community risk management, the community risk indicators are
2 A- Loss of life, displacement, loss of income, loss of property
B- water, soil, air quality
C- Biological hazards
D- None of the above

23. Middle adolescence is characterized by

A. Increased interest in sex anatomy
B. Same sex affiliation
C. Improved impulse control
2 D. Increasing introspection

24. Which among the following is an example of regulating food that

provides vitamins and minerals?
2 A. Fruits and vegetables
B. Cereals and starched
C. Eggs and Meets
D. Nutritious

25. A 10/M came into your clinic for Change in his physical appearance.
What Change would you see at this adolescence stage/age?
A) Slowing of growth
B) Onset acne
2 C) Voice Change
D) Beginning of sexual maturity.

26. This are required essential services during and after the disaster
including the following except
A. Public health and medical support
B. Food and shelter
C. Water and sanitation hygiene
D. Mental and psychological support

27. what stage of adolescents when parent’s child conflict peaks

(A) early Adolescence
(B) middle adolescence
(C) late adolescence
(D) adult

28. In the term PAIN letter "P" stands for? A. Approaching death
B. Anxiety
C. loneliness
D. Physical problems

29. When there is treatment of other characterized by justice, fairness &

impartiality, that is defined by?
A. Efficiency
B. Equity
C. Estimation
D. Equilibrium

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