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fb weary [Pee 8) - : ormatron> Linear Pransformab nly Defiiwhion > xot V anal Ww be @ Ve chorahere>: A funchon Ts vam ta colle 4 Hea, tranfe motion from vob Ww if fr all Ye “hd scales by thy Jaltacutrg tonelttiors dd a T(x+4y)z Tl +T0y) (tr) T (kx) = RTO) @) _ Note! tty Cbow duwo Conclthon Can be Combing fib a stg sequivertnd ; (oF RCH) | Wreemednicalty strasgne Aino Haugh a reckon ¥ th V 14 teamsformes| to a pn a Hrauybb fF Ox) Pr He Clirvethon a TY) th we wade Example » D Fs RAR definsal by fa) =2y 14.0 LT Sine, Fert RY = a (iky) = 24+ RAY = fx + k#ey) . © 5 Boh: ane 7 AON= neq US hot Ler. Morty) = Cre ey) Cntey) = mean yay? FO+RACWE miente(yey) —77RY wg SN oD ZOrt DE FOO 4RIGV OAs Roi? alyfiree] a AO v)= CA-Y, 2) 15 Qa eT SE Om FRY ERY) Cu on, my-ky | 2 (ut ky) )B AhOwY)= (Cu-yy 5 20) A (M995) = (OH-4. 9%) (G1) # Rh ( 4, )e Cry 24) +R AY, 2 292) = Coy trOm-42), 24+ R21, ) = Coat R74 “RY, 2Lutkn)) From © anol © me Lame “SD A Outkan ) WtkYs) = AC 4 RA (12192) © I Rane ddrmat by Hs, y9- (xy, ne) 13 nob LT Pett or Coutts, et bYe) = (Cut bom) (Yitk¥e), Outry 41 ) + Cay UE ER Ont ey) = BOq + RE %, 4, OF sheet of the fleiy ncaa; GN Etusyean. @ Tuy) = Cre ys ota yu) © toy 2- (A4y, 0, 2x442) T Ory) - Csfnayy ) T Oyy2= f pu.e) © Serr = @ ton- Gry rae) = t Cay de Geey2, weet) and + Od (on us eeu?) TOF Rt RY )= [Cate y (4 +a), Cooks por) + (Yt RY ¥) “Code Rohe a payg~ YP RY 2H x 2h, . Lapry% FR Oy Ry + ERY +2 Ruy 5 + Coy) 4 RT (%5%,) = (uy rad—py? zy) ag + RIE RY? fen ® 6 @ TOUFRHE MH RY) ET (4%) + RT (on ste) FT neta LT. O F042) = OF 0, a4 42) TF Cu, %,21) = Cuttso, 2442, ) 7 (% 522) = Cnt, O72 +442, ) TOUFRAs WHR) Z4k2,) = (eskitye ry, 0 2Outhn)+ + (21 #22)) Ca tHtR O44); ©, r+ 421+ ROD aH25) ) Cut) ©) 24921) ER Ont po, T CMB) + R tlm )%)22) al T's bf. UME 2.) MW © ge TOMY) = (stay, e) Ou = Chr), T Ctr) = Ctra, yy) 1 (q FRA2 HRY) = (Sin Oy rea), wth) —B som wWtRTOnth)= (Straw)+k (sth 41) = (sth tk Sho, Weer) al ay I [ ) = 1 [O88 ache mak: 1] Cy a) gee, ada EGF FI = (wad )t Vib ; et (tu hh (2 > &)) (often (Cy [ c Pie Re me ) = b = Rated =k(a4d) = er([ 4) Ep considers a mab Ts Cie) 4 BCiR) define bY tT ( Pa))= epee 8 TptT aud ¢ 23 Conard He zee bly pit =o Tloctertiat Fe So T dap no} mab zmo poly B 2% Bh Wet irs net a UT: Tae Ua eatthrebies by bea vend weet apace Ls VV cote) by IFWew iy cabled ag jdenhay LT * OO be +we e Xe Lincay peatafrmeecben 1 deb Vo cure} eee ce veal vector S}aces Ti VW define) by Thw= ow 4 Coulte} Ho Beye hPrtans eefsmedie rn Vv = & at ae Is oJ Conpoude a bet froin IR byp> Using A- ol oe 2 3 - X Bromo wy 70320 OCD eo. or TOW = Ca4-4, H+ Sy ) Nolet Art A be a meh mecbty Then HY Linea y daeuidrrmnentian ef fincef uateg