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ABOUT THE BOOK ‘The book emo’ “RASA. SASTRA” is an anigue combination of ancien and cntmporary wisdom. Al ae id is epcting ancient wisdom of 5h AD. 0 10h AD. means Gin ter words references of he subject content rom Rasedra Mangal 0 ‘Rasa Tarnpnihave been quoted and when thas beenconsidered ecetry, However, 34 classical books have boon refered ‘fequntly and prominently. On ther side contents contemporary sciences sch at Ocology and Metlurgy et have been cited in escrpontofthstet whereitisfoundauitable elie All chapters of his book ar writen systematically and had {ollowed one pate. Al the relevant deals of Ras, Matas, ‘para Saharan as, Dhata a Upsdhats Ratn an para, VishaandUpavisha, Sahavarg an Pu yaa and Pais have ‘een describ scinticaly and elaboesely. The nique pen of ‘his book wil ep undergraduate schol, physicians and many stakeholders of Ayurveda oandesand Rass Shs, ‘The experince gained by Prof Damodar Josh a Banaras Hindu University and Gujar Ayurved University are being coneyedto the eared eaderinte form of hisbook. Te essence of 40 yar experene of teaching an esearch in Raj Shastra of Protoss been preserved ia his book. AS, Prosi has explained bis views wberverbeunertod nse nhs book underthe beading of ators. rface of this took self explnsory rearing many fundamentals of Rasa Shastra Ae RA ket RASA'SASTRA CHAUKHAMBHA ORIENTALIA PCN ee JAIKRISHNADAS AYURVEDA SERIES 140 RASA SASTRA (English Edition) By Dr. Damodar Joshi AMSHPA. PhD, Former Profesor & Head Dept. of Rasasisia, Faculty of Ayurveda IMS., BHU. Varanasi Ex Head Pharmacy and Dravyaguna Depattment Post Graduate Cum Research Cente “Ayurveda College, Trivandrum. Ex-Visting Professor, Rasadea, NILA. Jaipur, LPOTARA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnay CHAUKHAMBHA ORIENTALIA [A House of Oriental and Antiquarian Book VARANAST-] Publishers (CHAUKHAMBIA ORIENTALIA Post Hox No, 1032 Gokul Bhawan, K, 37/109, Gopal Mandir Lane GGolghar, Maidagin \VARANASI- 221001 (UP) ‘ndia) mall: couyuv@ # ‘Telephone: 0542-2953876,2334356 Telefax: 0542-2334356 © Chaukhambha Orientaia AIDRiphs Reserved Reprint Eon: 2010, Prive : Rs, 228.00 Also can be had From : (CHAUKHAMBHA AYURVEDA PRATISHTHAN 1K. 37/109, Gopal Mandir Lae GGolghar Maidagi, Varanasi - 221081 ‘Telephone No. 0542-3243738 er the wolente Moch for ato he scarcy of te concet the a ‘orale Polisher late heldresponbe fran nao: esters found nth bok Allright sere bye Plans No parol is wok may Pe reproduc sored ns eel sytem or waned form aby ‘iy means cee, echnical photocopying recoding oer, ‘thot the prior wren emis fh copy sgh ower ISBN 978-81-7637-089-9 int by = Chara Printers, Golghar, Varanasi PREFACE FOR THE TEXT OF RASA SASTRA Rasa Sistra is a most important and popular branch of Ayurveda developed in medieval period i. 8th%th Cent. AD. tnd onwards. It deals withthe knowledge related to Alchemy (Lonavedha) and Ayurvedic Phatmaceutics specially connected to the drugs of mineral ongin with a view to remove poverty ftom the world in general and from the Indian continent in pa ticular and to strengthen the body tissues and the organs ofthe menkind and also to prevent their ageing proces, onset of new ‘iseases and the death so that these may live long and healthy lie fee from diseases, decay and death Historically though, the drugs of mineral origin are in use since ancient times inthe therapeutics but daring that pried their rumbers were very much limited probably on account of aon-de- ‘lopment of suitable and sophisticated pharmaceutical procedures, {techniques end processes necessary fr their conversion to suitable dosage forms. Hajever since the time of Nagarjuna (8h/9th Cent. A.D.) who was considered to be, the father of Hindu Alchemy and metal elated Ayurvedic pharmaceutical sciences) the use of mineral drugs have started to become more popular and frequent in Alchemy and pharmaceutico-therapeutics 09 ‘2count ofthe development of highly advanced Alchemieal and pharmaceutical techniques, procedutes, processes and also the equipments. As these preatly helped in eqdering the metals/ ‘mineral and mercurials to change into Alehemically and pharmaccutically most suitable and useful compound forms ‘which possess highly Superior Vedha (Transformation) powers {or Loha (metals) and Deha (body) both and as such these have become suitable for wansforming lower metals into higher oF ‘oble metals and body tissues into new and healthy tissues. In the same way the pharmaceutically suitable metallic compounds also changed into highly absorbable Rasa like form whichis also least or non toxic forthe body tissues and organs and th Peutically most effective. 1k may also be noted here thatthe development of Pharma- ceutical Technology had started from the time of Garaka Samhiti ties 1s inthis text a few important fundamentals of Ayurvedic phar maceuticy one found refered to viz, The 'Samskarobi Gundntardghanan is very important. I means the new oF a tered properties may be induced in the drogs through the Sutnskars (Pharmaceutical proces ew/and operation). And foe this following treatments and factors may be held responsible 1. Toya Sannitana (Close contact of rugs with different guid 2, Agnisannikarys (Contact of drugs with various types of sat, 3. Toyigni Sannikrsa (Conte of drugs with bth Huis and heat) 4, Sauea (Soddhi Katana (Puifcation/Detoxication ~ External internal and both) 5. Manthana/Mardana (Chuening and/or Grinding. disitegr Hon of patctes) 6, Bhivang (Trivuration/Grinding with the same or different types of fquids) extractives 7. Vasana (Flavouring/making the drugs mare agreeable) In addition tthe above treatments following factors are ako clined t influence the properties of the drups ring their Pharmsceutial treatment, viz |. Desa ~ (Place of eolleetion and preparation of drags) 2 Kala ~ (Time/Seasoa/duration of collection. preparation! 3. Bhijna (contuinerTequipmenvapparatus) 4. Kala prakursa (Effet of long duration during preparation and storing) Thus, on the basis of above description it may be said that the ancient scholars Tike ~ Caraka and Susuta lc. have given due importance to the pharmaceutical aspect of drug prepara tion. their processing technologies and t9 certain influencing factors which are likely to play a very important role sn the ‘conversion andlor alteration or inducing their original of mow Properties in the drugs during theie pharmaceutical processing {reaimentoperations o All types of drugs need the application of these pharma ceutical procedures, operations and influencing factors foe their conversion into a desired compound form of state to be sui able for internal use Concepts of Rasa Sastra- The intial concept of Ras Sista was to transform lower! base metals into noble/higher metus (lohs vedha) and after words to make the body tissues strong and to maintain their healthy state with a view to remove poverty from the world first and then to remove senility. diseases and death of the ‘menkind. Thus © achieve Lohavedha (Metalic transformations tnd Dehavedha (petabolic transformations of body tisues) Rava Stra was evolved and developed in medieval period. Further to achieve Dehavedha (prevention of ageing process and dis- fines and maintenance of postive health) Ratatastra has Ig much more stress on 'RatSyana’ concept of Ayurveda as with is one can achieve best quality of Rasidi dhitus body ts: sues) which are likely o provide positive health to the body tissues and prevent diseases and ageing provess and as such ‘our body’ always remains in eslthy and yoothful state 1 may be pointed out here that though, Resiyana concept was found prevalent during the time of Caraka Samhita nd umber of herbal drugs were recognised wo poscess Rasivana Properties stil during that period it was in developing sate only hot historically it was the time of Rana ssi (Mth Cent. A.D. land onwards) in which this Raséyana concept was found to be highly