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1. Positive and negative effects of studying abroad
In modern life today, studying abroad is becoming more and more popular in society.
Therefore, there are many positive effects as well as negative effects of this problem
discussed in the following essay.
It is clear that There are a lot of positive effects of studying abroad. First of all, one of the
most important benefits is that it helps us find a good job in the future. In fact, when
we study abroad, we can have a good university degree. it helps us find a good job with a
high salary to help our family. in addition, another typical benefit of studying abroad is
that it helps us widen our knowledge. We can learn a lot of new things about cultures,
traditions, and customs in other countries. To show an example, my friend, John, went to
Singapore to study. After he went back home, he opened a big restaurant in Ho Chi Minh
City which was famous quickly, so he could make a lot of money due to studying abroad.
On the other hand, studying abroad has many drawbacks in modern life today. Firstly,
one of the most typical drawbacks of studying abroad is that studying abroad costs a lot
of money. In reality, we must pay a lot of money for clothes, housing, and bills.
Everything in other countries is very expensive, so many people do not have enough
money to study abroad. Besides that, another negative effect is that studying abroad
causes homesickness. When we go to other countries and live far from our families, we
will miss our parents, siblings, and friends so much. This can affect our studies.
To sum up, from what we have discussed above, although studying abroad has many
advantages, it also brings us many disadvantages clearly. In my opinion, the positive
effects always outweigh the drawbacks in our life.
Advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling
In modern life, homeschooling is becoming more and more common in society.
Therefore, there are a lot of benefits as well as drawbacks which are discussed in the
following essay.
There are many benefits of studying abroad. First of all, one of the most important
benefits of homeschooling is that we can save a lot of money when we study at home.
We do not pay any fees for teachers and schools. we do not need to move far to study, so
we can save money to pay other fees in the family. It is very convenient. in addition,
another typical benefit of homeschooling is that it helps us understand our children.
We can have much time for our children, so we can understand their needs. To show an
example, children usually like parents so much when parents spend time with their
However, homeschooling has many drawbacks in modern life. Firstly, one of the
most typical drawbacks of homeschooling is that parents do not have enough
knowledge to teach their children. Besides that, parents do not have enough time to
teach their children because they must work to make money. They are very busy. Another
important drawback is that children will not have relations in society. In reality, when
children do not go to school, they do not have friends to play and learn together. It makes
them very sad.
To sum up, homeschooling has many advantages but there are many disadvantages
of this issue. We need to consider it before we choose it. In my opinion, the drawbacks of
this problem outweigh its benefits.
Benefits and drawbacks of living in the nuclear family
In modern life today, living in the nuclear family is becoming more and more
common in society. Therefore, there are a lot of positive effects as well as negative
impacts discussed in the following essay.
It is clear that there are many benefits of living in the nuclear family. First of all,
one of the most important benefits is that we can save a lot of money. In fact, when we
live in a nuclear family, we only buy less food for the family and pay less money for
everything such as housing, water bills, and internet bills. It is very cheap and wonderful.
In addition, another typical benefit is that it helps us take care of everyone easily. In
fact, we can cook together, meet every day, and share happiness and sadness. We can
understand each other more and more, so our nuclear family is very happy and
wonderful. Take my family as an example, my family has four people. we live together
happily. We always have much time for the family and always take care of the health of
people in the family.
On the other hand, living in a nuclear family has many drawbacks in modern life.
Firstly, one of the most typical drawbacks of living in a nuclear family is that we can not
learn experiences from old people. Because we do not live with our grandparents, we
do not listen to interesting stories from our grandparents to know about cultures,
traditions and customs. It is bad and not convenient for our life. Besides that, Another
important drawback of living in a nuclear family is that children do not have people to
share happiness and sadness. we do not have grandparents to talk to or share happiness
and sadness. Overall, there are negative effects of this problem that we need to consider
To sum up, from what we have discussed above, although this problem has many
advantages, it also brings us many disadvantages clearly. in my opinion, the positive
effects always outweigh the drawbacks in our life.
Advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended family
In modern life, living in an extended family is becoming more and more popular in
society. There are many benefits as well as drawbacks which are discussed in the
following essay.
