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ACIO Grade II Executive 20th Feb 2021

Part icipant ID
Part icipant Name
Test Cent er Name
Test Dat e 20/02/2021
Test Time : 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Subject ACIO Grade II (Execut ive)

Section : General awareness Current Af f airs

Q.1 Who amo ng t he f o llo wing was co nf erred wit h t he Best Act o r award at t he
Dadasaheb Phalke Int ernat io nal Film Fest ival in February 2020?
Ans 1. Abhay Deol

2. Hrithik Roshan

3. Sonu Sood

4. Sushant Singh Rajput

Question ID : 59445929501
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.2 Who amo ng t he f o llo wing was appo int ed as t he int erim CEO o f t he Bo ard o f Co nt ro l
f o r Cricket in India (BCCI) in July 2020?
Ans 1. Rahul Johri

2. Santosh Rangnekar

3. Hemang Amin

4. Sundar Raman

Question ID : 59445929502
No t At t empt ed and
Status :
Marked Fo r Review
Chosen Option : --

Q.3 Which o ne o f t he f o llo wing Mars missio n ended in 2019?

Ans 1. Phoenix

2. Opportunity

3. Curiosity

4. Odyssey

Question ID : 59445929507
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.4 In February 2020, which o f t he f o llo wing places was in-principle approved as a sit e o f
a new Majo r Po rt ?
Ans 1. Dighi

2. Vadhavan

3. Redi

4. Jaigarh

Question ID : 59445929510
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.5 Who amo ng t he f o llo wing had been appo int ed as Managing Direct o r and Chief
Financial Officer o f t he Wo rld Bank in July 2019?
Ans 1. Anshula Kant

2. Muthulakshmi Reddi

3. Mallika Srinivasan

4. Vinita Bali

Question ID : 59445929509
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.6 Who amo ng t he f o llo wing creat ed a reco rd f o r t he lo ngest single spaceflight by a
wo man when she arrived back o n Eart h in February 2020?
Ans 1. Peggy Whitson

2. Christina Koch

3. Valentina T ereshkova

4. Sally Ride

Question ID : 59445929503
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.7 Which o f t he f o llo wing st at ement s is t rue abo ut Aat maNirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan?

(1) T he scheme was anno unced in f o ur t ranches by t he Prime Minist er Sri Narendra
Mo di in April 2020.
(2) T he Prime Minist er has anno unced a Rs. 20 lakh cro re eco no mic package under
t he Aat maNirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan
Ans 1. Both 1 and 2

2. Neither 1 nor 2

3. 1 only

4. 2 only

Question ID : 59445929515
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --
Q.8 Which o ne o f t he f o llo wing pro ject was approved by t he government t o upgrade
Hero n dro nes wit h laser-guided bo mbs and missiles?
Ans 1. Project Heron

2. Project Garud

3. Project Cheetah

4. Project T iger

Question ID : 59445929508
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.9 Who amo ng t he f o llo wing has wo n Go lden Glo be 2020 award f o r “Best Perf o rmance
by an Act ress in a Mo t io n Pict ure – Drama”?
Ans 1. Beanie Feldstein

2. Cynthia Erivo

3. Renée Zellweger

4. Charlize T heron

Question ID : 59445929505
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-1

2. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4

3. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

4. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

Question ID : 59445929516
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Ans 1. A-2, B-1, C-3

2. A-1, B-2, C-3

3. A-1, B-3, C-2

4. A-2, B-3, C-1

Question ID : 59445929520
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.12 Arrange t he f o llo wing perso ns in descending o rder as per t he year in which t hey
received Rajiv Gandhi Khel Rat na.

A. Virat Ko hli
B. Bajrang Punia
C. Sardara Singh
D. Ro hit Sharma
Ans 1. D, B, A, C

2. D, B, C, A

3. A, B, D, C

4. C, B, A, D

Question ID : 59445929519
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Ans 1. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

2. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

3. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2

4. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

Question ID : 59445929518
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.14 Which o f t he st at ement is/are co rrect abo ut t he t hree co nt roversial f arm laws
passed by t he parliament in Sept ember 2020?

