ASM tiếng anh 1.2 - Lê Thị Thanh Vượng

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Topic 1: Talk about your favorite electronic device

Topic 2: Talk about your physical fitness and eating habits

Topic 3: Talk about your last vacation

Topic 4: Talk about your personal dress code

Student name: Lê Thị Thanh Vượng

Student code: PS33867

Instructor: Ms. Lê Hoài Bảo Ngân

Class: ENT1226.24

Ho Chi Minh City, December 2023


 Lecturer 1:








 Lecturer 2:








Topic 1: Talk about your favorite electronic device

Hello teacher, my name is Le Thi Thanh Vuong.

Today I want to talk about my favorite electronic device. My favorite electronic

device is my smartphone.

It is an Apple branded phone. It color is white and costs around 10 million.

I use my smartphone every day. I use it to make videos. I like it because it's very
convenient. I don't want to upgrade it because it still works fine.

It makes my life easier because of it, I can do many things in study and work. I
don't have any problem with my smart phone.

If possible I just want to change its color because I don't like that color.

That's the end of my talk. Thank you for listening


Topic 2: Talk about your physical fitness and eating habits

Hello teacher, my name is Le Thi Thanh Vuong.

Today I want to talk about my physical fitness and eating habits.

Before that, I found myself having an unbalanced and very thin body. I think the
importance of staying in style is to exercise every day to have good health. I often
practice dancing to stay in shape.

I spend 3 hours a day practicing dancing and practicing on stage at school. I

usually go to bed at 11pm a day I sleep 7 processes or maybe less.

Besides that, I also pay attention to my eating habits to stay balanced. I often eat
foods such as vegetables, meat and fruits. Encourage me to eat more grains. To
maintain style we should eat foods that do not contain a lot of fat and delicious

Healthy eating habits can include dividing your food into small meals throughout
the day. Unhealthy eating habits often include eating too much fat and not eating
the right meals. We should avoid fast food because it is not good for our health.

In conclusion I would like to say that staying stylish and having healthy eating
habits is very important in life.

That's the last part of my speech. Thank you for listening


Topic 3: Talk about your last vacation

Hello teacher, my name is Le Thi Thanh Vuong. I’m 19 years old, I major in
PR&Events. Today I want to talk about my last vacation.

First of all, I really like to go somewhere to rest. During my most recent trips, I
went to Vung Tau. That place has the sea and extremely special and delicious food.

I and my friends rested and enjoyed a very comfortable stay there. Our means of
transportation was a motorbike.

During 3 days and 2 nights, we checked in prominent places there such as: Tran
Phu alley to take beautiful photos, Nghinh Phong cape is on the list of attractive
destinations. A guide in Vung Tau that tourists cannot miss and is more
indispensable than swimming there.

The dishes we enjoyed were stingray hotpot, Vung Tau stingray hotpot here is
highly appreciated by many diners for its standard flavor. The authentic Russian
donuts are very delicious, the broth-flavored squid noodle soup there is out of the

If I could choose again, I would still want to go there again to enjoy more dishes.

That brings me to the end of the article and my final statement. Thank you for


Topic 4: Talk about your personal dress code

Hello teacher, my name is Lê Thị Thanh Vượn. I'm nineteen years old. I'm a
student of FPoly and my major is PR and Events. Today I want to talk about my
personal dress code.

First of all, I think I have a simple style. I think I care a lot about my appearance
and I want to follow new fashion trends. I like wearing a pretty dress because it
shows off my gentleness.

Today, I go to school so I'm wearing a school uniform right now. I think we

shouldn't wear too revealing clothes to school.

I have never worn long pajamas because when I sleep, I like to wear cool clothes to
sleep comfortably.

I feel so confident about a personality outfit. Every month I will spend a small
amount to shop for myself. I often buy on store websites or go to the store to

At my school, students should dress politely, but we don't have to wear uniforms to
school every day, so every time I go to school usually wear a t-shirt and long pants.

In short, I would say my personal attire is simple and not fussy. However, I still try
to dress beautifully for other occasions.

That concludes the article here. Thank you for listening



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