Int. Sosyology Final Ques.

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June, 8th, 2023

Dr. Özalp
1. In recent years, sociologists have begun to think of societies in terms of ______.
a. producers
b. based on social concerns
c. millennials
d. world consumers
2. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Having a shared culture does not allow people to act and think in similar ways.
b. Norms tell us what we should and should not do in a given situation.
c. Laws are a form of informal norm.
d. Folkways are norms that have serious sanctions.
3. According to Mead, what are the two important phases of the self?
a. Mind and Brain
b. Looking-glass self and Self-concept
c. I and Me
d. You and I
4. Which kind of socialization describes preparing children for what will be expected of
them in the future?
a. Primary socialization
b. Anticipatory socialization
c. Resocialization
d. Reverse socialization
5. The fact that only 58.2% of eligible voters participated in the last election is an
example of the distinction between
a. fact and fiction.
b. formal and informal norms.
c. folkways and mores.
d. ideal and real culture.
6. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook allow people to follow current
events such as political uprisings.
b. Student loan debt is more of a public issue than private trouble.
c. Due to an increased reliance on technology, sociologists are now focusing less on
the study of societies.
d. Physics is considered to be a social science.
7. Beliefs like “it’s wrong to kill people” and “wash your hands after using the restroom”
are examples of
a. collective conscience.
b. social facts.
c. rationalization.
d. anomie.
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
8. Which of the following is the primary agent of socialization?
a. School
b. Media
c. Peer groups
d. Family
9. Elsa purchased a designer handbag to show off at her high-school reunion. This is an
example of ______ consumption.
a. nontraditional
b. conspicuous
c. conscious
d. limited
10. ________ involves the degree to which a given question, or another kind of measure,
produces the same results time after time.
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Assurity
d. Trustworthiness
11. Which theorist explored how the upper classes show off their wealth?
a. Karl Marx
b. Ralf Dahrendorf
c. Thorstein Veblen
d. W.E.B. Du Bois
12. The creation of a detailed account of what a group of people do and the way they
live, usually entailing much more intensive and lengthy periods of observation than
traditional sociological observation requires, called as
a. experiments
b. ethnography
c. interviews
d. survey research
13. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Sociologists are concerned with how the likely widespread use of Google’s
driverless cars will lead, among other things, to many more cars on existing highways.
b. Social processes change more rapidly than social structures.
c. The Industrial Revolution was of special importance to the development of
d. Sociologists would consider people waiting to go through the security checkpoint
at an airport a group.
14. If I want to learn more about the lived experiences of ex-prisoners, I will utilize
quantitative methods.
a. candid
b. coordinate
c. qualitative
d. quantitative
15. Which of the following situations require adult socialization or resocialization?
a. Family changes
b. Aging
c. Changes in societal values and norms
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
d. All of the above
16. According to Goffman, people present an idealized performance of themselves in the
a. frontstage.
b. backstage.
c. looking-glass self.
d. dramaturgy.
17. People who favor user control of information and applications and free products
called as
a. freedom-seekers.
b. modernists.
c. traditionalists.
d. cyber-libertarians.
18. An environment in which cultural differences are accepted and appreciated by the
state and the majority group is
a. globalization.
b. multiculturalism.
c. assimilation.
d. monoculture.
19. Some observers see a bright future for experimentation in sociology, because of the
potential for
a. using the internet as a site.
b. finding the relationship between nation-states.
c. uncovering remaining social structures.
d. creating a researcher bias.
20. The concept of ______, which are observable consequences that negatively affect
the ability of a given system to survive, adapt, or adjust.
a. functions
b. roles
c. dysfunctions
d. actions
21. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Durkheim studies suicide.
b. Simmel analyses small groups.
c. Weber formulates psychoanalysis.
d. Du Bois describes racial consciousness.
22. ______ involves the degree to which a given question, or another kind of measure,
produces the same results time after time.
a. Validity
b. Security
c. Trustworthiness
d. Reliability
23. Content analysis analyzes
a. historical events.
b. statistical analyses.
c. the content of cultural artefacts to identify meanings and patterns.
d. geographical relationships.
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
24. Which of the following statements is true?
a. What you think and do as an individual is not affected by what is happening in
groups, organizations, cultures, and societies.
b. The increased presence of technology in U.S. society has hindered sociologist’s
ability to collect data on social groups.
c. The 21st century showed a decrease of shared economy and global labor.
d. Emile Durkheim found that suicide rates were related to social rather than
psychological factors.
25. The tree specific values within cyberculture are
a. consumption, obey and work.
b. openness, knowledge sharing, and access.
c. digitalization, globalization, and education.
d. public health, inconspicuous consumption, and openness.
