1 Application

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Application to real life

Saturday, October 1, 2022 12:02 AM

Canli et al
• The findings of this study may be useful for advertising agencies. If emotionally intense
information is more likely to be recognized or recalled at a later date then the advertisements that
will appear on television or magazines may be designed specifically to contain intense imagery.

Dement and Kleitman

• The EEG readings could be used to help people with sleep disorders. Readings could be analysed
to see how much time people are in REM/NREM

Schachter and Singer

• The study is useful in treating people with anxiety or panic attacks as they can identify the
environmental triggers that cause them to be aroused.

• This could be useful for teachers as they can let students doodle while watching a documentary.
• People can doodle while listening to a podcast to remember the contents of it better

Baron-Cohen et al. (2001)

• The eye test can be used to diagnose autism as people who score low on this test have difficulty
processing emotions of others
• The eyes test could be used as a diagnostic tool for AS/HFA. Those who score low on the test may
show a lack of theory of mind.
• Teachers can use the eyes test to see which students struggle with social interactions by giving
these students extra lessons to help improve

Laney et al. (2008)

• Therapists/nutritionists can use computer generated fake profiles to change the memories of food
someone dislikes
• This could be used to improve children's diets. Children can be tricked by their parents and/or
dietician that they loved healthy foods such as broccoli the first time they tried it by implanting a
false memory
• This could be used to help children who are obese because of having a poor diet by letting parents
alter their child's diet via a false memory

Bandura et al
• As children are more likely to imitate a verbal/physical aggression from a model, TV programme
makers who makes shows for kids might want to ensure that their characters are not aggressive to
reduce the amount of aggressive behaviour that is imitated
• This study shows that children imitate same-sex models so it might be useful in schools. Women
can teach girls and men can teach boys how to behave more efficiently

Saavedra and Silverman

• This study shows that intervention therapy was a success. This means that it could used to help
other phobic children or even adults. Using exposure-based treatment can help decrease phobias
in people so it could be used more often

• The procedure used in this study may be useful for people who wish to or need to train animals to
perform certain tasks. For example, if they use the ideas of observation and imitation, zoo keepers
may be able to introduce new animals to groups more easily by encouraging role models to show
the new group member what behaviours are acceptable.

• A government official could get the general public to be more obedient by changing clothing.
Wearing clothes that show authority like a technician’s coat.
• The general public could be encouraged to be more obedient vocally. As an authority figure can
give out commands in a firm tone / stern voice.
• Milgram found that an authoritative figure was obeyed. So the government official needs to be
stern and firm to show their authority so the public follow new guidelines / get scientists to wear
lab coats to show their authority when giving a vaccine for instance

Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin

• The findings of this study can be used to educate people about bystanders' intervention. To try to
break stereotypes, children could be educated about helping others no matter who those in need

Yamamoto et al. (2012)

• The procedure could be used in schools to teach about helping behaviour. Teachers could set up a
similar scenario so that children have to interact/understand the needs of others to be able to
complete the task or help each other to gain a reward

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