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Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2014) 67, 756e763

Assessment of three-dimensional nasolabial

response to Le Fort I advancement
Philipp Metzler a, Erik J. Geiger a, Christopher C. Chang a,
Irin Sirisoontorn b, Derek M. Steinbacher a,*

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
CT 06520, USA
Dental Section, Panyananthaphikkhu Chonprathan Medical Center, Srinakharinwirot University,
Nonthaburi, Thailand

Received 13 January 2014; accepted 15 March 2014

KEYWORDS Summary Background: Le Fort I advancement induces soft tissue changes to the nasolabial
Le Fort I; region. The correlation of sagittal skeletal movement to soft tissue alteration has been studied
Nasolabial; using 2D methods. However, the influence of maxillary advancement has not been adequately
Three-dimensional; assessed using three-dimensional means. The purpose of this study is to analyze nasolabial
Anthropometric changes following Le Fort I advancement using 3D photometric measurements.
Methods: Patient demographic information and their amount of advancement were tabulated.
Pre- and postoperative 3D photographs (3D VECTRA photosystem, Canfield, Fairfield, NJ) were re-
corded. Nasolabial anthropometric measurements were performed using the corresponding 3D
post-processing software (Mirror). Six month minimum follow-up elapsed before final evaluation.
Results: Forty-four 3D photo data sets were included. Mean maxillary advancement was 5.5 (1.9)
mm. Male/female ratio was 0.7 with a mean age of 16.7 years. Significant increases (p < 0.0001)
were seen in the alar base, alar widths, nostril width, and in the soft triangle and lateral alar angles.
Significant decreases (p < 0.0001) were noted in the nasofrontal angle and in nostril height. A sig-
nificant (p < 0.05) increase of the nasal tip, columella and upper lip projection was seen. Philtral
height showed no significant changes (p > 0.05) after maxillary advancement. No significant corre-
lation (p > 0.05) between the degree of soft tissue changes and the amount of maxillary advance-
ment was found.
Conclusion: Le Fort I advancement significantly impacts the nasolabial soft tissue envelope. The 3D
soft tissue changes are predictable and similar for any advancement up to 10 mm.
ª 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgeons.

* Corresponding author. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.
Tel.: þ1 (203) 785 4559; fax: þ1 (203) 785 5714.
E-mail addresses:, (D.M. Steinbacher).
1748-6815/ª 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
3D nasolabial response to LeFort 1 advancement 757

Introduction Demographic information was tabulated including pa-

tients’ age, gender, and diagnosis. Peri-operative details
Nasolabial symmetry, projection, and shape play a central role including the amount of advancement and suture technique
in facial aesthetics and expression.1 Due to the close rela- were documented. Pre- and postoperatively, all subjects
tionship between these soft tissues and the underlying were assessed using a 3D photogrammetric imaging tech-
maxillary bone, Le Fort I advancement has a significant influ- nique. The postoperative interval was at least 6 months.
ence on these structures and, consequently, on overall facial
proportions and balance.2e5 In addition, various soft tissue Imaging and data processing
closure techniques following skeletal correction have been
shown to significantly impact nasolabial configuration.2,6e9 The three-dimensional photogrammetric data was acquired
Two-dimensional lateral cephalograms have been utilized using the 3D VECTRA photosystem (Canfield, Fairfield, NJ).
for both presurgical planning, as well as postsurgical evalua- System calibration was performed before every capture
tion of outcomes. However, algorithms intended to predict process. Natural head position was chosen for data acqui-
soft tissue change from skeletal movement are limited to sition. Data sets were saved and calculated into a three-
radiologic 2D shadow superimposition. Three-dimensional dimensional model. Further data processing was performed
analysis and objective data is critical to properly define the using the corresponding imaging software (Mirror). Validity
type and extent of nasolabial change with Le Fort I. This in- and reliability of the 3D photogrammetric tool for anthro-
formation is useful for accurate planning, proper patient pometric measurements was confirmed in previous
counseling, and optimization of esthetic outcomes. studies.10,11
The purpose of this paper was to three-dimensionally Two blinded observers indicated the landmarks on each
assess and describe the nasolabial soft tissue changes facial soft tissue image. The zoom and rotation tools were
following Le Fort I advancement. Additionally, we sought to used to correctly identify and set the landmarks on the 3D
evaluate the relationship between the amount of maxillary surface (Table 1, Figures 1 and 2). To evaluate post-
movement and nose/lip morphometrics. We hypothesize operative soft tissue changes, a paired two-sample t-test
that significant three-dimensional nasolabial soft tissue al- was used. An alpha level of 0.05 indicated a significant
terations occur following Le Fort I advancement. difference in scores. A cut-off of 5 mm was used to stratify
the patients into two groups based on magnitude of
Patients and methods maxillary advancement for additional analyses. An un-
paired two-sample t-test was used for this evaluation.
This retrospective analysis was performed in concordance
with the Yale University Institutional Review Board (Proto- Forty-four pre- and postoperative 3D photo data sets could
col number: HIC# 1101007932). Patients who underwent be included in this study. Male/female ratio was 0.7 with a
single-piece Le Fort I advancement were included. Exclu- mean age of 16.7 years. A maxillary advancement was
sion criteria were superior or inferior positioning of the exclusively performed in this study population, showing a
maxilla and previous naso-maxillary surgery. mean value of 5.5 (1.9) mm. Latency time for

