?2023-09-14 @gyne BM3

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Gynecology BM II Sec3D 14 Sep 2023

1. All Except which of the following are the predispositioning risk factor for
A. Obesity
2 B. Smoking
C. Nulliparity
D. Multiple gestation

2. Androgen exposure after 12 weeks will result in an ambiguous genitalia

and primarily presents as
A. Labiosacral fusion
2 B. Clitoral hypertrophy
C. Labia majora hypertrophy
D. Imperforatehymen

3. Which class of medication suppress the production of overian hormones

& used to control sever endometriosis
A. progestin
B. combined oral contraceptive pill
C. androgen
D. GnrH

4. When recommending hormonal therapy for menopause, women with a

uterus need to take this additional hormone in addition to estrogen, in order
to protect the uterus?
2 A. Progesterone
B. Tibolone
C. Parathyroidhormone

5. In, adolescent what trauma u can see in genital area specially who are
athletes and gymnastic
A. lichen sclerosis
B. ovarian cyst
C. ..

6. Primary goal of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women?

2 A. Prevention of fracture
B. Low calcium supplement

7. Which of the following antihypertensive drug is used for chronic

hypertension during pregnancy?
2 A. Beta blockers - first line agents
B. Ace inhibitors
C. Calcium channel blockers - second line agents
D. ....

8. 78 year old female G5P5(5005) came in your clinic complaining of

pruritus upon examination you notice white atrophic papules that coalesce
into porcelain with white plaques that distort with thinning of the skin and
wrinkled with the forming a hourglass of figure of 8 this most likely to be?
A. Lichen nevi
2 B. Lichen sclerosis
C. Lichensimplexchronicus
D. Lichenplanus
9. The Main objective of medical management in endometriosis is?
2 A. Prevent recurrence & reduce symptoms
B. Induce fertility
C. Definite cure
D. Alloftheabove

10. An 18-year-old nulligravida presents with primary amenorrhea, Her

examination is notable for Tanner stage IV breasts and the absence of
pubic and axillary hair. Also, a blind ending vagina is identified. What is the
likely diagnosis in this patient?
2 A. Mullerian agenesis
B. Premature ovarian failure

C. Androgeninsensitivitysyndrome D. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

11. What should be given to reduce vasomotor symptoms, risk of
cardiovascular disease?
A. estrogen only
2 B. Progesterone + estrogen
C. Progesterone
D. testosterone

12. daily recommended dosage of calcium for menopausal women

c-1000 A. 200 B. 600 C. 1000 D. 2000
13. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is caused by deficiency of which
2 A. 21-hydroxylase
B. 17-alpha hydroxy
C. 11-hydroxylase
D. 5-beta hydroxylase

14. Osteopenia is defined as T score of:

A. Between -1.0 to-2.5
B. Greater than or equal to -1.0
C. Less than or equal to -2.5
2 D. Greater than or equal to -2.0

15. Sonographically when does the uterus return to its pregravid state?
A. 6 weeks after delivery
B. 7 weeks after delivery
2 C. 8 weeks after delivery
D. 9 weeks after delivery

16. A 16-year-old woman presents or evaluation of pelvic pain. She has

advanced breast and sexual hair development. Her examination is
significant for the finding
below. An ultrasound shows normal female pelvic anatomy. What is
this patient's expected karyotype?
A. 45,X
2 B. 46,XX
C. 46,XY
D. 45,X /46,XX

17. You are called to evaluate a 10-year old patient who came in for
abdominal pain. Physical examination is limited by voluntary guarding.
Abdominal ultrasound showed a left adnexa mass measuring 10 x 9 x 9 cm,
probably ovarian in origin. AFP, HCG, LDH, and CA-125 levels are within
normal range. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Endodermal sinus tumor
B. Theca-lutein cysts
C. Mucinouscyst
D. Maturecysticteratoma
18. A 65 year old female with cirrhosis refered to you service because of
hepatic mass. The mass size was approximately 8cm including the
segment 5 to 8. The patient child Pugh score is child A. How much remnant
liver would be adequate if you perform right hemihepatoctomy?
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 25%
d. 40%

