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Q3- WEEK 1

 Ovary- producing egg cell

 Urethra- pathway for urine
 Testis/Testes- produces sperm cell
 Bulbourethral gland - Secretes a slightly alkaline milky fluid that is discharged as part of
the semen
 The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days
 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone - hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that causes the
pituitary gland in the brain to make and secrete the hormones luteinizing hormone (LH)
and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
 The menstrual cycle is the monthly series of changes a woman's body goes through in
preparation for the possibility of pregnancy

Q3- WEEK 2
 The Central Nervous System (CNS) serves as the main processing center for the entire
 Homeostasis is the state reached when each part of the body functions in equilibrium with
other parts.
 The brain stem, which is also known as the "lower brain" is responsible for the
involuntary life functions such as heartbeat, breathing and digestion.
 Cerebellum – controls coordination and balance.

Q3- WEEK 4
 The DNA molecule is composed of three types of component molecule: phosphate group,
the sugar deoxyribose, and the bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine (A, T, C, G).
 RNA is single stranded, the sugar in RNA is ribose; and RNA contain four nitrogenous
bases, but instead of thymine, RNA contains a similar base called uracil (U). The uracil
pairs with adenine.
 mRNA is responsible for bringing information from the DNA in the nucleus to the protein
manufacturing area
Q3- WEEK 5, 6, and 7
 Homologous structures - means similarities in the body structures of different species,
which may have come from common ancestors. These structures do not have necessarily
have the same functions
 Analogous structures - like a bird’s wing and a bat’s wing, have the same function but
these are not evidence that they came from a common ancestor.
 Biodiversity is the variety of life forms in a particular ecosystem.
 Jean Baptiste de Lamarck proposed The Theory of Need, The Theory of Use and Disuse,
and The Theory of Acquired Characteristics.
 Charles Darwin proposed the Theory of Natural Selection which is supported by the
following ideas: Organisms struggle for existence, resulting in survival of the fittest and
elimination of the unfit. Organisms learn to adapt to their environment in order to survive
and reproduce.
 Ecosystem is a community of organisms that live, feed and interact with the environment.
 Limiting factors these are factors that control the growth of a population

 Exponential growth Logistics growth

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