Writing A Summary For The IGCSE

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Writing a summary for the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary

Education) requires precision, clarity, and concise expression. Here's a guide on how to
write an effective summary for IGCSE:

1. Read Carefully: Begin by thoroughly reading the passage or text that you need to
summarize. Pay close attention to the main ideas, supporting details, and the overall
2. Identify Key Points: Highlight or jot down the main points and significant details from
the text. Focus on capturing the essential elements rather than every single detail.
3. Understand the Purpose: Determine the purpose of the summary. Is it to provide an
overview of the text, highlight specific arguments, or condense the information for a
particular audience?
4. Outline: Create a rough outline of your summary. Decide on the main ideas that you will
include and the order in which you will present them. This will help you maintain
coherence and structure in your summary.
5. Write Succinctly: Write your summary in clear and concise language. Avoid
unnecessary repetition or elaboration. Use your own words to convey the ideas from the
original text.
6. Maintain Objectivity: Remain objective in your summary. Avoid injecting personal
opinions or interpretations unless explicitly required. Your goal is to accurately represent
the content of the text.
7. Check for Accuracy: Ensure that your summary accurately reflects the main ideas and
key details from the original text. Double-check any specific facts or figures to ensure
they are correctly presented.
8. Review and Revise: Once you have completed your summary, review it carefully. Check
for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, or any inconsistencies. Revise as needed to
improve clarity and readability.
9. Meet Length Requirements: If there are specific length requirements for the summary,
make sure your writing meets them. Avoid exceeding the specified word count.
10. Practice: Practice writing summaries regularly to improve your skills. Use a variety of
texts and subjects to develop versatility in summarizing different types of content.

By following these steps, you can write a well-crafted summary that effectively captures
the essence of the original text, which is essential for success in the IGCSE examination.
The Importance of Recycling Recycling is crucial for preserving the environment and
conserving natural resources. By recycling materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and
metal, we can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and minimize pollution.
Recycling also helps to decrease energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
associated with the production of new materials. Furthermore, recycling promotes
sustainability and encourages responsible consumption habits among individuals and

Summary: Recycling plays a vital role in environmental conservation by reducing waste,

pollution, and energy consumption. It involves reusing materials like paper, plastic, glass,
and metal to minimize the strain on natural resources and landfills. Additionally,
recycling fosters sustainability and encourages responsible consumption practices.

Answer: Title: The Importance of Recycling

Summary: Recycling is essential for preserving the environment and conserving natural
resources. It involves reusing materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal to reduce
waste sent to landfills and minimize pollution. Recycling also helps decrease energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of new
materials. Furthermore, it promotes sustainability and encourages responsible
consumption habits among individuals and communities.

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