Vietnam Has A Robust Banking System With Several Commercial Banks Operating in The Country

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Vietnam has a robust banking system with several commercial banks operating in

the country. Here are some of the prominent commercial banks in Vietnam as of
my knowledge cutoff in September 2021:

Vietcombank (Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam): Vietcombank is one of the

largest state-owned commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a wide range of
banking services, including corporate banking, retail banking, and international
trade finance.

BIDV (Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam): BIDV is another major
state-owned commercial bank in Vietnam. It provides various financial services
such as retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, and insurance

VietinBank (Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade):
VietinBank is one of the largest commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a
comprehensive range of banking products and services, including retail banking,
corporate banking, treasury services, and international trade finance.

Techcombank (Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank):

Techcombank is a leading private sector bank in Vietnam. It provides a wide range
of financial services to individuals, small businesses, and large corporations,
including retail banking, corporate banking, and wealth management.

ACB (Asia Commercial Bank): ACB is one of the largest private sector
commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a broad range of banking services,
including retail banking, corporate banking, treasury services, and international
trade finance.
VPBank (Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank): VPBank is a
prominent private sector bank in Vietnam. It provides various banking products
and services, including retail banking, corporate banking, and investment banking.

Sacombank (Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank): Sacombank is one
of the leading commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a wide array of banking
services, including retail banking, corporate banking, and international banking.

Please note that the banking landscape in Vietnam is dynamic, and there may be
changes in the status or ranking of banks over time. It's always recommended to
refer to up-to-date sources for the most accurate and current information.

Vietnam has a robust banking system with several commercial banks operating in the
country. Here are some of the prominent commercial banks in Vietnam as of my
knowledge cutoff in September 2021:
1. Vietcombank (Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam): Vietcombank is one of the
largest state-owned commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a wide range of
banking services, including corporate banking, retail banking, and international
trade finance.
2. BIDV (Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam): BIDV is another major
state-owned commercial bank in Vietnam. It provides various financial services
such as retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, and insurance
3. VietinBank (Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade):
VietinBank is one of the largest commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a
comprehensive range of banking products and services, including retail banking,
corporate banking, treasury services, and international trade finance.
4. Techcombank (Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank):
Techcombank is a leading private sector bank in Vietnam. It provides a wide
range of financial services to individuals, small businesses, and large corporations,
including retail banking, corporate banking, and wealth management.
5. ACB (Asia Commercial Bank): ACB is one of the largest private sector commercial
banks in Vietnam. It offers a broad range of banking services, including retail
banking, corporate banking, treasury services, and international trade finance.
6. VPBank (Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank): VPBank is a
prominent private sector bank in Vietnam. It provides various banking products
and services, including retail banking, corporate banking, and investment
7. Sacombank (Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank): Sacombank is one
of the leading commercial banks in Vietnam. It offers a wide array of banking
services, including retail banking, corporate banking, and international banking.
Please note that the banking landscape in Vietnam is dynamic, and there may be
changes in the status or ranking of banks over time. It's always recommended to refer to
up-to-date sources for the most accurate and current information.
classifications of commercial banks

Commercial banks can be classified into various categories based on different criteria.
Here are some common classifications of commercial banks:
1. Ownership:
 Public Sector Banks: These are banks owned and operated by the
government. They serve as agents of the government and often have a
broader social and developmental role.
 Private Sector Banks: These banks are owned and operated by private
individuals or corporations. They operate with a profit motive and are
subject to regulations and supervision by the central bank or financial
 Cooperative Banks: These banks are owned and operated by cooperative
societies or groups of individuals who come together to provide banking
services to themselves. They emphasize community involvement and
mutual assistance.
2. Size and Scope of Operations:
 Large Banks: These are banks with significant assets, extensive branch
networks, and a wide range of banking services. They often have a national
or international presence and cater to a diverse customer base.
 Small and Medium-Sized Banks: These banks have relatively smaller assets
and operations compared to large banks. They may focus on specific
regions or niche markets.
3. Function and Focus:
 Retail Banks: These banks primarily serve individual customers and provide
services such as savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and personal
banking products.
 Corporate Banks: These banks focus on serving corporate clients,
providing services like corporate lending, project financing, trade finance,
cash management, and investment banking.
 Investment Banks: These banks specialize in providing financial advisory
services, underwriting securities, facilitating mergers and acquisitions, and
managing investment portfolios for institutional clients.
 Universal Banks: Universal banks offer a wide range of financial services,
including retail banking, corporate banking, and investment banking. They
have diversified operations and can serve various customer segments.
4. Geographic Reach:
 Domestic Banks: These banks primarily operate within the boundaries of a
specific country.
 International Banks: These banks have a presence in multiple countries and
engage in cross-border banking activities, including trade finance, foreign
currency exchange, and international lending.
It's important to note that these classifications are not mutually exclusive, and many
commercial banks may fall into multiple categories based on their characteristics and

classifications of vietnamese commercial banks

Vietnamese commercial banks can be classified into several categories based on
different criteria. Here are some common classifications of commercial banks in
1. Ownership:
 State-owned Banks: These are commercial banks that are owned and
controlled by the government of Vietnam. They play a crucial role in
implementing government policies and supporting the country's economic
 Joint Stock Banks: These banks are owned by shareholders and operate as
for-profit entities. They can be further classified into publicly listed joint
stock banks and non-listed joint stock banks.
2. Size and Scope of Operations:
 Large Banks: These are the major commercial banks in Vietnam with
significant assets, extensive branch networks, and a wide range of banking
services. They cater to a diverse customer base and have a strong presence
in the market.
 Medium-Sized and Small Banks: These banks have relatively smaller
operations and assets compared to large banks. They may focus on
specific regions or niche markets.
3. Function and Focus:
 Retail Banks: These banks primarily serve individual customers and offer
services such as savings accounts, personal loans, credit cards, and retail
banking products.
 Corporate Banks: These banks focus on providing banking services to
corporate clients, including corporate lending, project financing, trade
finance, cash management, and investment banking.
 Agricultural Banks: These banks specialize in providing financial services
and credit facilities to support the agricultural sector, including loans for
farmers, agribusinesses, and rural development.
 Foreign Banks: These are commercial banks that are headquartered
outside Vietnam but have branches or representative offices within the
country. They provide banking services to both domestic and international
4. Geographic Reach:
 National Banks: These banks have a presence and operate across the
entire country, serving customers throughout Vietnam.
 Regional Banks: These banks operate within specific regions or provinces
in Vietnam and may have a more localized focus.
It's worth noting that the Vietnamese banking sector is subject to regulations and
supervision by the State Bank of Vietnam (the central bank of the country), and the
classification of commercial banks may evolve over time as the industry develops and
undergoes changes

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