19. A 45-year-old woman is diagnosed with primary syphilis. She has a

history respiratory distress and hives with past penicillin use. She re uses to
undergo skin test intercom rmher penicillin allergy and will not undergo
desensitization. What is the best Alterna- tive oral antibiotic to treat her in
A. Doxycycline
B. Azithromycin
C. Erythromycin
D. Ciproxacin

20. 78 yr old male G5P5 (5005) came to your clinic and starts complaining
of pruritis on examination ..........white papules....in the form of hour glass
figure 8
A. Lichen nevi
B. Lichen sclerosis
C. Lichensimplexchronicus
D. Lichenplanus

21. Which of the following statements is false?

A. After delivery, the obstetrician should systematically observe the
newborn's perineum, beginning with the mons pubis.
B. The clitoris should be examined for any obvious enlargement and the
opening of the urethra should be identified.
C. The rectum should be visualized and should be tested to be sure that it
is perforate.
D. Palpation of inguinal area and labia for any masses should be done at
the 1st year of life

22. Gold stranded for uterine abnormality

B. CT with contrast
C. CTwithoutcontrast
D. Ultrasound

23. What is the classic symptom of a foreign body inside the vaginal canal
of a child?
A. Heavy bleeding
B. Hematoma in the perineum
C. Foul smelling purulent bloody discharge
D. Intense itching of the perineum and vagina

24. Incubation period for herpes

A. 2-7
B. 8-10
C. 11-12

25. First line treatment of vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women

A. Hormonal replacement therapy
B. Regular exercise and diet
C. ..................
D. ................
26. What is the pH of a prepubertal vagina?
2 A. Neutral or slightly alkaline
B. Acidic
C. Alkaline
D. Noneoftheabove

27. During vasectomy, which of the following structures is ligated?

A. Epididymis
B. Spermatic cord
2 C. Ductusdeferens
D. Efferent ductile

28. Menopause is a normal, natural event by defined final period confirmed

after ..... year
2 A. 1 year
B. 2 year
C. 3 year
D. 5 year

29. A bishop score of conveys a high likelihood for a successful induction

2 A. 9
B. 8
C. 7
D. 6

24. In what circumstances hysterectomy surgical option for endometiosis?

A. first line treatments
2 B. when medical conservative is fail
C. when fertility... Is priority
D. when.

25. Which of the following is not derived from mullerian ducts?

A. Cervix
B. Lower vagina
C. Upper vagina
2 D. Fallopian tube

26. Most common uterine anomaly in female reproductive system?

A. Unicornuate
B. Bicornuate
2 C. Septate uterus
D. Uterine didelphy

27. What is main goal of managing vasomotor symptoms in menopausal

A. Avoid development of endometrial cancer
B. Prevent osteoporosis
2 C. Reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms
D. Increasesexualsatisfaction

28. Women with uterus receiving hormone replacement therapy, this

hormone is given in addition to estrogen
A. Progesterone
B. Serm
C. Thyroid hormone
D. .............
29. A 49 yr old of perimenopausal stage consulted with Genitaltract
bleeding,on Transvaginal ultrasound is revealed hardened Endometrium ,to
study the endometrial pathology, what is the preferred diagnostic procedure
is logical first step to do?
A. Colonoscopy
B. Pap smear
C. Transsonography
2 D. Endometrial biopsy

30. During a first-trimester ultrasound for pregnancy dating, you discover

that your patient has e subseptate uterus While counseling her, you explain
that this mullerian anomaly developed in utero secondary to failure of the
midline uterine septum to reabsorb completely. Normally, reabsorption of
the uterine septum in a fetus should occur by how many weeks of
2 A. 20
B. 28
C. 32
D. 36

31. What is the typical normal range of vaginal PH

A. 3.0 to 3.5
2 B. 4.0 to 4.5
C. 5.0to5.5
D. 6.0to6.5

32. Which of the following is standard of care for detection of osteopenia

and osteoporosis?
A. Bone x-ray
B. CT scan
C. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan

33. what is the typical karyotyping of a person with complete androgen

insensitivity syndrome
A. 46XX
2 B. 46XY
C. 47XXY
D. 45X

34. Early initial treatment of Bartholin cyst?

A. Antibiotic Therapy
B. Incision and biopsy
2 C. Warm compress

35. What is the primary causative agent genital herpes.

A. Human Papillon virus
B. Herpes simplex virus
C. Chlamydia trachomonus
D. Nesssiragonnoreha

36. Agents used to aid uterine relaxation during manual repositioning of

inverted uterus includes?
A. mgso4
B. nitroglycerin
C. terbutaline
D. alloftheabove

37. what can trigger or exacerbate Hiradenitis suppuritiva?