developed and reached to its peak level. In this period umber of mctals. minerals, gems and a few poisonous drugs And their preparations wore evolved and recognised to possess [Rasayana properties and which on internal use were found {© ‘maintain the body health, and the youthful sate and to preven! ‘ageing procest and the onsct of dssases, If required these may also Be used as therapeutic agent to cure the Severe and chronic diseases. it may be further mentioned that on account af their specific and quick effects in very small doses and theit palaubility und long self ie these metalic and mineral prepa oy rations became highly popular and most effective remedies in ‘Ayurvedic therapeutics Is also worth mentioning inthis con teat that im Rese Sistra the metals and minerals are also termed fs Dhdtus and Updndtus because of thir specific role in bio Togical system i.e. these can sustain body tissues. by supplimenting some of the most essential nutrient elements (0 the tissues. whose defiieney may cause many undesired prob lemsidiseases in the body ‘Thus. it can be said that on accouat of the above mea: tioned qualities and properties the ase of the drugs of mineral ‘origin at Rasiyana drugs became more frequent than the use of the drugs of herbal origin which helped to make the Rassyana concept relly very meaningful for the society ané menkind Historle ‘Though, the seeds of Rasiyana therapy could be seen since the time of "Caraka Samii (600:1000 B.C). The systematic ‘evolution took place during the time of Nagarjuna, Nandi, Somadeva, Rata Vigbhata and Dhundhuka Nata etc scholars who helped to evolve number of highly effective and stable Rasiyana drags and took this therapy to reach is zenith in about I3th/14th Cenk. A.D. and onwards. In this period aumber of| most valuable Rasa preparations alongwith their pharmaceut cal processing techniques of metals/minerals including. Rass (mercury) having best Resdyana effects have been evolved Which greatly revolutionised the Dehavedha aspect of Rasaanra| through which the postive healh of the body could be mi tained for longer duration and ageing process could also be prevented and the user of Rasiyana drugs could be nsitained Im youthfl state Forever. Development of Important Pharmaceutical Processes During the time of development of Rasa ssa (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) a numberof important Pharmaceutical processes ‘Treatments and Techniques necessary for conversion of metalic and mineral drugs into suitable dosage form have been evolved, ‘The important processes are~ 1. Soghana (Purifcation/Detoxitication) process Evolution wii) 2. Jarana (Conversion of molten metal into fine powder form) process 3. Marana (Incineration/conversion of metals, minerals into ashes form) process 4. Marechand (Conversion of mercury into therapeutics ful compound form) process 19 (Digestion and Assimilation of Grisa/metal content ito mercury) process 6. Satva pitana (Extraction of metal content of minerals through strong heating) process 7. Drati (Stable liquieation of metals with/vithout heat teat ment) process 4, Sedna Process- Historically Sodhana concept was in existance since the time of Caraka Samhita (600-1000 B.C.) as while enumerating the fundamentals of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics Saves (Sudhi Karan is found enumerated ay one ofthe fundamentals neces: sary for ‘Gundmtaridhina’ (alteration andior addition of prop- ferties in the drugs). This concept has further developed after the development of RasaiSsra inthe field of Ayurvedic medh cine. As in Rasafisira generally the metals/mineras/mercury land some times afew drugs of poisonous nature are found used ‘which ae likely to contin some toxic effects also. Hence with § view to remove or minimise thee toxicity or the toxic effects fnd to make these suitable for further process and for internal tse 2 number of Sodhana procedures and techniques have Been found evoived which proved greatly helpful in reducing or mini- Imising the toxic effects ofthese drugs Procedures used for Sodhana- ‘The main procedures used for Sodhana are as follows 1. Bhivand (Grinding/Tritration with Vegetable extractives acidic and alkaline liquid for prescribed times) 2. ‘Tapana and Nirvipa (Heating to red hot and quenching into presribed liguids for prescribed times) 3. Svedana (Heating in boiling acidic or alkaline liquids for prescribed ties through Dolayantea method), iy use- vit) 4. Apni Tapana (Roasting on direct heat to remove water of| erytllisation of moisture content and make these light and Patted) 5. Drdhvapitana/tipward and tranwverse sublimation or Dis tillaion by Pitana and Damaru yanta (6. KsSlana (washing with hot water or Kaka) 7. Bharjana Fyying in ghee) 8. Sacha Niskisuna (Deciling or absorption of oily conten) Bifeets of these procedures ‘These procedures, measures applied for Sodhans belp ¢: ther in the disintegration of molecule or particles to make these to divide into finest divisions, oe to expose thei maximum su face ares for further chemical or physical reaction oto help in the impregnation of organic materials and their propetics in the drags {iminerals/metals) to help these in making. an ‘organomealic forms compounds and thus Io make these more tscceptable by the hody tissues and organs, thove so help to femove washable, soluble and volatile impurities from the drogs, some times some organic or inorganic materials are dissolve in mercury oF added tothe drags which either help in detoxtica- tion oF in potentiation of their properties, some times the oily content ofthe drugs subjected to Sodhana is reduced, minimised for absorbed. In addition to above, some times, some miterials tre added with Sodhita materials which Irom chemical point of view may be considered impuritics but from therapeutic point of view may prove useful in potentiating their therapeutic effects tnd neutralise these toxic effects, Sodhana procedures slso help to convert these materials nto suitable forme for further pharma eutical tweatments like Jirana, Mirana et. processes, 2, Farana Process- Jirana is an intermediary and essential process in between the Soghona sd Marana treatments, as through which low melting points metals (Pui Johas) like Lead, Tin and Zinc are first melted fan open ion pan and then ded with presribed herbs materials which start burning on account of heat. Now melted tetas are rubbed with back side of iron ladle along with bur uy ing and burnt herbs and slowly conver: into whitish black pow: er form (ash like) probably on account of Redox process. tis ‘tslow process and needs 1/4 part to equal part of herbs 0 be ‘added snd allowed to burn with application of strong heat. On complete burning of herbs (dean materials) rubbed melted metal mixes withthe Carbon of herbs and turns into black as Tike powder which st the end ofthe proces x subjected ta tome heating after being closed with an earthen dish to allow the total metal particles to be converted to ash like powder form, ‘Thus Jaraga is an essential prerequisite procedure of ‘Macana. As the metas subjected to this procedure are converted to ash like powder form and may tolerate more hest than their melting points hence these may be subjected to desired heat {weatment during their Mirana process. 