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Environmental Science and Pollution Research



Survey on Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) change analysis

in remote sensing and GIS environment: Techniques and Challenges
Sam Navin MohanRajan 1 & Agilandeeswari Loganathan 1 & Prabukumar Manoharan 1

Received: 7 January 2020 / Accepted: 27 April 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

The surface of the earth is rapidly changing every day due to certain natural reasons and other impacts by society. Over the last few
decades, the hottest topics in the field of remote sensing and GIS (geographic information system) environments have evolved
from observing the nature of the earth. Owing to the enlargement of several worldwide modifications related to the nature of the
earth, land use/land cover (LU/LC) change is considered as the matter of utmost importance in the natural atmosphere, and it has
also become an interesting area to be studied by the researchers. As there is a lack of review articles in the land use/land cover
change analysis process, we presented a comprehensive review which may help the researchers to proceed further. This paper deals
with the most frequent methods used by researchers on various processes like pre-processing, classification, and prediction of time
series satellite images for analyzing the LU/LC changes using satellite images. The generic flow of the LU/LC change analysis
process and the challenges faced during each process by the researchers are discussed. Varied resolutions of the environmental
image captured by remote sensing satellites for analyzing the LU/LC changes are discussed. Various LU/LC classes depending on
change in the earth’s surface are also studied and the constraint used in each application is stated. The importance of this review lies
in the motivation for future researchers to work on the LU/LC change analysis problem effectively.

Keywords Remote sensing . Geographic information system . Classification and prediction . Land use/land cover change

Introduction landscapes such as forests, marshlands, grasslands, water

lands, and urbanized and built areas denote the land cover area
The significance of timely and precise information relating to detected from the surface of the earth. The events that take
the nature and scope of land possessions and changes over place in the land represent the current use of the properties
time is increasing rapidly, particularly in metropolitan areas. such as built-up institutions, shopping centers, parks, and res-
Inspecting the Earth from space is crucial for understanding ervoirs are described as land use categories (Fonji and Taff
the influence of man’s actions on natural resources over dif- 2014). When the land cover of a certain place or locality has
ferent time intervals. The information from the remote sensing been changed or converted from one type to another, the prob-
satellites in mapping the earth’s features and infrastructures lem of LU/LC change is detected, for instance, the change of
has become dynamic. Map-to-map comparisons and image- forest area to either infertile land, barren land, or agricultural
to-image comparisons are observed in the variations caused land. Two or more satellite images taken on different time
by the factors of the LU/LC change process. Land use and intervals were compared on the subject of performance of
land cover are the terms with different degrees of significance the LU/LC change analysis process. Remote sensing plays
in the field of scientific remote sensing. Natural and biological an important role in the study of LU/LC changes. Remote
sensing image classification is considered an essential practice
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues in processing an image, and hence it is used in the extraction
of valuable information by classifying the spectral signs of
* Agilandeeswari Loganathan land cover nature for natural resource management
agila.l@vit.ac.in (Panigrahi et al. 2017).
Remote sensing is also regarded as an essential cause of
School of Information and Technology, Vellore Institute of thematic maps, depicting land cover as it affords a map-like
Technology, Vellore, India representation of the specific surface of the earth that is
Environ Sci Pollut Res

spatially constant and extremely reliable, as well as accessible model) data were reduced using the topographic correction
at a range of spatial and temporal measures. Thematic presen- method. The maximum likelihood classification map was
tation or mapping from remotely detected or sensed images is used for further post-processing and LU/LC change analysis
naturally based on image classification which is attained by process (Restrepo et al. 2017).
computer-aided or visual analysis. The main use of image Changes in the Savannah River Basin for four-time inter-
classification is the labeling of the pixels in the images cap- vals during the period 1999–2005, 1999–2015, 2005–2009,
tured with meaningful information of the real world for en- and 2009–2015 were analyzed for determination of LU/LC
hanced and advantageous information extraction. Thematic change, using geospatial Landsat and Google Earth Engine
maps holding information such as cadastral information, veg- images. The LU/LC change analysis was processed using
etation, and the land cover type could be obtained through the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) which
classification of satellite images (Usman 2013). Several re- helped during the analysis of the deforestation and reforesta-
mote sensing image classification approaches have been used tion rate of change. Random Forest–Supervised Classification
for LU/LC mapping. It includes the commonly used super- provided flexibility for classifying the geospatial image.
vised and unsupervised methods. The unsupervised methods Google Earth Engine (GEE) geospatial software was launched
are K-means, ISODATA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data by Google in December 2010. Forty-year multitemporal data
Analysis) clustering, Fuzzy C-means clustering, and self- were available in the GEE platform which helped the re-
organizing map (SOM) neural network method. Some com- searchers in the analysis of the changes that happened on the
monly used supervised methods are maximum likelihood Earth’s surface. GEE mainly acts as the reference data for the
classifier (MLC), k-nearest neighbor (kNN), Mahalanobis dis- classified satellite images during the time of accuracy assess-
tance, Parallelepiped, minimum distance classifier, support ment (Zurqani et al. 2018). Machine learning methods like
vector machines (SVM), and Random Forest Classifiers Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest
(RFC) (Li et al. 2014). LU/LC change predictions through (RF), and multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS)
the use of remotely detected images have engrossed massive were applied and compared for determining the LU/LC
consideration among researchers. Various prediction methods change for the region of Shirgah, located in the north of
are considered for predicting the future LU/LC change and Iran. Pre-classification and post-classification phase was per-
they are as follows: multi-layer perceptron, linear regression formed on Landsat satellite images for attaining good accura-
model, cellular automata, Markov chain, regression tree, and cy during the time interval of 1991, 2001, and 2011. The
artificial neural network method (Bounouh et al. 2017). association between the dependent and the explanatory vari-
From the broad analysis, we observed many researchers ables is analyzed for calibrating the future LU/LC changes
describe the problem of LU/LC change analysis for different (Ahmadlou et al. 2018).
regions across the world in the field of remote sensing. Some The Random Forest, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), and sup-
of the research articles are summarized and explained as fol- port vector machine (SVM) non-parametric classifiers were in
lows: Zagros forest preservation plan was made for the pro- the classification of the Sentinel-2 satellite data for the region
tection of forest-covered regions in Iran against destruction. A of the Red River Delta (RRD), Vietnam. The performance of
study of the LU/LC change analysis process for a different machine learning methods is compared and analyzed. Google
time interval between 1992 and 2016 was made by using the Earth images were used as the training datasets during the
Landsat images for the Zagros forest region. Atmospheric and process of accuracy assessment. The results revealed that the
geometric corrections were made for the removal of errors high overall accuracy by support vector machine followed by
seen in the Landsat images. The supervised maximum likeli- Random Forest and k-nearest neighbor (Thanh Noi and
hood algorithm was used for classifying the images into dif- Kappas 2018). Many researchers have worked on the LU/
ferent classes like the forest, agriculture, rangeland, and built- LC change prediction problem for different regions across
up areas. Post-processing was done to enhance the image for the world. The hybrid model of cellular automata and
attaining good classification accuracy. Suitability map was Markov chain has been broadly used for LU/LC prediction
extracted using a Markov chain model. The LCM (Land in the built-up area, forest-covered area, watershed area,
Change Modeler) using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neu- mountainous region, and desert region (Gashaw et al. 2017,
ral network helped in calibrating the dependent and the inde- Liping et al. 2018, Singh et al. 2015, Karimi et al. 2018,
pendent variables for predicting the future LU/LC changes in Etemadi et al. 2018, Halmy et al. 2015, Yagoub and Bizreh
the year 2024 (Heidarlou et al. 2019). 2014, Yirsaw et al. 2017).
The spatial and temporal pattern of LU/LC change was Using the hybrid classification methods provides
observed in the forest-covered area of Ningxia Hui good accuracy during the LU/LC classification process.
Autonomous Region (NHAR), China, from 1991 to 2015. The unsupervised ISODATA clustering method with the
Cloud shadows were removed from the Landsat images and pixel-based supervised maximum likelihood classifica-
the landscape brightness effects on the DEM (digital elevation tion method was used for classifying the Landsat
Environ Sci Pollut Res