RIG i TH IR? anh + ded ine} Y TOs AX theorems ab Tiv—oWw bea Uheay doansfosmech'oy , — | ef ah ne cuimuwenal vector Apecre V tate a i vecley Space w. FL Sa AWN, ~- Un? be a baste ef vo ane) We Rw tit Rat, fox dome Kk ke PTW) = TOM + TC) 4-- KetCW) ; PS PCR) —» BUR) E +) ips fp ab PE PLR PIR) bee LT few ator BID : hot Reaww det Tat, THOL, THD = Bet fed @ TCatrspt+e) © 1212 st 4) Sy we Reet 4 ant} foxy a basis ef PylIR) dan gttabbeccaty bt + ot ey Dey prevtas Hoon, or bee) - at (te bripe tt = q (Br) + bee CI fa + cartebtec)= asp pee Get C Menee + capuyte3) T ape si 4 att WO ut Ts Pie? bea LT su Hob TChe,e)= (32,1)5 TOHLI= Colt), eo Grud TO41,9/2)- Pe 2 fr Constdrs Wy @ = Aree) O19). CUED G FL RO1e,*) FRI(0,10) FR: Crunelyess) => R+k, +k =d ki zo thus Sia a Ppemely Froloperrclerf 4th ane! os It fem a basl'A : Si . ra Cm 29 = CY C1, 2,8) #82) 1,0) #2 Tr (49,2) = ( A-¥)T (0,40) # 09-2) 7l, 1, 4201) = (uy) (2, 207 4042) Ce 420042) (3929, vy-aye yz, weyryeeee?) 31-24, 21-Y-2, 42) Tomy 0 by Z)- ( 81-39, 2A-Y-z, atrz) BP dt Ts CI) +B CIR) delet by TOM) or cen ate Fd @ rears) © C7148) iN = SthGe R, (t+) FRo Ci) =o U Chtkyt+ (ki ko) =e Ret ky =o kro RR ne [> pee, =) 4 Cte), tard rg @ Aacrty Por cheppey old CY ty rh forms basy | Mow , Qt4b- (£2) C+) + C2) Tor+b)= ars Ay Fo T(t) ob Tl) = o46 (42) 4 oe C48) = 4474 (ach) helo ( EME ( US ) T (43) = yt, (WB )e-2 3) Zz <=> — L TH+ apy rangtrucd ng hee Ucar y tOnfrmedrory + oe ye ey heb Vy NV be duo Vector « Speerge: Supboa- ae np bea basis fv Jn over Fe Construct a Ltrray dranfemation don Modo w, Wt broceeot by He Sollocuntng Steps S choot? hn. on brdarery — Cloraihonty AW, Wry Wy row. @ poltkt a = map ts VW Soh traf TOY) = wy, FOmIEwr --+ Fly) = wy, ® Ustag © fino frouye sf any Qrhityery Clement Pry Searcy eal PLD Cpsdrerr a LT from jee fe BLK) AA we penow d= 4G /b2) 05} forms 1 bar's Of IR? tonsidry the aubideay Codtechin ef eters Bc 4 ', i) af retry p Debery fs RSF POR) Seek dad . T)d=1, Ted st, Tle) =str WE Epate that (49,224 6G + 4t. + 2G TOu9,2) 2 HT CG) #9 Tle) 4 ole) cur eye 2 Catsdtras) ro 2) e Cue) Eaeet Ede flag mo q bf 28 Content a UT from BUR) 1 Mae th) - wa bass Ptr) 1 XI,t,t 1 Bf A bovis of Maer (ik) CPDL AL Tf i T2 PeCIRD Mays (ug) Seth dat t= [le] roe ety, rads J T(t) = [3 ‘J shoe F (ater ects ae’) = atWeattdscrad+dr(p) = [23 b ] Kemal ane finagt of a _Uneard Hramfrmatiir At vy ane Wo be two weofoy space _ Kemal al tevaw be gq Mheay trattoormaction Rema] ef T 1 ty ae eliftrad a4 kev(ti= wev | Tlud=o, Senge of p fa dhe £et Asfrnecl ey | gue Fen ty Forage cue! keyner/ of 5 pps 2 a ee by TF Cow = (34,3x) san = Ker(1)= 4 Ou WEIR] F054) = (2,2) 2 f = 4 C4), 1R* | C739) = (4) 8 = Al, 21a | 120 4 = Y uy Fm (t= XT 04, ¥) eie* | Cys) ent = A (3%, a) eye? Jesse = The Line Y= x Da dot TRIB) B WRelfril by Tbe) = (pl) 2 keine d bie Palin) [7 CBU) =0f =