Table 1 Landmarks used for 3D nasolabial soft tissue assessment.

Landmark Abbreviation Definition
Glabella G Most anteriorly projected point of the forehead within the midsagittal plane
Nasion N Most depressed midline point superior to the nasal bridge
Alare Al Most lateral point of the alar contour
Subalare SA Labial insertion of each alar base
Pronasale Prn Most anterior point of the nose
Collumella peak CP Most superior point of the Columella
Subnasale Sn Midpoint of the nasolabial angle at the columellar base
Medial nostril base mNb Point on inner nostril where the columella meets the columellar crest
Lateral nostril base lNb Most inferolateral point of the nostril
Lateral alar LA Point on inner nostril rim at its labial insertion
Soft triangle ST Most superiormedial point of the nostril
Midcolumella MC Medial nostril point at midcolumella height level
Lateral Crus LC Perpendicular to the columella, through the MC on the lateral crus
Crista philtri superior Cphs Top of the philtral crest at the level of the subnasale
Labiale superius Ls Midpoint of the upper vermillion border
Crista philtri inferior Cphi Point of maximum vertical height of upper vermillion border (Cupid’s bow)
Chelion Che Most lateral point of labial commissure
Tragus Tr Most anterior point of the tragus
758 P. Metzler et al.

Figure 1 Overview of the used nasolabial landmarks for 3D photometric analysis.

postoperative 3D photo capturing showed a mean of 7.8 combined bilateral sill width had a preoperative mean of
months. 6.7  1.6 mm, which decreased to 5.9  1.3 mm post-
Mean preoperative nasofrontal angle was 144.7  6.3 operatively (p < 0.0001). Soft triangle angle measurements
and decreased to 141.2  6.8 postoperatively increased postoperatively from a mean of 70.6  10.0 to
(p < 0.0001). Mean nasal tip projection was 124.5  3.1 mm 80.3  9.2 (p < 0.0001).
preoperatively while it was 125.2  11.7 mm (p Z 0.0353) The lateral alar angle decreased significantly
postoperatively. Columella projection increased signifi- (p < 0.0001) showing a mean 110.2  13.9 preoperatively
cantly (p Z 0.0163), showing respective means of and 99.8  13.5 postoperatively. No significant differences
120.3  3.2 mm and 121.4  2.8 mm pre- and post- (p > 0.05) could be seen pre- and postoperatively when
operatively. Preoperative mean nasal tip prominence was comparing between the left and right nostril dimensions
30.1  3.2 mm, while the postoperative mean was (Table 1).
28.5  2.9 mm (p Z 0.0014). Subnasale projection showed a mean of 112.6  2.2 mm
Mean alar base width preoperatively was 29.2  3.2 mm, preoperatively and increased to 114.3  1.6 mm post-
which increased to 31.9  4.0 mm (p < 0.0001) post- operatively (p Z 0.004), while lip projection showed a
operatively. Mean preoperative alar width was preoperative mean of 115.2  2.8 mm and increased to a
34.2  2.6 mm and increased to 37.0  3.7 mm post- postoperative mean of 117.8  2.6 mm (p Z 0.0005). Mean
operatively (p < 0.0001). Nostril height decreased signifi- preoperative columella height was 11.4  1.6 mm, and this
cantly (p < 0.0001), showing respective means of decreased to 10.8  2.0 mm postoperatively (p Z 0.0384).
14.1  2.2 mm and 13.3  2.1 mm pre- and postoperatively. The upper philtrum width increased postoperatively from a
Mean nostril width increased postoperatively from mean of 11.7  2.1 mm to 12.6  2.2 mm (p Z 0.0007), and
10.6  1.9 mm to 11.4  2.3 mm (p < 0.0001). The the lower philtrum width increased from a mean of
7.6  2.4 mm preoperatively to 12.6  2.2 mm post-
operatively (p Z 0.0331).
No significant changes were identified in the columella
width and labial width postoperatively (p Z 0.6635 and
p Z 0.2894, respectively). Percentages of soft tissue
changes correlated with the absolute maxillary advance-
ment are demonstrated in Table 1. We also stratified pa-
tients into groups to compare soft tissue changes after
maxillary advancements of less than and more than 5 mm.
Subsequent evaluation revealed no significant differences
(p > 0.05) between the two groups (Table 2).


