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BED 2126 CAT 1


a) Attempt all questions

b) Submit as an attachment
c) Any copy pasted work form each other will be penalized
d) Late submission will not be accepted
e) Due Date is on 15th March,2024


1) Given a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, find
the z-score for a data point of 65. (4 Marks)
2) A random variable X follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of 4. Calculate the
probability that X is equal to 2. (6 marks)

Child 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Age(x) 15 26 10 9 15 20 18 11 8 20 7 9 10 12 10
Scores(y) 95 71 82 91 102 87 93 100 104 94 113 96 83 84 102

a) Sketch a scatter diagram for this data. (1 Marks)

b) What is the pearson’s correlation co-officient between the age and adoptive score.
(5 Marks)
Age (x) Score (y) (x−xˉ)2 (y−yˉ)2
15 95 0.871 2.352
26 71 142.683 505.167
10 82 16.542 131.328
9 91 25.677 6.086
15 102 0.871 72.533
20 87 35.288 41.802
18 93 15.472 0.218
11 100 9.408 42.709
8 104 36.810 111.079
20 94 35.288 0.284
7 113 49.831 381.269
9 96 25.677 6.416
10 83 16.542 109.473
12 84 4.271 89.572
10 102 16.542 72.533
∑X=211 ∑Y=1402 ∑(x−xˉ)2 =430.693 ∑(y−yˉ)2 =1572.841

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