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 Client Assessment Pack

Level 2
Fitness Instructor

Informed Consent Form

The purpose of an exercise programme is to help you achieve health and fitness goals.

You will set a programme based upon your present activity/exercise levels and your stage goal. You will experience some feeling
of exertion during each activity season and may become hot and uncomfortable at times. If your plan includes certain types of
cardio-vascular exercise you can expect your breathing to become more rapid and your heart rate to increase. As your fitness
improves, your goals may lead you to participate in more vigorous levels of activity but this should be made within your abilities.

All activities will be explained to you and demonstrated but you should feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Any exercise program carries with it an element of risk. The sessions are designed to minimize risk yet, at the same time, improve
on effective exercise/activity programme. Please inform the instructor if there is any reason you should not participate in an activity
i.e. if you have an illness or an injury which might be aggravated by exercise.

If, at any time, you feel undue pain or excessive discomfort stop the activity immediately and inform the instructor of your
symptoms. You are free to withdraw from any activity at any time you wish.

I agree to take part in the programme described to me by the instructor. The nature, purpose, risks and benefits have been
explained to me and I understand what is required of me and that I may withdraw at any time.

Client: ……………………………………………….………………… Trainer: ………………………………………………………….

Signature: …………………………………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………………….

 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor

Physical Activity & Lifestyle Questionnaire

All information contained within this document will be treated confidentially and stored appropriately.

 Personal details:

Date of Birth: …………………………………………. Age: ……………………………….. Gender: ……………………………………………………….

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


………………………………………………………………………………………. Postcode: ………………………………………………………………………….

Contact number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 Present gym experience level: (please circle)

1 2 3 4 5
Very average very
Inexperienced experienced

 Present fitness level: (please circle)

1 2 3 4 5
Low average high

 Present skill / co-ordination level: (please circle)

1 2 3 4 5
Low average high

 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor
Lifestyle, activity history and exercise preferences

 Describe your daily level of activity:



 In what leisure activities do you regularly participate and how often?


 Describe your physical activity history?


 What activities or gym equipment do you particularly like or dislike?


 Do you have any disabilities or special communication requirements
(e.g., hearing or visual impairments)?




 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor

Client Goal
Use this document to plan out client fitness goal. One of your starting goals might be to sit your assessment. Your
goal should be SMART which means specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time framed.

 Long-term goals (12 months+):




Medium-term goals (6 - 12 months):




Short-term goals (0 - 6 months):





Discuss these goals with your line manager or a relevant colleague and ask for their feedback.

Are these goals SMART? What help is available?

Signature (personal trainer): …………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………….

 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor

Personal goals

 What is the ultimate goal from this fitness programme?







S (Specific) ………….………………………………………………………………………………………………….

M (Measurable) ................…………………………………………………………………………………………….

A (Achievable) ....……………………………………….……………………………………………………………...

R (Relevant) ......………………………………………….…………………………………………………………….

T (Time-framed) .............……………………………………………………………………………………………...

 What else would you like to achieve? These could be made into other shorter-term goals:






 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor


Personal goals (continued)

 What do you consider are the main barriers to you achieving these goals?





During the week, how often and when can you participate in regular exercise?






Would you like any information about nutrition? Do you have any questions on how nutrition
could influence whether or not you achieve your goals?





 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor



Screening and fitness measurements

The shaded section MUST be completed, other sections are optional

 BMI:
The participant’s height / weight is …………………………… m ………………………………… kg

This puts their BMI at ………………………………………………………………………………………. Kgm-2

This puts them in the ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… category

Formula =
height (m 2)
X 100

 Posture / flexibility:
Posture notes …………...



Flexibility notes



 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor

Session plan
Now that you have gathered the necessary information from the
participants you can write a session plan to meet their needs and
goals. please be aware that there are requirements and restrictions
when writing this session plan for your assessment. These are to
ensure that all learners receive a fair assessment, and that the
assessor has the opportunity to see you demonstrate your skills in all
components of a session. Full guidance on writing your session is
provided, with examples, in this section.

 Client Assessment Pack
Level 2
Fitness Instructor

Session introduction guidance

You need to introduce the participant to yourself, the gym environment and the session you have planned. You can adopt the style of
your introduction to suit your personality and the communication style of the participant, but you must do the following:
 

Welcome the participant and introduce yourself

Introduce the participant to the gym and provide important safety information e.g. slip and trip
hazards, broken equipment

Perform a verbal pre-screen to check nothing has changed since the participant completed the PAR-Q.
You need to establish whether the participant has any new injuries or illness that may necessitate the
session being rearranged or adapted.

Provide important health and safety information e.g. fire and first aid procedures, equipment location.
Session introduction: ……………………….
 Client Assessment Pack

Fitness Instructor

Level 2
Exercise and rationale Duratio Intensity Set up instructions Teaching points, alternatives and progressions
 Client Assessment Pack

Fitness Instructor
Level 2 Session planning sheet
Trainer: ……………………………………………………………… Client:
Session component: warm-up
Session planning
Session sheet sheet
Trainer: ……………………………………………………………… Client: Client:
Trainer: ………………………………………………………………
Session component
Session component

Exercise and Warm-up
and rationale
Set Intensity
up instructions
Set up instructions
and progressions
and progressions
n n n
Exercise Duration Intensity Notes

Muscle group and description

 Client Assessment Pack

Exercise Duration Intensity Notes

Fitness Instructor

Exercise Duration Intensity Notes
Programme card
Session planning sheet
Trainer: ……………………………………………………………… Client:
Level 2
Trainer: …………………………………………………………… Client: ……………………………………………………
Session component: main session
Programme card


Resistance continued
Exercise Duration / sets Intensity / weight / reps Notes

Core Work
Exercise Duration Intensity Notes
 Client Assessment Pack

Fitness Instructor
 Cool-Down
Exercise Duration Intensity Notes
Level 2
0 Nothing at all
0.5 Extremely weak (just noticeable)
1 Very weak
2 Weak (light)
3 moderate
4 Quite strong
5 Strong (heavy)
 Client Assessment Pack

7 Very strong
Fitness Instructor
10 Extremely strong (near maximal)
Level 2 * Maximal

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