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Reg. No.

: MSCS/CR/1305/2021
(Under Ministry of Cooperation, Govt. of India)
H.O.: 525, Rajput Nagar, Bharouli Road, Bhind, Madhya Pradesh – 477001
Contact : +91-9826260123, E-mail –,

संकल्प क्रमांक - 101

आज दिनांक 28.03.2024 को संस्था के संचालक मण्डल की बैठक संस्था कार्यालय पर सूचनानुसार दोपहर 01:30 बजे आयोजित की गई । कोरम
पूर्ण रहा तथा बैठक में निम्न ठहराव पारित किया गया ।

प्रस्ताव क्र. 1 ठहराव क्र. 1

भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कृ षि सहकारी विपणन संघ मर्यादित (नेफे ड), नई "संचालक मण्डल द्वारा विचार किया गया तथा अनुमोदन किया
दिल्ली की विशेष सामान्य निकाय की बैठक में प्रतिनिधि के गया। यह निर्णय किया गया कि श्री अरुण सिंह तोमर, उपाध्यक्ष को
नामांकन पर विचार । संस्था की ओर से भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कृ षि सहकारी विपणन संघ
मर्यादित (नेफे ड), नई दिल्ली की विशेष सामान्य निकाय की बैठक
में प्रतिनिधि के रूप में नामित किया जाता है ।

प्रबंध संचालक

अध्यक्ष उपाध्यक्ष संचालक

Reg. No.: MSCS/CR/1305/2021

(Under Ministry of Cooperation, Govt. of India)
H.O.: 525, Rajput Nagar, Bharouli Road, Bhind, Madhya Pradesh – 477001
Contact : +91-9826260123, E-mail –,


Copy of the Resolution of the

Photograph of
Board of Directors/Managing the Nominee
Committee of the Chambal Agriculture
Marketing Cooperative Limited, Bhind,
Madhya Pradesh

Date of the meeting : 28.03.2024

Agenda Item No.: 101

Nomination of a representative on the Special General Body of National Agricultural

Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd., (NAFED), New Delhi-110 014

Resolution No.: 01
Resolved that Shri Arun Singh Tomar Age 64 Years
Son of Shri Bhagwan Singh Tomar
Designation/Position : Vice-Chairman
Residential Address : 3A/8, New Colony, Near Commety Hall, Birla Nagar, Gwalior,
Madhya Pradesh 474001
Society's Address with Pin Code No. : 525, Rajput Nagar, Bharouli Road, Bhind, Madhya
Pradesh, 477001 Name of the State Madhya Pradesh
Telephone No. with STD Code : 07534-356402 Mobile No.: 9827007979, 9826260123
E-Mail Address :,

Note: Please attach cancelled cheque copy of Representative who attending the Meeting.
is nominated to represent the Society on the Special General Body of NAFED. He has also been
authorized to contest vote and withdraw his candidature from the election, if necessary. He is to
continue as our representative for a period of 5 years or till nomination of a fresh representative
by another resolution.


Date : 29.03.2024
Signature of the Representative ____________________


26. (i) The final authority shall vest in the General Body of the Society constituted in accordance
with these Byelaws.

(ii) There shall be a Representative General Body of KRIBHCO (hereinafter called the General
Body) consisting of:
a) Members of Board of Directors;

b) One delegate to be nominated by each of the member society/ organisation holding shares of
the value of Rs.5 lakhs and above; and

c) Delegates to be elected from amongst the representatives of member societies/organisations

(other than those holding shares of the value of Rs.5 lakhs and above) in each State/Union
Territory at the rate of one delegate for every 100 members or part thereof; provided, however,
the maximum number of such delegates from any State/Union Territory shall not exceed 20.

27. (i) The elected delegates shall continue to be members of the General Body of KRIBHCO
for a period of Five years or till their successors are elected. Any interim vacancy of vacancies
may be filled by co- option by the Board of Directors from amongst the representatives of the
constituencies concerned and such co-opted delegates shall be the members of the General
Body for the unexpired period only.

(ii) The term of office of nominated delegates shall also be for a period of five years and co-
terminus with the period of elected delegates. However, member societies/organisations eligible
to nominee delegates shall have the right to replace their nominees in between and the period
of such replaced nominees shall be for the remaining term of the General Body.

28. The procedure for election of the delegates to the General Body from various States/Union
Territories shall be in accordance with the subsidiary rules and regulations framed by the Board
of Directors, with the approval of the Central Registrar.


37. a) The Board of Directors of KRIBHCO shall consist of :

(i) Six Directors to be elected by the General Body of whom three shall be the representatives
of Apex Marketing Federations of different States/Union Territories;

(ii) Not more than five persons to be nominated by the Government of India;

(iii) Five Directors to be nominated by IFFCO of whom one will be a Functional Director;

(iv) The Managing Director, Finance Director, Marketing Director and Operations Director (all

(v) The Indian Financing agency or agencies, if any, providing long-term credit to KRIBHCO
shall also be eligible to nominate one Director each, subject to maximum of three;

(vi) Managing Director, National Cooperative Development Corporation;

(vii) The Board shall co-opt one export as Director from amongst eminent economist or
management experts or experts on cooperation.

b) The total strength of Board of Directors of KRIBHCO shall not exceed 25.

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