26. According to Karl Marx, which group suffered from false consciousness?
a. Capitalists
b. Proletariats
c. Sociologists
d. Politicians
27. Who coined the term “sociological imagination”?
a. Ralph Dahrendorf
b. Max Weber
c. C. Wright Mills
d. Herbert Martineau
28. Which of the following statements is false?
a. The scientific method does apply to natural sciences.
b. The complexity of human behavior makes it impossible to employ the scientific
method in research.
c. Theories can be said to have stood the test of time when they continue to be
applicable to the changing social world and have withstood challenges from those
who accept other theories.
d. Validity refers to the accuracy of the measurement tool.
29. ______ are informal rules that guide what people do and how they live.
a. Norms
b. Values
c. Laws
d. Folkways
30. ______ saw society as being defined by interaction.
a. Georg Simmel
b. Mark Granovetter
c. Max Weber
d. Charles Horton Cooley
31. Which of these is an example of the “butterfly effect?”
a. The rise in the use of social networking in China.
b. Anti-Vietnam war protests in the 1960s and 1970s.
c. The domination of the fast-food model.
d. The use of driverless cars on road systems and public health.
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
32. Which of the following is an example of a contemporary counterculture?
a. Computer hackers
b. Pokémon-Go players
c. The Tea Party
d. Jewish society
33. Durkheim found that early societies were held together by the fact that they all did
pretty much the same kinds of work (hunting, gathering, and cooking), which he
a. mechanical solidarity.
b. organic solidarity.
c. labor solidarity.
d. Durkheimian solidarity.
34. ______ is NOT an area where people generally perform on their frontstage.
a. Classroom
b. Bus station
c. Home
d. Restaurant
35. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Consumer culture pervades higher education.
b. Cybercultures vary from nation to nation.
c. Hand gestures are not considered a form of social interaction.
d. Sociologists believe the self changes constantly.
36. People’s feeling that they do not know what is expected of them in society—the
feeling of being adrift in society without any clear or secure moorings called as
a. iron cage.
b. rationalization.
c. social control.
d. anomie.
37. Which type of research has the most potential for psychological harm?
a. Surveys
b. Experiments
c. Ethnography
d. Content analysis
38. Preventing all personal values from affecting any phase of the research process is
a. research process.
b. sociological research.
c. researcher biases.
d. value-free sociology.
39. Which field contributes to examining how people communicate globally?
a. Anthropology
b. Psychology
c. Communication studies
d. Economics
40. Which kind of socialization describes preparing children for what will be expected of
them in the future?
a. Primary socialization
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
b. Anticipatory socialization
c. Resocialization
d. Reverse socialization
41. The sociological theory that seeks to include not only animals but also inanimate
objects in the interaction order is called as
a. symbolic interactionism.
b. theory of the rationalization.
c. network theory.
d. actor-network theory.
42. Which of the following is not one of the important changes that profoundly affected
sociological theorizing?
a. Urbanization occurring throughout Europe
b. Rise of Medieval age
c. Women’s rights movement
d. Growth of science
43. Ritzer’s interest in McDonaldization has led to three signature concerns
a. globalization, public health, and consumption
b. globalization, consumption, and the digital world
c. consumption, education, and the digital world
d. public health, education, and consumption
44. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Ethnocentrism has only negative outcomes and should be discouraged in all
b. Multiculturalism is not related to cultural relativism.
c. No one person can know all the aspects of their culture.
d. Queuing up in a straight line to wait is common in every culture.
45. If your research question answers what you intend to measure, it is
a. Reliable
b. Valid
c. Ethical
d. Objective
46. Which of the following is an example of conspicuous consumption?
a. Buying groceries, you need to feed your children
b. Purchasing a used car for transportation to work
c. Buying a new US$10,000 dress to wear to a party
d. Investing in the stock market for retirement
47. Which classical sociological theorist is best known today for her feminist, women-
centered sociology?
a. Herbert Spencer
b. C. Wright Mills
c. Harriet Martineau
d. Auguste Comte
48. How has consumer culture pervaded higher education?
a. The rise of for-profit schools
b. College rankings published by U.S. News & World Report
c. Professor-rating websites
d. All of the above.
