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01. Which of the following shows an increasing value of ?
A) n  p  e   B) n  p    e
C) n    p  e D) p  n    e
02. A photon of wavelength 4  10 m strikes on metal surface, the
work function of the metal is 2.13eV. The velocity of the photo
electron is
6 1 5 1
A) 5.67  10 ms B) 5.67  10 ms
5 1 6 1
C) 5.67  10 ms D) 5.67  10 ms
03. Which of the following example do not involved in disproportionation
   
A) ClO B) ClO 2 C) ClO3 D) ClO 4

04. Which of the following conclusions could be derived from

Rutherford’s   ray scattering experiment?
A) Most of the space in the atom is empty
B) The radius of the atom is about 10 m while that of nucleus is
10 15 m
C) Electron move in a circular path of fixed energy called orbits
D) Nucleus constitutes almost entire mass of atom
05. Electromagnetic radiations among the following are

A) Cosmic rays B)   rays

C)   rays D) X  rays

06. The incorrect graphical representation about photoelectric effect

 K.E
A) B)

K.E Intensity

C) h
D) 0

  0

07.  4Mg  NO3  2  NH 4 NO3  3H 2O

4Mg  10HNO3  correct
statement about the reaction
A) 96gm Mg can reduced 1 mole of HNO 3
B) E.wt of reduced HNO 3 is of its M.wt
C) Entire HNO 3 involved in the reaction is reduced
D) HNO 3 participated in disproportionation

08. If the mass of neutrons is doubled, mass of protons is halved and

mass of electrons is doubled for 6C . The % by which atomic

weight is increased
09. The work function    of some metals is listed below. The number

of metals which will show photoelectric effect when light of 300 nm

wavelength falls on the metal is
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt W

  eV  2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75

10. The number of moles of KMnO 4 required to oxidise 1 mole of

ferrous oxalate in acidic medium is

11. The volume of CO 2 in lit liberated at STP by the decomposition of

30gm of 70% pure MgCO3

12. Assume that the potential energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground
state is zero. Then its energy in the first excited state will be
A) 13.6 eV B) 38.1276 10 J
C) 23.8 eV D) 34.62 10 J

13. In photo electric effect, the energy of photon striking a metallic

surface is 5.6  1019 J . The kinetic energy of the ejected electrons is
12.0  1020 J . The work function is x  10 19 J then x is_____ (Rounded
to Nearest Whole Number)

14. The kinetic energy of an electron accelerated from rest through a

potential difference of 5V will be ______eV

15. What will be the molality of the solution containing 18.25 g of HCl
gas in 500 g of water _____m
16. How many of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the
Bohr's model of hydrogen atom?
i) The acceleration of the electron in the n = 2 orbit is more than
that in the n = 1 orbit.
ii) The angular momentum of the electron in then n = 2 orbit is
more than that in the n = 1 orbit.
iii) The kinetic energy of electron in the n = 2 orbit is less than that
in the n = 1 orbit.
iv) The centripetal force of electron in the n = 2 orbit is more than
that in the n = 1 orbit.
17. The difference between n th and n 1 Bohr's radius of the hydrogen
atom is equal to n 1 Bohr's radius. Find the value of n.

18. The maximum kinetic energy of photo electron ejected from a metal
when it is irradiated with radiation of frequency 2  1014S-1 is
6.63  10-20J threshold frequency of the metal is

A) 2  1014S-1 B) 1  10-14S-1
C) 2  10-14S-1 D) 1  1014S 1
 T1 
19. What is ratio of time periods   in second orbit of Hydrogen atom
 T2 
to third orbit of He  ion?
8 32 27 27
A) B) C) D)
27 27 32 8

20. When FeS2 oxidised with sufficient O2 , then its oxidation product
is found to be Fe 2O 3 and SO2 if the molecular weight of FeS2 ,
Fe 2O 3 and SO2 are M, Ma and Mc, then which of the following
statements are correct?
A) Equivalent weight of FeS2 is
B) The molar ratio of FeS2 to O2 is 4:11
C) The molar ratio of FeS2 to O2 is 11:4
D) The molar ratio of Fe 2O 3 and SO2 is 1:4
21. Which is / are comproportination reaction?
A) S 2  S 2 O3 2  H 2O  S  OH  B) F   OF2  H 2O  F2  OH 
C) KCl  O2  KClO3 D) SO2  S  O2
22. 25.5g of H2O2 solution on decompostion give 1.68L of O2 at STP.
The percentage strength by weight of the solution is.
23. 12g carbon reacting with 32g of oxygen to given 44g of CO2 . What

is quality of carbon left over

24. What is the empirical formula of vandium oxide if 2.74g of metal
oxide contins 1.53g of metal ? V xOy the value of x  y is (V = 51;

O = 16)
25. 50ml of 10N H 2 SO4 , 25ml of 12NHCl and 40ml of 5N HNO3 are

mixed and the volume of the mixture is made 1000ml by

adding water. The normality of resulting solution is.

26. 26.8 gm of Na2 SO4 nH 2O contains 12.6gm of water the value of ‘n’

27. The ejection of the photo electron from the silver meta in the photo
electric effect experiment can be stopped by applying the voltage of
0.35 vol. When the radiation 256.7nm is used. The work function
for silver metal is _______ (eV).
28. Electronic transition in He+ ion takes from n 2 to n1 shell such that

: 2n 2  3n1  18 ;2n 2  3n1  6 total number of photons emitted

when electrons transit to n1 shell are 'x', what is
2 x
29. The shortest wavelength line in the paschen series of Li ion is
. Then what is 'x' (Given R is Rydberg constant )
30. The highest energy spectral line emitted by the hydrogen atom in

the Lyman series is X h c R .What is x ?

