Diass Exam

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VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines

Senior High School Department | School Year 2023–2024


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Course Title: DIASS 12 Section: _________________

I. Direction: Choose the best answer. Put the letter of your answer on the space provided.

1. Field of study that is focused on the use and application of the different concepts, theoretical models, and
theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different problems and issues
it faces.
A. Natural Sciences C. Applied Social Sciences
B. Social Sciences D. Behavioral Sciences

2. Which of the following is not a role and function of a counselor?

A. Consultation C. Referral
B. Prevention D. Medication

3. A discipline that provides guidance, help, and support to individuals through the application of
psychological methods.
A. Social Work C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Statistics

4. Siti has difficulty to get along with her mother. What will be the goal of counseling for
A. Enhance her effectiveness in coping C. Improve her ability to maintain
B. Facilitate her behavior D. Promote her self-potiential

5. Studies that optimum allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact within the social structure
to address questions regarding the production and exchange of goods and services.
A. Political Science C. Geography
B. Psychology D. Economics
6. Studies the interaction between people and their environments and explores both the physical properties
of Earth’s surface and their relationship with human societies.
A. History C. Sociology
B. Geography D. Linguistic
7. Field of study where practitioners help individuals, families, groups, and communities enhance peoples’
skills and ability to use their own resources and that of the community to resolve social and community
A. Life Coach C. Communication Studies
B. Journalism D. Social Work
8. Studies how people and groups experience the world through various emotions, ideas, and in
different conscious states.
A. Sociology C. Psychology
B. Anthropology D. Political Science
VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines
Senior High School Department | School Year 2023–2024

9. Field of study where practitioners are equipped with skills to write, produce and deliver news accurately
and creatively to the viewing public.
A. Communication C. Engineering
B. Public Relation D. Architecture

10. Defined as basically an art and a science wherein you endeavor to weigh the
objective and subjective facets of the counseling process.
A. Counseling C. Client
B. Counselor D. Art

11. Studies human behaviour in relation to political systems, governments, laws, and international relations.
A. Economics C. Linguistic
B. Psychology D. Demography

12. It refers to the work area of a counselor where his/her primary concern is helping
students to better navigate the stresses of growing up and successfully completing
their studies.
A. School System C. Hospitals
B. Mental Health Facilities D. Residential Care Facilities

13. It is the branch of science devoted to the study of human societies and the
relationships among individuals within those societies.

a. Applied Social Science c. Science

b. Social Science d. Counseling

14. The following are some of the non-helpful behaviours in counseling, EXCEPT:
A. Storytelling C. Asking, Why?
B. Lecturing D. Showing Respect
VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines
Senior High School Department | School Year 2023–2024

15. What is one of the main goals of counseling?

A. Providing medication to clients
B. Helping clients achieve personal growth and self-fulfillment
C. Enforcing strict rules and regulations on clients
D. Manipulating clients' decisions and actions

16. This setting refers to counselors who decided to do full time work as private practitioners or
engage in part- time private practice while employed by community agencies.
A. Counselors in Government C. Counselors in the Private Sector
B. Counselors in Community Setting D. Counselors in Schools

17. It involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills.;
A. Preventive Goals C. Cognitive Goals
B. Remedial Goals D. Thinking Goals

18. Counselling can be done through the following, except one.

A. Guidance Counselling C. Career Counselling
B. Life Coaching D. Office Counselling

19. They are the one helping individuals, families, and groups, communities to improve their
individual and collective well-being.
A. Social Work Practitioners C. Client
B. Counselor D. Customer

20. It is one of the fields of applied social sciences as an application of the social sciences,
counselling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals who are distraught by
a diverse set of problems in their lives.
A. Counselling C. Client
B. Counselor D. Customer

21. It refers to a person who are professionally trained and certified to perform counseling?
A. Psychiatrists C. Counselors
B. Psychometricians D. Neurologist

22. Ahmad is not sure either to further his study or work after graduation. What will be the
counseling goal for Ahmad?
A. To improve his feeling. C. To get support.
B. To help make decision. D. To learn how to cope.

