Chap 5. Body Structure 1

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– A drug is a substance that alters body function.

– Traditionally, drugs have been derived from natural plant, animal, and mineral
– Today, most are manufactured synthetically by pharmaceutical companies.
– A few, such as certain hormones and enzymes, have been produced by genetic
-Many drugs, described as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, are available without a
signed order, or prescription (Rx).
– Others require a health care provider’s prescription for use


- An unintended effect of a drug or other form of treatment is a side effect
- Most drugs have potential adverse side effects that must be evaluated
before they are prescribed.
- There may be contraindications, or reasons not to use a particular drug for
a specific individual based on that person’s medical conditions, current
medications, sensitivity, or family history
Anaphylaxis is an immediate and severe allergic reaction that may be caused by
a drug.
– It can lead to life-threatening respiratory distress and circulatory collapse
– A combination of drugs may result in synergy or potentiation, meaning that
the drugs together have a greater effect than either of the drugs acting alone
– Drugs that act on the central nervous system may lead to psychological or
physical substance dependence, in which a person has a chronic or compulsive
need for a drug regardless of its bad effects
– Substance that alters body function
– Derived from:
– Natural plants
– Animals
– Mineral sources
– Synthetic material
– Genetic engineering
– Obtained OTC or by prescription
– FDA regulates
Adverse Drug Effects
– Sometimes have effects not intended:
– Side effects, usually minor
– Anaphylaxis = severe allergic reaction
– May not be used even if normally beneficial:
– Contraindications = reasons not to use based on specific information about
– Synergy or antagonist drugs reacting with/against each other
– Sometimes cause substance dependence or tolerance

Drug Names
– Generic
– Simple version of chemical name for drug
– Not capitalized
– Brand name
– Registered trademark of manufacturer
– Same drug by different companies have different trade names
– Begins with capital letter
Drug Information
– Four sources:
– United States Pharmacopeia
– Published by national committee of pharmacologists
– Contains standards for:
– Testing drug strength
– Testing drug quality
– Testing drug purity
– Preparation of drugs
– Dispensing of drugs
– American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP)
– Physician’s Desk Reference
– PIMs
– MIMs
– Information supplied by drug manufacturers
– Pharmacists

Herbal Medicines
– Use of plants to treat disease
– Technical term for herbal medicine: phytomedicine
– Ongoing issues:
– Purity
– Safety
– Concentration
– Efficacy (effectiveness)
– Drug interactions
– No FDA testing or regulation
– Office of Dietary Support supports and coordinates research

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