Quiz 1-6

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Quiz Chapter 2

An individual’s personality is less evident in situations where social norms, reward systems, and
other conditions constrain behaviour.

external to an individual but still affects his or her behaviour are Situational factors.

According to the "Big Five" personality dimensions, people with low conscientiousness tend to be:
careless, disorganized, and less thorough.

Which of the following statements about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is true?

Research suggests that it is more useful in improving self-awareness for career development than
for selecting job applicants.

Direction motivation is goal-directed, not random.

According to the MARS model Role perceptions, employee's voluntary behaviour and performance

To reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste that employees throw out each day, a major
computer company removed containers for non-recyclable rubbish from each office and workstation.
This altered employee behaviour mainly by:

altering situational factors so that employees have more difficulty practicing wasteful behaviour.

respect for people in higher positions and values the well-being of others more than goal
achievement is a high-power distance and a strong nurturing orientation.

Conscientiousness "Big Five" personality dimensions is the most valuable for predicting job

Conscientiousness Is "Big Five" personality dimensions desirable for potential recruits.


Quiz Chapter 3

Perceptual error in which we overestimate the extent to which others having beliefs and
characteristics similar to our own False consensus effect.

Empathy refers to understanding and being sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and situations of

Taking credits and boasting about your abilities is called a self-serving bias.

George believes that women have difficulty coping with the stress of executive decisions.

Self-awareness and mutual understanding that is founded on the contact hypothesis is called
Meaningful interaction.

Johari Window, disclosure of information to colleagues results in increasing our open area by
reducing our hidden area.

Generally, brands placed on the upper shelves of supermarkets receive greater attention than those
on the lower shelves. This is an example of selective attention.
André is a doctor who is quick to mention that he is a doctor when he meets new people. Best
explains André's perceptual process is social identity theory.

contact hypothesis states that: people who interact with each other will be less perceptually biased
toward each other under certain conditions.

The second step in the self-fulfilling prophecy cycle is the influence of a supervisor's expectations on
his or her behaviour toward an employee.

Quiz 4

Beliefs, feelings, and behavioural intentions are components of attitudes.

the difference between emotions and attitudes is Experiencing something versus judging

often conceal their frustration when serving an irritating customer as a result this behaviour is called
emotional labour.

Managing others' emotions is a possibility only in the event of self-awareness.

Emotions will have a greater influence on our perceptions, attitudes, decisions, and behaviour than
cognition because emotional processes often occur before cognitive processes.

The uncomfortable tension felt when our behaviour and attitudes are inconsistent with each other is
called cognitive dissonance.

Paula does not complain and does not intend to move elsewhere. Instead, she maintains her level of
work effort and hopes the company will eventually correct these problems. Paula response is loyalty.

the lowest level of emotional intelligence is Understanding the meaning of one's own emotions.

Emotions are defined as physiological, behavioural, and psychological episodes experienced toward
an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.

Quiz 5

Needs are the motivational forces of emotions channelled toward particular goals to correct
deficiencies or imbalances.

Drives are innate and universal to human beings. (It’s true about innate drives of people)

People do not progress through the hierarchy as the theory predicts. (Maslow’s needs hierarchy

expectancy theory, valence refers to the anticipated satisfaction or dissatisfaction that an individual
feels toward an outcome.

Need for food (unsatisfied needs is the strongest according to Maslow's needs hierarchy theory)

People with a high need for affiliation tend to actively support others.

(Theories of motivation) work effort is directed toward behaviours that people believe will lead to
desired outcomes such as Expectancy theory.

The four-drive theory recommends that organizations should provide sufficient rewards, learning
opportunities, and social interaction for all employees.
According to the four-drive theory, the drive to acquire is most closely associated with the need for
relative status and recognition.

Self-actualization (Maslow's needs hierarchy theory include)

Quiz 6

The Director of Nursing is looking throughout the hospital for a new format of work schedule for
nurses…………… she finds a schedule that is good enough for her needs and ends her search even
though there may be better schedules. the Director of Nursing is engaging in satisficing.

A nonprogrammed decision is applicable in any unprecedented situation in which employees must

search for alternative solutions.

They effectively shorten the decision-making process. (True about action scripts)

They adversely influence evaluations that make it difficult to see new opportunities. (mental
models have on the decision-making process)

Prospect theory effect is the tendency to experience stronger negative emotions when losing
something of value than the positive emotions experienced when gaining something of equal value.

the rational choice paradigm selects the choice with the highest utility through the calculation of
subjective expected utility.

It includes the components of subjective expected utility and the systematic decision-making
process. (True about the rational choice paradigm)

It usually begins with choosing the type of decision process, such as programmed or
nonprogrammed decisions. (true about the rational choice decision process)

The availability heuristic refers to the tendency to estimate the probability of something occurring
by how easily we can recall those events.

To hire the most creative people, you would select applicants who have high degree of
nonconformity, strong self-direction value, and relatively low need for affiliation.

best describes the decision-making problem that this executive is exhibiting is the executive is
defining the problem in terms of a solution.

It is both an emotional experience and a rapid nonconscious analytic process. ( true about

Director of Information Systems feels very positive about the final choice. However, some of this
optimism is due to the fact that the Director forgot about few of the limitations of the chosen system
and unconsciously downplays the importance of the positive features of the rejected systems. The
Director of Information Systems is engaging in confirmation bias.

Decision makers tend to rely on their implicit favourite when they evaluate decision alternatives

It aids in applying concepts or processes from completely different areas of life (true statement
regarding divergent thinking)

the final stage of the creative process is Verification.

Perceptual defence refers to the blocking out of bad news or information that threatens our self-

the decision is abandoned or reevaluated is recommended mainly to minimize escalation of


Intuition relies on programmed decision routines that speed up our response to pattern matches or
mismatches. These programmed decision routines are referred to as action scripts.

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