I Realized That I Didn

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I realized that I didn't fell in love with you because of your looks, but because of how you treat

me in the
first place. The greets every morning, noon and in the evening makes me feel that I'm one of your
priority. It's feel like home when I'm with you, I feel safe and secure the way i dreamed to be treated.
You always care about me, you are there when I needed you the most, when I have problem and I'm
thankful because of being there for me. Im thankful that you treated me that way when we're together
even if sometimes we fight, we argue because of some little things.


Now, I realized one thing that loving you is the most painful thing I ever have, you know why? Because
you're the one that I loved the most. I turned blind eye, I became deaf, and just stay silent, hurting
myself silently in the corner of my inner self just to stay in our relationship even when the evidence is
right infront of my eyes. It hurts really bad you know. I don't know if all of the time we spent together is
true, I don't know if all your actions is true towards me. It's hard to trust you again even if you say that
it's just a misunderstanding, why it feels like not. I want to hurt you like the way you hurt me but it's a
bad idea because why would I hurt you like you like you did to me when I just loved you that much. I
don't want you to suffer like what I'm feeling right now.

Now that your gone, i wish to hate you with all my heart but I can't, maybe that's what love can do. You
got my heart broken but that's not mean that I should break your heart too. I want you and me to be
happy, live a peaceful life, and enjoy life. All I know that I will still loved you from a far, still care for you
no matter what and remember that I just love you too much that I choose to let you go not because I
don't love you anymore but I let you go because I wat to love, heal, and find peace to myself.

Always remember that I love you more than myself, your free my moon, you can do whatever you want
to do. Remember, I will support every decision you make from a far. For now, I want you continue you
journey to achieve your dreams without me and maybe nextime, in our future life or maybe if we're
really destined to be together, well meet each other again. Life must goes on. I will always be your
number one supporter. Good bye and always take care of yourself. I love you.


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