(A) In January 2021, t he Supreme Co urt st ayed t he implement at io n o f t hree

co nt roversial f arm laws,
(B) In January 2021, government pro po sed put t ing f arm laws o n ho ld f o r 2 years
(C) In January 2021, t he Supreme Co urt had appo int ed a co mmit t ee o n t he t hree
new f arm laws
(D) In Sept ember 2020, Shiro mani Akali Dal leader Harsimrat Kaur had resigned as
Unio n Minist er f o r Fo o d Pro cessing.
Ans 1. A, D and B

2. B, C and D

3. A, B and C

4. A, C and D

Question ID : 59445929517
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.15 Which o f t he f o llo wing st at ement s belo w ment io ned event s t hat happened in t he
year 2020 is/are t rue?

(1) Railways renames Railway Pro t ect io n Fo rce as Indian Railway Public Pro t ect io n
Fo rce Service
(2) RBI launches 'MANI' app t o help visually challenged t o ident if y t he deno minat io n
o f no t es
Ans 1. Neither 1 nor 2

2. Both 1 and 2

3. 1 only

4. 2 only

Question ID : 59445929513
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --
Q.16 Which o f t he f o llo wing st at ement s abo ut Subrahmanyam Jaishankar is/are co rrect ?

(1) He was t he t hen India’s ambassado r t o Unit ed St at e o f America

(2) He led t he nego t iat io ns f o r t he India-US nuclear deal bet ween 2006 and 2010.
Ans 1. 1 only

2. 2 only

3. Neither 1 nor 2

4. Both 1 and 2

Question ID : 59445929512
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.17 Which o f t he f o llo wing st at ement is / are co rrect ?

(1) In t he year 2020, badmint o n player Parupalli Kashyap received t he prest igio us
Arjuna Award.
(2) In t he year 2020, MS Dho ni wo n t he ICC Spirit o f Cricket Award o f t he Decade.

Which o f t he st at ement s given above is/are co rrect ?

Ans 1. Both 1 and 2

2. Neither 1 nor 2

3. 1 only

4. 2 only

Question ID : 59445929511
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.18 Which o ne o f t he f o llo wing is t he first ever Best Teacher's Award declared by All
India Co uncil f o r Technical educat io n in 2020?
Ans 1. IST E-SGSIT S National Award

2. Visvesvaraya Best T eachers Award

3. Global T eacher Award

4. Prof. V.K.M. John National Award

Question ID : 59445929506
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.19 Which o f t he f o llo wing st at ement s is t rue abo ut t he Bharat Bio t ech Int ernat io nal
Lt d.?

(1) Bharat Bio t ech has develo ped indigeno us COVID-19 vaccine in co llabo rat io n wit h
t he Indian Co uncil o f Medical Research (ICMR)
(2) Covishield is t he brand name o f Bharat Bio t ech COVID-19 vaccine.
Ans 1. 1 only

2. Both 1 and 2

3. Neither 1 nor 2

4. 2 only

Question ID : 59445929514
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.20 Asso ciat io ns represent ing o fficers o f Cent ral Civil Services, including t he Indian
Administ rat ive Service (IAS) and t he Indian Po lice Service (IPS), have f o rmed an
init iat ive called 'Caruna' t o suppo rt and supplement t he government 's ef f o rt s in
fight ing:
Ans 1. terrorism

2. coronavirus

3. insurgencies and separatism

4. atrocities against women

Question ID : 59445929504
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Section : General st udies

Q.1 What is t he minimum t ransf er limit f o r Real T ime Gro ss Set t lement (RT GS) as o f
June 2020?
Ans 1. Rs 2 lakh

2. Rs 2.5 lakh

3. Rs 1 lakh

4. Rs 1.5 lakh

Question ID : 59445929528
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929534
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --






Question ID : 59445929540
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929535
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929532
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.6 In which year was t he Khalsa t radit io n init iat ed?

Ans 1. 1699

2. 1696

3. 1690

4. 1692

Question ID : 59445929524
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929531
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.8 Mariana Trench, t he deepest part o f Eart h, lies in t he ______ Ocean.

