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Channeling-April 3, 2021 by Cathy Reeder

Hello Dear Ones,

A flow of energy is always moving through and around you all the time. Sometimes you are
more in the Flow, meaning you are more in touch with your higher-selves and in alignment with
who we truly are. This happens when you are not distracted by outer events and other people
and their thoughts, opinions, and actions. When you are focusing more on your inner self (your
higher-self), that you have greater access to the wisdom that lies within; you are in the Flow.

The Flow is like an electrical energy wave that is always present. Each should look and FEEL for
this positive flow, the one which leads you forward and toward the ‘knowing’ and
acknowledgement of what each of you actually are: a spiritual being that is eternal; you have
no beginning and no end. Each are divine because all come from source (or God, “all that is”;
your choice of words).

The word ‘divine’ implies perfection; it implies being more fully who you are, who you wish to
be. Your potential is being fully realized. When you are in the process of becoming fully
realized or actualized, it is a positive thing-you are in a positive flow. This flow is both personal
and collective. Think of this flow as one big positive wave of energy. There are many people in
this flow. And when you are in this flow, you experience the most positive experiences for

You can be either in this Flow or not. In truth, you are always in it: you can choose to work
against it or you can ‘go with it’. The Flow has been called many things. But I want you to think
of the times when everything was working out for you-it can seem almost magical! You notice
the perfect timing, the perfect person appears with exactly what you wished to know, the
answer to a question you have just asked appears. You make a turn in your driving, and it turns
out to be the best path-it is almost like you were guided. Yes, each have guides and they do
help you in your journeys. Your journey is to find the path (to follow the Flow). The Flow leads
you back to who you are. It helps you to realize what you want in your lives; it is a creative
flow. It is a flow of life, of passion, creativity, happiness, curiosity, excitement, calm, and peace.
It is quite perfect. Even if you are not in the flow (or working against it) it is teaching you

You did not come here to always be working against the flow, or paddling upstream as many
would say. You came to learn how to be in the Flow; to master how to disencumber yourself of
the distractions and weights you accumulate in each lifetime. These weights or old beliefs you
have accepted as your truths pull you out of the Flow. It is a process, always, of disengaging
and releasing the non-truths about yourself. It is really about staying in the flow. Yes, you are
each still evolving, but you will progress much more quickly and smoothly if you remain in the
Flow, for that is where your passion lies, where your motivation is. The Flow provides clarity
and guidance regarding where you wish to go, what you want to create, and most importantly,
who you are.
The Flow will lead you to your inherent power. As you release more that keeps you from
moving easily with the Flow, you will come to know your power. Your true power is your power
of creation-that is the most powerful energy there is (it is part of the power of love). When you
come from your true power, you are coming from your heart. Your center is where you connect
to your higher-self; to your spiritual self and that part of you that is connected to all. That is
where you will find the magical element of self-love. That is your goal here. This is the Shift,
Humans evolving to a higher state of consciousness; in other words-ascension.

As you go through your life-we would hope moment to moment, rather than skipping back and
forth from the past and the future-you will find that staying in the Flow is easier. For your true
power lies in the present moment. To appreciate the present moment and stay in gratitude as
much as is possible will propel you to and with the Flow. Yes, there will be times of struggle (or
times of learning), but once you master staying in the flow, there will be less struggle.

You each have the power of choice. We would recommend that you make your choices more
from your heart. You will find this easier to do as you practice ‘feeling’ for the best choices. You
have a built in ‘decider’ if you will listen to it. It will help you choose which decision has the
least resistance; which is the best choice for you. This is not to say, you will ignore what your
mind tells you. But do not go there first when making a decision. In time, you will create a
connection between your heart and mind. But in the beginning, the mind is ruled by outer
distractions; ego; and by the past, meaning your old beliefs. Your heart knows better.

So, Dear Ones, we commend you on your determination to stay on your spiritual path and are
honored to be able to transmit this information to you. We are always here for each of you-just
stay open and listen/watch for us.

In Unconditional Love and Gratitude,

We are the Pleiadians

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