31. An electron in a H atom is in an excited state. It has a total energy

  (Adjust to nearest
of 3.4 eV. Its de-Broglie's wavelength is ? A 0

32. Number of Balmer lines obtained when an electron jumps from 4th
orbit to 1st orbit are _______
33. The momentum of photon of wavelength 6626 nm will be

10PQ kg.m.s1 what is Q-P_______ ?

34. Select the correct statement (s) :
A) The phenomena of diffraction of light can only be explained by
assuming that light behaves as waves
B) De-Broglie postulate the dual character existed with matter
C) In his atomic model Bohr considered electron as a particle

D) Wave nature of electrons was proved when diffraction rings
were observed photographically when a stream of protons was
passed through a metal foil
35. Which of the following can be concluded from the de-Broglie
A) The kinetic energy of a de-Broglie electron of wavelength

 .
2m 2
B) The de-Broglie wavelength  of an electron, after being

accelerated by a potential by a potential difference of V volt,

initially at rest  .
C) The number of de-Broglie waves formed in one complete
revolution in a nth Bohr's orbit = n.
D) de-Broglie relation is derived from the observations of Zeeman
and Stark effects exhibited by the electron in magnetic and
electric fields, respectively

36. Arrange the wavelengths  of the following emission lines of H-

atom in an increasing order.

1 2
(i) n  3   n 1 (ii) n  5   n 3
3 4
n  12 
(iii)  n  10 (iv)n  22   n  20
A)  4  3   2  1 B) 1   2  3   4

C) 1   2   4  3 D) 1  3   4   2
37. The specific heat of a metal is found to be 0.03. 10 g of the metal
on treatment with nitric acid gave 18.9 g of pure dry nitrate. The
correct statement (s) is/are
A) The equivalent weight of the metal 69.66.
B) The atomic weight of the metal is 209.
C) The metal is trivalent.
D) The metal is an alkali metal.

38. The emission spectra is observed by the consequence of transition
of electrons from higher energy State to ground state of He+ ion. Six
different photons are observed during the emission spectra the
x x
minimum wavelength during the transition is . Then what is
yR y
? (Where R is Rydberg Constant)

39. At NTP, In a container 100ml of H 2 and 60ml of Cl2 are mixed

together. Then find out the volume of HCl produced (L)?

1 31
40. Let under a new definition 1'u '   mass of 15 P  atom. . Find
atomic mass of 6 C  atom as per new definition (u) ? [ Given :
Atomic mass of 15 P  atom  30.97u as per old definition]
41. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron travelling at 1%
of the speed of light (pm)

 h  6.6  10 34
J  S & m  9.0  1031 kg,3  108 m / s 
42. Upon irradiation with a radiation of suitable wavelength on the
cathode, the photocurrent produced was reduced to zero by
applying a stopping potential of 2.63 V. If the work function of a
cathode is 4.3 eV. Find the approximate wavelength of the
radiation? ( Planck ' s constant  6.63  1034 J .sec) , 3  108 m / s )
A) 169 nm B) 170 nm C) 179.2 nm D) None

43. An element belongs to group 17. It is present in 3rd period and its
atomic number is 17. What is the atomic number of the element
belonging to same group and present in 5th period is________
44. The element with atomic number 118 is likely to have the same
outermost shell configuration as the element with atomic number
is __________ (Similar Electronic configuration in n, n-1,n-2 shells)

45. Which of the following statements is/are true for the long form of
the periodic table?
A) It reflects the sequence of filling the electrons in the order of sub
energy level s, p, d and f.
B) It helps to predict the stable valence states of the elements.
C) It reflects trends in physical and chemical properties of elements
D) It helps to predict the relative ionicity of the bonds between any
two elements
46. A hydrogen-like atom in ground state absorbs n photons having
the same energy and its emits exactly n photons when electrons
transition takes placed. Then, the energy of the absorbed photon
may be
A) 91.8 eV B) 40.8 eV
C) 48.4 eV D) 54.4 eV
47. Total number of orbitals associated with third shell will be
48. 1st excitation potential for the H-like (hypothetical) sample is 24 eV

1) Ionisation energy of the sample is 36 eV
2) Ionisation energy of the sample is 32 eV
3) Binding energy of 3rd excited state is 2 eV
32  8
4) 2nd excitation potential of the sample is eV
49. 22.44 kJ energy is required to convert 8 g of gaseous atom of metal

M to M (g )
. If IE1 of metal M  374kJ / mol , select correct for above

metal M ?
1) 0.6mole of gaseous ion M  are formed

2) Same energy can convert all M  (g ) to M 2 (g ) .

3) Atomic mass of metal = 133.33


4) 3.613  1022 atoms of M are converted to M (g )

50. Which of the following are favourable conditions for the formation
of Ionic compounds?
1) Low sublimation energy of metal
2) Low Bond dissociation energy of metal
3) High E.A of metal
4) Low charge on ions

Q.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans. C B D ABD ABD D AB 25 4 0.6
Q.No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 5.6 BC 4 5 1 2 4 D B ABD
Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. AB 20 0 7 1 7 4.48 5 1 1
Q.No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
ANS. 7 2 6 ABC AC B ABC 0.27 0.12 12.01
Q.No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
244.45 C

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