imageries for the region of Andassa watershed, Blue Organization of the paper
Nile Basin, Ethiopia. The LU/LC changes were ana-
lyzed and calculated from 1985 to 2015. Cellular au- The rest of the paper provides detailed information and is
tomata with Markov model is used to predict the LU/ organized as follows: The “Satellite image acquisition” sec-
LC condition for the year 2030 and 2045 (Gashaw et al. tion describes the datasets and their sources. The “Image pro-
2017). Various prediction models like the Markov cessing software types and its key features” section explains
chain, cellular automata, artificial neural network, linear the software tools used for processing an image. The “Image
regression, logistic regression, GEOMOD, CLUE pre-processing techniques” section explains the image pre-
(Conversion of Land Use and Its Effects), and Land processing techniques. The “LU/LC classification methods”
Change Modeler (LCM) were used for predicting the section illustrates a few LU/LC classification methods, the
LU/LC change that occurred in a specific area for a “Post-classification and LU/LC change analysis” section de-
different time interval (Nwaogu et al. 2017). scribes the use of post-classification and change detection or
dependent variables, the “LU/LC classes and its factors” sec-
tion explains the different LU/LC classes and their corre-
sponding factors or independent variables, and the “LU/LC
prediction models” section informs the few environmental
From the above study, we infer that none of the existing liter-
models used for predicting the future LU/LC changes. In the
ature reviews on LU/LC presents the complete review on land
“Commonly used metrics” section, the commonly used met-
use/land cover change analysis process. They focused only on
rics are presented, the “Conceptual framework” section de-
a specific stage, i.e., either LU/LC classification (Li M et al.
picts the conceptual framework of the study, the
2014 Phiri and Morgenroth 2017) or LU/LC prediction
“Discussions” section provides the discussion, the
(Nwaogu et al. 2017, Bounouh et al. 2017). Hence, it moti-
“Challenges” section presents the challenges faced during
vates us to write a review article that covers the whole stages
LU/LC change analysis, and the “Conclusions” section en-
of LU/LC analysis for the benefits of the new researchers in
lightens the conclusions of the study.
this field.

Satellite image acquisition
The main objective of this paper is listed as follows:
The selection of a suitable dataset is the most significant pro-
i. The utmost purpose of this review paper is to provide a cess in the LU/LC change analysis. The image was collected
road map for the researchers who are interested to work on through aerial photographs, satellite imageries, ancillary data,
the land use/land cover change analysis to predict the fu- Google maps, forest department, land resource management,
ture land cover. and urban planners. The datasets from different time intervals
ii. This paper presents a comprehensive review of detailed require careful collection for further processing in remote
techniques and benefits in various stages of the land use/ sensing environment. From various studies, we observed that
land cover change analysis process that starts from the there were many datasets used by the researchers in the anal-
image acquisition stage to the prediction and validation ysis of the LU/LC change. Some of them are shown in
stage. Table 1.
iii. This paper provides a generic flow and the possible
framework of the LU/LC change analysis process.
iv. The challenges in each stage of LU/LC change analysis
have been identified and briefed which might guide fu- Image processing software types and its key
ture researchers to work effortlessly on the LU/LC features
change prediction problem.
In the precise study of remote sensing, we identified the
The observations of many researchers have helped us to different geospatial software tools used by the re-
model the generic flow of the LU/LC change process, which searchers for various stages such as pre-processing, clas-
is shown in Fig. 1. The procedure for LU/LC change analysis sifying, analyzing, and predicting the LU/LC changes
includes image acquisition, pre-processing, LU/LC classifica- using the multispectral satellite images. Some of them
tion, post-classification, change detection, modeling the de- are described in Table 2 and are as follows: ENVI,
pendent and independent variables, LU/LC change prediction, ArcGIS, IDRISI, ERDAS Imagine, Quantum GIS, and
and validation. Google Earth.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Generic flow of LU/LC

change process

Image pre-processing techniques regression splines method, Fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering,
minimum distance, Mahalanobis distance, Parallelepiped,
The image pre-processing techniques are used for improving spectral angular mapper classification, graph-based semi-su-
the quality and visibility of the satellite images. It is consid- pervised model, self-trained models semi-supervised classifi-
ered as an initial stage where the image enhancement, geomet- cation model, semi-supervised transductive SVM (TSVM),
ric, radiometric, atmospheric, and topographic corrections are and semi-supervised co-training model are some frequently
made to improve the quality of the satellite image. Table 3 used methods for classifying the satellite image. The classifi-
presents a few image pre-processing techniques depending cation method such as ANN made its imprint not only on
upon the image position, visibility, and quality in every classification but also in a prediction process.