Ans 1. Pacific

2. Indian

3. Atlantic

4. Arctic

Question ID : 59445929525
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.9 T he unit in which Elect ric Co nduct ance is measured is _________.
Ans 1. Ohm

2. Farad

3. Siemens

4. T esla

Question ID : 59445929521
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Who is t he aut ho r o f 'My Unf o rget t able Memo ries'?

Ans 1. Mamata Banerjee

2. Shashi T haroor

3. Rahul Gandhi

4. Jawaharlal Nehru

Question ID : 59445929526
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929537
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.12 Rajyavardhan Singh Rat ho re wo n a silver medal in 2004 Olympics f o r ___________.

Ans 1. shooting

2. boxing

3. tennis

4. wrestling

Question ID : 59445929529
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --
Q.13 Which king o f Magadha was called ‘t he dest royer o f all Kshat riyas’?
Ans 1. Chandragupta

2. Ajatashatru

3. Mahapadma Nanda

4. Bindusara

Question ID : 59445929523
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.14 Which bo o k has wo n t he Rabindranat h Tago re Lit erary Prize 2019?

Ans 1. Solo

2. Quichotte

3. Lethal White

4. Imperfect

Question ID : 59445929522
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929539
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929538
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929533
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.18 T he Hereileu so ng is kno wn as t he war so ng o f which o f t he f o llo wing st at es?

Ans 1. Arunachal Pradesh

2. Nagaland

3. Manipur

4. Sikkim

Question ID : 59445929527
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --
Q.19 Phulaich is a co lo urf ul f est ival o f t he St at e o f ______.
Ans 1. Himachal Pradesh

2. Andhra Pradesh

3. Uttar Pradesh

4. Madhya Pradesh

Question ID : 59445929530
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929536
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : Numerical apt it ude

Q.1 T he f o llo wing pie chart sho ws t he po pulat io n o f 5 st at es o f India in 2010. What is
t he po pulat io n o f Rajast han if t he t o t al po pulat io n o f t hese 5 st at es is 16200000?

Ans 1. 8100000

2. 810000

3. 4725000

4. 540000

Question ID : 59445929547
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1. 4210

2. 5234

3. 4864

4. 4094

Question ID : 59445929556
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.3 A sum o f Rs. 20000 is invest ed f o r t hree years at co mpo und int erest . T he rat e o f
int erest f o r first year is 20 percent per annum, f o r seco nd year it is 15 percent per
annum and f o r t hird years it is 10 percent per annum. Find t he int erest f o r t he t hird
Ans 1. Rs. 2190

2. Rs. 2620

3. Rs. 2760

4. Rs. 2340

Question ID : 59445929558
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929542
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --






Question ID : 59445929541
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Ans 1. 3 : 2

2. 1 : 1

3. 2 : 3

4. 1 : 2

Question ID : 59445929554
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.7 Po pulat io n o f a cit y is 148000 and o ut o f which 78000 are males and 40 percent
po pulat io n is lit erat e. If 55 percent males are lit erat e, t hen what is t he number o f
f emales who are lit erat e?
Ans 1. 14200

2. 18500

3. 15800

4. 16300

Question ID : 59445929559
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.8 Five bells co mmence t o lling t o get her and t o ll at int ervals o f 2, 4, 9, 12 and 15
seco nds respect ively. In 45 minut es, ho w many t imes do t hey t o ll t o get her?
Ans 1. 8

2. 10

3. 16

4. 15

Question ID : 59445929545
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.9 A = 1200 – X where X is a real number. A > 0 and A is divisible by 3, 5, 7 and 11. T he
sum o f t he t wo largest po ssible value o f X is:
Ans 1. 45

2. 55

3. –1110

4. –1065

Question ID : 59445929548
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Ans 1. 4

2. 2


4. 3

Question ID : 59445929552
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1. 0


3. 1

4. 2

Question ID : 59445929551
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.12 Find t he average o f first 50 nat ural numbers.

