The University of Eastern Pangasinan Was Created by Ramon

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1. The university of eastern Pangasinan was created by ramon “ mon-mon” III.

It was actually part

of the dissertation of governor to have a, to make the binalonan as a university town. So
because of that kailnagan mag create tayo ng school to become a university and that was the
creation of university eastern Pangasinan then when the governor became the mayor it is a
program that he wants to make the times that every family in the binalonan must have a one
graduate so bawat pamilya dpat may isang graduate sa collge and another is that binalonan is
in progress and we need to have , we need to establish more businesses to venture in this
municipality the problem we encounter is that theres lack of population like for example fast
food (chowking, jolibee, and even mcdo, you can hardly invite them because one factor is that
kulan gung population for as part of feassibilty syempre kailangan sapat ba yung tao pag
nagpatayo sila jan so that will be another problem then the congressman now and former
mayor strategize pano yong, pano paparamihin yong tao sa binalonan then they came up na
yon nag dissertation si governor na dipa siya noon nasa local government na mag create ng
school the university pra un nga matulongan first is that magkaroon ng graduate, collge
graduate sa bawat pamilya at the same time para maparami yung tao ditto sa binalonan kasi
they will come and study here so that is I think that’s the assumption and belief behind the
establishment of university of eastern Pangasinan

Since the dream of establishing a university town for binalonan came into reality. Governor
guico battle cry bawat pamilya may isang collge graduate it emphasize that marginalized families
can afford quality education

Our governor guico iii established uep for the purpose of having atleast one college graduate per
household in binalonan and nearby towns and cities

Envisioned to make Binalonan a town university making each family to have cheaper expression
in sending collge children going to nearby cities

At first uep existence was just a dissertation paper presented by dr ramon v. guico iii to
president Gloria Macapagal arroyo but latter was established by our governor ramon v.guico iii
with his belief/ assumption that every family shall have atleast one college graduate that could
someday have a good and stable work in sustenance to the family’s need

It caters small population of the students and does not have enough standard to be at par with
other local universities and colleges( LUCs)

Of course i believe that this assumptions and believes behind establishment of this institutions is
promogation of academic excellent this university was purposes answering the needs of
constituents in binalonan as well as in year by town also pangasinan and most specifically region
It is assume that is could be supported by local government unit of municipality of Binalonan
Pangasinan with the support all of the executive officer which is the town of mayor who is acting
as the board of regents of UEP.
2. Okay dun sa mission and vision and even don sa core values of uep this is align to the mission
also of the uncore values of the binalonan kas inga this is a local university. Ang mission vision
ng binalonan is that I know your knowlegdgeble with the mission and vision become best
holistic , higher institution to cultivate excellent and virtues individual to become catalyst of
progress and development for both local and global communities and ung vision nmn is yun
mag cultivate din ng mga graduates so then yung mission is align din siya doon so ito nga this is
align with the as well the core values of binalonan na , binanlonan ang galling, magaling,
makadiyos , makata o, so un ung mga basis ng core values natin dun titignan sa mga mission
and vison ang uep the uep once graduate to become excellents from various of field so by
putting the university ang nagging inspirasyon niya dto is that our graduates will have their jobs
yan makilala tayo na ang mga graduates natin ay they are now equip skills na kailangan sa
trabaho not only local even international or global arena yon ung mga basis or inspiration of
the eup mission vision and core values kas inga this is a local university, gusto niyang tulongan
ung mga pamilya nia ditto nahihirapang magsend ng mga anak or mga mag aaral sa other
school like in the cities kasi noon pupunta kapa ng Dagupan, Urdaneta, ng baguio even manila
so nag create sila ng ganito from that vision now you can see na madami nan a hindi muna
kailangang pumunta dun ditto mag aaral ka for you to acquire the skills na kailangan for you to
will use looking for a job ditto man locally or globally so un ung isang nag inspire where the
resporation and basis dun nanggaling so un nga madami tayong na poproduce then makikita
mo na ang binalonan ang galling maraming graduate magkakatrabaho so ganon din yan and
yun ang idea ditto is pag maraming nagtatrabaho they are many if this graduates will have their
job they will productive and they will be taxpayers if they have a job its like a domino that
tulongan mo sila now and soon when they have a job their will tax that will be deducted in
there salary

the inspiration of the eups mission, vision and core values is aligned with the primary vision of
the founder of uep, governor iii that each family will have a college graduate

the base or inspirations of the uep mission ,vision and core values is the binalonan core values
go makadiyos, go malinis and go marunong

uep is inspired in reading academic excellence by implementing quality education while

producing competitive graduates

ueps mission,vision and core values are aligned with lgu’s mission, vision and core values
it is to improve quality of life of the community through providing knowledge suited to the
needs of the community and society

the bases of ueps mission, vision and core values is the binalonan lgus core values which is go
makadiyos , go marunong and go malinis. Inspired mostly to the eagerness of hon. Ramon v.
guico iii to create a university town that existed to develop highly and globally competent
professionals and morally responsible/virtuous individuals which will be a catalyst of progress
and development in the community and the country as a whole
centering man as the focus of development we value good life, hence the lgu take joy to take
good services through education