8kha R= % Rr = ~2 Tl HL ue)+ CH) TEU) = C240) 2 2 (42)4 CH) (1) B_ fo yw» (59.8) “ye % (b -subiose As a man nucb?y then Wwe Coy HinR A toa LT from ph fo IRM Cus th sepbap fo Skudare bev ) @ at vat w be vedey Space uaPth « ane Py TivaWw bea Tt Sunmoab Ct Pea en oes UW) Kex(t) ane Key (a) ave fsomexbhc Uh) dm ( Key (t)) = fm ( kexCa)) = Nutty (A ) WH) Sm C1) ard Column shace al A ara Psenebarc (ND cfm Lm Cr) = Rawk (A) = afin (Cobtvyn Ca) ) B® ts phe beg Let suk Hot (t]P=4 TE 2p ase SHevolarel basis af IRD excl IR™ Pree kei Do NCA), Im(t) = CCA) (cobmmabere) te (Hunsbace) © atm Crest] ¢ d?m Cimcd J = dm) Note | Tsomosphtmy sweeter LsT ! Le T TsVwW NR Coebtes? — orerbhisnt “Lt ta Baverhehly. we 424 Hot the vedlor Sbeces Nw ane foamapre ry Toe une Ah Pommphibm btHucer, cro w- Theorem fi weber spaces Vi anal Ward | domerpha¢ qe dim v = dim Be = UC etn ha dim gt yay anol [den PyllR) = nt] Henee ight] iy fpomevbhic to Palle) G1) Know fm CRT wn) any Hee 1k 4 omosPhe? Je Manx IR) BY dak fs aie bea Let difad by | POU) = (A-Heo4d, aneay ssapge, DIBVEFE-Ct) / | | | Final dh foboul |) “ay wath ol, ferme edenclere toni 1 ce 1 | . WD Geno} kerf) Im (4) GH) ry f fweerble BUF) stanelarel bani of ich ip {Cress Cortera), Les%she),Cyeni)} Sfardord basis of 1824 {Cl Coa), ce) fleyed= (1, 4,3)2 19/0) *2(61,0)4 306,551) 401,00) = F723) = CD (1,00) #2) (0,1, oes) é " flor bod= 1 3,t)e b Ones) + 3 Cese) + + Ce,0,1) ee DCU BS) ab (1070) 44-05, 1o)t5(ep,1) tL A -2 . “J B-3 4+ 75 WH) we Colentecle Column anol null Space ef A ror pt) Re Ro-2R, }o-ro4od RR Ry 2-2 2H] RG RH 3R OO FF I Ry RR 3 > © o 1 2 “3 [: a 0 of: vs ths ig te realitced! You 2 060 0 towlaw of A the umaling iP ane th MH cual afl columnar of U Bapis of cms 4 (423), (13,4) cere {cin se e013, HE] x BEIRG fm (4) = {040+ 0(1/3,4) [x BEIR § Ueto org fs om aotied oe z , NCAY=NCU) oO | -lo -l ° MOV d (4,%0)%,%4) ere | ook 2 te i} 000 0 mF, = {Omar ander | 8 Nom NGO HybIXg = He mt mt a foe Vitaly "% zo, Kgs bt Hen ous 4aty y= ~at Ne Spe party op ; Pale 3 | ‘| 1 [+e S ne at ° 2 x ° t r ; ) wm basis ef NCA) - f Cuber) Ce Np ) mare ? N (a) = 4X C1070) #BO2/ 21) | X,petR ¢ Kev f= of XC the/0) $B 01 2-2)1) } xref se kev (A) $400 dA hod anc de ene Hhee Of in wet @ Ravest thle. 1 | change Basis = fre fave sean He represcrbadiony | fa whe prea fermedtion by 4 merry Felli to A | fired bapih Now 7 Shall Set Phat our feprrcb-cnbedry | Changes PP wre Choose andfloy bere + sin deinstion hor: Ab@A 6, eg Bas One e dG) Gs af be pero basis for a wecley dspace V- fo_donpided “ht Cu suppope * CP = 1 GH Urey to Ur ey, mute clave matory of : Chawnepe +f basin. ot m