Ans 1. 50.15

2. 20.75

3. 51.3

4. 25.5

Question ID : 59445929557
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.13 Raushan can co mplet e t he wall put t y wo rk in 6 days and Sat yam can co mplet e it in
12 days. While wo rking t o get her wit h Raghu, t hey co mplet ed t he jo b in 2 days o nly. In
ho w many days Raghu alo ne can co mplet e t he jo b?
Ans 1. 8 Days

2. 6 days

3. 4 Days

4. 12 Days

Question ID : 59445929555
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.14 T he price o f pet ro l rises by 60%. By what percent age sho uld o ne minimise t he use o f
pet ro l so t hat t he expendit ure t o wards pet ro l is no t af f ect ed?
Ans 1. 38.5

2. 36.5

3. 37.5

4. 35.5

Question ID : 59445929549
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.15 A fixed sum is lent o ut in t wo part s in such a way t hat t he int erest o n t he first part
at 1 percent f o r 1 year is equal t o t hat o n t he seco nd part at 2% f o r 2 years. Find
t he square ro o t o f t he rat io o f t he first part t o t he seco nd part .
Ans 1. 2

2. 3

3. 4

4. 1

Question ID : 59445929553
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.16 St udy t he t able belo w and answer t he quest io n t hat f o llo ws. What is t he average
number o f wo rkers in IT t eam f o r t he t ime span 2011 t o 2014?

Ans 1. 8

2. 12

3. 10

4. 9

Question ID : 59445929543
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Ans 1. 32


3. 25


Question ID : 59445929550
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.18 T he graph sho ws t he t emperat ure variance o f a cit y in degree celsius. Which mo nt h
has seen t he highest spike in t emperat ure over t he previo us mo nt h, in t erms o f
percent age?

Ans 1. March

2. April

3. January

4. February

Question ID : 59445929544
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.19 Lengt h o f a rect angle is 7 cm mo re t han it s breadt h and lengt h o f diago nal o f t he
rect angle is 13 cm. What is t he area o f a square having perimet er same as t he
perimet er o f given rect angle?
Ans 1. 56.25 cm 2

2. 72.25 cm 2

3. 36.25 cm 2

4. 42.25 cm 2

Question ID : 59445929560
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.20 A bus is t ravelling at a co nst ant speed o f 48 Km/hr. What is t he dist ance t ravelled by
bus f ro m 1:20 pm t o 3:40 pm?
Ans 1. 326 Km

2. 144 Km

3. 340 Km

4. 112 Km

Question ID : 59445929546
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Section : Reaso ning Lo gical apt it ude

Q.1 In t he f o llo wing quest io n, select t he relat ed let t ers f ro m t he given alt ernat ives.

ABC : HGF : : XYZ : ?

Ans 1. GHY

2. DFG

3. FGR

4. EDC

Question ID : 59445929561
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.2 If a mirro r is placed o n t he line XY, which o f t he answer figure is t he mirro r image o f
t he figure given belo w.

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929562
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.3 In t he f o llo wing quest io n, select t he o dd figure f ro m t he given alt ernat ives.
Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929571
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929580
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.5 If ‘A’ means ‘÷’, ‘B’ means ‘–’, ‘C’ means ‘+ ’ and ‘D’ means ‘×’, t hen 32 C 19 B 44 A 11 D
2 =?
Ans 1. 41

2. 45

3. 47

4. 43

Question ID : 59445929565
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.6 Vimal is sho rt er t o Vikram and t aller t han Rakesh, Ravi is Sho rt er t o Vinay and t aller
t han Vikram. Find t he t hird t allest perso n?
Ans 1. Rakesh

2. Ravi

3. Vikram

4. Vinay

Question ID : 59445929563
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.7 In t he f o llo wing quest io n, select t he o dd gro up o f numbers f ro m t he given

alt ernat ives.
Ans 1. (11, 15, 23)

2. (43, 47, 55)

3. (13, 17, 29)

4. (31, 35, 43)

Question ID : 59445929564
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.8 Find t he wro ng t erm in t he f o llo wing series


Ans 1. PQUN


3. T OXO


Question ID : 59445929578
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929579
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.10 Amo ng five perso ns Sunny, Swat i, So mya, Surbhi and Sapna; Swat i was elder t o
So mya but yo unger t o Sunny. Surbhi was elder t o Sunny who was elder t o Sapna who
was no t t he yo ungest . Who amo ng t hem was t he yo ungest ?
Ans 1. Sunny

2. Somya

3. Surbhi

4. Swati

Question ID : 59445929575
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.11 Which o f t he f o llo wing cubes can be f o rmed by f o lding t he given figure?