Le Fort 1 advancement is known to have beneficial effects

on the facial profile, especially within the nasolabial re-
gion. However, adverse side-effects including widening of
the alar bases, increasing nasal tip projection, and flat-
tening, thinning, and shortening of the upper lip have
previously been described.3,4,12e18 Previous studies suggest
Figure 2 Nasal landmarks for morphometric analysis. that soft tissue changes due to maxillary advancement
3D nasolabial response to LeFort 1 advancement 759

Table 2 Parameters (direct distances and angles) used for 3D nasolabial soft tissue assessment.
Measurement Abbreviation Definition
Nasofrontal angle NFA Angle between G-N-Prn
Nasolabial angle NLA Angle between CP-Sn-Ls
Nasal projection NP Distance between Tr-Prn
Alar base width ABW Distance between SA (l)-SA (r)
Alar width ACW Distance between Al (l)-Al (r)
Sill width right SWr Distance between mNb-lNb (r)
Sill width left SWl Distance between mNb-lNb (l)
Nostril height right NHr Distance between LA-ST (r)
Nostril height left NHl Distance between LA-ST (l)
Nostril width right Nwr Distance between MC-Al (r)
Nostril width left NWl Distance between MC-Al (l)
Soft triangle angle right STAr Angle between MC-ST-LC (r)
Soft triangle angle left STAl Angle between MC-ST-LC (l)
Lateral alar angle right LAAr Angle between lNb-LC-ST (r)
Lateral alar angle left LAAl Angle between lNb-LC-ST (l)
Columella width CW Distance between MC (r)-MC (l)
Columella heigtht CH Distance between Sn-CP
Columella projection CP Distance between Tr-CP
Subnasale projection SnP Distance between Tr-Sn
Lower philtrum width LPW Distance between Cphi (r)-Cphi (l)
Upper philtrum width UPW Distance between Cphs (r)-Cphs (l)
Philtrum height PH Distance between Ls-Sn
Lip width LW Distance between Che (r)-Che (l)
Labiale superius projection LSP Distance between Tr-Ls

occur inconsistently, complicating reliable hard-to-soft providing real three-dimensional and detailed anthropo-
tissue predictions. Nasal tip advancement has been re- metric data.10,11,25 However, as in every facial morpho-
ported to increase between 30% and 60% of the total metric assessment, changes in facial expression have the
amount of maxillary advancement.19e21 The columellar potential to bias study results. Therefore, during picture
base was touted to advance to a greater extent than the capturing our patients were instructed to keep their facial
nasal tip, secondary to the anterior movement of the expression neutral pre- and postoperatively (see Figure 3).
maxilla, but this phenomenon was also inconsistently To the authors’ knowledge, no study exists focusing on
reproduced.7 The alar width was found to consistently in- three-dimensional nasolabial soft tissue changes after Le
crease after maxillary advancement but a wide range has Fort I advancement using 3D photo technology at this level
been described.2,12,22 The change in upper lip morphology of detail. We hypothesized that more complex three-
is reported to have the most direct response to maxillary/ dimensional nasolabial soft tissue changes are imparted
incisor advancement - representing values up to 140% of following maxillary advancement than have been previously
maxillary advancement.2,8 Postoperative two-dimensional shown using 2D means (see Table 4).
soft tissue changes as a result of maxillary movements In our cohort, the nasolabial soft tissue changes were
have been described in the literature and variably reported compared with the actual bony movements measured
to be used as a reference for current prediction planning. intraoperatively. An average projection increase of the
However, these predictions are inherently biased from nasal tip, as measured from the tragus, was about 10% of
overlapped structures and do not accurately represent the the total maxillary movement but is of questionable clinical
three-dimensional changes that occur within the overlying relevance. However, the nasal tip prominence (measured
soft tissue.13,23,24 Indeed, the most objective analysis from the alar groove to the tip) significantly decreased by
strategy is 3D morphometric analysis (see Table 3). about 32% of the total maxillary advancement. So, although
Multiple methods have been described for three- actual tip projection increased, compared to the posterior
dimensional soft tissue assessment following orthognathic face, the relative tip prominence (the proportion of the
surgery. Attempts including direct anthropometric, moiré, nasal tip in front of the upper lip) decreased. This finding
laser, and volumetric computed tomography measurements was likely due to the more obtuse alar relationship sec-
were shown to be limited due to poor surface texture and ondary to advancement and widening of the ala as the
resolution. Less detailed information considerably hinders piriform came forward. The widened, obtuse ala pulled the
reproducibility and reliability of measurements, allowing tip back, following the tripod theory, despite an increase in
only rough quantitative measurements and coarse evalua- nasal projection relating to the face.26,27 In other words,
tion. 3D photo technology overcomes these drawbacks by intrinsic nasal tip projection decreased e relative to the
760 P. Metzler et al.

