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1) Which of the following is a common tool used for applying water on plants?

A cultivator B. watering can C. hoe D. tractor

2) A tool that is common for both digging and weeding is a ________________.

A. knife B. hoe C. rake D. hammer

3) A _________________ is an element that can kill animals if it spreads.

A. pesticide B. fire C. dip tank D.water

4) Chose a suitable method a farmer can use to prevent fire on the farm.

A. put on protective clothing B. make fireguards around fields and farm buildings C. use chemicals
correctly D. train farmers how to avoid hazards.

5)Identify a product from sunflower.

A. mealie meal B. cooking oil C. nuts D. tobacco

6) Identify crops commonly grown in schools.

A. cotton B. vegetables C. wheat D. Tobacco

7) The term weather means____________________.

A. the hotness and coldness of the air. B. the everyday condition of the air around us

C. the colour of the sky. D. the presents of clouds in the atmosphere.

8) The other name for hot dry season is _____________.

A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

9) In which season do most farmers plant their crops?

A. wet warm season B. cold dry season

C. wind season D. hot dry season

10) The following are all elements of weather EXCEPT____________

A. temperature B. rainfall C. frost. D. wind speed

11) People usually dress in warm clothes in ______________________.

A. hot wet season B. hot dry season C. cool season D. wind season

12) From the following which one is not found in the soil?

A. air B. water C. termites D. fish

13) After heating a sample of soil in a plastic and you observe that there is moisture on the plastic, it
shows that the soil has _____________________.

A. mineral matter B. air C. humus D. water

14) "Large soil particles which allows water to pass through easily and are light in colour". Which soil is
being described above?

A. clay B. loam C. sand D. silt

15) The following are all examples of organic matter EXCEPT____________

A. leaves B. plastic bag C. decayed plant matter D. cow dung

16) The following nutrients are all important to the plant EXCEPT_____________

A. nitrogen B. phosphorus C. potassium D. oxygen

17) Select an organic fertilizer from the following.

A. ammonium nitrate B. compost manure C. compound D D. chlorine

18) Which of the following materials cannot be used to make a compost?

A. plant leaves B. animal waste C plastic D kitchen waste

19) ________________ is an agent of soil erosion.

A. Dust in air B. Running water C. Animal waste D. Planting more trees

20) Muddy running water is a sign of _____________.

A. soil erosion B. dirty water C. used water D. rainfall

21) Chose an example of poor method of farming.

A. cultivating along river banks B. road making C. exposed roots D. cutting down of trees

22) NPK stands for _____________

A. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Calcium B. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium

C. Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus D. Nutrients, Plants and Potassium

23) Which one is NOT a human cause of soil erosion?

A. deforestation B. overstocking.

C. rainfall D. poor farming methods

24) Which of the following is an agent of soil erosion?

A. fire B. cutting down tree C. wind D. ploughing down the slope.

25) Which of the following soil components is least in quantity?

A. water B. air C. mineral matter D. organic matter

26) __________ is a sign of tooth decay.

A. Toothache B. Noise C. Plaque D. Sugar

27) Meat, eggs and beans are good sources of ______________.

A. carbohydrates B fats C vitamins D. proteins

29) Which one is not a way of controlling malaria?

A. applying insect repellent B. sleeping under a mosquito net.

C. taking malaria preventing tablets D. eating healthy food.

30)Protective clothes are warn to______________________.

A. prevent people from hurt B. dress nicely

C. teach children D. measure them

31) Materials that described as fragile can be clay or _____________

A. Wood B. metal. C. glass D. paper

32) The following are all ways of separating different mixtures EXCEPT______________

A. sieving B. filtration C. demonstration D evaporation

33) A trowel is made of____________________

A. glass B. wood. C. metal D . paper

34) Which statement is true about caves?

A. Caves were not used as homes long ago.

B. Caves are used as a storage place.

C. Caves are not found in Zimbabwe.

D. People do not use caves as shelter

35) What type of energy does a moving ball have?

A. light B. kinetic C. sound D chemical

36) Oxygen can be found in ___________________.

A. the air around us B. carbon monoxide

C. air from industries D. nitrogen

37) The candle is continue to burn because____________

A. the air around us has used oxygen. B. the air around us has oxygen

C. the air around us has some water

D. The candle has got some paraffin

38) A hut is usually a structure that is built in the __________.

A. suburban areas B. urban areas C. City center D. rural areas

39) When the food is undercook, it means __________

A. it is well cooked B. it is fully cooked C. it is not well cooked D. it is


40) Which statement is true?

A. A comb is part of the contented f a First Aid Kit

B. An accident is an event that causes harm, injury or death.

C. Malaria is a type of accident

D. Failing to fall asleep is a type of accident.

41) From the following, which one has two buttons and a scrow wheel?

A. mouse B. Keyboard C. CPU D. monitor

42) The picture below is a ___________.

A. mouse B. Keyboard C. monitor D. CPU

43). Compulsory safety rules protect_________

A. computer B. the room C. computer and user D. computer arts

44) Name any two diseases caused by proliferation use of computers.

A. sight problems and back pains.

B. malaria

C. Kwashiorkor

D. Diarrhoea

45) To prevent fire there must be _________ in the computer lab.

A. gas B. fire extinguisher C. gas tank D. gas burner

46). There must be _________ in the computer lab.

A. electricity B. computers C. enough ventilation D. water

47) A flash is uses for ___________

A. process information. B. store information C. print information to a hard copy. D. typing


48) What are safety drills?

A. ways to keep safe when there is danger. B. different ways of living C. a group of computers. D.
processors tools in a computer lab

49) Whilst computer part is correctly matched?

A. CPU _ for displaying information

B. Mnitor- show work done by the computer.

C. Disc- is where we find the shift key.

D. Mouse- is an input device

50) The following picture is a________

A. mouse B. printer C. projector D. computer

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