Mohan Questions 1

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1. What is your age group?

a) Under 18
b) 18-24
c) 25-34
d) 35-44
e) 45-54
f) 55-64
g) 65 or above

2. What is your gender?

a) Male
b) Female

3. What is your highest level of education?

a) Less than high school degree
b) High school degree or equivalent
c) Some college but no degree
d) Associate degree
e) Bachelor's degree
f) Master's degree
g) Professional degree
h) Doctorate degree

4.Do you know about Alternative Dispute system

5. Have you ever been involved in a dispute or conflict that required resolution?
a) Yes
b) No

6. If yes, how did you resolve the dispute? (Please select all that apply)
a) Court trial
b) Mediation
c) Arbitration
d) Negotiation
e) Other (Please specify)

7. Have you heard about alternative dispute systems?

a) Yes
b) No

8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how familiar are you with alternative dispute systems?
1 - Not at all familiar
10 - Extremely familiar

9. How important do you think alternative dispute systems are for the public?
a) Very important
b) Somewhat important
c) Neutral
d) Somewhat unimportant
e) Very unimportant

10. Do you believe alternative dispute systems can benefit the public in any way?
Please explain.
11. Are there any specific alternative dispute systems you find more effective
than others?

12. In your opinion, what factors contribute to the success of alternative dispute

13. Do you think there should be more awareness and education about alternative
dispute systems in the public?
a) Yes
b) No

14. If yes, how could this awareness and education be improved?

15. Any additional comments or suggestions about alternative dispute systems

and their relation to the public?

Questionare with Advocates

Dear Respondent,

We appreciate your participation in our research questionnaire focused on

Alternative Dispute Systems (ADS) and their relation to advocates. Your valuable
input will help us understand the perspectives and experiences of legal
professionals in this field. Please answer the following questions to the best of
your knowledge.

1. What is your current profession?

a) Advocate
b) Judge
c) Lawyer
d) Mediator
e) Other (Please specify)

2. How familiar are you with Alternative Dispute Systems (ADS)?

a) Very Familiar
b) Somewhat Familiar
c) Neutral
d) Somewhat Unfamiliar
e) Very Unfamiliar

3. In your opinion, what are the main benefits of using Alternative Dispute
Systems in legal matters?

4. Have you personally used or recommended any Alternative Dispute Systems

to your clients?
a) Yes
b) No

5. If you answered "Yes" to question 4, please specify which ADS you have used
or recommended:

6. How do you think ADS can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the
legal system?

7. Are there any challenges or limitations you have encountered while using or
promoting ADS in your professional practice?
8. In your view, how can advocates be better trained or equipped to handle and
promote Alternative Dispute Systems?

9. Do you believe that ADS can lead to better outcomes for clients in terms of
cost, time, and satisfaction?
a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly Disagree

10. Is there any additional feedback or suggestions you would like to provide
regarding the role of advocates in Alternative Dispute Systems?

Thank you for your time and valuable insights. Your responses will contribute
significantly to our understanding of the relationship between advocates and
Alternative Dispute Systems.

1. What are the perceptions and experiences of stakeholders (e.g., parties,

lawyers, mediators) regarding the effectiveness and fairness of ADR
2. How do ADR practices vary across different industries or sectors, and what
factors influence these variations?
3. What are the challenges faced by marginalized or underrepresented groups
in accessing and participating in ADR processes?
4. How do ADR policies and practices impact access to justice, particularly
for disadvantaged populations?
5. What role do cultural norms and values play in shaping ADR practices and
6. How do ADR providers (e.g., mediation centers, arbitration institutions)
ensure quality and standards in their services?
7. How are technological advancements (e.g., online dispute resolution
platforms) changing the landscape of ADR, and what are the implications?
8. How do ADR processes contribute to the resolution of complex, multi-
party disputes, such as environmental or public policy conflicts?
9. What are the ethical considerations and dilemmas faced by ADR
practitioners, and how are these addressed in practice?
10. How can ADR be integrated into the broader legal system to
complement and enhance traditional court processes?

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