Well the bases of inspiration of UEP's vision mission and core values the municipality Binalonan
as counted. It is vision become a university build aside from urdaneta and other year by town
but the bases inspiration is to distribution of Uep board of regents of UEP to make this
institutions as the have of education for all students from pangasinan and there provinces as the
core values of course is maka- Diyos, Makatao, Makabansa these core values is our institution

3. Un nga ang goal ng uep is competitive graduates of course the more the graduates we produce
and pag yan naka when they enter their jobs then it reflects the university na in the university
the producer of excellent at the same time a quality workers field nag anon so marami open
different courses and right now ready having different products in the field we have law
inforcers they came from criminology marami na tayong police ,bjmp, bfp and other align law
ensforcerment , also teachers different areas because of from the graduate of educations
department we have also course from it, sa mga computer based businesses establishement so
mga graduates natin even dun sa mga hotel restaurant ,graduates also from hm also they are
now employed even mga midwifery so meaning to say our gradutes are now employed so its
reflects that’s in uep you will acquire and afterwards you will be hired on the different agency
that you want

the general goal of the institution is to help the students achieve their dreams despite financial
difficulties.It is reflected through the free tuition scholarship offered by UEP applicable to all
offered programs.

Produces Excellent and virtuous preferences not may Binalonians but to all tertiary-age Filipinos

The general goal of our University is to transcend towards development and progress as local
university owned by a municipality in the province of Pangasinan. And to become the center of
educational haven giving emphasis to the value of education and pillar of national development.

To produce quality graduates.They should be board passer & are able to have jobs suited to
what they finished

The general goal of UEP is to provide efficient and globally competitive graduates
Continuously explore better oppurtunities to enhance instructions, extensions,reseach through

The general goal of UEP to cater to all types of students of all those coming of all walks of life
make becoming from those able who martialist so goal is to adlive standard living of the people
of binalonan most specially the fulfillment our youth. In every family binalonan in year from
provinces they will make elevaters our standard this why enrolled our UEP because they believe
that with this objectives and goals of UEP they dreams they will make be fulfilled
4. the uep wants to know the in the province, in the country even in the word uep that uep
produced graduates that are competitive in their areas of specialization kung ano pinili mo
halimbawa gusto mo ng ganito, gusting tahaking trabaho the uep see to is that the skills,
knowledge, and the ability is needed by the graduates before they will go to respective or
choosen profession they are already equip talaga na pag uep yan maayus yan kasi alam mo na
okay yong training okay yong knowledge nila okay yung attitude, ito pa yun ung branding sa
uep na pag nag aral ka libre, makukuha mon a yung attitude and skills na kailangan mo libre ka
pang mag aral, we want to see in eup that kahit libre theres a quality when it comes to teachers
na pag doon ka mabbait yong mga teachers you will have a very good teachers most of them
are well experience they are specialized in the field mostly they are graduate in post
studies ,masters yan, doctorate, learning instructional environment in criminology in terms of
culture is that sa learning and instructional environment will teach the best that we can and
turuan natin sila kahit libre turuan natin sila with excellent and quality lalong lalo board course
tayo un ung lagi kung sinasabi ko sa kanila na we will teach them kung ano dapat nilang
kailangan align dun sa what is being ask the ched, prc, the course content we need to teach
them atleast alam nating yong tinuturo natin

uep promotes diversity among its students to ensure that each students are given opportunity
to explore his interest, nurture relationships, take part in extra curricular activities and personal
growth. Uep also distinguishes itself for creating a culture of learning

as our mission- vision suggest uep promulgating a principle- centered culture where moral and
ethical standards are being followed while promoting social responsibility

excellence of good character are always what uep wants its learners to have similarly
competence with good character among its faculty & staff

Our University places a high value on Maka-Diyos, Marunong and Malinis in support to the core
values of the Municipality. In terms of branding UEP is known as UEP ang galing! Since the
school existed to produce or develop highly competent professionals. As reflected by the sun
rays on the UEP logo represented by the 24 barangays of Binalonan each individual shall shine
its own light towards progress. UEP has a good working environment since each personnel
believes that we are just one family working towards the development of the school
community. Though conflict with each other will not be avoided, still understanding and
camaraderie is more visible. To develop highly competitive individuals the university provides an
industry oriented instruction, strong and relevant research, responsible extension programs,
value-based curriculum that defines the way of life in the University.