3. Marana Process “Miana is another most important pharmaceutical process spplicableto the drugs of mineral origin for their conversion into fine ash form (Bhasma form) which i described to be similar to Recibhavana state in the text, As it x considered suitable for sbsorption and assimilation bhasma into the Biological system of the body on internal use. ‘To acheive this form the drugs of mineral oxigin are first mixed with Marana drugs and when these are found mixed prop: cry then the misture is subjected to Bhavana (Trituration/Grind- ing) with some prescribed vegetable extactiven/acidi or aki liquids, and then on drying, Putapaka (heat through scheduled heating system) is applied repeating the Bhavana snd Putapika for aumber of times or til the metal/ mineral converts into dested compound form, suitable for in= temal use .e.into an absorbable state whichis therapeutically most effective and least or non-toxic form, Historically the metas/minerals are used in the fine pow er form since the time of ‘Caraka Sarit’ and Suseuta Sarit? (600-1000 B.C.) During that time these are heated to red hot state and quenched/dipped into some prescribed vegetable extractives or in some other liguids several times or tll these converts completely ito fine powder form. As regards the li oftheir fineness the ancient scholars have mentioned that the metals/minerals should be as fine as AAjana Sadriéa Siksma (fine like collyriums). But probably that state mighe have not been considered satisactory for making metalVminerals suit able for internal use Hence during the samhitd pesiod end till Ith Ceat. A.D. the intemal use of metals/mineras for Rastyana and other pur poses remained very much limited. The other reason for their Timited internal use may be the non-development of Sodhana ete. treatments. Hence probably these drugs in ancient times might have not been found free from toxic effects and as such their internal use remained very mach limited 1 may be pointed out here in this context that withthe development of Rata sia in the Feld of Ayurvedic medicine ‘many more and advanced pharmaceutical processing techniques like Sodhans, Jirana and Marans ete. have been evolved and ‘developed to such an extent that thete greatly helped in mak: ing the metalsiminerals to be converted into very very fine, absorbable and therapeutically most effective & least oF non toxic forms and thus making these suitable for internal use Before starting the actual Mirana process the metalsimin- erals should be subjected to Sodhana and Jarapa treatments 38 these make the metalsminerals highly suitable for subjecting these 10 actual Marana process. Wit these treatments thei 1% ieity is reduced to minimum and these are made more accept- able to the body tissues and organs by adding some of the or- fanic materials with them and also convert these into powder form, Tn Marana process these are fist mixed with Marans drugs which as per Rasa Ssra scholars have been eateporsed i To: Towing four eatepores, vie~ 1. Best Marana drugs~ In this eategory Rasa and Rosa bnasma (mercuria compounds like Kajal, Hingula and Rava sindira) are included. These are considered best because these really help in the disintegration of metaVminesal patiles| ‘quickly as mercury is supposed to make amalgarm (pis) with ‘ny metal and ds-integrte oF disperse their particles to fines (si) sub-divisions lis done by grinding the purified metal/mineral ‘with mercury or mercurial compounds. Then the Bhavana of hetbal extractives also help in this process. As during Bhavana ‘eituraion/ginding is done with prescribed Tiguds til drying ‘These after the mixture is made into pellets and subjected (0 heat treatment. Then after Beat tresiment itis observed that in| femaining material mercury or mercurial compounds may not be found present in any form. And thus these ae included in best category of mirana drugs asin short these may help inthe smarapa process by dispersing and disintegrating the metal/nin ‘ral particles and help these to divide imo finest divisions and {do not prove to adulteate Final product in any way 2 these {get removed by heat teatment 2, Second best eategory of Marans drugs ~ tn this ‘egory herbal drugs are included on account oftheir Amliya or XKsariya nature. Substances exposed for puta is witurated with this herbal liquid media and dry pellets are incinerated. After incineration inorganic material of media exist there inthe form fof trace elements. However, on account of their presence in traces these are likely to affect the therapeutic effects of main ‘rug. Thus, these herbs are included in second best category. 3. In third category of Marana drugs Gandhaka and its compounds like Hartla and Manahsila et. are included which fon account of thei own nature and effect may help in mrens| process "However", these are likely to change the metal into Some sulphide or other compounds which sometimes prove help- fo in making the final bhasma product therapeutically more effective and veful and least toxic but some times tore aso Hence these Gandhakidi drugs are put in Adhama (inferior) category of marana drugs 4. In fourth category of Marana drugs Arilohas (Aatine tls) are included. These are considered most inferior or even to produce badlundesired effects in the final bhasma products, hence these are not recommended to be mixed while preparing Dbhasmas for therapeutic. purposes. However Arilohas (Antimetas) may be wsed for preparing the bhasmas for ‘Loha ‘esha’ purposes. Regarding the drugs included In Arlohas the xu ancient scholars were not very clear rather they were confuse ‘These are considered most iafeior or "Durguna prada’ on ac- ount of their adulteration character for the final product of| DDhivma of the metal or mineral. And thus, the therapeutic ef- fess of such bhasmis are found altered, hence their use i nol recommended by saying them ay ‘Durguna prada In this way after discussing the four categories of Marana drags and thei effets on the final product of Bhasman the other Important points of Marana process ate Bhavana and Putapika ind their Fepeation for several times or till good quality of ‘has is produced Bhavand— ‘After mixing the bhivani extractivevliquids the mirena drags mixture is subjected to titration or grinding til Bhavana Tiga ze dried, tn this way bhavana to marana miature is given for several times or tll tis presribed in the texts. Ia Marana process Bhavanas are given with following purposes, viz~ 1. At elps in mixing the Marana drugs propery 2.1 helps to make the metal/mineral particles to become more and more fine 3. By uituration every metal/mineral particle gets a oat ing of hethal extractives which contain some orpanie nd inoe fuhie mates though, in traces. 4. Probubly because of these coatings when heat ix p- plied different kinds of chemical compounds ate formed in the ‘Dhasma minture which imparts specific colour and therapeutic fects to the Dhasmas, 5. Some times tis observed that by changing the Bhavana drugsfextactives the bhasma colour and properties also found changed accordingly. 6. Bhiwani also help in making the metals/minerals to change into organo metallic compounds which in due course Of time helps to make the Bhasma product more and more ae- ceptable by the body tissues and organs. 7. Trituration/Grinding done during the application of Bhavana also helps in removing the upper coatings of the cai chemical compound formed during the puapika and in expos- ‘ing the unveaeted metal oF mineral particles for further chemi cil reaction to goon in next putas, 8. Some Bhivand extractives also help in removing some toxic effects of metalvminerals to some exten Sariva Samhputa and Putapaka- [Dhiwita materials ae then made into fat pellets of small size and dried in wun rays, These are then Kept and closed in Saraiva Safypula (an assembly made of two eathen lids) and sealed properly. Sarva sunputa making is necesary to protect Marana materials from loss during pulupake and get it safe after putapaka is over Putapaka— After Bhavana and Samputa making, the heat i applied to Marana material by subjecting it to specific and suitable puta system of heating. Here puta is a technical term {sed to represent the quantum of heat required by the Marana taterial depending upon i heat tolerance power. Because every ‘etal or mineral ean not tolerate same amount of hea. I ders from metal to metal & mineral to mineral considering thet heat tolerance power. Ancient scholrs of Rasa SSnea have described ferent kinds of puts, viz, - Mahipota, Gajapaia which give igh temp. Varta puta and Ardha Gajapua. Kukutaputa which give medium