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City, Space and Politics in the Global South Eid by BIKRAMADITYA K. CHOUDHARY ARUN K, SINGH DIGANTA Das § MANOHAR, Advocacy to Urban Governance: ‘The Aam Aadmi Narrative in Delhi’ SHRAWAN KUMAR ACHARYA AND ATANU CHATTERJEE ‘Dali chepoical capital of worlds mos diese democratic coun- lay not onl reflects conflict contereion on national but also Tow iy panning and governance ines Iris the ony ciy sate in India with considerable degre of autonomy. Ie has its own polialyeleced sate goverament with 2 mandate ro plan spd oven de iy, Tis s+ unigue uban governance experiment in Inui and there is inceasing demand for sila sucrure for beer urban management ffom other megicites like Mambsi tnd Kelhaa. The common dicouse in Yala bles ha pola Cmpoweiment of ever i important for resolving cry problems lowever, despite the existence of iy state with considerable Aecenralation, Deli bat noe been able wo solv umpteen uban problems resuking in ge sections of agvievedpopuetion cut Ting actos clas categories. The marinaled and aggrieved which ful is diverse and fragmented has very minimal role actively parcipac in the govemance process excep by electing thei re prsenaes every ve yeas and wai for the fvourbleouteomes {fo ameliorate their condition and addres their grievances, Till +The popes on EU-funded alabrstive sec gan provided unde Olan Kaowiedge New Aa ewe nepal neo ‘Adan Sui Letden apd CEPT Unnensy, Ahad. The pope cy ect h pi deceg nna i Py 394 Shree Kamar Acry & Atos Caterer December 2013 the wo national partes—the Congres and the Bharata Janata Payer the only major choice forthe people ‘of Deh Insbence of any altentves people had no opcion but fo elect one of them, maybe by roaring them every five year. Howeve he station changed in 2011 withthe an-corropion smoverent stared by Anna Hizare, che subsequent formation of ‘Bam Aad Pry by Arvind Kajal in 2012 and cei decison ‘m contr the Delhi at lesion onthe issues fering cor ‘uption, improving csy governance forsale secur, bee pro ‘toning of base service ameiontng the condition ofthe poor ind overall improvement of Dehis mage as che capil city of. India. To everybody's surprise the nascent purty contesting the election for heft time managed to win asbreanialmarber of sembly sas and ulimatey tough outade support from the Congress, frm the government. Tht was + major even in India without any precedent. The transformation ofan advocacy civil ciety group ito a pli party and ultimately co peoples gor tment in span ofone and all yeus was eevoluonary with Immporan plies! and governance ramifications at she national, fate and the local level, Tris thse transformations and its urban ‘amilications thatthe paper intends to explore along with the ‘uses forthe growth and srcegies emplayed by the advocacy troup 10 engage and mobile the large urban consvency in is vo ‘Oginaly labelled asthe pay ofthe mide cls i support te ao incded the poor and the marginal. The rie of AAP in Dali since October 2012 hat been viewed as che inition of ‘ducer democracy (Rosl, 2014; Kumar, 2013) andthe emergence of participa space’ in Indian cies (Conall 2002; cited in Sridharan, 2008) lading wo alternative Forme oF govemance’. The teanson of AAD hn be viewed a signifeat ne only for ake ing snd contesting the exising eational poles! discourse but also the loc iy planing and governance pespecve. The ise ha cern theories and ieclgiinplicacons fr urban po tics and govenanc. Projecting AAP debe in the Lrger context fein, sighs, justice and in parranee of am alternative Ades t0 Urban Governance 395 foum of governance important to understand che implication on pic, planing and governance of Taian ces, Ke wl be inte ing ta explore the fexone behind this suppor om the per Specie of cis Fr and bythe people. Does he wctory af the eke purty imply voy of the people and wil lead 19 eva tion of people: and ciiaen- fend ses respecting thi ight, “ilements and ensting juice forall? The implction of sich {perspective wil have tremendous beating on how me govern plan and mange out cir the fare “THE CONTEXT [As indicted before Dh edhe only city in India with consider {he depres of atonomy eis cy sate Febar teow policy ‘Seeed sate government with mandate co plan and gover the Sy Llowevess despite the exience of «cy sate wich deena ‘te and empowered goveranee mechanism, Del has ne been fle to adds the wmpecen urban problems including the isues ‘fecha por and marginale soos inthe cry (ataer, 2011; Femandes, 2004), Thee ate vtious state aod parsstate agencies long with nomeroun cv sociery groups working co ameliorate ovenance and planing functions The large population inca Ing the middle Class, earginaied and aggrieved which il is diese and fragmented however have vee minimal tle r pari pte inthe development proces, This despite the fc hat che Tadian consiution though che 74th Amendment Act intends 10 ‘mpower the people by devolving planning sad devlopnent une tions co lca bodies However in realy the