A. Consumption of dairy products
B. Exposure to sunlight
1 C. obesityandfriction
D. Noneoftheabove

38. An infant was born to a virilized mother with gestational luteoma. On

pediatric evaluation, ambiguous genitalia was noted. What important initial
necessary step would you request for gender assignment?
2 A. karyotyping
B. Maternal androgen/ testosterone
C. Ultrasound
D. 21alphahydroxylaselevel

39. In addition to vasomotor symptoms, what are the other menopausal

symptoms can hormonal replacement therapy help alleviate?
A. Weight gain
B. Memory loss
C. Vaginaldryness
D. Dental issues

40. Incubation period for hepes

A. 2-7 Days
B. 8-10 Days
2 C. 11-12Days
D. 13-15Days

41. Which congenital anamoly causes 2 separate uteri & cervices?

2 A. Didelphys
B. Bicornuate uterus
C. Unicornuate uterus
D. Uterineseptum

42. Which is/are known cause of vulvar puritis and atrophy

A. Tichomonasis
B. Psoriasis
C. ....
D. BothB&C

43. A 23-year-old having overweight BMI presents to the clinic with

Diabetes mellitus and PCOS complaining of darkening of neck and perineal
area. What is the best management and advice you can give to the patient?
1 A. Weight loss
B. Corticosteroids
C. Antifungal
D. Incision and biopsy

44. A mother brings her 6 yo daughter to the outpatient department for

white discharge and vulvar rythema for great 2 wks. Child is hesitant to
allow her mother to touch her vulvar area Mother informs you that recently
the child............. touched by, an uncle who lives w/ the family. The physical
finding most likely to be found this thing is
A. Posterior hymenal tear
B. vulvar hemangioma
C. Urethralcaruncle
D. Labialagglutination

45. Advantage for transverse sonography used to endometriosis

A. Reduced use endometrium biopsy
B. Simultaneous assessment for endometriosis and ....
C. Greater patient comfort with this Med this than endometrial biopsy or
D. Allofabove
46. The following are risk factors for post-partum hemorrhage, EXCEPT?
A. Ruptured bag of water
B. Multiparity
C. Overdistendeduterus
D. Rapid Labor

47. What is the most common congenital anomaly of female reproductive

A. Uterine didelphys
B. unicornuate uterus
C. bicornuateuterus
2 D. Septate

48. The therapy currently recommended by the CDC’s 2015 guidelines for
pediculosis pubis involves the use of:
A. Permethrin, 1% cream
B. Pyrethrins, with piperonyl butoxide
C. Malathion, 0.5% lotion
2 D. Alloftheabove

49. Gold standard diagnostic test for Uterine complication

B. CT without contrast
C. CT scan with contrast
1 D. Ultrasound

50. Most common site of endometriosis?

A. Fallopian Tube
B. Vulvitis
C. Uterus
D. Vagina

51. Sign of sexual abuse in pediatric and adolescent patients.....???

A. Non-foul-smelling whitish discharge
B. fear to dark
2 C. torn hymen
D. trauma

52. Which layer of the endometrium sloughs and there- fore is responsible
for observed menstrual discharge?

A. Spiral
B. Radial
C. Basalis
2 D. Functionalis

53. What is the major behavioural factor in childhood vulvovaginitis?

2 A. Poor perineal hygiene
B. Recurrent UTI
C. Tight fitting clothes
D. Scratch itch cycle

54. Causative agent of genital Herpes

2 A. Herpes simplex virus
B. Human papilloma virus
C. Chlamydia trachomatis
D. Nesseriagonorrhea
55. Which of the following clinical tools is not useful to examine menstural
blood loss
A. Pad counts
B. Hemoglobin and hematocrit
C. Blood assesment chart
2 D. Skin pallor

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