range of heat (Temp.), while Kapota puta Tughuputa and Lavaka pute gives low Temp. heat "Thus, during puiapSka, fist one must ascertain that which type of pots is suitable for which msalfmineral fe its Marana (Bhasma making) process ‘The another important point to be considered is about the ‘quality and quantity of dung cakes used According tothe texts Vanyopalos are recommended. But show a days itis difficult to get Vanyopalas always and every Where. Hence it ix necessary to sandardize heating temp. of there dung eakes first nd then to decide their quantity. And since itis decided the quantity of dung vakes may he fied as per the tolerance power af the metal wr mineral and als Dutapaka with that quantity of dung cakes. cw ‘The thied important point about Pulapaka is how many times it has to be repeated. For this genertily the texts have mentioned about their repeatition numbers and where itis not found mentioned we must find out it either through the trad tion ofthat par of country or through our experience or discre- Here grinding during Bhavana also plays a very important role. If pending is done propery ater adding required marana ‘materials and then desired heat is spplied through puta than more repeatitions of Bhavana and Pujapaka than prescribed number is not needed. Hence, if proper care is taken with re izards {0 the points mentioned above then the repeatition of Bhavana and Pujapaka for prescribed times are sufficient oth- enwise these should be repeated for more number of times or Ull the desired properties of finished bhasma products are acheived Properties of good quality bhasm ‘The final product of good quality bhasma should be very fine, smooth, desired color. highly absorbable, therapeutically most effective, Niruttha or Apunarbhava and least oF non-toxic ‘The ancient scholars of Rasa Sista have given more em- phasis on their fineness. Those have mentioned three tess for this purpose, viz 1. Virtua (Foatble on stil wats surface) means the par ticle size should be so small that these when put on water Suf- face shoult! not dip/sink in water. Some scholars have gone beyond this also and they even advised to put Dhinya also over Jt andthe water surface tension shoold not break if itis put on ‘bhasma particle 2. Rekha pena (bhasma particles should be so fine chat these may ever Inter ito the fine furrows of fingers) 3. Locandljana sanniba (should be applicable in the eye: lids like Afjana(eollyeium) means their Taeness should be of that stage that if applied in the eye lids may not produce any ind of isttation to the highly sensitive mucus membrane of eyelids). () ‘When the particles of the bhasma becomes so fine then naturally these Become very smooth also Forther, bhasmas should develop desized colour also as the development of colour depends on the formation of required type of chemical compounds Le, sulphide, oxide, sulphate oF curbonate etc. type of compounds. And till the required colour of bhasma isnot found developed, the bhasma preparation proc- fs can not be considered complete, [Achelvement of Rasibhawana State- ‘The ancient scholars have also mentioned that mritaJohas should be converted to Rasibhawana' sate means these should ‘be changed in absorbable Torm i. into Organd metalic com> pound form as in that form only thet absorption is possible find when the Dhatmas are absorbed these must show thee tho peutic effectiveness on diseases. ‘An othet important property ofthe final product of bhasma «should be us non-toxielty oF east toxicity means these should be free from any kind of toxicity. The possible cause for the toxieity in the bhasias may be the presence of the unreduced Imetal particles and probably for this reason ancient scholars have mentioned thatthe mctallic bhasmas should he 'Niruttha cr “Apunarbhavg’ means good quality of bhasmg. should not retuen to theie metalic form even in smallest amount Hf heated ‘wih “Mitra pacaka’ drugs of “silver piece’ on the same temp= range given during Mrana proces, The drugs of Mitra Paicak group are Ghvita, Madhu, Gugguli, Gufji and Tabkans. These frags on account of organic and alkaline natuee of materials allows the unreduced metal particles present in the bhasma to fet melted at low temp. then-ususk, which on cooling be- comes hard aid may be deteced in the bhasma Samples. And in case of silver the melted metal particles present ia the Dhasmas maytget mixed with silver doe to its high affinity to- wvards metals snd rate the weight of the silver Thus, the bhasmas of good quality should not contain wunrediced metal particle to ashes even in tases. And if these are found to remain present inthe bhasma then thee presence ould he detected with the help of *Nicuth’ and “Apunarbhaea feats of thas, 4 fx) Ie is further advised by the ancient texts and scholars that ‘g00d quality bhasmas could be ured even for longer duration fo make the body of the user very strong and as-a result his immune system becomes very powerful and as such the onset of diseases and the ageing process ofthat person are prevented fand such human beings may enjoy healthy and youthful state {through out their life tine, Satvapatana (Extraction of metal content from the minerals Ancient scholars of Rasa stra used 10 extract metal con- tent from various minerals by this method. In this minerals are mixed with Amlas (acids), Kelas (alkalies) organie materials tnd Tankana ele, fusion materials, these ure ground well ang ‘ade into small balls hich on drying are pul in Msis cheat resinlant pots) and subjected 10 song heat preferably im Kostht Yantras attached with air blowers. These help in moking the hheat very strong so thatthe mineral mixture pets melted and imaintsined in the same sate for 1-2 howe oF tll the metat content of the mineral gets separated and accumulate at one point, For this ‘Bijavarta' and ‘Saddhivurt’ states are specially ‘mentioned. These indicate melting and boiling of molten metal and seperation of Satva (metal content of mineral). Here the duration of heat & heating temp. range is very bigh and the ‘maintenance oF that high temp. range lor specified duration or {ll maximum material ay ‘atv is extracted from the mineral 1s very important ‘The extraction of mercury from Hingula may also come under ‘Satvapatana’. Its done through Dainara yantra or Kanduks yantrs, Here strong heat for 1-2 yamas with conden: sation fuellity for mercuty fumes to conver ino mercury are equied. From Hiogula atleast 75-80% mercury should be ex- tracted sherise either the apparatus i defective oF the sufficient heat isnot given and maintained or condensation i n0t proper Generally the extraction of Abhraks satva and Makyika satva is difficult but hese are highly essential and required for ‘Prada JBrana Saibehrs. “Abhraka Sate’ ie claimed a highly useful in the ‘Pabsacchedan of Parada (making mercury thermostable) whieh axherwise dificult he made thermostable, (tip [As per modern view mercury evaporates even al normal temp. bet slowly, Its vapeisation point ix 360°C means at this temp. itis Tost quickly through evaporation, ‘Maksika satva'is also very important, because without DMaksika satva Abbeaka satva can not be mixed with mercury and digested folly in Prada and til these are not made Jarta in Parada its non-raporisation or Paksacchedans is not possible [And sll mercury #6 not made thermostable ‘Jirana and frther Sathskiras of mercury could not be performed. ‘Thus, Satves of various minerals are very important and these may’ be extrated with the help of Satva pitana method, Draties (Stable lquitied state of metals/minerals)~ ‘Dut is a process in which metal/mineral or Gem is made into sable liquid form. Draties are diferent from the melting state of metal oF mineral through heating at different range of temp. As in this (melting) state as soon a5 temp. goes down there start to solidify and on reaching to normal temp. These change to complete solid form, But in ‘Dru proces the drugs ‘of mineral