Jol governmenss ‘arcs lite power and herve pricipation of he peopl hough ‘rd commits has Bled eo materiale (Rundi, 2011; Gutener BOIL), eis within this cone of ineffective cry governance, be- Sides cormspion sod erony expt ac che national le, rented by the casting polit system thatthe rise of AAP has co be thse. reflec the despic of the people with che exsing demo trai sctre, Dipankar Gupta wrote that ‘When ses erupt ina democracy ice nsely always becuse insiations ae aot 396 Shravan Kumar Ache Atom Chateree Aelvering a hey had promi, It sneer good idea tober tieade popular voice by insitaona wall (Gupta, 2014 1), “The genes ofthe AAP a1 phenomenon in Indi pode arena his wo be underood alo inthe context of changes aking place in economic, paises! and soil contain poseliberaaed than Tedia, The mithdeaval ofthe state and the increasing m- potance ofthe priate and consume cle and the emergence Ur the opiational clef iwoiated with the ‘middle dass pe ily in the urban sf, te importa to undestand the changing ‘apecation ofthe people om the government and the poli ‘Shas. Globalization and global aspirations have permeated the Sbconsios and “an do! optim has taken over the lage ma- Jovy of the urban youth and the mide clase. They perceive the Crdiional plea! case and th poi caleare ae am imped trent tothe progres and achievement of the Ladin people. The {oveenance mess at the loa and aatonal level is peeled vo be the set of conruption le lose bythe nexus of pelicans, cony ‘pitas and obdurate bureacacy which needs co be changed te met the nec ofthe ‘spinal’ clas. Therefore she need for “erative plisical culture and dicours is ariclsted crough Suppor co new ents Ue AAR. which had the poiial courage Sn inseleualcapacyy to challenge and question the identity pulses and vested inert ofthe tadional poll ee |AAM ADAMI PARTY: THE NEW POLITICS OF GOVERNED The decision taken by Arvind Keuval on bealf of AAP eo form the govemment after wining the sate legate ection in Dei has bean inpted by ther supporto the Lokpal Bill and thee ther ights-ased campaigns Ar claimed by ME Keval chat T ‘didnot sarc out waning 1 const an ection. Fortwo Yeas We {ep asking te United Pogrenive Alliance (UPA) government for june one thing: 20 pass she Lakpal (Ombudsman) Bil They sid if you want ene why don you enter patiament and pas the il yours (Arvind Kerval, Ddbt dection rll: quoted Singh, 42OL4 44), The evolucon of an advocacy group into a politcal Advocacy Urban Governance 397 party has importan implication for civil acey groups and also Torte plies and goemance of Deh. AAP ably to challenge repreemative democracy with dee democracy satis and is “Ili to bring she mile clas andthe poor tgaer for beer lpoenanc unsettled the etal practice of lent polis In india, Moreover inroducing referendum, soeking persion from the peopl of Deli wo frm the goverment fis of ts Kind in the experiment with diet democracy (Editorial, EPI, 2010). ‘The emergence of AAP is culminadon of involvement 8 uvocxy pup in importane cgzen moverents inthe sees of Dathi agama curupin, cron cpl, nepotn and vilenee ‘pins women (Singh, 2011. The sie of AAP in Debi has bes “Treo thee promises for beter serie delivery othe urban oot Slum development, subd for urban middle cases Besides the tcgton of plea entry based om caste gon and eh. Dalh a the befor a lage umber of migants andssrance proide them cizeship nd enilemens ave alo been impor Beds the above-mentioned reasons the ise of AAP has al 0 te sen in the comet of weak and pathetic governance and ns ‘ional suerte in she national capil, The municipal bo, tnd coal and wate deparements pla import role in Deis Complex governance stocrare (Gatner, 2011), There are mul tiple audhociies with conflicting and sometimes evetpping jutsion Planning and adminis of a ge pst of Deli Under the cent government and the soe andthe loca gover ment exerci very Inde power, Land which the mos important Toca government att conlled by the cent government ‘Though chime to be a ity ste, sarcood is paral and provi ing fall achood to Delhi war one of the apenas of AAP. The Delhi government has dual creewtive wings consisting of the litem governor andthe ei minister and in mos ofthe en, the cone government exercives maximum power (iid: 503) ‘Aough bee are mania conportion for level planing din the Deh Development Authosty fr land-use planning and management, yt he local aborts in Delhi have very Te power Morsover being the epital and alminstatvecenre the 398 Shnnaon Kumar Achar & Aten Chater notion of jkipatory governance or ‘eine democracy hat bee cleo (Lemans and Lame, 2011) large eum ber of iene gives usa very dtintve acount ofthe oacure of this kind of democracy ia Delhi Haris, 2005; Lemanski and ama-Rewal, 2010; Kundu, 2011; Fernandes, 2004: Geraner, 2011, Webb, 2013). Haris (2005) argued tha despite democra tation the polical representation ofthe urban poor in Delhi hat ‘emained limited. The initiative ofthe Delhi government fot gene pola prtiipation ofall sections of sce