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Se sugiere que en el archivo multiplayer.ini tanto de servidores como clientes las

líneas que estan debajo se configuren como figuran acá.



[ Multiplayer General Options ]

Net Connection Type="6" // 0=28k, 1=56k, 2=ISDN, 3=128kbps cable/dsl 4=256kbps
cable/dsl, 5=LAN, 6=custom
Upstream Rated KBPS="6400" // Rated uploading speed of connection, in kilobits per
Downstream Rated KBPS="6400" // Rated downloading speed of connection, in kilobits
per second
Multiplayer Enum Type="1" // where to look for servers: 0=LAN, 1=Internet
Net Flush Threshold="472" // threshold for auto-accumulation flush while building
data chunks (default is standard MTU of 536, minus 64 bytes room for layer headers:
Query Port Start="34297" // range is 1025 - 65535
Port Start="34397" // range is 1025 - 65535
Display Laggy Labels="0" // whether to display vehicle labels on vehicles with
laggy connections
Concurrent Server Updates="100" // servers in join list, should be less for modem
users, more for broadband (game now automatically finds more if (3 * download_kbps)
exceeds this number)
Request Autodownloads="0" // Set to 1 if you want to automatically download files
from a server you are joining, if you do not already have them.
Alternate Matchmaker Address=""
Matchmaker TCP Port="39001" // TCP port to use when communicating with the
Matchmaking Server
Matchmaker UDP Port="39002" // UDP port to use when communicating with the
Matchmaking Server
Buddy List Announce="0" // whether to allow other players to see what game you are
Live Updates="0" // whether to download news and UI elements on game load. (28.8s
turn this off)
RaceCast Auto Login="0" // whether to auto login to RaceCast on startup

[ Multiplayer Server Options ]

Must Be Stopped="0" // Whether drivers must come to a complete stop before exiting
back to the monitor
Max MP Players="48"
Max Data Per Client="64" // if desired, a per-client upload limit (in kbps) will be
used if lower than the computed throttle rate



[ Multiplayer General Options ]

Net Connection Type="2" // 0=28k, 1=56k, 2=ISDN, 3=128kbps cable/dsl 4=256kbps
cable/dsl, 5=LAN, 6=custom
Upstream Rated KBPS="64" // Rated uploading speed of connection, in kilobits per
Downstream Rated KBPS="64" // Rated downloading speed of connection, in kilobits
per second
Query Port Start="34297" // range is 1025 - 65535
Port Start="34397" // range is 1025 - 65535
Concurrent Server Updates="100" // servers in join list, should be less for modem
users, more for broadband (game now automatically finds more if (3 * download_kbps)
exceeds this number)
Request Autodownloads="0" // Set to 1 if you want to automatically download files
from a server you are joining, if you do not already have them.
Alternate Matchmaker Address=""
Matchmaker TCP Port="39001" // TCP port to use when communicating with the
Matchmaking Server
Matchmaker UDP Port="39002" // UDP port to use when communicating with the
Matchmaking Server
Buddy List Announce="0" // whether to allow other players to see what game you are
Live Updates="0" // whether to download news and UI elements on game load. (28.8s
turn this off)
RaceCast Auto Login="0" // whether to auto login to RaceCast on startup

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