Geo 16 Global Migration

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'The greatest challenges within the global migration system are faced by LIDCs.


There are many different challenges faced within the global migration system, with
challenges being faced in LIDCs, EDCs and ACs. Global migration is defined as the
international movement of people across borders, either voluntary or involuntary.

The challenges faced by LIDCs are great, and these have big effects on those countries
socially, economically, politically, and environmentally. There are many push factors which
pull away migrants from their source country, this could be conflict such as wars and also
poverty and poor quality of life. These push factors have caused many emigrants to leave
their source countries either voluntarily or involuntarily. Many of the emigrants tend to be
young and highly skilled as well as the smartest people in the country who are the most
qualified people in the country, this results in the brain drain as little high-skilled workers are
left so there is not enough people to fill the high-skilled jobs in the country which therefore
halts economic development. Another problem faced is that LIDCs cannot control the amount
of people leaving especially compared to an EDC or AC as they can change their
immigration policies to control their migration, however, in LIDCs many people can leave
without the Government having much power and leads to mass emigration and uncontrollable
brain drain. Another challenge faced by LIDCs within the global migration system is that
migrant remittances create inequalities, as families which have members of their family
working abroad and sending remittances will have a lot more money than a family who
doesn’t have any working abroad and sending back remittances, this could create a social
problem as small populations of the country will have a lot more money than the rest of the
country. Another problem facing LIDCs is human trafficking and illegal migration, as
emigrants could try to emigrate into another country via trafficking and then get sent into
areas where they can be raped and forcefully worked which especially if they are high-skilled
emigrant, would be damaging to the economy as the migrant remittances they would send
back would be gone, also associated is social problems with emigrants missing it would cause
unrest in LIDCs. Migration inside countries can also cause a problem, with the lack of
development in urban areas meaning that slums are formed and there is poor living conditions
especially when there is mass migration from rural to urban areas. Overall, I think that there
are many challenges facing LIDCs regarding global migration, and some challenges have
strong effects either in the long term or short term, I do think that LIDCs face the greatest
challenges within the global migration system.

In EDCs they also face many great challenges, which all have big effects socially,
economically, environmentally and politically. There are pull factors and push factors in
EDCs, with secondary employment the most prominent and therefore low-skilled workers are
attracted to EDCs, the push factors are that the jobs are not paid as much as ACs and
therefore there is still lots of emigration. There is emigration and immigration in EDCs, with
most emigrants leaving to ACs and most immigrants coming from LIDCs, this has led to
large cultural differences, with many of the population of different origin and nationalities,
families becoming separated and cultural clashes. Another problem is illegal immigration,
where people are emigration to ACs illegally and there is the possibility of human trafficking,
which can cause social unrest in communities as they do not know the whereabouts and
condition of their family or friends. The brain drain can still take place in EDCs and this is
shown in Brazil, where there is still lots of emigration to the USA, with 502,000 immigrants
living the US from Brazil and this leads to less development in brazil as the high skilled
workers are in USA and not Brazil. In EDCs, rural to urban migration still takes place rapidly
so there are many examples of favelas in Brazil where many people have come from the
countryside to the City rapidly and there is a buildup of people in one place resulting in
favelas. Overall, the challenges facing EDCs are great, however they are not greater than in
LIDCs. In ACs, there is challenges facing them in terms of Global migration, with social,
economic, political and environmental challenges being faced. In ACs, it is predominantly
immigration, and this presents problems, people in ACs feel like their nationality is lost when
lots of immigrants arrive and they can sometimes feel like they are taking over, with those
views widespread across ACs like UK and the US, this creates a culture clash within the
country. Another problem found with migration is that when there are too many immigrants
in an AC, there is a lot of stress on the healthcare, and residents of the AC might not be able
to get jobs opportunities as they might be taken up by an immigrant even if they are less
skilled, this causes an economic and social challenge as the AC has more people unemployed.
Overall I think that there are some challenges occurring in ACs, however I do not believe that
they are the biggest challenges.

In Conclusion, I think that LIDCs face the greatest challenges within the global migration
system as there are so many challenges facing them which have large effects on the country. I
believe that EDCs face more challenges than ACs but ACs still face lots of challenges.

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