fhe HAL sreyfope ef 4xt tranptdian nats P | coppice rs cattee| | see oll baplp der) fo ddr piwy bats A ep “he Ow A, -- Any Me Ona _ ane at supe do P= x : . am ’ , fe "5 Let and hente frirne of HE man P edpts- ¢ mata Cov ushent P-?y Cettltro} chawnepe of basis dranshirer, mudi) from olef Pana” ee Q Ta Gongs a bon fom et yy Gordes +4 doltousivg basis of Ine ke dee they, @2 a} ES a e tome basin pee andped Gg! = (173) 6! i) te debevmtre He cheung of basis “mehr P from a bP | Gi) Te, determin dN change of bere Q trom to Kh - oaay aii) wey ty Q=P CG) Cl 3) =Fe)+ 2 (0,1) ane one (2,5) =2C1,9) + stot) le e's e+ Be, as 2460, 13 ih pbiousBas € oe ePicuronsben > [2g =[it]e Pp PQ change of bass ( tranpitalren eaectr'st) 3 Ad d= {why MG abel P= (1 Way on fe be Hee ordered baprs aot ¥ The éhougy of basis (hrengrhon, moter) Gy ep fom Pex (ox fay fom 4 te Pp) 5 em veyetinedes xh meds wthare columns (ry He Ce” gd bey thom wy, Wy) - WH + OY DAV) # WVit <4 WM Sa = boy + Byv, + - + bay Wa = GV+ Gva te -+ Yn a be 4 Grep? | oe an by. Gn | od Np = G+ GW 4+ FGn Hy | Va = DM t+ Bert -- + yy | Va =-Gwyt Gow GO, G bt --G Pew % b, GQ Q by -S , 4 P=Q, OP TT, \ wy consider HN eltowhng osctovee] basic of ie X= 4G, ey, 039 He slarolard Levis corel ene d Me (U1), Met Che), We (1,2,9)} Da \ (f) dead te Fransiho nn meedsi or P -fom « tf (it) Find Hy hansihoh mate tom P 40% (it) Show tak (T], S a'trl,@ foc th ut fine by TOuy,2) = (2441, 1-49, ax} sl we \k U) Frantiten machin P fom x t P x24 GG, Gh 2 1 (9,9), C1), (een) P= 4011.0, 191019 f xP (Leeda Cin $% C10) + 43 (Le) = (940,493, 44%,%) —O (o1,e) = bit bCLLo), bs 278) = (bitbat bs, brtba, b) _@ (9 1) = GU LO+G CLL) #Gluesy = (44G4G, G44,¢) a) Combaye DO @ ard(up Or -vrgt feudal siete Q,2°, Vt W507 G44, $43 = | U=o 044,50, 5 G32! M20 G,20 by aby tba =o Dabo bi ba =I bast bi ro bast Ut Gels G4igzo Gri p 4b oo | 43 bs G Nae (GO fenpchon much @ tam B tool - Boe (LL) = GC hese) +O, Cot,0) + Oy (0,0,1)= (4 1 4, 143) Cube) = Bi (used + Bs (ey) + By (%8/1) = Cb, By bs ) (1) = GLP) +G Co) 4G (6/01) =(G ens ) Gobo O , © & @ sft Rts a | Get, G21, 4 = 4 ~ fag] fir | B24, byzt, B= o a= (i), TG EG ffir | ~ | Gz1, G=e¢,G-+0 4 BE rey Git) wen Hock TOD = Cryer, 1-49, 30) (a) X= 4 ly), Cen,0)) (° 2,1} T(1,e, 0) = CVU BDz WY Cryee) +02 C 81,0) +95 Ce, 2,1) = (4,492 Az) —@y = gto ode (2p —H, OYE br ler e) 4 ba Cled4 bs (0,01) = Cbubiybs) —@& a Tle) = (ers 4 O1,9,°) 405 (0, 1,0) + 6 Ceo) = Ca/,¢s) —@®M combo © AO CD) with KHS Qt, Ot, Mss 3 1200 bp 22, baz -+, bg =0 [The] 1-4 © 32 0 6 G0, C220, C=0 O Bef 110, Cu), C0)P TOMY = (3-3, = GDF GC) +G C218) = (G4+h+G 1th 5G )—-@ Te) = (3,-3,3) 5 BO) the Cubes byl ee) = Cbithith, » bi 4B, b,) 4x) TOS Gyn 3d= 4 CUM Guy ete, Cree) 20G4+64+5, G4G,G) Dd cman &, GD onl @ wth RS a5 -6, HE ait 4h = 3 Giz 3 =) 346004 4,53 ae 34%, 2-3 é ae RG) 3 = a ee 3+ (Orbs =3 b= 3 ba 2-6 p= @ Oh ¢ be e[ tale 23 3 oo | 1 20 rel -¢ -¢ 2/-]° e7! 