Post-classification and LU/LC change analysis

LU/LC classification methods
Post-classification is an improvement process, which im-
LU/LC classification is the method of labeling the pixels in the proves the quality of the classified LU/LC map through the
pre-processed satellite image for obtaining the classified im- removal of noise and misclassification errors. This process
ages. Every pixel is considered as a unique entity and assigned helps in the enhancement of the overall accuracy by removing
to a particular class through pixel-based classification. Object- the single and scattered pixels present in the LU/LC classified
based classification is the collection of information from a image. Post-classification processing assists in solving the
group of related pixels, i.e., it grabs the pixels into graphical misclassification error that occurs due to substantial spectral
shapes, sizes, and other spatial properties. The normally dis- confusion between the LU/LC classes, (i.e., confusion be-
tributed data is assumed under parametric classifiers. The non- tween the agricultural land and the barren land). This process
parametric classifiers do not consider the classification of sta- holds the advantage of reclassifying the pixels that are
tistical parameters or normal assumptions. Fuzzy methodolo- misclassified (Fonji and Taff 2014, Heidarlou et al. 2019,
gy and spectral mixture analysis are considered as effective Restrepo et al. 2017, Birhane et al. 2019, Hernández-
methods for sub-pixel-based image classification as they help Guzmán et al. 2019, Bakr and Afifi 2019, Li et al. 2018,
in sorting out the land cover types in the particular region Ahmadlou et al. 2018, Zhu and Woodcock 2014, Pande
(Phiri and Morgenroth 2017). Supervised, unsupervised, and et al. 2018, John et al. 2019, Adhikari et al. 2017,
fuzzy methods are commonly used for categorizing the re- Alkaradaghi et al. 2018, Ganasri and Dwarakish 2015,
motely sensed images (Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, Pande Asubonteng et al. 2018, Mohamed and Elmahdy 2018,
et al. 2018). MoreovBanerjee and Buddhiraju 2015er, semi- Nadoushan et.al 2012, Ashaolu et al. 2019, Mirkatouli et al.
supervised techniques were also used for performing the LU/ 2015, Pathiranage et al. 2018). We observed that the perfor-
LC classification (Yan Y et al. 2017, , Maulik and mance of the post-classification is considered as a significant
Chakraborty 2013). In this study, a few LU/LC classification process in the LU/LC change analysis for the data relating to
algorithms are described. They are shown in Table 4. The the time series. Geospatial tools like ENVI and ArcGIS are
maximum likelihood classification, Random Forest mainly used for performing the post-classification analysis.
Classifier, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine classi- From this observation, we infer that the post-classification
fiers, Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique, process is one of the important steps required for the analysis
CART (classification and regression trees), K-means cluster- of the LU/LC change. The concept of LU/LC classes is ex-
ing, artificial neural network model, multivariate adaptive plained in the “LU/LC classes and its factors” section.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

The LU/LC change analysis process will be incomplete et al. 2019, Hernández-Guzmán et al. 2019, Bagan et al. 2018,
without the accuracy assessment for the LU/LC classified im- Bakr and Afifi 2019, Hu and Yu Dong 2018, Li et al. 2018,
age (Fonji and Taff 2014, Usman 2013, Li et al. 2014, Yang Kabisch et al. 2019, Zurqani et al. 2018, Ahmadlou et al. 2018,
et al. 2018, Restrepo et al. 2017, El Jazouli et al. 2019, Birhane Thanh Noi and Kappas 2018, Ce et al. 2019, Gashaw et al.

Table 1 Datasets and its source

Dataset Instrument Data Source Benefits

LISS-III (Linear Imaging Self- Resourcesat1/ Bhuvan Indian Geo-P rm of It helps in

Scanning System - III) Resourcesat-2 ISRO analyzing the
(Pande et al. 2018, Mallupa ( www.bhuvan.com ) harvest
and Reddy 2013, Adhikari et al. monitoring,
2017, Firoozynejad and Torahi water resource
2017, Murtaza and Romshoo cons ,
2014, Vibhute et al. 2013, forest mapping,
Ganasri and Dwarakish 2015, and rural/urban
Nadoushan et.al 2012) infrastructure

Landsat 8 Land USGS It helps in

Imager (OLI) and analyzing
(Heidarlou et al. 2019, Restrepo the Thermal (h plorer.usgs.gov/) different kinds of
et al. 2017, El Jazouli et al. 2019,
Birhane et al. 2019, Hernández- Infrared (TI) Sensor LU/LC changes
Guzmán et al. 2019, Bakr and like
Afifi 2019, Hu and Yu Dong 2018, ,
Li et al. 2018, Kabisch et al. agriculture
2019, Zurqani et al. 2018, development, the
Gashaw et al. 2017, Liping et al. of
2018, Karimi et al. 2018, built-up areas,
Etemadi et al. 2018, John et al. and loss of
2019, Taufik et al. 2019, wetlands.
Alkaradaghi et al. 2018,
Firoozynejad and Torahi 2017,
Shaharum et al. 2018, Nery et al.
2019, Asubonteng et al. 2018,
Mohamed and Elmahdy 2018,
Nurwanda et al. 2016, Ashaolu
et al. 2019 )
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 (continued)
Landsat 7 Enhanced T USGS It helps in
Mapper (ETM+) analyzing
(Li et al. 2014, Heidarlou et al. Sensor (h plorer.usgs.gov/) different kinds of
2019, Yang et al. 2018, El Jazouli LU/LC changes
et al. 2019, Birhane et al. 2019, like
Hernández-Guzmán et al. 2019, ,
Bakr and Afifi 2019, Li et al. agriculture
2018, Kabisch et al. 2019, development, the
Ahmadlou et al. 2018, Gashaw of
et al. 2017, Singh et al. 2015, built-up areas,
Zhu and Woodcock 2014, Sisodia and loss of
et al. 2014, Yagoub and Bizreh wetlands.
2014, Pande et al. 2018, John et
al. 2019, Saputra and Lee 2019,
Nery et al. 2019, Mohamed and
Elmahdy 2018, Wolfe et al.
2013, Nurwanda et al. 2016,
Das et al. 2013, Tsai and Chen
2008, Nwaogu et al. 2017,
Kusuma 2013, Ahmadlou et al.
2015, Ashaolu et al. 2019,
Mirkatouli et al. 2015,
Pathiranage et al. 2018)

Landsat 4 & Landsat 5 Th c Mapper USGS It helps in

(TM) analyzing
(Fonji and Taff 2014, , Heidarlou (h plorer.usgs.gov/) different kinds of
et al. 2019, Yang et al. 2018, LU/LC changes
Restrepo et al. 2017, Birhane et like
al. 2019, Hernández-Guzmán et on,
al. 2019, Bagan et al. 2018, Bakr agriculture
and Afifi 2019, Hu and Yu Dong development, the
2018, Kabisch et al. 2019, of
Zurqani et al. 2018, Ahmadlou et built-up areas,
al. 2018, Gashaw et al. 2017, and loss of
Liping et al. 2018, Singh et al. wetlands.
2015, Karimi et al. 2018,
Etemadi et al. 2018, Halmy et al.
2015, Zhu and Woodcock 2014,
Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, Yirsaw
et al. 2017, John et al. 2019,
Adhikari et al. 2017, Alkaradaghi
et al. 2018, Kumar et al. 2014,
Nery et al. 2019, Asubonteng et
al. 2018, Wolfe et al. 2013, H-p
et al. 2013, Nurwanda et al.
2016, Das et al. 2013, Nwaogu
et al. 2017, Regmi et al. 2014,
Han et al. 2015, Baboo and Devi
2011, Ashaolu et al. 2019, Abbas
et al. 2017, Mirkatouli et al.
2015, Pathiranage et al. 2018)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 (continued)

nel 2 nel 2A, nels Scien c Data Hub It helps to map

nel 2B LU/LC changes by
(El Jazouli et al. 2019, Kabisch et ://scihub.copernicus.eu ) monitoring the
al. 2019, Thanh Noi and Kappas core areas like
2018, Priyadarshini et al. 2018 ) USGS
the forest, green
( lands, and water
://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ ) bodies.

