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Today is June 1, 2020.

This is the beginning of a new month-and a new level of awareness. So

much has been laid before each of you-so much information,
experiences, new observations of others’ beliefs and behaviors, and
most of all-a heightened awareness of your own beliefs and behaviors.

It is quite daunting, isn’t it? Everyone is trying to ‘cope’ with it in their

own ways. Some are latching onto certain specific theories and beliefs
in an effort to quiet the confusion from all of the conflicting
information. Some have “decided” they will believe none of the
information because it gives them some relief from the fear they have
been feeling. Some are choosing not to think too deeply about any of
the information from their mass media and social media. They do this in
hopes of gaining a little quiet-a respite if you will, from the deluge of
images and opinions bombarding them. We are not judging any one for
how they are handling the current situations.

It is an overwhelming time for most people. We have seen this in the

mass consciousness of humans. It has continued to darken as humans
turned against one another, whether in disagreements or in actual
physical confrontation.

But the light is beginning to break through this dark and heavy shared
consciousness. Humans are realizing that most or all of the information
they have been being blasted with over the last 4 months is suspect.
That veracity of much of it is in question-as all information coming from
others should be questioned. Each human being has within them a
“truth detector” if they will only pay attention to it. It is outside of fear-
it is outside of anger-it is outside of ego-and it is outside of habitual
thinking and beliefs. It is their connection with source-with their soul-
with their higher selves.
While discernment is necessary for all information that comes to you.
There are some fundamental truths to be remembered:

1. Each of you are part of Source–of God, if you will

2. Source or God or “All That Is” is pure love -- therefore the essence of
each of you is pure love
3. It is important that each recognize this first about themselves and
practice self-love. And second, remember that every other human is
pure love and deserves to be considered as such-to be treated as you
wish to be treated.

At this time humans are beginning to remember this-or “are waking

up”, as so many of you are fond of saying. It is evident even in your
mass media reporting of the protests happening in the streets now. We
have witnessed much agreement, mutual understanding, and love-yes
love even between those doing the protesting and those in uniforms of
authority working to quell the destruction accompanying the protests.

Much has been said and certainly is present in the unified

consciousness about anger. But we have witnessed a change occurring-
humans speaking to one another, not about their differences but about
what can be done to change the situations-and to bring peace and love
back to all of humanity.

This is the beginning of a time when all people will put aside their false
beliefs and prejudices against others. Many will begin to recognize the
intentional wedges that were created to divide humans from each
other and will cast them aside-in order to once again join with others to
create something better. The Light is indeed breaking through and will
scatter the darkness that many have fallen into.

It is important not to judge those whom you have found disagreement

with. It does not serve you to judge even those who you believe have
been responsible for intentionally creating the prevailing divisiveness.
It is time to stop “taking sides”. We know this will not happen
immediately. It happens one person at a time. Be the example for
others to follow. How does one do this? By staying grounded to
Mother Gaia and listening not to the external, but to the information
that is coming from your heart and soul. Each of you have the ability to
access this divine guidance, if you will but still yourself and listen.

Pay attention to your own behaviors and what triggers them. Do you
like what you see when you look in the mirror? Are you pleased when
you think of what you are saying to others and even what thoughts you
are having? It is time to decide if you are going to be one who sows the
seeds of divisiveness and even hatred or one who brings others
together and is an example of unconditional love. THE LATTER IS WHO
YOU REALLY ARE. And in recognizing this, you will be taking back the
power that each of you has always had-to create a better life and a
better world.

We, along with many others, are with you Dear Ones. We have
counseled other worlds through similar times. We say ‘counseled’
because we could not ‘solve’ their problems for them, nor can we for
you. But we have faith in each of you-we know you and love you

We have seen many timelines for those in this plane of existence. We

have also seen a coalescing of timelines which will lead to the
evolvement of humanity to higher levels of consciousness and a
beautiful new earth. You choose your timelines by your thoughts and
actions. Choose wisely Dear Ones.

In Service to and In Great Love for all,

The Ps

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