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929570
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.12 In t he f o llo wing figure, Rho mbus represent s Aut ho rs, Circle represent s Po et s and
t riangle represent s Act o rs. Which set o f let t ers represent s Po et s who are neit her
Act o rs no r Aut ho rs?

Ans 1. b

2. e

3. a

4. d

Question ID : 59445929569
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.13 Quest io n given belo w is f o llo wed by t wo argument s numbered I and II. Yo u have t o
decide which o f t he argument s is a “st ro ng” argument and which is a “weak”
argument . Give answer.

St at ement :
Sho uld ro bo t s replace ast ro naut s in space missio ns?

Argument s:
I. Yes, t his will save t he precio us lif e o f human beings.
II. No , t his will make space missio ns mo re expensive.

Ans 1. Neither I nor II is ‘strong’.

2. Both I and II are ‘strong’.

3. Only argument I is ‘strong’.

4. Only argument II is ‘strong’:

Question ID : 59445929572
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

Q.14 Which o f t he f o llo wing o pt io n will co me in place o f '?'.

Ans 1. 14

2. 13

3. 15

4. 12

Question ID : 59445929568
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Ans 1.




Question ID : 59445929573
No t At t empt ed and
Status :
Marked Fo r Review
Chosen Option : --
Q.16 In t he quest io n, belo w are t hree st at ement s f o llo wed by f o ur co nclusio ns numbered
I, II, III, and IV. Yo u have t o co nsider t he st at ement s t o be t rue even if it seems t o be
at variance f ro m co mmo nly kno wn f act s. Yo u have t o decide which o f t he given
co nclusio ns, if any, f o llo ws f ro m t he given st at ement s.

St at ement s:
I. So me Mirro rs are no t Glasses.
II. All Glasses are St ro ng.
III. So me St ro ng are Fragile.

Co nclusio ns:
I. So me Mirro rs may be glasses.
II. So me Glasses are Fragile.
III. All Mirro rs are St ro ng.
IV. So me Mirro rs are Fragile.
Ans 1. Conclusion II and III only

2. Conclusion I only

3. Conclusion I and II only

4. Conclusion III and IV only

Question ID : 59445929567
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.17 If t he HCF o f t wo numbers is 55 and t he LCM is 110, t hen what are t he t wo

Ans 1. 11, 110

2. 10, 55

3. 55, 110

4. 11, 55

Question ID : 59445929576
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.18 ABC Co mpany has decided t o recruit equit y research analyst . T he candidat e must

1. Be a graduat e in any discipline wit h 70 percent marks

2. Be bet ween 25 and 40 years o ld as o n 01/01/2020.
3. Must have co mplet ed CFA and FRM.
4. Have kno wledge o f at least t wo pro gramming languages like R, SQL, Tableau et c.

T he f o llo wing except io ns apply:

A. If a candidat e meet s all o t her crit eria except 4 above, t he candidat e will be
ref erred t o t he Manager.
B. A candidat e who se age is mo re t han 40 years but less t han 45 years will be
ref erred t o t he General Manager.

Ashish is wo rking at Cit i Bank f o r 5 years no w. He was bo rn o n 5/02/1992. He has

co mplet ed his CFA and FRM in 2015. He has do ne cert ified co urses o n R
Pro gramming and SQL f ro m Udemy. He did his B.Co m (H) f ro m HIJ Co llege and
sco red 80 percent marks.

What decisio n sho uld be t aken abo ut t his candidat e?

Ans 1. T he candidate should be rejected.

2. T he candidate should be referred to the General Manager.

3. T he candidate should be selected.

4. T he candidate should be referred to the Manager.

Question ID : 59445929577
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.19 Which let t er-clust er will replace t he quest io n mark (?) in t he f o llo wing series?