Table 3 Morphometric evaluation before and after maxillary advancement.

Measurement (mm, ) T1 T2 DT2T1 CI p-value D T/Adv (%)
Nasofrontal angle 144.7  6.3 141.2  6.8 3.5  1.7 4.5 to 2.6 <0.0001* 66.8Y
Nasolabial angle 124.9  11.3 125.2  11.7 0.4  8.3 4.2 to 5.0 0.0353 2.1Y
Nasal tip projection 124.5  3.1 125.3  3.0 0.8  1.9 0.2 to 1.8 0.0031* 10.2[
Nasal tip prominence 30.1  3.2 28.5  2.9 1.6  1.6 2.5 to 0.7 0.0014* 31.8Y
Alar base width 29.2  3.2 31.9  4.0 2.8  1.9 1.7 to 3.8 <0.0001* 54.0[
Alar width 34.2  2.6 37.0  3.7 2.9  2.0 1.7 to 4.0 <0.0001* 54.5[
Sill width right 6.9  1.5 6.1  1.1 0.8  0.8 1.2 to 0.4 0.0011* 14.1Y
Sill width left 6.5  1.6 5.8  1.3 0.6  0.8 1.1 to 0.2 0.0061* 10.6Y
Nostril height right 13.9  2.2 13.0  1.8 0.9  0.8 1.4 to 0.4 0.0011* 16.5Y
Nostril height left 14.2  2.1 13.4  2.3 0.8  0.4 1.0 to 0.5 <0.0001* 15.9Y
Nostril width right 10.6  2.0 11.2  2.4 0.6  0.9 0.1 to 1.1 0.0221* 12.7[
Nostril width left 10.9  1.9 12.0  2.2 1.1  0.9 0.6 to 1.6 0.0004* 20.9[
Soft triangle angle right 70.8  11.6 79.8  10.4 9.0  4.8 6.3 to 11.7 <0.0001* 181.4[
Soft triangle angle left 71.0  8.6 81.5  7.6 10.5  6.1 7.1 to 13.9 <0.0001* 201.3[
Lateral alar angle right 110  16.5 100.3  14.4 9.7  6.4 13.2 to 6.2 <0.0001* 198.9[
Lateral alar angle left 109.3  13.4 97.2  15.2 12.1  7.5 16.2 to 8.0 <0.0001* 226.3[
Columella width 6.7  1.3 6.5  0.8 0.2  1.3 0.9 to 0.6 0.6635 2.9Y
Columella height 11.4  1.6 10.8  2.0 0.6  1.0 1.1 to 0.04 0.0384* 9.9Y
Columella projection 120.3  3.2 121.4  2.8 1.0  1.5 0.2 to 1.9 0.0163* 16.1[
Subnasale projection 112.6  2.2 114.3  1.6 1.7  1.9 0.6 to 2.7 0.004* 28.8[
Lower philtrum width 11.7  2.1 12.6  2.2 0.9  0.9 0.5 to 1.4 0.0007* 19.6[
Upper philtrum width 7.6  2.4 8.5  2.6 0.9  1.5 0.1 to 1.7 0.0331* 18.7[
Philtrum height 14.6  3.4 14.9  3.1 0.3  1.6 0.6 to 1.2 0.4894 6.6[
Mouth width 49.3  2.8 50.1  4.2 0.8  2.7 0.7 to 2.3 0.2894 17.6[
Labiale superius projection 115.2  2.8 117.9  2.6 2.7  2.3 1.4 to 4.0 0.0005* 51.2[
T1 preoperative.
T2 postoperative.
CI Confidential Interval.
DT (T2T1)/&uarr.
[ Increase.
Y Decrease.