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
49. Folkways and ______ exist on a continuum.
a. norms
b. laws
c. values
d. mores
50. There are two key stages in Mead’s theory of how the self develops over time,
a. primary stage – secondary stage
b. play stage – game stage
c. good stage – bad stage
d. backstage – frontstage
51. Which is the first step in the scientific process for sociologists?
a. Developing a hypothesis
b. Uncovering a question in need of an answer
c. Choosing research method
d. Conducting literature review
52. The ______ was a system of ideas closely associated with religion, while the spirit of
capitalism involved a transformation of those ideas into a perspective linked directly
to the economy.
a. Protestant ethic
b. Stratocracy
c. Consensus democracy
d. Meritocracy
53. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Postmodernity is characterized by a highly consistent lifestyle.
b. Postmodernists often deconstruct grand theories.
c. Modern movies are told in a linear fashion, and modern art is made up of internally
consistent elements.
d. Postmodernism refers to the emergence of new and different cultural forms in
music, movies, art, architecture, and so on.
54. Which of the following does W.E.B. Du Bois’ theory of “double-consciousness” NOT
refer to?
a. Women navigating a male-dominated society
b. Black Americans navigating a white-dominated society
c. Homosexuals navigating a heterosexual-dominated society
d. White Americans navigating a white-dominated society
55. The ______ is the attitude of the entire group or community that an individual
a. self-criticism
b. identity
c. self-consciousness
d. generalized others
56. Which sociological theorist is best known today for his contribution to symbolic
interactionism with the conceptualization of “dramaturgy”?
a. George Herbert Mead
b. Erving Goffman
c. Charles Horton Cooley
d. Georg Simmel
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
57. Online networks that transcend national boundaries, such as Facebook and Twitter,
have forever altered the ways in which we interact with each other as well as the
societies that we shape and that shape us, can be taken as a general example of
a. globalization.
b. industrialization.
c. urbanization.
d. McDonaldization.
58. Who coined the term “sociology?”
a. Karl Marx
b. Herbert Spencer
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Auguste Comte
59. Which theory is concerned with the meaning of symbols?
a. Structural-Functionalism
b. Conflict Theory
c. Symbolic Interactionism
d. McDonaldization
60. Which classic sociologist agreed with Auguste Comte’s belief that science and reform
should go together?
a. Karl Marx
b. Jane Addams
c. Emile Durkheim
d. All of the above
61. The interplay of machines, tools, skills, and procedures for the accomplishment of
tasks is better known as
a. McDonaldization.
b. technology.
c. industrialization.
d. suburbanization.
62. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Social processes change more rapidly than social structures.
b. The 21st century showed a decrease in the shared economy and global labor.
c. Consumerism is considered a negative side of globalization.
d. Social processes, like social structures, exist just at the societal level.
63. To Goffman, the ______ is not a thing possessed by the individual but the dramatic
product of the interaction between people and their audiences.
a. mind
b. self
c. I
d. me
64. Who defined the “ideal type?”
a. Georg Simmel
b. Herbert Gans
c. Max Weber
d. Jane Addams
65. According to Karl Marx, which of the following did NOT cause alienation?
a. Repetitive, mindless tasks
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
b. Little or no connection to the finished product
c. Competition with other workers
d. Lack of education
66. Which type of sample is best to avoid bias?
a. Random Sample
b. Stratified Sample
c. Convenience Sample
d. Easy Sample
67. Starting in the 1950s, the central feature of many capitalist countries shifted from
production to
a. consumption.
b. socialism.
c. education.
d. militarization.
68. In contrast to professional sociology in which work is done for other sociologists,
_________ addresses a wide range of audiences, most of which are outside the
a. public sociology
b. social psychology
c. private sociology
d. academic sociology
69. In a prestructured interview, the interviewer attempts to
a. behave in the same way in each interview
b. accept oral consent to conduct the interview
c. change the questions for every interview
d. use different methods, such as questions, sound clips, or gestures to get a more
authentic answer each time.
70. By ______, Mead meant the movements of one individual that elicit automatic and
appropriate responses from another individual.
a. gestures
b. mind
c. self
d. capability
71. Which of the following is the primary agent of socialization?
a. School
b. Media
c. Peer groups
d. Family
72. Which theorist focused on the central role religion had played in the Western world’s
economic development?
a. Karl Marx
b. Max Weber
c. Thorstein Veblen
d. George Simmel
73. If a researcher wants to generalize based on the research findings, she/he needs to
design her/his research in
a. qualitative
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
b. quantitative
c. coordinate
d. focus group
74. When studying gang members, convincing them that you are not a police officer is
which part of the interview process?
a. Gaining access
b. Locating a key informant
c. Understanding the language and culture of the group
d. Gaining the trust of the respondents
75. The process by which an individual learns and generally comes to accept the ways of
a group or a society of which he or she is a part is better known as
a. impression management
b. socialization
c. interaction order
d. bureaucracy
76. ______ is an example of desirable behavior on the Internet.
a. Downloading free apps
b. Sharing private life
c. Actively participating on Facebook, through posts
d. Correctly editing pages on Wikipedia
77. When researchers want to test hypotheses, they use
a. descriptive statistics.
b. inferential statistics.
c. SPSS.
d. literature reviews over similar studies.