origin once made in liguiied state always remain in the same state I has nothing co do with theese and fll of temp. In the present times the Druti process isnot in the practice and in ancient times also though. the texts have mentioned about the preparation of Dries of various types of digs But atthe same time its also mentioned thatthe Dries are not possible to be ‘ade without the blessings of Lcd Siva. And those who have the blessings of Lord Siva only is expected to get success in their preps “The ancient texts have mentioned about Druties in the con- text of Eighteen Samskiras of Mercury and here to type of| Draties are mentioned he. ‘Garbha drat and "Babys dat ‘Of the two ‘Garbha drat is that which is made inside of mercury. When the Salvas (metal contents) of various minerals are added to mercury in different proportion for their Jarans| Karma, these have to under go or passthrough the Garbha drut & state frst means should be mde to liquiied slate im side mer cury with some specifi procedures and specie type of drugs (sii (idas). And once Garbha drut state of Grsa is achieved their Srana (Gigestion and assimilation) in mescury becomes possi- be. Generally Cac drt s difficult to achieve in the presen 17a drut tha in which the drugs of mineral origin are mede Deuta (to conver in lguiied state) outside of mer fury and then mixed or added io mercury sf necessary. Number Of procedure. methods and the drugs for both types of Drates| fre found! mentioned in the texts but in the present Himes me success is achieved or observed in this respect. 11s important to: mension here that ancient scholars have riven following five laksanas (spectfie signs) of druties. And these are 1. Nisepatvam (Non sticking) 2. Dratatvam (iguifiation), 5. Tejastvam (shining or brightness). 4. Laghuta Cightass) and 5, Dratam yogates Satena (quick mixing with mercury). Means when any metal or mineral is made into drat (ig ified) frmistate it should not stick to any where or any thing should convert to Tiguitied form, must have shining ar bright ress should be very light in weight and should mix with mer- cury quickly, Mercurial processes of therapeutic importance: 1, Marechan Process "Mirechana isthe most important process of mereury in which mercury is made to convert in such compound form which ‘ust postess disease destroyingleuring property and as sch these compounds are used internally in therapeutis Murechand compounds ate of two types ie. Sagandha ‘murechans and Nirgandha murcshand compounds. Those which fre prepared with sulpbur are called Sagandha compounds and {those which ae prepared without sulphur ae called Nirgandha ‘murcchana compounds. Sagandha compounds of mercury are ‘ore in numbers, more commonly and frequently used In thera peutics as these are least toxic and more effective while Nirgandha murechana compounds of mercury are less in num bers, less commonly used in therapeutics as these ae compare tively more toxic and should be used wi cae pin) Both types of compounds are prepared with or without ‘heat treatments. The compounds prepared without heat treat rents are Kajal and other ‘Khaya rasayanar’ and with heat treatments are ‘Parpates' and 'Kappakva rasiyanas “Kajjal js prepared by mixing Sudha Pirado and Sudha Gandhaka in different Proportions applying simple grinding peo cedure ll a smooth and black coloured powder is prepared ‘Thete should not be any shining of mercury particles. And it may be tested by rubbing Kajal with water on palm and look ing it ip Sun-shine. If tree mercury particles are seen in the mixture then grinding for some more time may be contineed In this process black mercuric sulphide Is formed. Accovding (0 the texts the sulphur may be mixed with mercury half (0 double proportion. Itmay be mixed even six times oF even more "Parpat’ is prepared from Kajal by melting it on mild fire ina Iron Darvi (ladle) or an with litle ghee. Preferably heat should be applied through Valuki yantra (Sand bath) to avoid eating of fie in Kail om direct best Its three Pikas are mentioned, vie~ Mridu Paka in which prepared Parpati will nt beak into two poses (Mridu pak Na bhangahsyit) In Madhyapaka it may break easily with simple pressure (Tat Sisalyam Ca Madhyame) ptka it may not convert in Parpath form rather orm due to burning of Sulphur in excess and the probably black sulphide tras ito red sulphide compound ((Khate Carmam Ca Lohitamn. Parpali is vsed widely in therapeutics in Diarrhoea and Dysenty like condition, I is claimed Dipana, Picana and Ge In Chronic Grahani lke conditions Parpt is wed in Kalpa form for one Mandal (0) days duration with specified dietetic SindUra Kalpas/Kupipakva Rasiyanas- ‘These are called Sindira Kalpas because thei final prod tet seein colour just like Sinddra. These are called KOpipakva a5 Because these are prepared in Kipies (hotles) with i through Valuké yantra methods, For preparing ‘Rasa Sindura’ Kajal prepared with equal past of suiphur and mereury is used. Ics Filled in a specially Prepared Kopi up to I/Sed part. For this simple white coloured bear bottle 4s wrapped atleast seven times with cloth layers smeared in mod! applyng one by one layers witha view to make ‘more heat resistant. On complete dying of the wrapped lay- fe the Kapi may be used for paka. Generally 200 gms of Kajal Prepared with equal part of mercury and sulphur is used for Filling the Kap If prescribed-Bhivana may also be given to Kajjalt before filling in Kip. Now Kap is fixed in Valuka yantea made of ion pot. In the base of the pot 1" (one inch) Valuka may be filled then apr filled with Kajal i placed and the vemaining pat of the pot may be filled with Vluks (Sand) upto the neck ofthe KUpr. Now apply heat to Valuka yantra from down, increasing the heat slowly and reaching to Midu agai stage In this sage Kajal! should melt completly. lis temp. eange may be 150°C: 200°C. This Mridu agai stage temp. may be maintained for six hours. Then the temp. range of the Valuka yanea may be eased slowly 10 Madnyamiga’ stage GS0°C-400°C, In this tage pro- Fuse fumes of Sulphur may eame out ofthe Kapt mouth. These may block the Kapr neck and the mouth hence in this stage red hot iron rod should be inserted in the KOpl mouth fequently to lear the neck blokage if any. This temp. may also be main {sined for six hours Ik may also be called profuse fuming state. The duration of this stage fs about 6 houre to one day. After some times when ‘burning sulphur furs and boiling of Kaijlt may get reduced them case the temperatre range slowly to Tbrigai stage (580°C {o 600°C). At this stage Name may start to appear atthe Kapi mouth on account of high temp. At this temp. burning sulphur caches flame which appears atthe KGpi mouth. Slowly its hight is raised and goes co 2-27," high, It indicates fast burning of| ‘sulphur present in extra amount im the compound than the re- quired amount. After some time the flame comes down and Slowly subsides/disappears. That is indicative of extta sulphur burning is completed. Now Sita Salika Test may be performed. tex) In thie test cold irom rod is inserted inthe Kap upto hottom and taken out wo see that whether buring sulphut adheres oF aot. If itis found adhered it indicates that sill the extra solphuc is present in the KUpi and to wait for some time more and allow extra sulphur to burn completely. And if no burning sulphur is found adhered and the Salaka is found completely clean that confirms the complete burting of extra sulphur in the Kapt ‘And at this stage the botle mouth should be corked and sealed properly and allow the same temp. to continue for 2-3 hours more t0 allow formation of red sulphide compound of mercury and t0 sublime it atthe neck. Now stop heating and allow Valuki Yantra and furnace for self cooling. Next day take ott the bot ie, clean i from outside and Break i by traditional method and collect Red sulphide of mercury (Rata sindira) from the neck and remaining (unsublimed part of Kajal fom