DEM (Digital Ele n Model) (Space Shu e USGS Used to

Radar Topography determine the
(Fonji and Taff 2014, Heidarlou Mission (SRTM) and terrain features
et al. 2019, Yang et al. 2018, ASTER (Advanced (h lorer.usgs.gov/) like elev on,
Restrepo et al. 2017, Birhane et Spaceborne slope, and
al. 2019, Bakr and Afifi 2019, Thermal Emission aspect.
Zurqani et al. 2018, Gashaw et and Refle on
al. 2017, Liping et al. 2018, Singh Radiometer) Global Bhuvan Indian Geo-P rm of
et al. 2015, Karimi et al. 2018, Digital Elev on ISRO
Halmy et al. 2015, Yagoub and Model
Bizreh 2014, Pande et al. 2018, (www.bhuvan.com)
Adhikari et al. 2017, Kumar et al.
2014, Saputra and Lee 2019,
Nery et al. 2019, Wolfe et al.
2013, H-p et al. 2013, Regmi et
al. 2014, Han et al. 2015,
Nadoushan et.al 2012, Ashaolu
et al. 2019, Pathiranage et al.


MODIS (Moderat NASA Terra Satellite Earth data It helps to

Imaging Spectroradiometer) analyze the
//earthdata.nasa.gov/ ) changes
(Panigrahi et al. 2017, Li et al. happened in
2018, Wolfe et al. 2013) USGS
different types of
//earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ land resources.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 (continued)
REIS (Rapid Eye Earth Imaging Rapid Eye Satellite Rapid Eye
System) (Kabisch et al. 2019) Sensors (5m) i.e. constella n
Five constell on ESA EARTH ONLINE Images provides
satellites -TACHYS ://earth.esa.int ) the geos l
(RAPID), MATI inform
(EYE), CHOMA about the areas
(EARTH), CHOROS that include
(SPACE), TROCHIA agriculture,
(ORBIT) forest and

Quick Bird BGIS-2000 (Ball Digital Globe Quick Bird

Global Imaging satellite image
(Usman 2013, HongLei et al. System 2000) (www.digitalglobe.com ) gives a clear view
2013, Mohamed and Elmahdy of built-up areas
2018, Achmad et al. 2015) and other

2017, Liping et al. 2018, Singh et al. 2015, Karimi et al. 2018, The LU/LC classified image will be processed for
Etemadi et al. 2018, Halmy et al. 2015, Zhu and Woodcock validating the change analysis for different time inter-
2014, Phiri and Morgenroth 2017, Sisodia et al. 2014, Yagoub vals over a particular region. LU/LC change analysis is
and Bizreh 2014, Pande et al. 2018, Yirsaw et al. 2017, done for the determination of the changes that occurred
Mallupattu and Reddy 2013, John et al. 2019, Adhikari et al. in some specific areas and for helping in making useful
2017, Alkaradaghi et al. 2018, Hemasinghe et al. 2018, Kumar decisions relating to the protection of an environment.
et al. 2014, Firoozynejad and Torahi 2017, Shaharum et al. The percentage and rate of change are calculated for
2018, Murtaza and Romshoo 2014, Saputra and Lee 2019, identifying the magnitude of changes that occurred be-
Nery et al. 2019, HongLei et al. 2013, Taufik et al. 2019, tween different time intervals (Fonji and Taff 2014,
Vibhute et al. 2013 Ganasri and Dwarakish 2015, Birhane et al. 2019, Bakr and Afifi 2019, Gashaw
Asubonteng et al. 2018, Khan et al. 2018, Priyadarshini et al. et al. 2017, Liping et al. 2018, Singh et al. 2015,
2018, Mohamed and Elmahdy 2018, Nurwanda et al. 2016, Karimi et al. 2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, Halmy et al.
Nwaogu et al. 2017, Regmi et al. 2014, Han et al. 2015, 2015, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, Yirsaw et al. 2017,
Kusuma 2013, Ahmadlou et al. 2015, Nadoushan et.al 2012, Alkaradaghi et al. 2018, Saputra and Lee 2019,
Ashaolu et al. 2019, Achmad et al. 2015, Abbas et al. 2017, Asubonteng et al. 2018, Mohamed and Elmahdy 2018,
Pathiranage et al. 2018). The performance of the classification Regmi et al. 2014, Nadoushan et.al 2012, Ashaolu et al.
method is evaluated, and then the accuracy and kappa value of 2019, Mirkatouli et al. 2015, Pathiranage et al. 2018).
the LU/LC classified image will be calculated. We observed the The change cover map over a different time interval for
Google Earth Engine geospatial tool, topographic maps, and a particular region is considered as the dependent vari-
other field survey data that provide the reference data during able for calibrating the prediction method. The metrics
the process of accuracy assessment. The reference data is usu- for demonstrating the magnitude of changes is shown in
ally compared with the classified data during the process of Eqs. (5) and (6). We observed many researchers across
accuracy assessment through an error matrix. The metrics used the world still work on the LU/LC change analysis
for calculating the accuracy assessment and kappa statistics are problem since it is considered as a matter of grief con-
shown in Eqs. (3) and (4). cern in the remote sensing and GIS environment.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 2 Software types

