GroupWork LabExercise-1

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Laboratory Exercise In

Introduction to Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events Management (MICE)

BSTM – 401

Submitted To:

Ms. Jonalyn G. Estuaria

Submitted By:

Ryan Kyle A. Reyes ‫ ׀‬Kate Nicole T. Peredo

Kristel Caine Paraiso ‫ ׀‬Francesca Kristiene B. Poblete
Eloisa Joy R. Pepino ‫ ׀‬Leila Marie Amon
Event Program

Basic Beauty Expo at The Filinvest Tent (September 06, 2022) from 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM
[Event Title, Venue, Date, and Time]

Program of Activities (Day 01)

10:00 - Arrival & Registration Secretariat and Event Staff

11:00 - Opening Prayer Ms. Kate Nicole T. Peredo
11:10 - Welcoming Remarks Mr. Ryan Kyle A. Reyes
11:30 - Event Introduction & Briefing Hired Emcees and Guest Speakers
12:30 - Breaktime/Lunch Break Ms. Leila Marie Amon
01:00 - Site Tour Ms. Eloisa Joy R. Pepino
02:00 - Booth Competition Event Organizers
03:00 - Skincare Demonstrations Mr. Reyes and Derma Experts
04:00 - Make-up Tutorials Ms. Peredo and Beauty Experts
05:00 - Products Giveaway Event Organizers and Sponsors
05:30 - Zack Tabudlo Mini - Concert Mr. Ryan Kyle A. Reyes
08:00 - Closing Event Organizers and Staffs

Program of Activities (Day 02)

10:00 - Arrival and Registration Event Staffs

11:00 - Opening Ms. Eloisa Joy R. Pepino
11:20 - Introduction Hired Emcees
12:30 - Lunch Break Ms. Eloisa Joy R. Pepino
01:00 - Raffle Ms. Eloisa Joy R. Pepino
02:00 - Make-up Competition Emcee and Ms. Peredo
03:00 - Snacks Ms. Leila Marie Amon
03:30 - Modeling Competition Event Staffs
05:30 - Products Giveaway Ms. Peredo and Mr. Reyes
08:00 - Closing Event Organizers and Staffs

Program of Activities (Day 03)

10:00 - Arrival and Registration Event Staff

10:30 - Opening Event Staff
10:50 - Launching and Introducing Beauty Products Hired Emcees
12:00 - Lunch Break Ms. Leila Marie Amon
01:00 - Different Programs and Activities Hired Emcees
03:00 - Break Ms. Leila Marie Amon
03:30 - Programs and Activities Continuation Hired Emcees
05:00 - Arthur Nery Mini-Concert Mr. Ryan Kyle A. Reyes
06:00 - Awarding and Thanksgiving Mr. Ryan Kyle A. Reyes
08:00 - Closing Event Organizers and Staffs
Sequence Guide
Emcee – VO Script

Basic Beauty Expo (Day 1)

Ms. Michelle Dy: To all our guest today, kindly register at the front area as you arrive.

(When all the guests are at the venue)

Ms. Michelle Dy: Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! I am Michelle Dy, your host for today’s event.
Let me welcome you to Basic Beauty Expo 2022!

Ms. Michelle Dy: Before we start, may I invite everyone to please stand up, bow our head and feel the
presence of our Almighty.

Ms. Michelle Dy: To officially begin our event, let me call the CEO of Colourette Cosmetics and Skin
Care, Ms. Nina Elaine Dizon, let us give her a loud round of applause.

Ms. Nina Ellaine Dizon: Thank you very much Ma’am for the detailed explanation of the product. As
Ma’am Nina said, this three-day Beauty Expo is filled with different activities.

Ms. Michelle Dy: Aside from beauty tips and skincare tips that we can learn, we will also be serenaded
by two of the tops of the line singers in our country today. There will also be raffles and product give
away at the end of each day! Aren’t you all excited for that?!

Ms. Michelle Dy: I know you are all craving for the sumptuous meal that we prepared. We will be
continuing this program after our lunch. Enjoy eating everyone!

Ms. Michelle Dy: To continue our event, we will be having our late tour. You may visit booths that you
like and also to be familiar with the beauty products that they are offering.

Ms. Michelle Dy: For our next activity, we will be having booth competition. Who do you think will be
the winner this year’s competition? (Presentation of booths) All the booths are very creative, aren’t
they? Winners will be announced on the last day of our expo. Thank you very much to all who joined.

Ms. Michelle Dy: To continue, I will be calling Mr. Reyes to spearhead our next activity which is skin
care and demonstration. I know every one of us wanted to have a smooth and flawless skin, so we must
watch and listen attentively.

(Mr. Ryan showing make up demonstrations)

Mr. Ryan Kyle: Thank you very much to all Derma experts. Flawless skin is achievable through your tips.

Mr. Ryan Kyle: Next is make up tutorials. What makeup to wear to different occasions and how can we
enhance our beauty through this product.

Ms. Michelle Dy: Thank you very much to our models and experts. Now, we will be giving away beauty

Ms Michelle Dy: Thank you to our generous sponsors for freebies.