the bottom of| the bottle, if lle there Tn "Makaradhwvaja’ also the sume hesting method (Valu yates method) is applied. The diference is in its formula be Gold leaves 1 part, Mercury Samskivita 8 pars and Suddha Gandhaks 16 parts (double to mercury) are taken. In this Gold leaves ate first mixed with Sariskarta mercury and made into amalgam (pati) by grinding along with lemon juice. When good ‘quality pisfi of Gold leaves is made then sulphur is alded to i find Kajal of good quality is made by grinding. It is then ub- jected to preseribed Bhiwans. On drying itis filled in Kica KKapi just like Rasa sindira and applied heat through Valuki yantra or with vertical type muffle furnace applying Kkramignipaka method. Here, sulphur is more hence it may need Some more time for heating after completion of pika process boatle fs broken and Makaradhwaja is collected from the neck and Gold bhasma with shining Golden pales is obtained from the bottom of the bottle. I is generally processed further to prepare good quality red coloured Gold bhasm. Some scholars advise to mix Makaradhwaja and Gold ‘bhasma obtained from the botlom ofthe bottle together and use the mixture inthe name of Candrodaya rasa cen) (Other Kapipakva eastyanas containing Arsenic and its com pounds like Harta and Manahsild are also prepared with the fame methods Soma Nathi Tamra bhasma is also a Kopipakva ras and prepared by Valukt yantia heating method. It contains Tina, Pirads, Gandhaka, Haritila and Manah Sil, With this formula if Tama Bhasma is prepared it will be easy to prepare and may be foe from its toxic effets, Important Processes of Rasa (Mereury)= 1. Rasa Sodhana (Puriticatlon/Detoxiication of mereury)= [As per the literature Rast (mercury) contains following lvoe types of dosas ie. I. Naisaegika dosas, 2. Kefleuka dosas| tnd 3. Yaugiks doras which ate likely to produce various dis eases and toxic effects ifs 16 used without being subjected 10 Souhana Process, And thus itis claimed in the texts that Dost yoko Reso Visum’ means if mercury allowed to remain a880- Ciated with various types of dosas itis considered 10 be jas ike Visa (Toxic substance) in i fects. Hence it also said aboot mercury inthe txts that ‘Sodhta Rasarijastu Sudhitulya phald prada’ means if itis made pure (Sodhita) it becomes similar to Sudhi (Amrite-Necto) in effects and thes it may prove very much useful forthe body tissues and organs. Sodhana Method~ For Sodhana-mercuty should fist be treated (ground) wit lime powder for 3 days then it is washed with hot water and collected In second method it is ground with Lahasuna (Carli) and Ssindhava Lavana in aa icon morta adding lemon juice and keeping mortar Tapa hot by applying heat (8S*C 10 S0MC), avindiag may be continued even for one month and then iti ‘washed with hot water to collet pure mercury from the past, Asta Saiskras of Mercury ‘These eight Sariskiras of mercury are considered neces: sary to make it suitable for both (Loha vedha and Dehavedha) (exit prposes, Out the eight first five Saskiras (Swedana to Patan) fare meant to remove oll the ttee types of dosas (Toxie proper lies, Le. ‘Swedana’ (heating mereury with proscribed Kalka eavyas in boing Kaiji iguid using Dolayantea method) with 1 view ta loosen is dos “Mardana’ (Grinding of motcury with preseribed Kalk 4ravyas and Kasjika using Tapta Khalva) to removeldestroy fexternal dosis (impurities) for 3 days, Then mercury is col lected by washing with hot water “Marechana'~ Grinding of mercury with prescribed Kalks Aravyas til tis made Nastapisa (divides into finest globules fn! loses is form and appearance) using ron mortar. It destoyes Naisergika and Kafcuka dos, "Uuthapana’~ Regaining of Nastapista mercury into its ‘original moreury form (either by washing with hot water, hot AReanala or Atapa Sosuna oF by Patana process) with 4 view to remove its Naisargika and Kafcuka doxas n= Sublimation/Disilltion aftr making is pst wi \ibed pact Copper sheets and lemon juice by grinding, and then ici subjected to heating using improved Patana yantra 10 re- move its Yaugika dosas especialy ‘The remaining thee Samskiras (Bodhana, Niyamana and Dipana) are meant to induce/potetiate its properties. "BiRyodhana’ (Activation)~ In this mercury is kept fn “Sindra saindhava vari (Satu rated saline solution) in glass Jara for 3 dey "Fou ase i, to remove its Klaivya dosa (inactiveness) end to make its Apyiyana (Potentiation) "Niyamana’ (Restraining) In this mercury is subjected to Swedana (heating with pre scribed Kalka drivyss in boiling Kanjika liquid using Doliyantra method) to renrciresteain its "Caialya (hyper ac tiveness) which is gained by Bodhana Saipskara In the end mercury is collecied by washing it with hot water, texiv) Dipana (Grasdrthi/Mukha Karana)- In this also mercury is subjected 10 Swedana as above with prescribed Kalk dravyas in boiling Kanjika to improve its ap Petite (metal consuming power) at make it 'rasirh (de Sirows af consuming prisa (meta conten) In those eight Sainskiras following procedures are in- volved. viz~ Swedana, Mardana, Ksalana, Pitana. and Ssindhava vari sthapana, Classification of Rasa dravya (Drugs of Mineral Origin)~ In Rasa Sistra rasa (mercury and a few drugs of mineral covigin are found used and these ae classified ether om the bis sis oftheir utility towards mercury on preference basis or on the basis of their specie physical and therapeutic characte [As regards their utility towards Rasa (mercury) these are classified on the bass of their very high, medium and ordinary Uulity point of view. Those which ate highly useful for mer- ciry are grouped a Mahara’ orRasas. Those which are useel jn medium way these are ‘Uparasas’ means these are compara tively less useful than Mahirasts’ and those which are found useful im ordinary way are grouped as ‘Sidhirana rasa. Means thse are sill les useful then "Maharasas’and "Uparaste, There tre other scholars which consider Rasa (mercury) a & main drug in Rasa sisra and all other drugs which are found useFl for mercury iw some way oF other way or which are inferior to Rasa ae grouped in ‘paras’ group only "Lohas' (Metals) are those which are extracted from the minerals im the form oftheir Satva content and also possess Ietllie characters. These are known ‘Loh’ and their 0 froups are ‘Sara tohae’ (Gold and silver), "Sadhiraoa lohay= ‘Tamra (Copper) and Loba (iron) and ‘Pas iohas™~ Naga (Lew), Yanga (Tin) and Yasada (Zine). These have low melting pois than the above two groups. There are some mixed typeof Tohas Tike Pittala (Brass). Kisya (Bell metal) and Varta oha/Patca Toha (alloy made of five metals), These are known as "Misra Tota’ or ‘Upalohas ow) "Ratnas'= There are some drugs of stony nature and pose sess very superior qualities Ike mote brightness, more shining. more hardness and high cost and as such considered best of ll ‘ther drugs hence are known ar Ratnas” (precious stones oF ems). In this group some drugs are slightly inferior in their ‘haracters ence thee are known as Uparatas’ (Semipresious Sone) In addition to the above drugs of mineral or mine origin there are some herbal origin drugs which ate aso Tound men. tioned in Ras Sosa texts, These possess very virulent toxic effects and a such these ae grouped in “Vise! and "Upavisa froups onthe basis oftheir eulento very virulent tie el- fects All he above mentioned groups of drugs ae found usta in the potentiation of mercury either making thermostable oF doing ‘ts Makha, Karana, Dhiujarana, Bandhans or even Mirapa Concept of ‘Rasa Salt" (Pharmaceutlealtactory)~ ‘very beaut and vivid deserption with regards to the Site andthe building of ase Sala’ PharmaceNtcl factory) i found mentioned inthe Rass litertire song with its working rangement, vatous divisions spiritual rituals, qualities of is employees und the types of equipments to be collected for compllton of various Rash operation and Pharmacsutia! poe: ser and procedures. Here the differen typer of Pharnceuth