through the ‘Bhagidats(Pacneahp) system bat teained bie to the part ation ofthe urban, mide clas resign what lla Feoandes (20) har argued ste ‘polis of forging of cacpovies other than the middle cla. Ia the liberalized economy the growing Indian mile clas with changing lfesles and aspirations have ‘modifi the poicl scenario of the Indian cies in wich the Imagine and the poor are ofen ignored. The 74th Coston “Amendment wat introduced in Inds in 1990 for decentalition and paripation within tht famework the governance sce ‘of Dt tok cern inate fr deenteaation and partion (Web, 2013; Kundo, 2011), Among them the mos ted about snd concoverial scheme isthe Bhagia achere, which a ind {ceed mostly send the interes ofthe mide ce nighbourhoods by improving the basic servis and insure faces Many NGOs, pte sectorand sho the goverment supported the scheme (Kundu, 2011), Buc as has been aleeady mentoned and pointed jour by various scholars, che Bhagidat system as participatory pprozch ofthe goverment har not been fective i sums apd ‘ther low-income aren Infact, ost ofthe low income sete ments were echded fom auch an inate, Ii in ths content the importance of AAP in forming the government in Deh be- comer tla. CLAIMING THE CITY Under unoqkspace cies like Dui where oplence and arin aly coc oper i Become scary vsbl imagery bight Contradictions and bina, Because ofthe see ad mapitude of Advosey Urban Governance 399 corruption and arg they ae mast vale eeeence poss for mass meliliaion spins urban ineficeny and fre of de Imoctacy. Deshi dual exizence a3 atonal ard provincia pit tho jentapeies national and local ius for mass mabiation. The ‘Chances of national becoming lea, aed the local becoing na- ‘Sonal s ver high therefore he imporrance of Delhi ar pace for ngiging with democracy sight and justice. Moreover because of itheing the poieal capil and unique adminisuative sates it is alo the place forthe operation of uerous cv soci organic avons inthe county which have the poteatal to come together nd lly apse se injuscs and uur feat, fe wa hice Space whith AAP ased effectively eo Bring sparse ents to ffher and conslidate thir movements for an akermative poi! posibliy, Buc more importantly AAP alo engaged with the I= te are and tchno-my individual zeny 2 produc ofthe ‘aibealistion ea t eonnet, organize and spread thet move- ent. Mass mobliztion suo worked in four ofthe par Beet of eology and dency police epeialy among themida ess eghbouthood and ciizens. Though the purty was denied with ‘he urban middle cls i was able 2 gun spmpathy among the “ban poor manly because of is caphasis on basic enlements Tike water lvelnood ad eight lve honourably inthe i. The stategy to empower the ‘Mohalla Sib (Neighbouthood Com tute) at an aeative co Bhagida. alo fitted eo connect nd spread the messige drecly mong the cizens. The medi, both weracilar and Engl, ao played an importane role in me Eiling suppor forthe par. Rouble son forthe media sup: pore mas algo becuse of ie middle clas orientation. Fei 0 {ncn to nou hat hi movement, fo the Fie me used the ‘ral space though the use of Inger and FTC to mabe and organi protein slams ar well rmidle-das ousing societies Invurban Tada, Besider physical epeure ofthe space along the fires and neighbourhoods the city wat alo elamed virally rough the se of technology for sectionecing and bling Sippor for the AAP. In some ways che exiting ial divide was fooled dusing the mobiination phase 400 Shas Kamar Ace & Atom Chae [NEW LANGUAGE OF URBAN GOVERNANCE: CCITIZENSHIR, CIVIL SOCIETY AND PARTICIPATION “To undersand the suppot ofthe common people to AAP and ics polia delogy one so esd ndersand the empowering proces of rer forer a work: The in of soba ategory Felonging othe marginalied and de-indualned (Bayt, 2000) and thei sistance in he Third World is dzcly aibuced co ‘daempowering neo-liberal plies and paces. Purell has propa: fied ther utan Rturer wid democratic and panticpatory gover ance racer, which were che main agenda of AAP are an ternative never, He argued dat ‘one promising way {0 rns the ongoing projet v0 neo beri cies i to pure = Counter projec to democrats thon. He has Farther empbaszed ‘hart bring such change we have cower and publicize demo- Cate movements thar reject the dominant neoibral assump- tions and purse more humane apd mote scaly cooperative ut ten frac’ (Parcel, 2008: 3). While puting forward the ides of emocratc transition’ he has alo argued that democracy is = highly conested erm and 2 ‘democratic atitud’ is aceded tndetstand ie (bid 3 and 38) The enueached interest group nay not have che atta’ but a differen and alternative lane tage direly frm the people, contesting the neaibera model of fevlopmen is ncensngy being heard acm the worl (Benner, Marcute and Mayer, 2012; Puel, 2008) The Arab Spring, the Balan poe agree bs re hike, ew foball and Olympic scaiums ce aw examples of people taking wo the sucets and nesting the neo-liberal deoogy. Simi the anti

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