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9.47. The signal e Mult) yO is the output of a causal all-pass system for which the system function is Hi) = (a) Find and sketch at least two possible inputs x(¢) that could produce y(t). (b) What is the input x(9) if itis known that | |x(n|dt <0? (©) What is the input (0) if it is known that a stable (but not necessarily causal) system exists that will have x(1) as an output if (0) is the input? Find the im- pulse response h(t) of this filter, and show by direct convolution that it has the property claimed [ie., that y(t) * h(t) = x(1)]. 9.51. Consider a stable and causal system with a real impulse response A(z) and system function H(s). Itis known that H1(s) is rational, one of its poles is at -1 + j, one of its zeros is at 3 + j, and it has exactly two zeros at infinity. For each of the following statements, determine whether it is true, whether it is false, or whether there is insufficient information to determine the statement’s truth, (a) h(je~™ is absolutely integrable. (b) The ROC for H(s) is Refs} > —1. (©) The differential equation relating inputs x(1) and outputs y(#) for $ may be writ- ten in a form having only real coefficients. @) lim, ..H(s) = 1. (e) H(s) does not have fewer than four poles. () H(jw) = 0 for at least one finite value of (g) Ifthe input to S is e* sins, the output ise cost. 10.3. Let alr] = (-1)"uln] + aul ~ no). Determine the constraints on the complex number a and the integer mp, given that the ROC of X(2) is 1<|q<2, 10.7. Suppose that the algebraic expression for the z-transform of x{n] is X(2) Te 31 (+ fey + fet + How many different regions of convergence could correspond to X(z)? 10.10, Consider the following algebraic expression for the z-transform X(2) of a signal x(n xX Chap. 10 Problems 799 (a) Assuming the ROC to be of x{0], x[1], and x12] (b) Assuming the ROC to be |z| < 1/3, use long division to determine the values, of x{0], x{~1], and x[-2]. Ic] > 1/3, use long division to determine the values 10.22. Determine the z-transform for the following sequences. Express all sums in closed form, Sketch the pole-zero plot and indicate the region of convergence. Indicate whether the Fourier transform of the sequence exists. (a) (yuln + 4] ~ ulm — 5} " © Inky" (@) 4" cosf4Zn + ZJul—n— 1]

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