CT Assignment 2

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Assignment Date: 8th Nov 2023

Last Date of submission: 21st Nov 2023

Assignment No. 2

1 ) What are the different methods of concrete mix design? Explain it details.

2) Explain in detail IS - method of mix design with steps.

3] State Duff Abraham's wader/cement ratio. State effect of w/e ratio on strength of concrete. Explain
with graph.

4) Tabulate the values of maximum water/cement ratio." Minimum cement content for different grades of
concrete for different exposure condition as per IS Code

5) State factor affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete."

6) Explain in detail about Properties of hardened Concrete

7) Explain Segregation and Bleeding. What precaution should be taken during concreting to avoid
segregation and Bleeding?

8] State the necessity of supervision for concreting operation

9) Explain in brief procedure for determination of compaction factor of concrete in laboratory.

10) Explain Elastic properties of Concrete

11) Define Honey combing. What precaution should be taken during concreting to avoid honey

12] Define compressive strength of concrete. Write the procedure. for determination of compressive
strength of concrete cubes.

13) State the various types of Vibrators with their uses at different locations.

14) State the stripping time for removal of following structural Formwork as per IS -456:2000 1) Column,
s) Beam and 3) Slab

Q15] Explain the modes of transportation of concrete.

16)State the precaution to be taken during transportation and placing of concrete in formwork.

17) Define curing of Concrete. Also state its necessity.

18] How the following structural Element cured?

a) Test block, 1) Bridge slab, & Precast product, d) Column and (e) Hume pipe

19) Define formwork. State the material used for formwork

20) Explain various method of curing as per application.

21) State the effects of hot weather on concrete demand explain the to be taken during hot weather

22) State the effects of cold weather on concrete and Explain precaution to be taken during Cold weather

23] Explain types of special concrete. Explain the properties and limitation of Vacuum Concrete

24) Design the Misc for M20 concrete using the following dada:- a) Characteristics compressive strength
required in the field at28 days. 20MP

1) Maximum size of aggregate 20mm (Angular) Degree of Workability 0.9 Compacting factor

a) Degree of quality control Good" Type of "Mild"

1) specific gravity of concrete : 3.15

Compressive strength of concrete at 7 days satisfies the

Requirement of IS-269-1989 4) specific gravity of Coarse Aggregate 2.60

2) Specific gravity of fine Aggregate:- 2.60

Water absorption-

Coarse aggregate 0.50%

Fine aggregate 1 %

(1) free (surface) moisture-

Coarse aggregate Nil
fine aggregates 2%
(4) Grading zone of fine aggregates Zone. III of Table 4 19 85-1976

Q24] Explain Steps involved in designing of Mix.

Q25) Difference between Nominal min and Design Mix.

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