A service related institution with the goal of having facilities, intellegenent teaching staff with a
heart to mold the young people to become productive and virtuous citizen

Uep can maximaize thie students / graduates potential by employing them and helping them
grow professionally. Ueps work culture hey flexible because they can adapt easily and can work
effectively with diverse peope. They instill discipline and perseverance among the students in
terms of learning and instructional environment

Our culture is in viewed in ispirit of cooperation and reaching the under privilege constituents of
our town so our culture we are extending in terms social identity or branding. Our
organizational culture of course organizational climate this stakeholders of this institutions
consisting the employees faculty members and the students themeselves there assumptions in
unity and one nieces they culture is very sounds conducive and pleasant of all stakeholders.
Learning environment well also conducive to the study and learning attributes of the students
because i could see the students and faculty themselves rapoor their are assumptions the
agreements snd collaboration are all accommodate thier students

5. UEP is known for magaling! Since it's always reflected to the high rates of board passers of each
college departments offering board courses. Students in each department are competitive in all
sorts whether academics or extracurricular programs, inside or outside school base/local or
national activities

Uep is known for utilizing various sociocultural and historical materials in explaining current
issues, organize communities towards self reliance and self sufficiency

`uep maintains quality education as parts of its identity. Uep promotes ethical standards to
produce globally competitive college graduates

Quality and excellence through showing good examples

Resileints and purposes despite of its mobility of infra-needs we keep going believing that can
have the best facilities room

Uep known as upper palengke in 20005 but today the uep established its own identity by
providing good education ans provide scholarships in every student

UEP's known for cultivate the spirit of nationalism aside from that we all known to cultivate the
academic excellent aside from that we are UEP as an institution low avoiding it is one institution
cooperate responsibility so they are extending help support they all needs through typoon and
calamities so UEP's giving free use clothes, can goods those who are affected in typoons UEP's
are there always to share the spirit of cooperation.

The practice identity known for excellent then the identity and culture was " Kahit libre dun is
sulit pa" there is be in excellent na mararamdaman ng mga bata hinde yung libre pero parang
taking for granted naman the culture of " libre then tulungan natin silang ibigay natin excellent
performance natin para matulongam natin sila sa pamamagitan pagturo para mafulfilled ang
kanilang dreams then we go out and look for good jobs though became from local university of
excellent. How does UEP maintain its identity so as can you observe, diretso naman ang ating
schoolarship natin hinde tayo pinabayaan from time to time tumataas ang number na binibigay
sa atin for scholarship gaya ngayon medyo dumadami naman numbers of scholarship kailangan
din natin mas galingan at mas lalo pa nating magung excellent for our performance.

6. UEP strives for development and will always thrived through the eagerness of the people
behind its establishment (the founder), through those people who are working hand in hand to
make the school as the center of educational excellence (administrator and personnel) and to
those individuals who patronized the services of the university (students and the community).
No matter how heavy the rain is if unity/ camaraderie are exercised among each members of
the school community then all things' will be always be possible and can be achieved

I think real education Is the driving force of uep development because its sustains students
imagination, creativity and innovation

Of course the driving force is cooperation of board of regents are very supportive in what sense
of financial support advices ever willing we request for an assistance by asking for financial
health the local government of Binalonan is all willing cooperate so this the driving force to
develop and to expand also consider the faculty they keep on professional goal. I believe their is
UEP maintain by cultivating the students the spirit of one piece and unity

The enabler of uep development in my opinion its competitive and responsible admin staffs and
instructors. Uep employees are kept motivated and driven by providing career opportunities
and personal growth

Good governance, strict on policies & guidelines

The uep is one of the sources and local income of the lgu aside from the fact that it is one of the
ways and means of each binalonan household to acquire or produce professionalism in line
with its goal at least one professional for each household especially for the low income families.
An avenue of learning for economic development for each family and the lgus as a whole.

The primary force/ enabler of uep development is its students. Uep maintains its culture
through its competent an d efficient administration, employees and students who work hand in
hand to make the institution flourish

I believe the driving force is the commitment of stakeholders from they top management going
to the lower stakeholders and by saying commitment of local government there is member of
the Board of Regents , Mayor, Sanguniang Bayan, and even the President of School there are the
main top management personnel so their commitment their making programs for UEP like for
example sa mga budget then pagpapagawa ng mga different establishment for UEP,
Pagpupundo ng mga programs of UEP their is the driving force if they are really committed to it
then because from President and other different like Deans other administration staff and even
faculty members they are all motivated na gawin ang kanilang trabaho we must be aligned with
them then we the same goal to do their dreams of students if they are committed to it helping
each others.

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