Cal operations have been Tound divided onthe basis of difer ft iections to achieve highest suze In these operations on Sccoun of the blessings of Gods ruling these diections. The working srangements of ‘Rata Sali have Been divided in ciaht visions vir ‘The sate of Rass Bhairav’ should be installed In the Eastern direction of the factory. Probably considering ‘he most auspiciousness of thin ection, It nthe starting and tnering point ofthis building hence hee as soon as worker {nd supervising staff enters he mus offer Ks prayer to Lord. ‘asabhairava’ fest and get Nis blessings or ahevving grand suceess in their Rasa and Pharmaceutoal operations. The op- trations flated to the use of fie are advised to be caried (ew) cout in *Agaikona' (South east direction) which is considered to be eulot hy ‘God Agni who by virtue of fis being the God of fire keeps control on fte related works (operations) thus the success Such operation is always expected if such works are petformc inthis diection, ‘The Yamyabhiga (Southern part) is recommended for ;Pisina Karma’ which means (he grinding etc. works involy~ ing the use of stone made equipments) should be carted out in this irction, The God ofthis direction is Lord "Yama’ who is considered to be the God controlling death. And if any opera- tions elated to grinding etc. are done inthis divection which are considered respoasibie for the destruction of forms of drugs! ‘materials if earied out inthis dieotion are expected to be com pleted safely with the blessings of Lord "Yama who is consi ted to be the God contealling this direction. ‘The 'Naritya Kona’ (South west direction) is advised for performing ‘Sasa Kurmas’ lke cutting, slicing etc. As this dic rection is ruled by Raksases (Demons) who are cruel in aature tnd keeps the control on sharp weaponsinstruments. Hence the cuting, slicing ete. operations involving the use of sharp instruments if done i tis direction may likely to be completed safely and successfully with the blessing of the Demons, ‘The "Varuna bhiga’ (the western part of the Factory) isa vised for washing, cleaning etc. works involving the use of water. As this direction is rule by Gud "Varuna who is consid- ted to be the God of water resources, hence the operations involving the use of water if done inthis direction may never face water shortage and get completed successfully with the blessings of Lord/God "Varuna ‘The 'Viyavya Kona’ (North west directions) is ruled by the God Vayu (wind) who is supposed to contzel wind blow: ing, Hence the drying operations of the drugsimaterialand the preparations if done inthis direction will never face blowing. tind shortage and get dried easily with the Blessings of God Vayu ‘The ‘Uttara digbhigu’ (The northern part of she factory) is governed by God ‘Kuvers' who is considered to be the God of (ext) wealth and finances’. Hence the Vegha Kurmas (Transforma: tion operations of lower metals into higher melas) are advised to be done in this direction. Hence if the operations concerning {o mercurial operations involving Vedha process is done in this sirection the svecess in these operations is certain with the Bless: ing of God 'Kuvers ‘The ‘sna kona’ (North eastern direction) is ruled by Lord ‘SivelRudra who is considered to be the crestor of meet ‘operations (specially concerning fo Vedhanakarma), Hence the Uansformed mercurial products and the other finished products if stored in this direction then their potency and effectiveness will be preserved for fog time and there self life will be very prolonged one. ‘Text detalls- “The present text om Rass stra contains 10 chapters. Which deals all the important aspects of Rasaista (Ayurvedic Pharma euties. The fist chapter deals with the historical back ground ‘of RasaSisea. In second chapter philosophical background of Rasa (mercury) is dealt with. The thied chapter is devalped to deal with vatious important points concerning to RasalParada (mercury) Le. iis Sahskiras, Dosas, Processes and Prayogas In fourth chapter Lohas (Metals of medicinal importance) and their processing techniques ave dealt in details In fifth chapter various minerals useful for mercurial processes and potentiation ate dealt with along with their classification in various groups ie, Maharase group, Uparasa group and Sidhirana rasa groups. In this chapter their processing techniques are also dealt with In sinth chapter Ratnas and Upratoas (precious and semipre- cious stones of medicinal values) are dealt with in detail. In Seventh chapter Sudhivarga (Calcium group) materialsarugs (of medicinal importance ae dealt with long with their process ing techniques. In 8th chapter Visopavisa group of materials (Poisonous and subpoisonous group of drugs having medicinal Importance) are dealt with along with their important Sodbana ‘methods. In 9th Chapter various equipments ike~ MUsas, Puta. KKosthies and Yantras are deat with. In 10th chapter Pribhist Sabdas (Technical terms) used in RSs ae Jall with along (emi) th their explanations In this way the text contains al the important aspects of RasaiStcs necessary to be known to the sloents andthe scholars, In the end 1 express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my students and collegues who helped me inthis great task. Last ‘but not the Teast ean not forget to express my gratitude and also my sincere thanks to She Atol Bhaji of Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi who has always inspired me and pressed me greatly 10 waite the script and to send them for printing Daring printing the proofs have been sen several times for cor rection and making these ready for final printing. 1 also thank to the proof readers and other concemed persons who greatly Ielped me and took pains inthis regard also offer my sincere thanks to my family members who are kind enough to allow me to work on this project and for Supplying me, the necessary materials and other items when: ever required Makara Sankranti- 15th January 2006 Damodar Joshi Ex. Prof. & Head Dept of Rasa Sista, BAU Varanasi CONTENTS Page (Chapter : Historical background of Rasasistra 1-4 1 1 Historical background of Rasas Chapter2 : Philosophical background of Rasa (Mercury) $.10 Philosophical background of Rasa s 2. Auspiciousness of Rasa (Mercury) 5 3. Rasa Darfanaphala 6 44. fest of Resslings adoration 6 5. Types and effets of Rasapujs 6 [A Rasa Bhaksana. pala 7 BB, Rasa Sparsana phala| 7 . Resa Danaphala D. Rasanindsphala 7 , Rasa Dhyana phala 7 0 pha 7 6. Paramapada Prapi (Achiecoment of salvation) 8 17. Forms of mercury advised for internal use a Importance of Rasasiéi 5 9. Importance of Sthira Deka 8 ° 9 12: How Tatva (Brahma) can be acheived 9 13. Nothing is superior than Ajardmara body 10 14. Importance of Jivanmukt 15. Acheivement of Sivenmukti (Chapter3 : Description of RasaPtrada (Mercury) Hg 1 1. Description of Rosa/Parada/Mercury/H, 2. Important Places of Procurment 3. Test for the presence of Mercury 4S) Extraction of Mercury from it Mineral 1. Damaruyantra Method 2, Kanduka yanira Method Note Synonyms of Parad and their Significance 6. Varieties cou 7. Varieties described by Rasa Prakige Sudhakara 1s 8. Varieties described by Rasa Ratna Samuccaya etc. 15 9. Properties of each variety 16 1. Rasa, 2. Rasendra, 3. Sita 4, Plrada, $. Miaka 16-17 10. Dosis (Impurities) of Parad in 1 Naisargika dosas (Natural impurities) 2. Yaugika dogs (Artificial or Physical impurities) 5. Keticuka/Aupluhika dosas (covering chemical impurities) ‘Table showing the various types of dosas of Parad and their effects is 12. Naisargika dosas 19 13-Table showing the Naisargika doyas as per diferent exts19 14. Yaugika dosas 20 15. Kateuka dosas 20 16. Table showing Kucuks dosas, thei sources and effects 20 17 Table showing the specific type of impurities and the 22 specie drugs for thei removal 18. Effect of Impure Parad a 19, Method of Sodhana (Genral purification) 2B Physieal properties of mercury ey Gaties (Mobility) of