Software Source Key Features Benefits

ENVI (Environment for Visualizing Images) Harris Geospatial Solutions Anomaly detection, geometric correction, feature Multispectral and Hyperion satellite
(Heidarlou et al. 2019, Restrepo et al. 2017, El Jazouli (www.harrisgeospatial.com) extraction, image sharpening, radiometric data are processed efficiently.
et al. 2019, Bagan et al. 2018, Bakr and Afifi 2019, correction, topographic modelling, image
Li et al. 2018, Liping et al. 2018, Karimi et al. sharpening, mosaicking, spatiotemporal analysis,
2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, Phiri and Morgenroth supervised and unsupervised classification,
2017, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, Alkaradaghi et al. post-classification, accuracy assessment, and
2018, Firoozynejad and Torahi 2017, Shaharum change detection.
et al. 2018, HongLei et al. 2013, Taufik et al. 2019,
Vibhute et al. 2013, Asubonteng et al. 2018,
Priyadarshini et al. 2018, Nwaogu et al. 2017,
Abbas et al. 2017)
ArcGIS ESRI (Environmental Systems Geo-referencing, panchromatic sharpening, Multispectral and hyperspectral
(Fonji and Taff 2014, Restrepo et al. 2017, El Jazouli Research Institute) mosaicking, spatiotemporal analysis, supervised satellite data are processed
et al. 2019, Birhane et al. 2019, Li et al. 2018, (http://www.esri. and unsupervised classification, post-classification, efficiently.
Thanh Noi and Kappas 2018, Ce et al. 2019, com/software/arcgis) accuracy assessment, and identifying the area of
Gashaw et al. 2017, Liping et al. 2018, Karimi LU/LC change for a different time interval.
et al. 2018, Phiri and Morgenroth 2017, Yagoub
and Bizreh 2014, Pande et al. 2018, Yirsaw et al.
2017, Mallupattu and Reddy 2013, John et al. 2019,
Adhikari et al. 2017, Hemasinghe et al. 2018,
Kumar et al. 2014, Firoozynejad and Torahi 2017,
Saputra and Lee 2019, Vibhute et al. 2013, Ganasri
and Dwarakish 2015, Nurwanda et al. 2016, Das
et al. 2013, Nwaogu et al. 2017, Regmi et al. 2014,
Han et al. 2015, Kusuma 2013, Nadoushan et.al
2012, Ashaolu et al. 2019, Achmad et al. 2015,
Pathiranage et al. 2018)
IDRISI Clark Labs Image restoration, enhancement, segmentation, IDRISI helps to process the
(Heidarlou et al. 2019, El Jazouli et al. 2019, (clarklabs.org) transformation, image classification (machine multispectral data and it provides
Hernández-Guzmán et al. 2019, Gashaw et al. learning supervised and unsupervised classifiers), the special services for
2017, Liping et al. 2018, Singh et al. 2015, Karimi accuracy assessment, distance measures, prediction processing the hyperspectral
et al. 2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, Halmy et al. 2015, methods, simulation models (Land Change data.
Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, John et al. 2019, Kumar Modeler, Earth Trends Modeler, Climatic Change
et al. 2014, Nurwanda et al. 2016, Nwaogu et al. Adaptation Modeler, and Ecosystem Services
2017, Regmi et al. 2014Nadoushan et.al 2012, Modeler)
Achmad et al. 2015)
ERDAS IMAGINE Hexagon Geospatial Radiometric correction, pan sharpening, geometric Multispectral and hyperspectral
(Earth Resources Data Analysis System) (www.hexagongeospatial.com) calibration, supervised, unsupervised and sub-pixel satellite data are processed
(Fonji and Taff 2014, Gashaw et al. 2017, Singh et al. based classification, change detection, and terrain efficiently.
2015, Phiri and Morgenroth 2017, Sisodia et al. feature analysis.
2014, Pande et al. 2018, Yirsaw et al. 2017,
Mallupattu and Reddy 2013, John et al. 2019,
Adhikari et al. 2017, Kumar et al. 2014, Nurwanda
et al. 2016, Das et al. 2013, Regmi et al. 2014, Han
et al. 2015, Baboo and Devi 2011, Ashaolu et al.
QGIS (Quantum GIS) QGIS Developers Team Image clipping, pre-processing, post-processing, Multispectral and hyperspectral
(El Jazouli et al. 2019, Kabisch et al. 2019, Saputra (qgis.org/en/site) classification, distance measures, Topographic satellite data are processed
and Lee 2019, Ashaolu et al. 2019) Position Index, prediction modules, and Terrain efficiently.
Ruggedness Index Analysis.
Google Earth Google Band manipulation, edge detection, image clipping and Google Earth provides the
(Fonji and Taff 2014, Heidarlou et al. 2019, Restrepo (earth.google.com) registration, terrain operations, resampling, multi-temporal time series data
et al. 2017, Birhane et al. 2019, Hu and Yu Dong metadata properties, area measurements, and spatial and it helps during the process of
2018, Li et al. 2018, Zurqani et al. 2018, Thanh Noi filtering. accuracy assessment.
and Kappas 2018, Gashaw et al. 2017, Liping et al.
2018, Karimi et al. 2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, Zhu
and Woodcock 2014, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014,
Yirsaw et al. 2017, Shaharum et al. 2018, Ganasri
and Dwarakish 2015, Asubonteng et al. 2018,
Regmi et al. 2014, Han et al. 2015, Gorelick et al.
2017, Ashaolu et al. 2019, Pathiranage et al. 2018)

LU/LC classes and its factors LU/LC information of India in the year 2015 to 2016 from
Bhuvan-Thematic Services of the National Remote Sensing
The LU/LC classified classes include areas like built-up area, Centre (NRSC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),
agricultural land, forest area, vegetation land, water bodies, for getting a good understanding of LU/LC classes. The LU/
wasteland, mountain area, and desert area. We collected the LC classified classes in India, for the year 2015 to 2016, are
Environ Sci Pollut Res

shown in Fig. 2. The total geographical area for India in the 2015, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, John et al. 2019, Regmi et al.
year 2015 to 2016 is shown along with the statistics of each 2014, Ahmadlou et al. 2015, Nadoushan et.al 2012, Achmad
area in Fig. 3. This LU/LC information of India will help the et al. 2015, Mirkatouli et al. 2015).
researchers to understand how each pixel was classified and Table 5 helps in understanding the few LU/LC classes and
labeled. their factors. Among the numerous independent variables, el-
Based on the development of land transformation in a spe- evation, slope, and aspect have a major impact on LU/LC
cific area, the suitability map provides the information needed proliferation mostly in the forest-covered area.
for the specific LU/LC classes. For instance, forest suitability Statistical tests were conducted for finding the association
maps provide information on the different species of trees between the dependent variable (LU/LC change map) and the
grown in a specific location of the forest-covered region. independent variables (slope, elevation, and distance from the
The suitability of areas is mapped with the consideration of river, forest edge, barren land, built-up area, and agriculture
weighted factors like slope, elevation, and distance from the area). The Cramer’s V coefficient test is widely used by the
forest edge, road, water bodies, wasteland, grassland, agricul- researchers for enabling observation of the association be-
tural land, and settlements (Gashaw et al. 2017, Singh et al. tween the dependent and independent variables. The

Table 3 Pre-processing techniques

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 3 (continued)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 3 (continued)