Ms. Michelle Dy: Next, we will be serenaded by none other than, Mr. Zack Tabudlo.

(Mr. Zack performs)

Ms. Michelle Dy: Thank you, Mr. Zack. The ladies are going crazy to your performance!

Ms. Michelle Dy: Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you very much for your active participation in our
event. I hope you enjoy the program. Have a safe trip back home. Bye everyone!

Basic Beauty Expo (Day 2)

I. REGISTRATION: (Beauty Products Video playing)


Ms. Michelle Dy: Greeting everyone, welcome back here at the Filinvest, to formally open our today’s
activity, may I call in Ms. Pepino (Beauty Products Video playing)

Ms. Pepino: Thank you so much, Ms. Michelle Dy!

(Ms. Pepino discussing all the agendas for today)

Ms. Michelle Dy: After hearing our sequence of activity for today, maybe we can free ourselves for a
while to take our lunch. Please be back here at 1:00PM. Thank you and enjoy your meal everyone!

(Beauty Products Video playing while having lunch)

Ms. Michelle Dy: Okay, good afternoon, everyone. Hope we all had our stomach full as we will
continue to our program. As scheduled, we will be having our raffle draw while our participants for the
make-up competition prepare themselves for the said event. May I request the presence of Ms. Pepino
to facilitate in our raffle draw, Mam. Exciting, isn’t it? Who will be the luckiest to bring home the grand
prize? (Ad lib)

(Beauty Products Video playing)

Ms. Pepino: Congratulations to all lucky winners. We will now proceed to the make-up competition;
may I request Ms. Peredo to assist our participants.

(Events and Sponsors Video playing)

Ms. Peredo: Time is up guys. You did all your best; it is now time for our judges to their part. While
waiting for our next activity, everyone can enjoy our prepared snacks. Be back at 3:30PM.

(Make up Products Promotion Video playing)

Ms. Michelle Dy: Welcome back guys, please take your sits as we proceed to the Modelling

Ms. Pepino: Relax and enjoy the show everyone!

(Beauty Products Promotion Video playing)

Ms. Michelle Dy: This event really is as exciting as we expect it to be, right guys?

Ms. Pepino: And who wouldn’t be as we again prepare another product giveaway to our guests. To
facilitate the distribution, may I request Ms. Peredo and Mr. Reyes to assist our guests.

(Beauty and Sponsors Video)

Ms. Peredo & Mr. Reyes: Thank you Ma’am and Sir!

Ms. Michelle Dy: What a wonderful day today. I know everyone’s have their energy level needs to be
recharge, with that, see you all tomorrow, let’s call it a day. Good night, everyone! Thank you for the
continuous support!

Basic Beauty Expo (Day 3)

I. REGISTRATION: (Event and Products Video playing)


Ms. Michelle Dy: Greetings everyone, welcome to our third and last day here at The Filinvest,

Ms. Pepino: To formally open our today’s activity, eyes on the screen please, (Beauty Products Video

Ms. Michelle Dy: Thank you everyone.

Ms. Pepino: For more information on our Beauty products, may I request everyone to please watch the
prepared video for us.

Ms. Michelle Dy: After this, you may proceed to the buffet area for our lunch. Be back at 1:00PM for
more exciting activities. Thank you.

Ms. Pepino: How’s your lunch guys? Hope we all had our stomach full as we will continue to our

Ms. Michelle Dy: Be prepare as we ensure lots of energy will be used for our next activities. (Ad lib)
(Event and Sponsors Video playing)

(On going activities)

Ms. Pepino: Whoa, what a fun-filled activity we have here right? I know for sure you’ll need some
refreshments to take, so guys, you may take your 30-minutes break. (Events and sponsors video playing)

Ms. Michelle Dy: Time is up guys. You all did your best; it is now time for our judges to their part.

Ms. Pepino: While waiting for our next activity, everyone can enjoy our prepared snacks. Be back at
3:30PM. (Moving Logo playing)

Ms. Michelle Dy: Alright guys, please take your sits as we continue with our programs and activities.
(Beauty Product and Sponsors Video)

Ms. Pepino: To make this event one of your unforgettable one, we have invited another promising
singer here to serenade us for tonight.

Ms. Michelle Dy: To introduce our special guest for tonight, may I request Mr. Reyes Sir. Thank you, sir
everyone, prepare yourself to fall in love again and again with his music.

(Arthur Nery Mini-Concert Live)

Ms. Michelle Dy: I’ve had my heart melt with his music, how about you?

Ms. Pepino: Yeah right, so touching and heart-warming music from Mr. Nery.

Ms. Michelle Dy: But just like all other activities, we will come to the point where we need to part ways,
and put into action what we have learned here right?

Ms. Pepino: Yes, your right, with that, may I call in Mr. Reyes, for the awarding and thanksgiving, Sir.

Ms. Michele Dy: Thank you Sir, we hope you all enjoyed our 3-day activity here at The Filinvest by Basic
Beauty Expo. Good night, guys thank you for your cooperation and participation. Keep safe everyone!
Audio and Video Materials

(Link) Audio for the Event -

(Link) Video of Sponsors Moving Logo -

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