There are many benefits of living in an extended family. First of all, one of the
most important benefits is that it helps us learn a lot of experiences from old people. In
fact, when we live in an extended family, we can learn many things such as traditions,
cultures and customs. It is very useful and great. In addition, another typical benefit of
living in an extended family is that it is very happy. We can often meet grandparents and
relatives. We can celebrate/ hold parties together on every holiday. It is very wonderful.
However, living with an extended family has many drawbacks in modern life.
Firstly, one of the most typical drawbacks is that it costs a lot of money. In reality, we
must buy many things for everyone when we live in an extended family. We pay high
bills such as water bills, internet bills, and electric bills. It is very expensive. Besides that,
Another important drawback is that we may feel uncomfortable when living in an
extended family. People can often have arguments about many things in life. People do
not understand each other because they do not have the same thoughts.
To sum up, living in an extended family has many advantages but there are many
disadvantages of this issue. We need to consider it before we choose it. In my opinion,
the drawbacks of this problem outweigh its benefits.
Positive and negative effects of Changing jobs among young people
In modern life, young people often change jobs in society. however, there are a lot of
benefits as well as drawbacks of this problem in the following essay.
It is clear that there are many benefits of changing jobs among young people. First of all,
one of the most important benefits is that it helps us have a lot of different experiences.
We work in many different companies, so we can have a high position in a company. We
also can have suitable jobs. In addition, another typical benefit is that we can have a high
salary. Some people who often change jobs open their businesses so that they can make a
lot of money. some other people can find a job with a high salary. To show an example,
my friend is David. after he changed many jobs, He opened a company and made a lot of
On the other hand, changing jobs among young people can have many drawbacks.
Firstly, one of the most typical drawbacks is that young people who often change jobs
can get unemployed. Employers feel unsafe when they apply. It is very hard to find
another job. it is also hard to work in a company for a long time. Besides that, another
important drawback is that we must start from the beginning. We must learn many new
things and different skills. We must take a lot of training sessions, so we can start the new
To sum up, from what we have discussed above. Although changing jobs has many
benefits, it also has some drawbacks. In my opinion, the benefits of this problem always
outweigh the drawbacks.
Positive and negative effects of Tourism on local communities
In modern life, developing tourism on local communities is becoming increasingly
common in society. Therefore, there are many positive as well as negative of this issue
which are discussed in the following essay.
It is clear that tourism in local communities has many advantages. First of all, one
of the most important benefits is that it helps us can develop the economy of the local
community. In fact, local people can open businesses, restaurants, coffee shops, and
hotels to serve the customers and the locals. They can make a lot of money from the
service and business. In addition, another typical benefit is that it helps the local people
have more job opportunities. People can work to make money and have jobs. To show
an example, my friend, Anna opened a restaurant after the economy of the local
community developed. She creates many jobs for locals and can take good care of her
On the other hand, there are many disadvantages in modern life today. Firstly, one
of the most typical drawbacks is that it can cause environmental pollution in the local
community. When the local economy develops, it can cause many environmental issues.
More people create more garbage and more vehicles create more smoke and dust in the
air. Besides that, another important disadvantage is that many social evils happen when
the local community develops. It will have bad things in the society. When many people
come to local communities, bad people can abuse this to make money such as increasing
price, robbers, and pickpockets.
To sum up, from what we have discussed above. Although there are many positive
effects, it also has some negative effects. In my opinion, the benefits of this problem
always outweigh the drawbacks in our life.
Children, especially girls, do not need to learn how to cook or do housework
In modern life, many people believe that children, especially girls, do not
need to learn how to cook or do housework any more. I partly disagree with
this idea due to reasons in the following essay.
It is clear that there are some reasons why people disagree with this
statement. First of all, one of the most important points is that children can take
care of themselves when they live far from their parents . When they go to the
university, they must cook for themselves. It helps them become independent.
They can do housework every week, it is very convenient. in addition, another
typical reason is that doing housework helps us save a lot of money. when we
can cook at home and do housework, we do not need to pay money for
housekeepers. Cooking at home also helps us save a lot of money. To show an
example, my parents teach me to cook and do housework. I do not need to eat out,
I can save much money every month.