H-p H-p H-p

Cramer’s V coefficient value always lies between zero (no 2015, Mirkatouli et al. 2015). Cellular automata (CA) model
association between the variables) and one (complete associ- is used to simulate the spatial changing landscapes among the
ation between the variables). These independent variables are LU/LC classes in the remote sensing environment (Bounouh
considered as the key factors in analyzing the future LU/LC et al. 2017, El Jazouli et al. 2019, Hernández-Guzmán et al.
changes (Heidarlou et al. 2019, Kumar et al. 2014). 2019, Gashaw et al. 2017, Liping et al. 2018, Singh et al.
2015, Karimi et al. 2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, Halmy et al.
2015, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, Yirsaw et al. 2017, Saputra
LU/LC prediction models and Lee 2019, Nwaogu et al. 2017, Regmi et al. 2014,
Nadoushan et.al 2012). We observed most of the researchers
Different environmental models are used by the researchers have used the hybrid model for predicting the LU/LC change
for forecasting future LU/LC changes. It is necessary for every for the particular area. One of the frequently used hybrid
researcher to work on LU/LC change prediction problem con- models for predicting the LU/LC change is the Markov chain
sidering the provision of the predicted results to the land re- and cellular automata model. SLEUTH (slope, land use, ex-
source management and to urban planners to help them in clusion, urban, transportation, and hill shade) is a process of
taking suitable actions for protecting the land cover environ- cellular automata model applied in the process of LU/LC
ment. Table 6 shows a few of the environmental models for change analysis to simulate and predict the status of the urban
the LU/LC change prediction process. Markov chain-cellular growth (Pathiranage et al. 2018). The QGIS software includes
automata hybrid model, logistic regression model, Land MOLUSCE (Modules for Land Use Change Evaluation) sim-
Change Modeler, GEOMOD, and CLUE (Conversion of ulated plugin which provides a different set of algorithms like
Land Use and Its Effects) model were used for LU/LC change ANN, logistic regression model, WoE (weight of evidence),
prediction. By using the IDRISI software, the VALIDATE and multi-criteria evaluation (Saputra and Lee 2019, Ashaolu
module is to validate the predicted data with the reference data et al. 2019).
and the CROSSTAB module is used for performing the cross-
tabulation between the predicted and the actual LU/LC map
(Liping et al. 2018).
THE Markov chain (MC) model is used for analyzing the Commonly used metrics
time-based changing landscapes among the LU/LC classes
based on the transition probabilities (Bounouh et al. 2017, We identified the most commonly used metrics for analyzing
Heidarlou et al. 2019, El Jazouli et al. 2019, Hernández- the satellite images and they are listed as follows: NDVI,
Guzmán et al. 2019, Gashaw et al. 2017, Liping et al. 2018, NDWI, confusion matrix (used to equate the classified image
Singh et al. 2015, Karimi et al. 2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, with the reference image), the kappa coefficient, and overall
Halmy et al. 2015, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014 Yirsaw et al. accuracy. The percentage of change and rate of change is
2017, John et al. 2019, Nwaogu et al. 2017, Regmi et al. calculated for determining the number of changes experienced
2014, Han et al. 2015, Nadoushan et.al 2012, Achmad et al. between a certain time interval.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 LU/LC classification methods

Method General Before Classificaon Aer Classificaon


Maximum Likelihood Maximum

Classificaon Likelihood
(Supervised Classifier)
esmates the
(Fonji and Taff 2014, Li et al. probability
2014, Heidarlou et al. 2019, distribuons for
Restrepo et al. 2017, El Jazouli the LU/LC classes.
et al. 2019, Birhane et al. 2019,
Bagan et al. 2018, Bakr and
Afifi 2019, Li et al. 2018,
Gashaw et al. 2017, Liping et (Murtaza and Romshoo (Murtaza and Romshoo 2014)
al. 2018, Karimi et al. 2018, 2014)
Etemadi et al. 2018, Sisodia et
al. 2014, Pande et al. 2018,
Yirsaw et al. 2017, Mallupau
and Reddy 2013, John et al.
2019, Adhikari et al. 2017,
Alkaradaghi et al. 2018,
Kumar et al. 2014,
Firoozynejad and Torahi 2017,
Murtaza and Romshoo 2014,
Vibhute et al. 2013, Ganasri
and Dwarakish 2015,
Asubonteng et al. 2018,
Priyadarshini et al. 2018,
Nurwanda et al. 2016, Das et
al. 2013, Ashaolu et al. 2019,
Achmad et al. 2015,
Pathiranage et al. 2018)

Random Forest Classifier The random

forest method is
(Supervised Classifier)
based on the
(Li et al. 2014, Yang et al. 2018, decision tree class
Zurqani et al. 2018, Ahmadlou ifiers. It is used
et al. 2018, Thanh Noi and for improving the
Kappas 2018, Halmy et al. predicve
2015, Zhu and Woodcock accuracy for
2014, Nery et al. 2019) LU/LC (Ahmadlou et al. 2018)
classificaon and (Ahmadlou et al. 2018)
controls the over-
fing of data.

k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) k-Nearest

Neighbor is
(Supervised Classifier)
measured by the
(Li et al. 2014, Thanh Noi and distance funcon
Kappas 2018) and finds the
nearest LU/LC
class by
classifying it.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 (continued)
. (Thanh Noi and Kappas (Thanh Noi and Kappas 2018)

Support Vector Machine (SVM) This method is

classifiers memory efficient
and shows
(Supervised Classifier)
sensible results of
(Li et al. 2014, Thanh Noi and classified LU/LC
Kappas 2018, Firoozynejad and classes even
Torahi 2017, Shaharum et al. when there are
2018, Nery et al. 2019, fewer amounts of
Priyadarshini et al. 2018, training data.
Abbas et al. 2017)
(Shaharum et al. 2018)

(Shaharum et al. 2018)

Iterave Self-Organizing Data This method is

Analysis Technique (ISODATA) used to compute
the minimum
(Unsupervised Classifier)
distance of each
(Li et al. 2014, Gashaw et al. satellite data
2017, Yagoub and Bizreh 2014, point to a definite
Adhikari et al. 2017, Nery et al. cluster.
2019, Taufik et al. 2019,
Asubonteng et al. 2018,
Priyadarshini et al. 2018)

(Priyadarshini et al. 2018)

(Priyadarshini et al. 2018)

CART (Classificaon and This method is

Regression Trees) used for
classificaon as
(Supervised Classifier)
well as for the
(Hu and Yu Dong 2018, Zurqani regression
et al. 2018, Ahmadlou et al. calculaon
2018, Nery et al. 2019) problems.

(Ahmadlou et al. 2018) (Ahmadlou et al. 2018)

NDVI NDVI value and lower vegetation cover is recognized

by the lower NDVI value. The values of NDVI are
The probability of having lower or higher vegetation is between the ranges of − 1 to + 1.
identified by the NDVI values (Yang et al. 2018, Hu
and Yu Dong 2018, Kabisch et al. 2019, Zurqani et al. ðNIR−REDÞ
NDVI ¼ ð1Þ
2018, Etemadi et al. 2018, Nery et al. 2019, Taufik ðNIR þ REDÞ
et al. 2019, Das et al. 2013, Kusuma 2013). So the
where NIR represents the Near-Infrared Band and RED
higher vegetation cover is recognized by the higher
represents the Red Band.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 (continued)

K-means classific on This method

separates the
(Unsupervised Classifier)
given image into
(Usman 2013, Li et al. 2014, different clusters
Hernández-Guzmán et al. of pixels based on
2019, Taufik et al. 2019, specific
Priyadarshini et al. 2018) requirements.
Similar image
objects are kept
in one group and
(Priyadarshini et al. 2018)
dissimilar image
objects in a
different group. (Priyadarshini et al. 2018)

This model is
variate Adap e
applied to the
Regression Splines (MARS)
classific on and
predic n
(Supervised Classifier) problems. The
main purpose is
to calculate the
(Ahmadlou et al. 2018, us
Ahmadlou et al. 2015) dependent
variables from the (Ahmadlou et al. 2018) (Ahmadlou et al. 2018)
set of

It also used for

Ar al Neural Network (ANN)
classifying the
(Either Supervised or satellite image for
Unsupervised) the LU/LC change
problems. ANN is
considered as the
e series LU/LC
(Li et al. 2014, Bounouh et al.
classific on
2017, Heidarlou et al. 2019,
problem of
Bagan et al. 2018, Li et al.
predic g the
2018, Ce et al. 2019, John et
future status of
al. 2019, Saputra and Lee
the land. (Abbas et al. 2017)
2019, Nwaogu et al. 2017, (Abbas et al. 2017)
Kusuma 2013, Ahmadlou et al.
2015, Nadoushan et.al 2012,
Abbas et al. 2017)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 (continued)

Fuzzy C Means (FCM) FCM method is

used to segment
(Unsupervised Classifier)
the satellite
(HongLei et al. 2013, Taufik et images into
al. 2019, Khan et al. 2018, different clusters.
Rehman and Hussain 2018) The objecve
funcon helps in
minimizing the (Rehman and Hussain 2018)
dissimilaries (Rehman and Hussain 2018)
within the cluster.

