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Performance Review (APR23-MAR24)

Q1. How have you contributed to team collaboration and success?

As the leader of a dynamic Scrum team comprised of nine talented SQL and React developers, I have played a
pivotal role in fostering a culture of collaboration and driving unparalleled success in our projects. At Agusta
Software, in collaboration with our client Superior Loan Servicing, I've spearheaded the development of
LoanLinq, a transformative application designed to streamline mortgage processes and enhance operational
efficiency. I have been able to leverage cross-functional expertise to create a transformative application that has
streamlined mortgage processes, improved operational efficiency, and delivered exceptional value to our clients.

My contributions to team collaboration and success have been multifaceted and impactful.

1. I have utilized my expertise in data analysis and business intelligence tools, including Power BI, to
generate insightful reports that are essential for decision-making at Superior Loan Servicing. These
reports, such as the New Loan Onboarding, Attrition Report, and ACH Dashboard, have provided
stakeholders with actionable insights, enabling them to drive strategic initiatives and optimize
operational performance.
2. I have implemented measures to improve the user experience and streamline support processes for our
client's organization. Specifically, I have designed a comprehensive Knowledge Search Engine that
enables our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) to quickly access loan-related FAQs. This
empowers them to handle client interactions more efficiently, resulting in faster resolution times.
3. I've integrated new and advanced technologies to enrich our solutions and foster innovation within our
organization. Leveraging Oracle Digital Assistant, I've designed an Advanced Chatbot specifically for
our LoanLinq application. This endeavour has led to heightened engagement with customers, optimized
workflows, and enhanced communication effectiveness. Consequently, it has significantly heightened
user satisfaction
4. I have played a vital role in guiding our development efforts by translating business requirements into
comprehensive BRDs and SRS documents. To ensure successful implementation, I work closely with
business users and align stakeholder expectations with project deliverables. This collaborative approach
has laid a strong foundation for achieving business goals.
5. I contributed to expanding our Oracle APEX portfolio, showcasing our ability to deliver tailored
solutions that meet diverse business needs with projects like the Ideation App.

In summary, my technical expertise, proactive problem-solving, and commitment to excellence have contributed
to team collaboration and success beyond traditional project management roles. These efforts have helped drive
innovation, foster collaboration, and deliver transformative solutions for both Agusta Software and Superior
Loan Servicing.

Q2. Share an example of a problem you solved. What was your approach?
One of the most challenging yet rewarding projects I undertook was the development of the Oracle Digital
Assistant Chatbot. Drawing upon my perspective as a data scientist and proficiency in ML, Python, SQL,
along with an unwavering dedication to mastering emerging technologies, I methodically tackled this challenge.
My approach was systematic, as I endeavoured to conquer each facet of the project with precision and

I have undergone an extensive training program to become proficient in Oracle Digital Assistant. During the
training, I familiarized myself with the various features of the platform, including intents, entities, and workflow
design. Understanding these intricacies was necessary to develop a robust and user-friendly chatbot.

1. I carefully mapped out the chatbot's functionality, identifying key features such as company
information, FAQs, and loan information retrieval. Each component required meticulous consideration
to ensure seamless integration and optimal user experience.
2. One of the toughest aspects of the project was to securely implement user authentication and retrieve
loan information from the Oracle database. To address this challenge, I came up with a multi-step
approach that involved using REST APIs.
a. I utilized an API to ensure secure user authentication by validating user credentials before
b. I employed another API to retrieve loan information from the database, ensuring data privacy
and integrity throughout the entire process.
3. During the development process, I kept open communication with the stakeholders. I sought feedback
from them regularly and refined the Chatbot iteratively to meet the evolving requirements. I conducted
rigorous testing to identify and rectify any potential issues. This ensured that the chatbot was
functioning flawlessly across various scenarios.

Through my proactive approach, technical expertise, and dedication to mastering new technologies, I was able
to overcome the complexities of building the Oracle Digital Assistant Chatbot. By employing innovative
solutions and meticulous attention to detail, I successfully delivered a powerful tool that enhances user
engagement and streamlines processes for Superior Loan Servicing.

Q3. What project are you most proud of this period, and why?
The project I'm most proud of within this period is undoubtedly the development of the Oracle Digital
Assistant Chatbot. This project stands out to me due to its complexity, innovation, and impact on our
organization. Here's why:

1. I undertook an extensive training program to become proficient in Oracle Digital Assistant. During the
program, I familiarized myself with the platform's various features, including intents, entities, and
workflow design. Understanding the intricacies of the platform was crucial in creating a robust and
user-friendly chatbot.
2. I meticulously planned the Chatbot's features such as company information, FAQs, and loan retrieval.
Each component needed careful consideration for seamless integration and optimal user experience.
3. One of the most significant achievements of this project was successfully implementing user
authentication and securely retrieving loan information from the Oracle database. This involved
devising a multi-step approach using REST APIs, SQL dialog flow ensuring data privacy and integrity
throughout the process.
4. Furthermore, the chatbot's development involved meticulous planning and collaboration with
stakeholders to ensure that it met their evolving needs and requirements. Regular feedback sessions and
iterative refinements were conducted to fine-tune the chatbot and enhance its functionality.

I feel proud that I was able to build the Oracle Digital Assistant chatbot successfully by using my proactive
approach, technical expertise, and dedication to mastering new technologies. Through innovative solutions
and meticulous attention to detail, I overcame the complexities of the project.

Q4. What new skills or technologies have you learned recently?

I am pleased to inform you that I have recently gained expertise in various new skills and technologies.

1. I have become proficient in Domo.

2. Completed certification in Oracle Digital Assistant.
3. Sharpened my abilities as an Oracle APEX application builder.
4. I have successfully achieved the Oracle APEX Developer Professional certification.
5. Currently, I am working towards completing my certifications in OCI Foundation and OCI AI

Q5. What are your key goals for the next review period?
I am determined to achieve significant growth and foster innovation for Agusta Software and Superior Loan
Servicing for the next review period. To accomplish this, I have set clear and ambitious goals that will drive us
toward success.
1. Mastery of OCI and Oracle APEX – I aim to enhance my expertise in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
(OCI) and Oracle APEX. By utilizing these technologies, I aim to develop robust solutions to meet the
ever-changing needs of our clients.
2. Integration of AI Skills – I plan to incorporate my AI expertise into our projects, seeking ways to
improve efficiency, automate processes, and provide personalized experiences for our clients.
3. Learning and Utilizing Oracle Fusion – I aim to learn and utilize Oracle Fusion to enhance our
capabilities and offer comprehensive solutions spanning ERP, HCM, SCM, and CX functions.
4. Continuous Professional Development – I am fully committed to prioritizing ongoing learning and
professional development. I will always stay updated with the latest industry trends, technologies, and
best practices to remain at the forefront of innovation with confidence.

With a focus on driving growth and value through innovation and technologies, I am determined to make a
significant contribution to the success of Agusta and Superior Loan Servicing.

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