23. What is one of the key goals of counseling?

A. promoting excessive dependence on the counselor
B. Ignoring clients' emotions and experiences
C. Improving communication and relationship skills
D. Forcing clients into decisions they are uncomfortable with

24. Studies human life in the past through the examination of things left behind by the people.
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Paleontology
B. Archaeology D. Ethnography
25. Counselor Gianne, helps the client avoid some undesired outcome like failing grades,
what Goal of Counseling is used?
A. Preventive Goals C. Remedial Goals
B. Enhancement Goals D. Exploratory Goals

26. This refers to the principle in counseling that keeps the patient’s name, and the problems
strictly secrete and assure the patient about the same.
A. Principle of confidentiality C. Principle of non-judge
B. Principle of acceptance D. Principle of communication
VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines
Senior High School Department | School Year 2023–2024

27. Mr. Kenan who is a counselor encountered a client who is totally different from his
personality but still he kept professional in dealing with his client. What principle of
counseling did Ms. Kenan follow?
A. Principle of non-judge C. Principle of empathy
B. Principle of acceptance D. Principle of communication

28. Ms. Shane, who is a counselor, refused to be courted by Mr. Fernandez, who is her client
to keep their sessions professional and avoid having strings attached. What principle of
counseling did she manifested?
A. Principle of confidentiality C. Principle of individuality
B. Principle of non-judge D. Principle of non-emotional involvement

29. What Goal of Counseling refers to enhancing special skills and abilities of client?
A. Preventive Goals C. Remedial Goals
B. Enhancement Goals D. Exploratory Goals

30. It refers to the competency of a counselor which refers to the ability to adapt and change
the way they respond to meet their client’s needs.
A. Flexibility C. Empathy
B. Self-awareness D. Acceptance

II. Write down the differences of Professional Counselor from Informal Helpers on the box
provided (10 pts.) 31-40

7- 10 points – provides 3-4 differences and substantial support to the topic

4- 6 points – the student provides 2 differences but is not so clear and
0- 3 point – the answer is not substantial at all, but shows effort


III. Identify what Counseling Relationship is being described by the following definition. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the text box.

a. Client’s Welfare b. Group Work c. Fees

d. Sexual Intimacies with Clients e. Respecting Diversity

___41. The counselors screen prospective group counseling/therapy participants to determine

those with compatible needs.
___42. Prior to entering the counseling relationship, the counselors clearly explain the clients all
financial arrangements related to professional fees.
VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines
Senior High School Department | School Year 2023–2024

___43. The counselors’ primary responsibility is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare
of clients.
___44. The counselors do not engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture, disability,
ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, and socio-economic status.
___45. In this process, the counselor should not have any type of sexual intimacies with clients
and do not counsel persons with whom they have sexual relationship.

IV. Identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write YAZ if the statement is correct and
SHESH if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the space before the number.

_________46. There is just one method of counseling. (SHESH)

________47. A counselor is prohibited to establish relationship with
counselee as part of the counseling process. (YAZ)
_________48. Clientele and audience of counseling can be categorized as
individuals, couples, groups, organizations, and states. (YAZ)
_________49. Clientele and audience of counseling may be categorized in
terms of needs and number. (YAZ)
________50. Some organizations hire counselors to help them achieve
organizational goals while some community need counselors' help in
events like after calamities. (YAZ)

V. ESSAY. Answer the question below in NOT MORE THAN TEN SENTENCES. Your answers will be graded based on the
following rubrics:

7- 10 points – the answer is clear, concise, substantial, and relevant to the question
4- 6 points – the answer is relevant to the question, but is not so clear and substantial 0- 3 point
– the answer is not substantial at all, but shows effort

50-60. Who are the clientele and audiences of counselors? What are their needs and demands?
Why they are becoming the clientele for counseling?