alar groove e as the ala splayed, while extrinsic tip pro- The labial superius showed an advancement of 50% of
jection increased as the piriform and anterior nasal spine the total maxillary movement. The nasolabial angle did not
(ANS) pushed the entire nasal complex forward. demonstrate a predictable trend after maxillary advance-
Further, a general decrease of the nasofrontal angle, ment. Although the philtrum height remained stable, sig-
representing the upward rotation of the nasal tip, was seen nificant upper lip widening (including both upper and lower
in all patients. We demonstrated a significant width in- philtral widths) was noted, again secondary to the more
crease of landmarks within the ala and alar base region, forward bony position and resultant increase in soft tissue
demonstrating mean transverse widening of about 50% of tension and drape.
the corresponding amount of maxillary advancement. Comparing nasolabial changes in 2 groups based on
These findings were consistent in all patients, independent magnitude of advancement one <5 mm (mean Z 4.4 mm)
of the extent of the skeletal advancement (See Figure 4). and one >5 mm (mean Z 7.0 mm), no significant differ-
Nostril dimensions (nostril height, nostril width, sill width) ences in morphometrics could be found. In other words, a
and shape (soft triangle and lateral alar angles) were signif- 5 mm advancement will result in the changes described
icantly changed by the maxillary advancement. Post- above, and these do not proportionally increase with
operatively, the nostril width increased, while the vertical increasing amounts of advancement, based on our findings.
dimension decreased, both significantly. At the same time, Our study does demonstrate that more complex three-
the soft triangle angle became more obtuse while the lateral dimensional soft tissue changes occur following Le Fort I
alar angle became more acute postoperatively. Clinically, advancement than previously described using 2D studies.
this alteration of the alar-columellar relationship resulted in This objective anthropometric analysis demonstrates pre-
an increased lateral nostril display. This occurs due to a dictable and similar changes in nasolabial soft tissue anat-
combination of columellar caudal buckling, secondary to the omy after maxillary advancements up to 10 mm, which can
osseous advancement, and the alar retraction/upward be helpful for future soft tissue prediction planning. This of
rotation from soft tissue degloving. Interestingly, the colu- course does not minimize the fact that each patient is
mella width did not change significantly. unique and requires tailored approaches and discussion,
3D nasolabial response to LeFort 1 advancement 761

Table 4 Soft tissue changes according to the amount of

Measurement (mm, ) <5 mm >5 mm D > 5 mm p-value
 < 5 mm
Nasofrontal angle 3.4 3.7 0.3 0.1723
Nasolabial angle 2.2 4.3 2.2 0.1624
Nasal tip projection 0.3 1.5 1.1 0.2558
Nasal tip prominence 1.0 2.4 1.4 0.0830
Alar base width 3.1 2.2 1.0 0.3662
Alar width 2.9 2.8 0.1 0.9242
Sill width right 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.1517
Sill width left 0.3 1.1 0.8 0.0519
Nostril height right 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.1956
Nostril height left 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.3018
Nostril width right 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.588
Nostril width left 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.5425
Soft triangle angle right 7.8 10.8 3.0 0.2596
Soft triangle angle left 8.6 10.3 1.7 0.937
Lateral alar angle right 8.7 11.2 2.5 0.4715
Lateral alar angle left 10.7 12.6 1.9 0.8246
Columella width 0.2 0.7 0.9 0.2054
Columella height 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.3861
Columella projection 0.7 1.6 0.9 0.239
Subnasale projection 1.3 2.3 1.0 0.3362
Lower philtrum width 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.3781
Upper philtrum width 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.5038
Philtrum height 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.4282
Mouth width 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.6651
Labiale superius 2.8 2.5 0.3 0.7967
Figure 3 Superimposing of 3D photos before and after Le projection
Fort I advancement showing significant 3D nasolabial changes.
<5 mm maxillary advancement (mean values).
Due to retrogenia, a genioplasty was additionally performed in
>5 mm maxillary advancement (mean values).
this patient.