On the other hand, Some people disagree with this statement because doing
housework has some disadvantages. Firstly, one of the most typical reasons is that
it wastes a lot of time. children must spend much time doing housework, they do
not have time to go out to play with friends. It can reduce their social interactions.
In addition, another typical reason is that children can feel tired and lazy after
doing housework. It can affect their studies. Children should use their time to
study new things, it is good for their future. when they use their time to study, they
can find a good job and make money to pay for a housemaid.
To sum up, from what we have discussed above, there are many reasons
why we should consider this problem carefully. In my opinion, the benefits of this
issue outweigh the drawbacks, so I strongly agree/disagree with that idea.
 Nó ảnh hưởng sức khỏe của con người. đó là bởi vì ô nhiễm không khí có thể
gây ra rất nhiều căn bệnh (diseases), đặc biệt là breathing diseases. nó rất nguy
 Nó ảnh hưởng môi trường. ví dụ như, nó có thể gây ra hiệu ứng nhà kính (the
green house effect), nóng lên toàn cầu (global warming), biến đổi khí hậu (climate
change). nó rất ngiêm trọng.
 Chúng ta nên sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng (public transport). Đó
là bởi vì nó sẽ giúp chúng ta giảm khói bụi (smoke and dust) trong không khí.
Chúng ta nên trồng cây để làm cho không khí trong lành (make the air fresh). Ví dụ
như chúng ta có thể trồng cây ở nhiều nơi ví dụ như công viên, sân trường,
 people vi phạm luật giao thông (break the traffic laws). Ví dụ như, people vượt
đèn đỏ (run the red lights), chạy xe quá nhanh (drive too fast). Nó rất nguy hiểm.
 people bất cẩn (tobe”are” careless) khi lái xe. Uống rượu bia khi lái xe (drink
alcohol when driving). Sử dụng điện thoại khi lái xe. Không quan sát (look) khi
qua đường (cross the street).
 hệ thống đường xá (the road systems) thì xuống cấp (are in bad condition). Ví
dụ như, đường thì nhỏ, có quá nhiều ổ gà (the holes) trên đường, nước lên (flood)
vào mùa mưa.
 Mỗi cá nhân (each individual) nên chấp hành luật giao thông (obey the traffic
laws). Họ nên chạy xe cẩn thận (drive carefully), đội nón bảo hiểm (wear the
helmets). Nó rất cần thiết
 Chính phủ (the government) nên cải thiện (improve) hệ thống đường xá . Có
nghĩa là họ nên nâng cấp (renovate) và mở rộng (widen) đường. bên cạnh đó, họ
nên xây (build) thêm nhiều đường mới (more new roads). nó rất hiệu quả để giảm
tai nạn giao thông.
Positive and negative effects of building/ constructing the Sky train/ highway above
the city
Building the Sky Train is becoming more and more common in society.
One of the most typical benefits is that constructing the sky train helps people save a lot of
time travelling. The sky train runs very fast, so people can save time when they go to school or
Another typical benefit is that the sky train can help protect the environment. The sky train
can carry many people, so it reduces vehicles on the street. It also can reduce traffic jams.
Therefore, it will reduce smoke and dust in the air.
One of the most typical drawbacks is that building the sky train can cost a lot of money.
materials to build the sky train are very expensive. It also needs a lot of modern technology and
machines. Some countries must buy technology and machines from other countries.
Another typical drawback is that it needs skilled and experienced workers to build the sky
train. It is hard to hire experienced workers because we must pay a lot of money for them. We
must send people to other countries to study so that they can help build the sky train in our
country. They must be trained carefully, moreover, they must have many years of building
having a year off between finishing high school and going to university/ have a gap year
- thuận lợi: thư giản (giải trí, đi du lịch, sẳn sàng cho việc họ, tìm được chuyên ngành mong
muốn, …)
- kiếm thêm thu nhập (kiếm tiền phụ giúp gia đình, học kỹ năng mềm từ một số việc)
- bất lợi: quên kiến thức (khó học lại/ lazy/ kiếm tiền được rồi ko muốn đi học)
- lãng phí thời gian: (khi bạn bè đi học, rồi tốt nghiệp có việc làm thì mình đi chơi
Later 1 year than other people / a year later than

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