Prepared By:

Ms. Dayne D.Borneso

Subject Teacher


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Course Title: DIASS 12 Section: _________________
VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines
Senior High School Department | School Year 2023–2024

I. Direction: Choose the best answer. Put the letter of your answer on the space provided.

1. Field of study that is focused on the use and application of the different concepts, theoretical models, and
theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different problems and issues it
A. Natural Sciences C. Applied Social Sciences
B. Social Sciences D. Behavioral Sciences
2. A discipline that provides guidance, help, and support to individuals through the application of psychological
A. Social Work C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Statistics
3. Studies that optimum allocation of scarce resources and how individuals interact within the social structure to
address questions regarding the production and exchange of goods and services.
A. Political Science C. Geography
B. Psychology D. Economics
4. Studies the interaction between people and their environments and explores both the physical properties of
Earth’s surface and their relationship with human societies.
A. History C. Sociology
B. Geography D. Linguistic
5. Field of study where practitioners help individuals, families, groups, and communities enhance peoples’ skills
and ability to use their own resources and that of the community to resolve social and community problems.
A. Life Coach C. Communication Studies
B. Journalism D. Social Work
6. Studies how people and groups experience the world through various emotions, ideas, and in different
conscious states.
A. Sociology C. Psychology
B. Anthropology D. Political Science

7. Field of study where practitioners are equipped with skills to write, produce and deliver news accurately and
creatively to the viewing public.
A. Communication C. Engineering
B. Public Relation D. Architecture

8. Studies human behaviour in relation to political systems, governments, laws, and international relations.
A. Economics C. Linguistic
B. Psychology D. Demography

9. It is the branch of science devoted to the study of human societies and the relationships
among individuals within those societies.

a. Applied Social Science c. Science

b. Social Science d. Counseling

10. The following are some of the non-helpful behaviours in counseling, EXCEPT:
A. Storytelling C. Asking, Why?
B. Lecturing D. Showing Respect
VICMICO, Victorias City, 6119 Negros Occidental, Philippines
Senior High School Department | School Year 2023-2024
11. This setting refers to counselors who decided to do full time work as private practitioners or
engage in part- time private practice while employed by community agencies.
A. Counselors in Government C. Counselors in the Private Sector
B. Counselors in Community Setting D. Counselors in Schools

12. Counselling can be done through the following, except one.

A. Guidance Counselling C. Career Counselling
B. Life Coaching D. Office Counselling

13. They are the one helping individuals, families, and groups, communities to
improve their individual and collective well-being.
A. Social Work Practitioners C. Client
B. Counselor D. Customer

14. Studies human life in the past through the examination of things left behind by the people.
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Paleontology
B. Archaeology D. Ethnography

15. It is one of the fields of applied social sciences as an application of the social
sciences, counselling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals
who are distraught by a diverse set of problems in their lives.
A. Counselling C. Client
B. Counselor D. Customer

16. Defined as basically an art and a science wherein you endeavor to weigh
the objective and subjective facets of the counseling process.
A. Counseling C. Client
B. Counselor D. Art

17. It refers to a person who are professionally trained and certified to perform
A. Psychiatrists C. Counselors
B. Psychometricians D. Neurologist

18. Ahmad is not sure either to further his study or work after graduation. What will
be the counseling goal for Ahmad?
A. To improve his feeling. C. To get support.
B. To help make decision. D. To learn how to cope.

19. Siti has difficulty to get along with her mother. What will be the goal of
counseling for Siti?
A. Enhance her effectiveness in coping. C. Improve her ability to
maintain relationship.
B. Facilitate her behavior. D. Promote her self-potiential.