with consideration of gender, ethnicity, and goals of plane will consequently lead to a compromised nasal
treatment. septum, resulting in morphologic and functional nasal
A multitude of techniques have been described to con- changes. The leveling of the nasal crest to prevent any
trol undesired morphologic soft tissue changes after septo-maxillary interference is often sufficient to maintain
orthognathic surgery. The presence or absence of the the septal midsagittal position. Depending on the septal
anterior nasal spine was reported to have less of an effect and maxillary morphology, a surgical shortening of the
on postoperative nasal morphology than one might intuit.28 posterior septal angle may be required. Correction of the
However, our clinical experience reveals, and our under- septal interface with the ANS and maxillary crest is easily
standing of anatomic relationships suggests, that the ANS performed following “down fracture” as an excellent
does impact on subnasal projection, nasolabial angle, and exposure is achieved. One must recognize the impact of
nasal tip movement and projection, when considered in improper handling of the septum, with over-resection
light of variables such as the amount of advancement, un- resulting in potential loss of tip projection and under-
derlying anatomic variation, nasolabial morphology and resection risking caudal septal deflection and deviation.
skin thickness.29 Both of these results may jeopardize optimal nasal
The modeling ostectomy within the lateral piriform morphology, function, and esthetic outcome. Surgical
aperture of the Le Fort I segment, which reduces or osteotomy below the anterior nasal spine has been intro-
smoothens the step between the upper portion of the duced, but risks the dentition and did not result in pre-
bilateral nasal buttresses and the lower portion of the venting the adverse soft tissue effects.30 (See Figure 5).
anteriorly moved Le Fort I segment, reduces alar base Soft tissue closure after Le Fort I advancement does also
projection and widening. This procedure should be play a role in optimizing nasolabial form, or at least pre-
considered, especially in larger maxillary advancements. venting any untoward response. We recognize that surgical
Further, the classic Le Fort I osteotomy line represents a approach frees the insertions of the nasolabial muscles and
superiorly inclined plane in reference to the Frankfort separates the attachment of the alar base from the un-
horizontal plane. An anterior advancement within this derlying bone. This dissection alone impacts nasolabial
762 P. Metzler et al.

Figure 4 Lateral view showing the complex pattern of 3D nasolabial changes after orthognathic surgery. A superior rotation of
the nasal tip and the increase of nasal tip, subnasal and upper lip projection before (grey surface) and after (3D mesh) maxillary
advancement can be seen.

morphology and the alarefacial interface. This relationship variables, and techniques for closure and redraping of the
is altered further with maxillary advancement and move- soft tissue. However, our data suggests that, in a straight-
ment, with subsequent redraping of the nasolabial tissue. forward Le Fort I, these changes are predictable and
Techniques have been devised therefore to influence reproducible. These should be anticipated and emphasized
desired or “proper” redraping of the nasal base and upper during the planning session to the patient as either a
lip. The alar cinch suture is an attempt to narrow, or con- desired consequence, or as an untoward result of the pro-
trol excess widening of, the alar base, and takes some form cedure that may be temporarily controlled during the
of an inter-alar suture on the deep surface. The “VeY” lip closure, or more likely, definitively addressed at a later
mucosal closure entails recruiting lateral mucosa inferiorly time.32
and medially, to increase lip pout and possibly length. Some Accurate understanding and quantification of the 3D soft
suggest that the combination of both techniques simulta- tissue response to Le Fort I is essential to achieve the most
neously garner esthetic benefits by controlling the nasola- accurate treatment plan and esthetic result. Also, as pre-
bial fibro-muscular structures.2,6e9,31 Others have touted viously mentioned, when undesired consequences are ex-
performance of definitive correction of alar and sill via a pected, this permits proper patient counseling and the
formal rhinoplasty at a later date, following soft tissue proscription of intraoperative controls or future procedures
settling.4 Concurrent rhinoplasty is also a possibility, but in to be implemented. Future efforts will be geared to
the setting of a Le Fort I, the degloved alar base cannot be investigating a variety of skeletal movements, the influence
accurately judged, and it is best to wait for interval soft of age, gender and ethnicity, and the presence or absence
tissue swelling and contraction to resolve.32 of common craniofacial syndromes on nasolabial results.
It is clear that a range of desired and undesired naso- These studies will permit more reliable 3D planning, accu-
labial consequences may be experienced following Le Fort rate predictions of surgical outcomes, and the eventual
I, depending on the skeletal movement, host soft tissue achievement of the most esthetic results.

Figure 5 Frontal view showing 3D transverse nasolabial changes before (grey surface) and after (3D mesh) surgery. A significant
3D transverse enlargement of the lateral nasal structures after maxillary advancement is visible.
3D nasolabial response to LeFort 1 advancement 763

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