Minimum Distance This method

classifies the
(Supervised Classifier)
unknown satellite
(Murtaza and Romshoo 2014, data by
Vibhute et al. 2013, Ganasri measuring the
and Dwarakish 2015, distance between
Priyadarshini et al. 2018) satellite data
points with their
(Murtaza and Romshoo

(Murtaza and Romshoo 2014)

Mahalanobis Distance This method is

(Supervised Classifier) used to find the
distance between
(Murtaza and Romshoo 2014,
the two data
Vibhute et al. 2013)
points in the

(Murtaza and Romshoo

2014) (Murtaza and Romshoo 2014)

Parallelepiped This method

defines the
(Supervised Classifier)
(Vibhute et al. 2013, Ganasri deviaon
and Dwarakish 2015, threshold from
Priyadarshini et al. 2018) the mean of every

(Priyadarshini et al. 2018)

(Priyadarshini et al. 2018)

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 (continued)

Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) This method is a

Classi process of the
(Supervised Classifier)
classific on
(Shaharum et al. 2018, where the n-D
Mohamed and Elmahdy 2018) angle is used to
match the
satellite data
pixels to the
reference spectra.

(Shaharum et al. 2018)

(Shaharum et al. 2018)

Graph-Based model This method

constructs the
graph by
(Yan Y et al. 2017, Aydav and imilar
Minz 2017, Sawant and data points in the
Prabukumar 2017) image.

(Yan Y et al. 2017) (Yan Y et al. 2017)

Self-Trained Models This method is a

wrapper method
that provides the
(Banerjee and Buddhiraju label to the
2015, Maulik and Chakraborty unlabeled data
2011, Liu et al. 2013, Aydav through a hybrid
and Minz 2017, Sawant and classific on
Prabukumar 2017) technique.

(Banerjee and Buddhiraju


(Banerjee and Buddhiraju

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 4 (continued)

Tr e SVM (TSVM) This method used

to treat the
margins of the
(Chakraborty and Maulik lly labeled
2011, Aydav and Minz 2017, data to find the
Sawant and Prabukumar labels of
2017, Maulik and Chakraborty unlabeled data.

(Chakraborty and Maulik

2011, Maulik and
Chakraborty 2013 ) (Maulik and Chakraborty

Semi-Supervised Co-training This method is

model used when the
unlabelled data is
(Aydav and Minz 2017,
larger than the
Sawant and Prabukumar 2017,
labeled data.
Hu et al. 2018)

(Hu et al. 2018)

(Hu et al. 2018)

NDWI Confusion matrix, accuracy assessment, and kappa

The probability of having lower or higher water content is
identified by the NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Accuracy assessment is an indispensable and decisive
Index) values (Hu and Yu Dong 2018, Zurqani et al. 2018, measure in the remotely sensed image classification for
Taufik et al. 2019). So the higher water content is recognized detecting the LU/LC change. The reference images are
by the higher NDWI value and lower water content is recog- compared with the classified images employing the con-
nized by the lower NDWI value. The values of NDWI are fusion matrix. Table 7 shows the illustration of the con-
between the ranges of − 1 to + 1. fusion matrix.
The confidence of the classified images largely depends on
NDWI ¼ ð2Þ accuracy assessment. The analysis of various studies shows
ðNIR þ SWIRÞ the computation of the overall accuracy as the basic need and
the kappa coefficient for testing the correctness of the classi-
where NIR represents the Near-Infrared Band and SWIR
fication process.
represents the Short Wave Infrared Band.
Environ Sci Pollut Res
   T 1 −T 2
ROC yr
¼ ð6Þ

where POC represents the percentage of change;

ROC represents the rate of change; T1 represents the
area (ha) of LU/LC for the time interval 1; T2 repre-
sents the area (ha) of LU/LC for the time interval 2; Ti
represents the time interval between the T1 and T2 in
years (yr).

Conceptual framework

The utmost purpose of this review paper is to provide a

conceptual framework for the comprehensive land use/
land cover change analysis process and it is shown in
Fig. 4. The first step in LU/LC change is to understand
the problem carefully through a different survey in the
field of remote sensing around the world. Many re-
searchers had analyzed and proposed different algorithms
for analyzing the LU/LC change problem. Moreover, to
deal with the identified problem, certain research chal-
lenges and difficulties should be known. The research
questions can be formulated to define the objectives pre-
cisely. Our research work of LU/LC change analysis in
Fig. 2 LU/LC map information India (2015–2016) the field of remote sensing begins with selecting the
study area (Javadi Hills, India). The Javadi Hills covered
with the forest-covered region will be interesting to per-
  form the LU/LC change analysis. The satellite images
Overall Accuracy ¼  100 ð3Þ (LISS-III) will be collected and analyzed for further pro-
N cess. The multispectral bands in LISS-III satellite images
have a good resolution for LU/LC mapping. Other data
includes field survey data, aerial images, open govern-
N ∑ri¼1 xii ∑ri¼1 ð xiþ *xþi Þ ment data (OGA), and licensed data. The image pre-
KS ¼ ð4Þ
N 2− ∑ri¼1 ð xiþ *xþi Þ processing will be performed after the process of image
acquisition. Based on the satellite image, the pre-
processing techniques like geometric, radiometric, atmo-
where KS represents kappa statistics; N signifies the matrix spheric, and topographic corrections will be performed.
total observations; r signifies the number of rows in the con- Many researchers had used different classification algo-
fusion matrix; xii denotes row i and column i observations; xi+ rithms for their study area. With high-performance sys-
denotes row i observations; x +i represents column i tems, we will prefer the deep learning methods, as it will
observations. lead to the new direction of research. The classified re-
sults will be validated by calculating the accuracy and
kappa statistics. Post-classification will be performed to
Rate and percentage of change check the misclassification errors that occurred in the
LU/LC classified map. The rate and percentage of LU/
For demonstrating the magnitude of the LU/LC change
LC change will be calculated for the identified datasets
for the different time intervals in a modest way, the rate
over different time intervals. The dependent (LU/LC
of change and the percentage of change are calculated.
change cover map) and the independent (slope, elevation,
T 2 −T 1 aspect, distance from forest edge, climatic data, and pop-
POC ¼  100 ð5Þ ulation density) variables associated with our study area
(Javadi Hills) will be modeled and processed for
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 3 Statistics of LU/LC classes