20. What is one of the main goals of counseling?

A. Providing medication to clients
B. Helping clients achieve personal growth and self-fulfillment
C. Enforcing strict rules and regulations on clients
D. Manipulating clients' decisions and actions

21. What is one of the key goals of counseling?

A. promoting excessive dependence on the counselor
B. Ignoring clients' emotions and experiences
C. Improving communication and relationship skills
D. Forcing clients into decisions they are uncomfortable with

22. What Goal of Counseling refers to

23. Counselor Gianne, helps the client avoid some undesired outcome like failing
grades, what Goal of Counseling is used?
A. Preventive Goals C. Remedial Goals
B. Enhancement Goals D. Exploratory Goals

24. This refers to the principle in counseling that keeps the patient’s name, and the
problems strictly secrete and assure the patient about the same.
A. Principle of confidentiality C. Principle of non-judge
B. Principle of acceptance D. Principle of communication

25. Mr. Kenan who is a counselor encountered a client who is totally different from
his personality but still he kept professional in dealing with his client. What
principle of counseling did Ms. Kenan follow?
A. Principle of non-judge C. Principle of empathy
B. Principle of acceptance D. Principle of communication

26. Ms. Shane, who is a counselor, refused to be courted by Mr. Fernandez, who
is her client to keep their sessions professional and avoid having strings
attached. What principle of counseling did she manifested?
A. Principle of confidentiality C. Principle of individuality
B. Principle of non-judge D. Principle of non-emotional
27. Which of the following is not a role and function of a counselor?
A. Consultation C. Referral
B. Prevention D. Medication

28. What Goal of Counseling refers to enhancing special skills and abilities of
A. Preventive Goals C. Remedial Goals
B. Enhancement Goals D. Exploratory Goals

29. It refers to the work area of a counselor where his/her primary concern is
helping students to better navigate the stresses of growing up and successfully
completing their studies.
A. School System C. Hospitals
B. Mental Health Facilities D. Residential Care Facilities

30. It refers to the competency of a counselor which refers to the ability to adapt
and change the way they respond to meet their client’s needs.
A. Flexibility C. Empathy
B. Self-awareness D. Acceptance

Where Soul Empowers Technology


II. Write down the differences of Professional Counselor from Informal Helpers
on the box provided (10 pts.) 31-40

7- 10 points – provides 3-4 differences and substantial support to the topic

4- 6 points – the student provides 2 differences but is not so clear
and substantial
0- 3 point – the answer is not substantial at all, but shows


III. Identify what Counseling Relationship is being described by the following definition. Choose the letter of
the correct answer from the text box.

a. Client’s Welfare b. Group Work c. Fees

d. Sexual Intimacies with Clients e. Respecting Diversity

___41. The counselors screen prospective group counseling/therapy participants to

determine those with compatible needs.
___42. Prior to entering the counseling relationship, the counselors clearly explain the
clients all financial arrangements related to professional fees.
___43. The counselors’ primary responsibility is to respect the dignity and to promote
the welfare of clients.
___44. The counselors do not engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture,
disability, ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, and
socio-economic status.
___45. In this process, the counselor should not have any type of sexual intimacies
with clients and do not counsel persons with whom they have sexual relationship.

Where Soul Empowers Technology

IV. Identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write YAZ if the statement is
correct and SHESH if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the space
before the number.

_________46. There is just one method of counseling. (SHESH)

________47. A counselor is prohibited to establish relationship
with counselee as part of the counseling process. (YAZ)
_________48. Clientele and audience of counseling can be
categorized as individuals, couples, groups, organizations,
and states. (YAZ)
_________49. Clientele and audience of counseling may be
categorized in terms of needs and number. (YAZ)
________50. Some organizations hire counselors to help them
achieve organizational goals while some community need
counselors' help in events like after calamities. (YAZ)

V. ESSAY. Answer the question below in NOT MORE THAN TEN SENTENCES. Your answers will be graded
based on the following rubrics:

7- 10 points – the answer is clear, concise, substantial, and relevant to the question
4- 6 points – the answer is relevant to the question, but is not so clear and
substantial 0- 3 point – the answer is not substantial at all, but shows effort

50-60. Who are the clientele and audiences of counselors? What are their needs and
demands? Why they are becoming the clientele for counseling?

Prepared By:

Where Soul Empowers Technology

Ms. Dayne D.Borneso
Subject Teacher

Where Soul Empowers Technology

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