Culture and Diversity of The City of Brebes

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Thank to Allah who has given his bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled “Culture and Diversity of The City of Brebes “
The Writter also wish to express his deep and sincer gratitude for the those who have
guided in completing this paper. This English paper contains culture an diversity of the city of
Brebes that can help readers to adding insight about Brebes.
Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about English

Purwokerto, November 2024


Brebes regency is a district located in the province of Central java, Indonesia. The capital
city is Brebes City District. This district is passed by jalan pantura which connects Jakarta –
Semarang – Surabaya. The area is 1.769,62 km2, the population based on the results of the 2020
Indonesian Population census is 1.7978.759 people. Brebes is the district with the largest
population in central java, and the largest in central java after Cilacap Regency.

There are several opinion regarding the origin of the name Brebes. One opinon states that
the name Brebes comes from the words “Bara” and “Basah”, Bara means a wide expense of land
an wet means it contains a lot of water. Both are suitable for the conditions of the Brebes area,
whisch is a wide, watery plain. Because the word bara us pronounced bere while wet is
pronounced besah, so it is easier to pronounce it Brebes. In Javanese the word Brebes or mbrebes
means tansah metu banyune which means water always comes out.

The name Brebes apperead since the mataram era. This city is lined with other coastal
cities such as Pekalongan, pemalang, an Tegal. Brebes at that time was part of the Tegal regency
area. On January 17,1678, in jepara, a meeting of the dukes of the M1ataram kingdom
throughout central java was held, including Arya Martalaya, Duke of Tegal and Arya Martapura,
Duke of jepara. Because they did not agree with signing of the cooperation agreement between
Amangkurat Admiral an the Dutch, especially in crushing the Trunajaya rebellion in exchange
for land belonging to the Mataram kingdom, a war broke out between the two dukes. This bloody
incident was the beginning of the occurrence of Brebes regency with the regent authorized. The
day after the bloody incident, namely January 18, 1678, Sri Amangkurat II who was in Jepara
appointed several Adipatis/Regents as substitutes for the fallen dukes. For Brebes Regency, it
was made an independent district with Adipati Arya Suralaya who is the younger brother of Arya
Martalaya. The appointment of Arya Suralaya as well as the Titimangsa to Split the Tegal Duchy
into two parts, namely the East, is still called the dutchy of Tegal and the western part is called
Brebes Regency.

In general, the culture of the people of Brebes Regency is not much different from the
Javanese or Sundanese culture as a whole. Even as part of Indonesia, the culture in Brebes
Regency further enriches the existing cultural repertoire. If the Indonesian people are generally
known as the culture of gotong royong, then in Brebes Regency the culture of gotong royong is
also a daily culture. In particular, there are several cultures related to the culture of gotong
royong in Brebes regency, including:
Kerigan in Indonesian means community service with all residents in environment, such
as an RT, RW or a hamlet, even a village. This ritual is carried out by the people of Brebes
Regency every certain day or at any time if it is deemed necessary. Such as cleaning up
waterways and household waste in their respective environments. The term Kerigan is currently
rarely used, the public and government more often use the terms community service, clean
Friday or clean Sunday movements and so on.
Sambatan, in general also means mutual cooperation among fellow citizens. The term
Sambatan is more directed to the term help among fellow citizens. When there is a resident, who
has a job or celebration, usually the owner of the job or celebration will ask his closest
Sinoman or Senoman is also a form of gotong royong which is still the culture of the
Brebes community. In Indonesian, Sinoman or Senoman means helping people who have a
desire. Either the celebration of the wedding or circumcision
The culture and traditions of other Brebes people, which are still very strong until now,
are the culture of Tilik. This Tilik culture, almost spread throughout the Brebes Regency, both
from Java and Sunda. This culture still quite strong in the community. Tilik, in Indonesian means
visiting, visiting residents to other residents. The purpose of this Tilik culture is to connect the
ties of friendship, between relatives, friends and neighbors. This Tilik culture is a usually carried
out when there are residents who give birth, the term is a baby. If someone sick , then the term is
to look at the sick. Including if there are people who wants to go to hajj or after hajj, there is also
the term Tilik Hajj.


Brebes is known as the largest shallot producing district in Indonesia. However, apart
from shallots, there are several typical Brebes culinary delights that you must try when visiting
Brebes, including:
1.Mud Grilled Milkfish
Its location close to the sea makes Brebes rich in fishery commodities, one of which is
milkfish. Before being grilled, the fish is seasoned and steamed first.
After that, the Milkfish is wrapped in banana leaves, then coated with mud. This mud is
also special mud from the milkfish pond itself it should not be taken carelessly.
2.Salted Egg
Salted eggs many people know that apart from being famous for shallot, Brebes is also
famous as a large salted egg producing area in Indonesia. The emergence of salted eggs in
Brebes has occurred since the 18th century. At the time, it was the Chinese who brought him.
Salted eggs at that time were part of the offerings that were given as a sign of respect in the ritual
of praying to the Gods of the earth by the Chinese, so that their presence could not be separated.
3.Sate Blengong
Blengong meat has the advantage of a soft texture and savory taste, similar to duck but
with thicker meat.
Blengong satay has unique characteristics, using larger and longer bamboo skewers,
with around 7 pieces of meat per skewer. Blengong satay is more delicious when enjoyed with
the typical ketupat, which is also large in size.
Ketupat is served with spiced coconut milk sauce, crackers and fried onions as a
complement. The price of this satay is quite affordable, ranging from 7 thousand rupiah per

Brebes is one of the districts in central java which is known as ‘Sundanese Java’. Of the
17 sub-districts in Brebes, 7 of them also use Sundanese in daily conversation. How come?
Here’s the story.
The seven sub-districts in Brebes that use Sundanese include Salem, Bantarkawung,
Banjarharjo, Kersana, Losari, Keuhanan, and Larangan.
According to historian and heal of culture at the Brebes culture and tourism
service,wijinarto, the use of Sundanese in the seven sub-districts is evidence of the influence of
Sundanese culture in Central Java, namely Brebes
In Salem district, the majority of people speak Sundanese. Meanwhile, in six other sub-
districts, some people speak Sundanese and Javanese. The Javanese language in the six sub-
disttttttricts is divided into two dialects, namely the Brebesan and Cirebonan Javanese dialects.
Apart from language links, said Wijanarto, there are also historical link. The ties between
java an Sundanese in Brebes are strengthened by several existing folk tales, such as the story of
Ciung Wanara.
In the story, the battle between Ciung Wanara, who represent the power of pajajaran, and
Arya Bangah, who represents ended with the separation of territories on the border of the river
called Cipamali or Pemali, the largest river in Brebes.

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