Parad 2s Pharmacological and therapeutic properties (Rasa, Guns.26 Virya, Vipika. Karma. Dosa Prabhiva, Vyidhi Prabhiva) 23. Modern description 26 24, Samskiras (special process of Parad) 20.28 25. Description of eight Samskiras 126. Table showing the names of eight Sask their explanation 27. Details of eighvnine Sarnskaras at a glance en 28, Description of each Saris 32 ‘A. Svedana Sainskira 32 (1) Parpose 32 (2) Drags and their proportion 32 G) Procedure 3 (4) Duration 3 1B. Mardana Samekira 3 tenis 11) Purpose 3 (2) Drags and their proportion 3B (3) Procedure B (4) Duration 34 ©. Murcchana Semskira 3M (1) Purpose 34 (2) Drugs and their proportion 4 1G) Procedure a4 (4) Duration uM D. Uuhdpana Samskira M4 (1) Purpose 35 (@) Drugs and their proportion 35 (3) Procedure 35 (4) Duration 35 . Patana Samskira 35 (1) Purpose 36 (@) Drugs and their proportion 36 (3) Procedure 36 (4) Duration 3637 , R¢B)dhana Samskirs # (1 Purpose 38 (2) Drogs and their proportion in G) Procedure » (4) Duration 30 6G, Niyamana Sarskara 39 (1) Purpose ” (2) Drugs and their proportion 39 (G) Procedure 39 (@) Duration 0 H. Dipane Sarskira “0 (1) Purpose 40 (@) Drags and their proportion 40 (3) Procedure 40 (4) Duration “ Note a 29, 30. u 32. 3 uM 35 36, v. 38 39, 40 4 2 (saxty) 1. Anuvisana Samekira (1) Purpose (2) Drugs and thelr proportion (3) Procedure (4) Duration Note Forms of Parad recommonded for use ‘Concept of Murcchand ‘A. Sagandha Murechand B. Nirgandha Murcchand 1. Nirdhima 2. Bahirabims 3. Antardhama Jarana Gandhaks J8rans and its importance Methods and Apparatuses for Gandhaka Jarana How their potency increases How to ad sulphur Heating time and tmp, Quantity of sulphur indicated to be made Bandhas of Parad Suitability of Parad for Bandhana Form/Appearance of Baddha Pirada Properties and effects of Baddh Pireds Description of each type of Bandha (D) Hajha Bandha (2) Aroja Banda (3) Abhasa Bandha (4) Kriyahina Bandha (5) Pisti Bondha (6) Ksira Bandha () Khota Banda (8) Pora Bandha (9) Kaka Bandhs (10) Kaljtt Bandha 2 2 a2 2 2 a a “4 45 45 4s 4s 45 46 7 ° so su st sh 32 53 53 sa 55 55 56 56 56 56 ars. (exe) (1) Sajiva Bandha 3 (12) Nigjva Bandha 37 (13) Nievija Bandha 38 (14) Sabija Bandha 38 (13) Seinkhala Bandha 38 (6) Dru Bandhs ss (17) Balaka Bandha 59 (08) Kumara Bands 39 (9) Taruna Banda 9 (20) Veiddha Banda 30 (21) Marti Bandha 60, (2) Jala Bandha oo (3) Agni Bandha © (24) Susamsteita Bandha 6 (25) Maha Bandha 6 (26) Jaluka Bandha 6 Method of preparation 6 ‘Size of Jalaks Dandh 62 Potentiation of Jaluka Bandh 62 Rasa Maranam 6 ‘Sita Marana Prakariha 1-8 64.65 Method of administation of Rasabhasma 66 Pathyas during Rasa therapy 66 Apathyas during Rasa therapy 66 ‘Treatment of Rasa VySpad (complications) 67 For improving Rasa Virya (Potency) during Rasa therapy6? Provisions after Rasa therapy 67 Pharmaceutical Processes of Ayla Sahskaras of Parada 68 Details with regards co eight Samskiras of mercury 68 Swedanar 68 ‘Maréanam 69 Murcehanam 0 ‘Uuhgpanam 70 Pitan Samskira m Ro(Bo)dhana Samskare n Niyamana Samskica 3 pana Samsara 2B 6a, 65. 66, 6, 68, 69 10. 1 n, 2. 74 7s on (exxivp Some important points about eight Samskaeas 4 Physical changes ~ Sp. Gr. Percentage purity. 3 Solubility. Toxicity study in Exp. Animals %6 Material and Method 16 Dose sehedule, observation n Results of Histopathotogical changes of Experimental studies n Discussion 8 Rasa yogih (Important mercurial preparation) ” 1. Kajali~ Ingredients & proportion, Method, Precautions 79 Test) 2, Ras parpati~ (Ingredients Method, Test for good 79-80 quality. Doses & Anupana) ira: Vardhamans Kalps 8 Indications, Note, Important observations 8 Rasa Sinduram (Red sulphide of Mercury) 82 (Note, seions & wes, doses and snupina) 83 ‘Advantages of Vertical type elotic mutfle furnace, Notes Makaradhwaja Rasa (A gold containing mercury 83 compound, contents) Method of preparation of Ksjalt 8s (Makaradbwaja yous) 8s Malla Sinduram ~ (Ingredients, method of prep. 86 ‘dose & anupana) 86 Rasa Karpira a Formula of Rasa Karpura = ingredients, method 87 Note Bn tert : Description of Lohas (Metals) and 84-181 ‘Their Processes Deseription of Lohas (Metals) and their processing, 89) techniques LLohas (Metals ~ classified in three groups) 89 SIh/1Oth A.D. Sara Toba, Suddha loa, PUL loha 89) 12th A.D. Four groups Sara toha, Sidharana loha, 89 Pati foha, Misea Toba Mythological origin» relation with Gods 90 fen) [Nine Lohas related with Nine Grahas 3, Lohas (Metals) and their processing techniques 4. Sodhana of Lohas 5. Objectives of Ayurvedic Sodhana treatment 6. Types of Sodhana process Siminya-Visesa Sadhana 8. Procedure for Visesa Sodhana 9. Jacana process for Lahas 10, Marana process LL Objectives of M4 12, Stages of Marana process (Seven stages) 13. Catagories of Marana drugs (materials) 1h Mixing of Mizana drugs/Materials 15. Bhivand and Putapake 16. Pelletization and Putapaka 17 How Puta Paka affects Bhasmas 18. Repeatition of whole process for severl times 19 Effects of Mrana Process 20, Suvarna, Gold, Aw and ils processes 21 Mythological origin 22. Varieties 23 Description of each variety 24. Prakrita 25, Sahaja 26. Bahai Sambhita 27. Khanija 28. Rasaja 29. Modern description of Gold 30 Physical properties ~ For superior variety For inferior variety 31. Pharmacological and therapeutic properties (asa, Guna, Virya, Viptka, Karma, Dosa Prabhive, Vyihi Prabhava) 32. Pharmaceutical processes of Gold 33. Necessity for Gold Sodhana 100 100 ior tor or (xem) 34. Gold Sodhana Procedure 102 35.Gold Marana Procedure 102 36, Procedure for Gold Bhasma Preparation 105 37-Dose, Anupina, contra indications, Note 105 438. Synonyms of Swarna (Gold) 105 Precautions 106 39, Rajata (Silver) Ag and its Process 106 440: Mythological origin 106 41 Varieties- Sahaja, Khanija, Kritima 106-107 42. Modern description of Silver 107 443, Physial properties ~ For best quality 108 For inferior quality 108, 44. Pharmacological and therapeutic properties (Rasa, 109) ‘Guna, Vieys Vipka, Karma Dose Prabhiva, Vyadhi Prabhiva) 45, Pharmaceutical processes of Rajat (Silver) 46. Necesity for Rajta Sodhena 47- Procedure for Rata Sodhana 48, Viera Sodhana 49. Procedure for Rajat Mirana 50: Doses 51, Properties of Rajata Basa 52. Method of administration of Rejata Bhasma 533.Tanra (Copper) Cu and its Proceses 54, Mythological origin 55. Varieties 56:Moder description of Copper 57-Physiealproperdes~ For good variety Fornferioe varity '8.Pharmacological and therapeutic properties (Base, Guna, Vey Vita, Karma, Dosa prabhava, Vyachiprabhava) 59. fects of unpurified and uveduced Tamra to shes 115 60. Sodhana process 6 G1. Procedure for Stiminya Sodhana 116 62. Procedure for Viteys Soda M6 (ex) 63, Procedure for Tamra Marana ut 64. Amit Karana of Tama Bhasma 18 665. Test for Timra bhasma 18 66.Dores 119 67- Synonyms of Tamra ne 68. Loha (Iron) Fe and its Process 9 69. Mythological origin no 10. Historical review no 71. Varieties ~ Munda, Tikyoa, Kinta 20 72:Modern description of Iron 120 7B.Importat oes of Ion 1 74. Heamatiie 12 75.Limonite (yellow ochre) 2 76. Magnetite na 77. Siderite rei 78 Physical properties of Lohas 122 79. Munda oka 122 80.Trkgna Toha 122 81 Test for Tkgoa foha 122 82. Properties of each varieties of Kata loha 122-123, (1, Bheimaks, 2. Cumbaka, 3. Karsaks, 4, Drivaka '. Romaks) 43. Test for Kina tons 123 84. Pharmacological and therapeutic properties (Rasa, 124 Guna, Virya, Vipika, Karma, Dosa Prabhava, Vyidhi Prabhava) 85. Munda loha (Rasa, Gune. Virya, Viptka, Karma, 124 Dosa Prabhava, Vyidhi Prabhiva) 186. Tiksna Joha (Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipake, Karma, Dose 124 Prabhava, Vyidhi Prabhava) £87. Kéntaloha (Rasa, Guns, Virya, Vipaka, Karma, Dosa 125 Prabhava, Vyidhi Prabhava) 88. Bad effects of unpurified and unincineated loha 126 49. Process of Sodba 127 90. Process for Ssménya Sodhens 127 91. Process for Visesa sodhana 127

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