78. According to Mead, what are the two important phases of the self?
a. Mind and Brain
b. Looking-glass self and Self-concept
c. You and I
d. I and Me
79. The ______ is a key element of Weber’s theory of the rationalization of the Western
a. internationalization
b. interaction
c. bureaucracy
d. globalization
80. Which of the following is an example of “inconspicuous consumption?”
a. Students recycle their old cell phones when they purchase new ones
b. Working-class people shopping at thrift stores
c. Bill Gates driving an economy car
d. Middle-class people buying shoes online
81. Which of the following is NOT an example of the problems of secondary data
a. Secondary researchers cannot refine their methods on the basis of preliminary
b. Because others have chosen the methods of data collection, the data may not be
ideal for the secondary researcher’s needs.
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
c. Certain types of sensitive data may not have been collected.
d. This analysis gives a chance to the researcher to reanalyze data collected by other
82. Which of the following statements is true?
a. In the twenty-first century, interaction is increasingly mediated by face-to-face
b. The idea of impression management does not apply to interaction on social
networking sites.
c. An ascribed status is one that is chosen.
d. Animals and humans are both capable of vocal gestures.
83. Research that determines the number of interracial marriages in Türkiye is
a. quantitative
b. qualitative
c. coordinate
d. candid
84. Constantly changing the pictures on their social media pages to alter the images of
themselves being conveyed to others is an example of
a. self-consciousness.
b. being a performer.
c. impression management.
d. gesture.
85. Which is an example of a total institution?
a. College
b. Prison
c. Medical hospital
d. Big box retailer
86. Who coined the term “looking-glass self?”
a. Charles Horton Cooley
b. George Simmel
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Karl Marx
87. The general and abstract standards defining what a group or society as a whole
considers good, desirable, right, or important, are called a
a. norm.
b. value.
c. law.
d. folkway.
88. In any an experiment, the ______ is manipulated.
a. dependent variable
b. unknown variable
c. natural variable
d. independent variable
89. Which type of sample is best to avoid bias?
a. Random sample
b. Stratified sample
c. Convenience sample
d. Easy sample
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
90. Who had a had a largely negative view of people as being slaves to their passions and
suggest the idea that passions should be limited?
a. George Herbert Mead
b. George Simmel
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Karl Marx
91. According to Goffman, people present an idealized performance of themselves in the
a. frontstage.
b. backstage.
c. game stage.
d. play stage.
92. Individualism and consumerism are American
a. norms.
b. laws.
c. values.
d. mores.
93. The increase in the savings rate and the backlash against “flashy” shows of wealth is
an indicator of a possible
a. double-dip recession.
b. post-consumer culture.
c. inconspicuous consumption.
d. McDonaldization.
94. When classified by the severity of sanctions for violation, which is considered the
most serious type of norm?
a. Values
b. Informal norm
c. Mores
d. Folkway
95. During fourteenth and fifteenth centuries who developed sociological theories that
dealt with such issues as the scientific study of society, the interrelationship between
politics and the economy, and the relationship between primitive societies and the
medieval societies?
a. Aristoteles
b. Ibn Haldun
c. Plato
d. Newton
96. The view that social life is a series of dramatic performances, similar to those that
take place in a theater and on a stage called as
a. ethnography.
b. hidden curriculum.
c. exchange relationships.
d. dramaturgy.
97. Which theory is concerned with the meaning of symbols?
a. Structural-Functionalism
b. Conflict Theory
c. Symbolic Interactionism
d. McDonaldization
June, 8th, 2023
Dr. Özalp
98. Who defined the “iron cage”?
a. Robert Parks
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Max Weber
d. George Simmel
99. Which of the following is NOT one of the traditional concerns of sociology?
a. Industry
b. Production
c. Consumption
d. Work
100. Who named individuals as ‘dangerous giants’?
a. Erving Goffman
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Max Weber
d. George Simmel
101. Which field contributes to studying nation-states?
a. Political science
b. Psychology
c. Economics
d. Geography
102. ______ refers to the emergence of new and different cultural forms in music, movies,
art, architecture, and the like.
a. Modernism
b. Criticism
c. Empiricism
d. Postmodernism
103. Which postmodern sociologist argues that people are living in a consumer society
now where much of their lives is defined not by their productive work but by what
they consume and how they consume it.
a. Michel Foucault
b. Ralph Dahrendorf
c. Robert Merton
d. Jean Baudrillard

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