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1 The role of change management

A successful business requires a well-thought-out change management strategy. The process of

planning, implementing, and monitoring changes inside an organization is referred to as change
management. It assists businesses in achieving their objectives while lowering risks and
interruptions (AlNuaimi, 2022). Whenever a business wants to grow, change management is
essential (Khalil, 2020).

Development and change management must be done with great care (Qazi, 2022). In Absence
of change management, projects have a greater chance to collapse (AlNuaimi, 2022). Companies
may deploy a system effectively by preparing for and controlling the needed adjustments
(AlNuaimi, 2022). It plays a crucial component of every project to adopt change(Malik 2022).
The journey of change transformation might well be challenging as well as scary for almost any
corporation. The sustainability of an adoption depends on efficient change management (Qazi,

It will become easier to ensure that each individual is engaged to achieve the same goals if
everybody is familiar with the goals (Morze & Strutynska, 2021). Making the necessary
modifications and adjusting to change may be difficult for some people. Make sure the
transformation's objectives are often and plainly conveyed, along with how they will influence
all key stakeholders, such as employees, clients, and others. (Qazi, 2022). Be prepared to deal
with opposition. Although a transformation is in the best, individuals may find it hard to embrace
it. Ready for opposition and put a strategy in place to deal with it (AlNuaimi, 2022).

Modifications must be executed progressively; ideally, changes ought to be made progressively

instead of all at one time. This ensures that people won't experience too many change at once and
will be given chance to get acclimated to the new method of doing things (Morze & Strutynska,
An organization may use technology as part of its digital transformation process to provide new
value for its customers, employees, and other stakeholders. A successful digital transformation
requires a well-thought-out change management strategy. The process of planning,
implementing, and monitoring changes inside an organization is referred to as change
management. It makes it possible for businesses to accomplish their goals while lowering risks
and disruptions. Any organization undertaking a digital transformation must priorities change

A properly implemented change management plan can assist a company with:

 Set the parameters and goals for such digital transformation.

 Determine which procedures as well as tools require to be modified.
 Make a plan for implementing the changes.
 Participate throughout the transformation process with employees and other parties.
 Follow developments and make appropriate course corrections.

A crucial component of any digital transition is change management. Corporations may improve
their chances of succeeding by approaching innovation in a proactive and organized manner. For
a big digital transformation project to be successful, strict planning and change management are
essential. Digital transformation efforts are more likely to fail without change management. By
planning for and managing the necessary modifications, organizations may incorporate a new
digital system effectively. Any project involving digital transformation must include it.

There will always be change. One of the biggest obstacles to transformation is resistance to
change, which is a result of the fact that organizations are made up of people and that only those
individuals are responsible for the success of the business.

Change management should be a crucial component of the whole Digital Transformation process
from the beginning, despite the fact that it is typically a last-minute or late-stage Endeavour.

Here are four important suggestions for implementing change management into programmers for
digital transformation:
 To include key personnel from all important organizational domains in the leadership,
design, and diagnostics of the digital transformation project.
 In order to get the support of people who will be in charge of putting these changes into
action, it is imperative to prepare and effectively articulate the need for change as well as
the advantages predicted for the organization.
 To include operational staff in process evaluation, innovation, and change.
 To create a task force for change management with representatives from all business
divisions to take part in transformational initiatives.

According to TechTarget, dealing with the change or transformation of an organization's

objectives, procedures, or technology requires a well-thought-out strategy. The goal of change
management is to implement strategies for bringing about change, managing change, and helping
people adjust to change. Among these approaches are instruments for responding to and
following up on requests, as well as a systematic process for requesting change.

Employee resistance and a lack of executive support are to blame for 70% of change
management projects failing, according to McKinsey & Company. Additionally, traditional
Change Management techniques might not work in the digital era. The changes brought about by
the digital revolution are distinct from earlier ones, on the one hand. Due to its high levels of
scalability, interconnectedness, and dynamism, digital transformation involves significant
adjustments to a range of organizational components.

However, to successfully implement transformation in today's organizations, a new strategy than

classic, linear change management is needed.

Failure to change course might have disastrous effects on the organization and result in
significant time, resource, and monetary losses. In the event that the approach is flawed or
nonexistent, employee unease and, thus, resistance, may increase. As people's discontent and
resistance increase, their readiness to adopt new technologies decreases. Such a strategy may
cause a project to be fully delayed when end user acceptance is taken into account. You shouldn't
anticipate them to be enthusiastic about learning the system, doing testing, and offering feedback
if they dislike the upgrade or the idea in general. This is one of the main explanations for why
functional flaws and defects might still be found even after implementation.
Since it is typically hard to predict whether or not there will be opposition to change, change
management is necessary for the digital transformation. The real question is whether or not there
will be a lot of backlash. Where will the adversaries show up? And how can the company lessen
these dangers while simultaneously helping people adjust to the changes?

Businesses frequently presume that customers are prepared to switch to a new platform. On the
other hand, the bulk of those who are resistant to change are seldom acting out of a desire to be
challenging. Change is typically a natural response when roles and responsibilities are
reorganized, duties are eliminated as a result of automation, and so on.

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