4 oO 1 to € € 06 to o-) oe 2 de loo 3 3 3 76-6 72 é 6° Lets S= Roth S i Node 2 Nodabioh for tran then maby (P) Frapuihion main P tome b R= Cray? (11) Frasher, meckn'n D fom PRAX= [5a] 5 |. i Ihon modo Ja \P +e ey fata Chung a} basiA oy Aranshen madoin CIq YP a | x te ay ke 4029, (0,4 and Bo (64,048) 4 t Gd 24 CUD, 9, C99} po (2,0,3), 04 411), (3, anh lt) aiuen thet X= 4 (a3), Coph PEA len, OY ah we Awe de Hea) Trarsehen mec (17 P hom x bP 32% (6,4) + 904 B) = (64,499) 49,4 8%) Cod = bi C6 tba (4,8) = (Cb) ¢4bry £by4+8b2) Comberrtng He Comers Porelitng Comporony 644+ 40,52 -—D ) Slvig © onl @, weqet 4,+89,-3 —-@ A =4 aned Oy =o 16 aha ele Solve @ wo @, we get 4b)48b,-; © 4 b = 4 ane) by = 3 en "y. cate(2 2-8 4] ti) ge 4 C1 014,09, C1,2,0)} Ki P= 4 (2,0,3)) C-14), 03 2,5)f Cuin= a, (2, %)3)4 420-4 411) + (3,2, 9) alg ok Is cal 6 = Ade dat 305, 44+ 2437 34% 42 t $45) Gye) = by (2,0,3)4 ba (a) 4 baC3,2, 9) b. = (aby cbyt 3by) bab abs > aby t byt She) 1s) (10,8) = Cy (210,34 & Crt) FOC3.m = (2G *Q43G5 FQ42ls) agtarSG) Combat 20-Ga43G,=1 ] gy--2, 4,2-t, G=% Ft 2G5= 1 314 4g -+ 6052} 2by by + 3byz I Fby t 2hgzd abs By bs 2b) 4 ba + Sbyz0 20-Cy 43032) 4 42Gr20 AGeHk jqecly C352 3G $6 ESC =o [taf = ne whe YT Vn 1K eh Yo en Similars ty M Stila modvicies :_ For any syunve matrices re cro 8 ———__ » ———* fe ta Jeurel te be Stnullay te B, PE Hoe oulety a norstngulas mucho @ duck tof + B= G'AQ Note: ff A tp Atnaley de @, Hon @ 14 abo sila fod cthusrem, kt TVG be @ Lneny tratfrmaivh af tu ¢ aro Pb Osdleveler- basis for v- def Q= Calf 3d Hansitven motrin dam Pr & ) wh Cr) p2 @TI4@ | pace Cr) etal (4 Ip on Sinlay oy Ab Ts Ro IR? be He Unuas transformation lift] » T (47> C4242 tHe y (H+htG, Gth>%) TCH1,0) = (3,-1,1) = by 01,28) BO Lot CL 1) = (by tba thy, By ths > b, ») TOLD = CHAS) = & C1p,02FE (1,0) +6 On) = (64646 ,G46,6) Combat @-1 > dzz-1, Gz] b=) ,6,2-2, 52 CaaS = 20° p Gy EE aos Ur Jp = [- 2 “| t yo § Trawitieh mebin @ fom Pb Bod C1200 = A (12pe)+ C010) 4 A500, 2,1) = C4, 92, 95) C1 te) = by Civeye) + bg (erie) + 4900) 11) = (bry by yb ) CH= GCUVE)F loot COPE CG, Cy) eribrring He Comporunts Q=1,42=¢, %=0 by zl» Me ly bse Gc Cam thy Cet a= (d= [2 1 oo t ‘ay caleting GT 1-1 '] _ —— et Ateailaril ef Tr Jy and Cr Jp 2 wt howe fo she dred [tJ p= @' (TI Las lt -l 0 to2 Iorg 1-2-4 oll ie! Ola iC) o-- } ae oo i4liie FfLe 2 ! boas ce 7) LH-S> RF " a Heret Op ans! (TJ, Ov Prat lary Ndp'— dettovedial ofecator pod ang falegration apeveded f° ant al30, hese -brandfernetien 2”

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