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Digestive system

a system that performing digestion to break down food into nutrients

components & functions

start at the mouth and end at the anus
ingestion --> digestion --> absorption --> elimination
allow for entrance
mechanical & chemical digestion -- chewing + produce saliva that involves
movement of food by peristalsis to help the food go down
main site for digestion
mechanical & chemical digestion -- movement + enzymes (e.g. pepsin for proteins)
and stomach acid(HCl)
carry away waste and break down fats
filter blood
break down poisonous substances
produce bile and store in the gall bladder
small intestine
absorption ( nutrients and water -- done by villi and microvilli )and further digestion
most nutrients, especially glucose, are absorbed
large intestine
most water is reabsorbed, salts are also absorbed
get rid of any waste product
bowels= small intestine + large intestine

以上内容整理于 幕布⽂档

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