Ans 1. RPJ

2. SPJ

3. RQI

4. SQJ

Question ID : 59445929566
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.20 Kisho re, Aashay, Swapan, At ul, Varun and Harshit are sit t ing aro und a ro und t able
f acing t he cent re. Varun is t o t he right o f Kisho re, who is o ppo sit e At ul, Swapan is
neit her next t o Aashay no r Harshit , Harshit is o ppo sit e Varun. Who is t o t he right o f
Harshit ?
Ans 1. Kishore

2. Swapan

3. Atul

4. Aashay

Question ID : 59445929574
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : English
Q.1 Find t he part o f t he given sent ence t hat has an erro r in it . If t here is no erro r,
cho o se ‘No erro r’.

Any po rt io n o f t he undergro und rhizo me when bro ken o f (1)/ is capable o f pro ducing
a new plant ; hence t he (2)/ difficult y o f eradicat ing t hem when o nce est ablished. (3)/
No Erro r (4)
Ans 1. No Error

2. Any portion of the underground rhizome when broken of

3. difficulty of eradicating them when once established.

4. is capable of producing a new plant; hence the

Question ID : 59445929583
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.2 Select t he mo st appro priat e meaning o f t he underlined idio m in t he given sent ence.

Quit banging t he drum f o r t hat candidat e, he is simply no t qualified f o r t he jo b.

Ans 1. T o criticize

2. T o voice one’s support

3. T o compel

4. T o be aggressive

Question ID : 59445929596
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.3 In t he f o llo wing quest io n, so me part s o f t he sent ence may have erro rs. Find o ut
which part o f t he sent ence has an erro r and select t he appro priat e o pt io n. If a
sent ence is f ree f ro m erro r, select 'No Erro r'.

Neit her t he severe eart hquake o r t he subsequent f amine co uld demo ralise t he
peo ple o f t he co unt ry.
Ans 1. could demoralise the people of the country.

2. Neither the severe earthquake

3. or the subsequent famine

4. No error

Question ID : 59445929582
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.4 Cho o se t he wo rd t hat is o ppo sit e in meaning t o t he given wo rd.

Ludicro us
Ans 1. Humorless

2. Jovial

3. Profuse

4. Whimsical

Question ID : 59445929599
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --
Q.5 Select t he wo rd segment t hat subst it ut es (replaces) t he bracket ed wo rd segment
co rrect ly and co mplet es t he sent ence meaningf ully. Select t he o pt io n 'no
co rrect io n required' if t he sent ence is co rrect as given.

A republic is a f o rm o f government (where co unt ry is co nsidered a) "public mat t er",

no t t he privat e co ncern o r pro pert y o f t he rulers.
Ans 1. No Correction Required

in which country is considering a
in which the country is considered a
where the country is to be considered an

Question ID : 59445929588
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.6 T he f o llo wing f o ur part s need t o be reo rdered t o f o rm a co herent and grammat ical
sent ence. Indicat e t he co rrect o rder.

a. t he illusio n t hat
b. t he o riginal paint ing st ill hangs
c. t he wo rld is st ill under
d. in t he Wint er Palace
Ans 1. ACDB




Question ID : 59445929590
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.7 Cho o se t he wo rd t hat can subst it ut e t he given sent ence.

T he st udy o f human races

Ans 1. Entomology

2. Ethnology

3. Ethology

4. Etymology

Question ID : 59445929600
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.8 A sent ence has been given wit h a blank t o be filled wit h an appro priat e wo rd. Cho o se
t he co rrect alt ernat ive.

Eit her he o r I ______ leading t he t eam t o mo rro w.

Ans 1. is

2. are

3. am

4. were

Question ID : 59445929586
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.9 Select t he wo rd segment t hat subst it ut es (replaces) t he bracket ed wo rd segment

co rrect ly and co mplet es t he sent ence meaningf ully. Select t he o pt io n 'no
co rrect io n required' if t he sent ence is co rrect as given.