of India (2015–2016)

predicting the future LU/LC map. The new prediction their sources have been discussed and defined in this
method will be proposed for analyzing future LU/LC paper. The commonly used software programs for pro-
change. The results are validated and processed finally. cessing the different satellite images have also been
The predicted LU/LC change results will assist the gov- discussed in this study. Among them, ENVI, ArcGIS,
ernment officials, urban planners, and forest department ERDAS Imagine, and IDRISI are frequently used by
to take actions in the protection of the LU/LC researchers. Image pre-processing is considered the most
environment. important stage, and therefore it should be performed
before the LU/LC change analysis process. A few image
pre-processing techniques used by researchers help in
Discussions correcting the atmospheric, radiometric, geometric, and
topographic errors in the satellite image. Pre-processing
The natural reasons and the significant changes over the of satellite images should be processed carefully since it
earth’s surface for a long time interval have led to the is the initial process following data collection. The LU/
process of LU/LC change analysis. In a remote sensing LC classification is the strongly focused part in remote
and GIS environment, several images from different sat- sensing environment. Different classification algorithms
ellites have been deliberated as the important data were used by researchers for classifying the pre-
source where numerous kinds of land cover changes processed satellite image into different classes. We ob-
like deforestation, expansion of agricultural land, in- served that the hybrid classification algorithms provide
crease in urban growth, and loss of wetlands over the good accuracy for the pre-processed satellite image. The
different time interval is recognized. Steps involved in process of post-classification should be carefully made
the analysis of LU/LC change are, acquisition of satel- for removing the misclassification errors in the LU/LC
lite images, image pre-processing, LU/LC classification, classification map. The Google Earth Engine is the
post-classification, accuracy assessment, change analysis, widely used geospatial software for analyzing and
validating dependent and independent variables, and obtaining the reference data during the process of accu-
LU/LC change prediction. The different datasets and racy assessment. The classified LU/LC map is analyzed
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 5 LU/LC classes and its factors

S.No LU/LC General Explanaon Factors or Suitability Map

Classes Independent

1 Farmland Areas include Soil erosion, slope,

agricultural and elevaon, and
culvated farmlands. aspect.

Suitability to Culvated Land (Singh et

al. 2015)

2 Forest Land Areas covered with Slope, elevaon,

different species of aspect,
trees. Temperature, and
Distance from the
edge of the forest.

Suitability to Forest (Singh et al. 2015)

3 Grassland Areas include the Proximate to the

green land, croplands recognized
with vegetaon, and vegetated land,
pasture regions. elevaon, and

Suitability to Crop Land (Singh et al.

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 5 (continued)

4 Water Coastal areas that Distance to the

Bodies include rivers, lakes, river, elevaon,
ponds, and seaside slope, aspect,
covers. rainfall or runoff
factor, soil erosion
factor, cover
factor, and

Suitability to Water Bodies (Singh et al.


5 Built-up The area includes Distance from

Land residenal, industrial, built-up areas,
transport, and Selements,
developed slope, elevaon,
construconal lands. and aspect.

Suitability to Built-up Land (Singh et al.


6 Waste Land The area includes Distance to the

Barren Land and road, and the
Scrub Land. barren land,
elevaon, slope,
and aspect.

Suitability to Waste Land (Singh et al.

Environ Sci Pollut Res

by calculating the area of change that happened for Challenges

different time intervals. Dependent (LU/LC map) and
independent variables (slope, elevation, and distance This paper provides a few research challenges faced during
variables) are the important factors in predicting the every stage of the LU/LC change analysis process. The chal-
LU/LC change. Hence, most of the researchers tend to lenges are summarized as:
prefer an effective hybrid prediction method for moni-
toring and predicting the land cover changes for certain & Acquisition: During the image acquisition process,
time series in a particular region. Among the perfor- extracting the region of interest from the study area
mance metrics, the accuracy assessment and kappa sta- through datum coordinates from the suitable satellite sys-
tistics were considered as the efficient and required met- tem is a challenging task for researchers.
rics for every LU/LC classification and prediction prob- & Pre-processing: During satellite image pre-process-
lem to validate the performance of the results. ing, geo-referencing the unknown coordinates of

Table 6 Environmental models used for LU/LC prediction

Predicon Models General Actual/ Classified Image Predicted Image

Markov Chain (MC) - The me-

Cellular Automata based and
(CA) (Hybrid model) spaal
(Bounouh et al. landscapes
2017, El Jazouli et al. among the
2019, Hernández- LU/LC classes
Guzmán et al. 2019, based on
Gashaw et al. 2017, transion
Liping et al. 2018, probabilies.
Singh et al. 2015,
Karimi et al. 2018, (Liping et al. 2018)
Etemadi et al. 2018, (Liping et al. 2018)
Halmy et al. 2015,
Yagoub and Bizreh
2014, Yirsaw et al.
2017, Nwaogu et al.
2017, Regmi et al.
2014, Nadoushan
et.al 2012 )

Logisc Regression Logisc

Model Regression is
the predicve
(Bounouh et al. analysis model
2017, John et al. used when
2019, Alkaradaghi et the
al. 2018, corresponding
Hemasinghe et al. dependent
2018, Nurwanda et variables are
al. 2016, Nwaogu et binary.
al. 2017, Han et al.
2015, Achmad et al.
2015 ) (Kumar et al. 2014) (Kumar et al. 2014)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 6 (continued)
Land Change Land Change
Modeler (LCM) Modeller is a
tool that helps
(Heidarlou et al. in calibrang
2019, Etemadi et al. the
2018, John et al. relaonships
2019, Nwaogu et al. between
2017, Achmad et al. dependent
2015) and the
variables to (Nwaogu et al. 2017) (Nwaogu et al. 2017)
future LU/LC

CLUE (Conversion of CLUE model is

Land Use and Its a tool to
Effects) model examine the
LU/LC change
(Bounouh et al. processes
2017, Nwaogu et al. spaal paern
2017, Han et al. in the field of
2015) remote
sensing and to
predict future
LU/LC changes (Nwaogu et al. 2017)
(Nwaogu et al. 2017)
in the

(Nwaogu et al. 2017, LU/LC change
Regmi et al. 2014, analysis
Nadoushan et.al modeling tool
2012) that helps in
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increase or
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the LU/LC
category over
a definite me (Regmi et al. 2014) (Regmi et al. 2014)

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& LU/LC classification: During the LU/LC classifica- age remains a challenge.
tion process, the provision of accurate training & LU/LC change prediction: During the LU/LC change predic-
datasets through the ground survey remains a tion process, calibration of the exact independent and depen-
challenge. dent variables with the prediction model remains a challenge.
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