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Our Lady of Mt.

Carmel Montessori
16–20 Camdas Subdivision, Baguio City

English 9 Second Quarter SY 2022 – 2023 Score 60

C.N.: _______ Name:_______________________________ Section:__________Date: ___________

I. Vocabulary Development: Read each sentence carefully and identify the meaning of the highlighted words. Write
your answers in the blanks. Use CAPITAL LETTERS only. (5)
_____1. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of African-American slaves who
had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.
A. hopelessness amid injustices C. plan to fight against oppression
B. a source of light or inspiration D. call for a fair and just society
_____2. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.
A. happiness B. loss of hope C. freedom D. death
_____3. The newspaper was printing blasphemous ideas in the article.
A. authentic B. nonsense C. distracting D. humiliating
_____4. During the play, Mel’s elocution was so brilliant the audience gave him a standing ovation.
A. delivery B. inarticulate C. expression D. utterance
_____5. The opposing team could not counterfeit their arguments.
A. simulate B. reverse C. imitate D. fabricate

II. Speech Style:

A. Choose the most appropriate word to be used in consultative communication style to replace the word. Use
_____1. beam A. grin B. laugh C. smirk D. smile
_____2. cling A. hug B. embrace C. grip D. clasp
_____3. boisterous A. loud B. rollicking C. rowdy D. uproarious
_____4. daintily A. deftly B. elegantly C. lightly D. softly
_____5. paraphernalia A. gear B. machinery C. regalia D. equipment

B. Choose the best answer. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. (7)

_____1. Which of the following calls for a casual speech style?
A. talking to your teacher about your grades C. sharing your problem with your mother
B. chatting with your friend at the canteen D. consulting with a doctor about your health
_____2. Which of the following calls for an intimate speech style?
A. talking to your teacher about your grades C. sharing your problem with your mother
B. chatting with your friend at the canteen D. consulting with a doctor about your health problem
_____3. Which of the following calls for a consultative speech style?
A. talking to your teacher about your grades C. sharing your problem with your mother
B. chatting with your friend at the canteen D. consulting with a doctor about your health problem
_____4. Which of the following calls for a conversational speech style?
A. talking to your teacher about your grades C. sharing your problem with your mother
B. chatting with your friend at the canteen D. consulting with a doctor about your health
_____5. Frozen is a kind of speech style that remains unchanged in time. The following is an example of a frozen
speech style, except
A. preamble of the constitution C. Lord’s Prayer
B. allegiance to the flag D. delivering a news report
_____6. Communication is a transactional process. What does that mean?
A. Transactional implies that participants in a communication must cooperate and work together to achieve
mutual meaning and understanding.
B. Transactional implies that participants in a communication may misunderstand symbols used in the
C. Transactional implies that the sender-receiver roles occur alternately.
A. All of the above Page Points
_____7. Listeners who focus on the job at hand represent what type of listening preference?
A. people-oriented listeners C. content-oriented listeners 1
B. action-oriented listeners D. time-oriented listeners 2

III. Grammar Awareness: 3

A. Underline the adverbs used in each sentence and identify their type. (10) TOTAL
_____________________1.Devotees enthusiastically gather during Bible month to eagerly
delve into the sacred scriptures.
_____________________2.They passionately and reverently engage with the teachings, reflecting on the profound
_____________________3. Communities actively organize prayer meetings, collectively seeking spiritual growth.

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_____________________4.Families joyfully and peacefully come together to share insights and deepen their
_____________________5.Throughout this special month, believers wholeheartedly commemorate the timeless
wisdom found in the Bible, fostering a sense of unity and reverence.

B. Construct a sentence for the following adverbs. (5)

1 0
Sentence, Structure, The sentence is well- The sentence is well-
Grammar, Mechanics, constructed. The author constructed but has several
and Spelling makes no errors in errors in grammar,
grammar, mechanics, and mechanics, and spelling that
spelling. interfere with understanding.

1. afterward - ______________________________________________________________________________
2. fast - ______________________________________________________________________________
3. sometimes - ______________________________________________________________________________
4. there - ______________________________________________________________________________
5. often - ______________________________________________________________________________

IV. Literary Device:

A. Match the short passage in column A with the figure of speech used in column B. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY.

Column A Column B
_____1. The dream just walked away. (A)
_____2. Parting is such a sweet sorrow. (B) A. Personification
_____3. You turned around, and you stole my heart. © B. Oxymoron
_____4. The café was like a battleship stripped for action. (D) C. Hyperbole
_____5. Love is a spirit all compact of fire. € D. Simile
_____6. We got a new Einstein in school today. (K) E. Metaphor
_____7. The burning wood crackled and hissed. (J) F. Assonance
_____8. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. (I) G. Irony
_____9. The blindfolded figure with scales refers to justice. (H) H. Allegory
_____10.A fire station that burns down. (G) I. Alliteration
J. Onomatopoeia
K. Allusion

B. Fill in the blank with the appropriate term to complete the sentence. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. (3)
A. Alliteration B. Hyperbole C. Idiom E. Onomatopoeia
_____1. A funny exaggeration is called a/an (B)
_____2. The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words is called (A)
_____3. Words that resemble the sound they describe is (E)

V. Reading Comprehension
Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. (10)
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the Shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

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It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
_____1. Which of the following best describes a central theme of the text?
A. Identity is important to building self-confidence.
B. Independence means refusing to follow anyone else’s rules or laws.
C. Resilience is the ability to keep going and to refuse to give up.
D. Sacrifice is necessary to make someone a hero.
_____2. How does the poem’s use of darkness in its imagery contribute to the text’s overall meaning?
A. The poem describes night covering the earth from “pole to pole” (line 2), suggesting that the speaker’s
outlook on the world is very bleak and hopeless.
B. The poem describes “night” (line 1) covering the speaker, symbolic of the adversity and/or suffering he
C. The poem describes “the Horror of the shade” (line 10), suggesting that the speaker’s hard
times are only temporary.
D. The poem describes a dark “place of wrath and tears” (line 9), implying that the speaker is overcome by
his depression.
_____3. Given the context of the poem, what does the title word “Invictus” most likely mean?
A. careless B. lucky C. unfortunate D. undefeated
_____4. In the first stanza, the use of the word “night” can best be described as what literary technique?
A. Alliteration B. Simile C. Metaphor D. Foreshadowing
_____5. In the second stanza, the lines “Under the bludgeoning’s of chance, My head is bloody, but Unbowed,” can
best be described as what literary technique?
A. Foreshadowing B. Simile C. Alliteration D. Setting

VI. Short Response: Answer the question briefly but concisely. (10)
Focus and Details There is one clear, well- There is one clear, well- There is one topic. The main
focused topic. The main focused topic. The main ideas are somewhat clear.
ideas are clear and are well ideas are clear but are not
supported by detailed and well supported by detailed
accurate information. information.
Sentence, Structure, All sentences are well- Most sentences are well- Most sentences are well-
Grammar, Mechanics, constructed and have varied constructed and have varied constructed, but they have a
and Spelling structures and lengths. The structures and lengths. The similar structure and length.
author makes no errors in author makes a few errors in The author makes several
grammar, mechanics, and grammar, mechanics, and errors in grammar,
spelling. spelling, but they do not mechanics, and spelling that
interfere with understanding. interfere with understanding.

“How is literature shaped?”


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