T he abilit y t o read o ld Sanskrit script ures (in t o day's wo rld seems like a lo st art ).
Ans 1. No correction required

2. in todays' world seems like a lost art

3. in today's world seem like a lost art.

4. in today's world seem like an lost art

Question ID : 59445929585
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.10 Select t he mo st appro priat e o pt io n t o subst it ut e t he underlined segment in t he

given sent ence. If t here is no need t o subst it ut e it , select ‘No improvement ’.

T here are many healt h relat ed benefit s in beco ming act ive and part icipat ing in lo cal
spo rt and recreat io nal act ivit y.
Ans 1. becomes active and participates

2. No improvement

3. becoming active and participating

4. become active and participate in

Question ID : 59445929592
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.11 Out o f all t he alt ernat ives given, select t he wo rd which clo sely fit s t he given
idio m/phrase.

A blessing in disguise
Ans 1. to not judge someone or something based solely on appearance.

2. to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

3. not feeling good.

4. a misfortune that eventually results in something good happening later on.

Question ID : 59445929598
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.12 So me part s o f a sent ence have been jumbled up, and labelled P, Q, R and S. Select t he
o pt io n t hat gives t he co rrect sequence in which t hese part s can be rearranged t o
f o rm a meaningf ul and grammat ically co rrect sent ence.

Science pro gresses by

P. o r by experiment at io n,
Q. co llect io n o f o bservat io ns
R. whereas pseudo sciences do
S. no t wo rry abo ut

o bservat io n and experiment s.

Ans 1. QSPR




Question ID : 59445929589
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.13 Cho o se t he wo rd t hat can subst it ut e t he given sent ence.

No t fit t o eat
Ans 1. Inevitable

2. Inedible

3. Gourmet

4. Potable

Question ID : 59445929593
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.14 Find t he part o f t he given sent ence t hat has an erro r in it . If t here is no erro r,
cho o se ‘No erro r’.

She has being (1)/ t rying t o call (2)/ her mo t her since mo rning. (3)/ No erro r (4)
Ans 1. No error

2. She has being

3. her mother since morning.

4. trying to call

Question ID : 59445929581
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --
Q.15 T he given sent ences have been jumbled up. Arrange t hese sent ences in a meaningf ul
o rder.

P. T here were so me mango es lying beside him.

Q. She lo o ked at t he mango es lo ngingly.
R. Ro mi was gro wing f ast and was nearly always hungry.
S. Just as he was abo ut t o eat o ne, Kamla came alo ng.
Ans 1. RPSQ




Question ID : 59445929591
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.16 Which o f t he f o llo wing is inco rrect ly spelt ?

Ans 1. Contrast

2. Dissimilarity

3. Contianment

4. Sanitaire

Question ID : 59445929595
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.17 T he sent ence belo w has f o ur part s (A, B, C, and D). One part has a grammat ical
erro r. Ident if y t he part .

Mo dern po lit ical praxis (A)/ is t ho ro ughly no w (B)/ permeat ed wit h C)/ a pro duct ivist
et ho s. (D)
Ans 1. Modern political praxis

2. is thoroughly now

3. a productivist ethos

4. permeated with

Question ID : 59445929584
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.18 Select t he wo rd t hat is o ppo sit e in meaning (ANT ONYM) t o t he wo rd given belo w

Ans 1. Acquaint

2. Deceive

3. Inform

4. Enlighten

Question ID : 59445929594
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.19 A sent ence has been given wit h a blank t o be filled wit h an appro priat e wo rd. Cho o se
t he co rrect alt ernat ive.

T he Egypt ian mo ngo o se is mainly ______, alt ho ugh it so met imes hunt s during t he
Ans 1. avarice

2. substantial

3. nocturnal

4. pliant

Question ID : 59445929587
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.20 In t he given quest io n, f o ur wo rds are given o ut o f which o ne wo rd is co rrect ly spelt .

Cho o se t he co rrect ly spelt wo rd.
Ans 1. Gorgious

2. Gorgeius

3. Gorgeuos

4. Gorgeous

Question ID : 59445929597
Status : No t Answered
Chosen Option : --

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