Lab-1 Electronic

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LAB # 1

Name: Khan Abdul Moiz (FA21-BEE-071)

Laiba Eman (FA21-BEE-072)
Malaika Afzal (FA21-BE-077)
Class: 3B
Date: 18th September, 2022.
Submitted to: Dr. Ali Arshad
Introduction to Instruments. (Digital Oscilloscope and
Digital Function Generator) and Software LTspice

In the concerned lab we've created arbitrary waveforms using function generator and also
understood how to operate the digital oscilloscope and how to view time varying voltage
waveform over it.

Equipment Required:
Probes Devices Used: Digital Function Generator, Digital Oscilloscope.

In Lab
 Basic understanding of creating arbitrary waveforms using function generator.
 Basic understanding of viewing a time varying voltage waveform on digital oscilloscope
and understanding various control knobs of digital oscilloscope.


 In this task I generated a sine wave with amplitude of 5V peak to peak and the frequency
of the wave was set to the 2KHz.
 Then I make a short circuit between the oscilloscope and the function generator.
 The oscilloscope was set on the 1X scope such that the output of function generator will
be shown as it is on the oscilloscope
 Also, the oscilloscope was on the DC sweep mode, so I gave the DC offset to the signal
using the function generator.
 Then I pressed the measure button to observe the Vpp, Vrms, Vmin and Vmax values.
 Then I selected the time in measure to observe for frequency and period.

CH-1 Status Time Base Status

200mV 500µs

Voltage Measurements Vpp = 5.001V, Vrms = 1.792V, Vmin =

1.519V, Vmax =3.481V
Time Measurements Time= 500µs, f =2kHz (the values in AC are
same as DC)
 Then I generated a random square wave of amplitude 4Vpp.
 Time period of that wave is 250µs.
 Before seeing the output on oscilloscope, I changed the duty cycle of pulse to 25%.
 Then I see the pulse on the oscilloscope and checked the time base status the vertical box
is 1v/box and horizontal box is 100µs/box.
 Then I took the snaps of the wave at 25% duty cycle and are attached below.

Duty Cycle On-time Off-time Ratio

50% 63µs 187µs 0.23

70% 175µs 75µs 2.13

 Then I change the duty cycle to 70% and repeat the experiment.
 In this task I generated a square wave with 10Vpp amplitude and 1KHz of frequency.
 After that I pressed the ref button on oscilloscope and saved the wave.
 Then the wave became static on the oscilloscope.
 Then I give the phase shift of 180 degree by rotating the small horizontal knob.
 Then I repeated the same process on same amplitude with different frequency of 3KHz.
 Then I repeated the same process on same amplitude with different frequency of 3.5KHz.
Introduction to LT spice
Design Problem:
Set the oscilloscope and function generator to display on the oscilloscope screen the exact
voltage waveform as shown below i.e. the on time is only 50% of the off time and only five
complete cycles are visible on the screen. The voltage should vary from 0 to 1V. (Choose
frequency of your own choice, show the output to the instructor)

 For achieving the above output I set the voltage to 1Vpp and the frequency to 2KHz.
 Also, I settled the duty cycle on the 33%.

Post Lab
Q No 01: What are the functions of the following buttons:
X-Y: To measure phase difference.
X10: To set 10probe value in oscilloscope.
LEVEL: To specify voltage value.

Q No 02: If we change the vertical position of the signal, will it change the amplitude?
No, it will not change the amplitude and the value of signal shall remain same.
Q No 03: If we change the horizontal position of the signal, will it change the amplitude?
No, it will not change the amplitude of the signal and the signal value shall remain same.
Q No 04: What are the important feature of ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter ?
Ammeter: An ammeter can measure a wide range of current values because at high values only
a small portion of the current is directed through the meter mechanism; a shunt in parallel with
the meter carries the major portion. In circuit diagrams, the symbol for an ammeter is a circle
with a capital A inside.
Voltmeter: A basic analog voltmeter consists of a sensitive galvanometer (current meter) in
series with a high resistance. The internal resistance of a voltmeter must be high. Otherwise it
will draw significant current, and thereby disturb the operation of the circuit under test.
Ohmmeter: ohmmeter, instrument for measuring electrical resistance, which is expressed in
ohms. In the simplest ohmmeters, the resistance to be measured may be connected to the
instrument in parallel or in series. If in parallel (parallel ohmmeter), the instrument will draw
more current as resistance increases.

Critical Analysis
In this lab I use both, the function generator and oscilloscope and learn how to use it. We can get
different wave forms by setting frequencies and Vpp values, and by attaching probes with
function generator and generated different sinusoidal waves, and also measured there values of
Vrms, Vmin, Vmax, Frequency and time period. We also learnt about time varying voltage
waveform on digital oscilloscope and understanding various control knobs of digital

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