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Rate of reaction

definition: the speed of the reaction to proceed

collision theory
main principles:
must collide
collide in correct orientations
collide with enough energy
right temperature
be able to react
real-life examples:
a functioning car may turn into a pile of scrap metals and spare parts in a high-speed
hotter water can dissolve coffee powder more easily-temperature and surface area
store food in the refrigerator can slow down decaying-temperature
effecting factors of the rate of reaction:
frequency of effective collisions:
surface area
energy with which particles collide:
chemical nature of the substance
amount of substance
measure the rate of reaction
reaction rate at a certain time--tangent
average reaction rate over a period of time--total change/total time
measure the volume of the gas given off
measure the loss of mass in a reaction- only when gas is given off
how fast the temperature increases/decreases
measure the amount of light going through
the graph of the rate of the reaction
gradient=the rate of the reaction=y/x

tips:the reaction is the fastest at first as the reactants are the most

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