Nervous System

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Nervous system

definition: it coordinates the actions of complex organisms via the transmission of

electrochemical signals

CNS: central nervous system

components: the brain and spinal cords(and neurons-- the cell made up the tissue)
functions -- voluntary control of movement
maintain homeostasis
collect sensations from around the body through neurons to coordinate actions
PNS:peripheral nervous system
components: nerves throughout the body
functions -- provide sensory information

sub-systems of PNS
SNS: somatic nervous system
motor functions of skeletal muscles
voluntary actions
somatic reflexes
ANS: autonomic nervous system
all about the internal environment + autonomic relexes
sub-sub systems of ANS
sympathetic system
quick/flight response
parasympathetic system
rest and digest
The major cells in nervous system

glia(glial cells)
keep a balance of certain chemicals
essential for signalling
maintain blood-brain barrier
make myelin
produce cerebrospinal fluid -- protect the brain and crucial for homeostasis
important in the immune system
Action potential process

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