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Siebel 8.1.x System


Activity Guide

Edition 2.1
August 2014
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Table of Contents
Practices for Lesson 1 .....................................................................................................................................1-1
Practices for Lesson 1....................................................................................................................................1-2
Practices for Lesson 2 .....................................................................................................................................2-1
Practices for Lesson 2....................................................................................................................................2-2
Practices for Lesson 3 .....................................................................................................................................3-1
Practices for Lesson 3....................................................................................................................................3-2
Practice 3-1: Exploring the Siebel Architecture ..............................................................................................3-3
Practices for Lesson 4 .....................................................................................................................................4-1
Practices for Lesson 4....................................................................................................................................4-2
Practice 4-1: Exploring Components ..............................................................................................................4-3
Practices for Lesson 5 .....................................................................................................................................5-1

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Practices for Lesson 5....................................................................................................................................5-2
Practice 5-1: Managing Component Parameters ...........................................................................................5-3
Practice 5-2: Enable Open UI ........................................................................................................................5-9
Practice 5-3: Backing up and Restoring the Enterprise ..................................................................................5-12
Practices for Lesson 6 .....................................................................................................................................6-1
Practices for Lesson 6....................................................................................................................................6-2
Practice 6-1: Exploring Server Management ..................................................................................................6-3
Practice 6-2: Invoking and Monitoring Jobs ...................................................................................................6-9
Practices for Lesson 7 .....................................................................................................................................7-1
Practices for Lesson 7....................................................................................................................................7-2
Practice 7-1: Exploring the Command-Line Interface .....................................................................................7-3
Practice 7-2: Invoking Jobs and Scripts .........................................................................................................7-8
Practices for Lesson 8 .....................................................................................................................................8-1
Practices for Lesson 8....................................................................................................................................8-2
Practice 8-1: Exploring Siebel Enterprise Configuration Files ........................................................................8-3
Practice 8-2: Exploring Client Configuration Files ..........................................................................................8-8
Practices for Lesson 9 .....................................................................................................................................9-1
Practices for Lesson 9....................................................................................................................................9-2
Practice 9-1: Exploring Logging .....................................................................................................................9-3
Practice 9-2: Exploring Client-side Logging ...................................................................................................9-10
Practice 9-3: Exploring Event Notification ......................................................................................................9-13
Practices for Lesson 10 ...................................................................................................................................10-1
Practices for Lesson 10..................................................................................................................................10-2
Practice 10-1: Enabling SARM .......................................................................................................................10-3
Practice 10-2: Using SARMQuery ..................................................................................................................10-8
Practices for Lesson 11 ...................................................................................................................................11-1
Practices for Lesson 11..................................................................................................................................11-2
Practice 11-1: Managing High Interactivity (HI) Clients ..................................................................................11-3
Practice 11-2: Managing Open UI Clients ......................................................................................................11-6
Practices for Lesson 12 ...................................................................................................................................12-1
Practices for Lesson 12..................................................................................................................................12-2
Practice 12-1: Create a Migration Script ........................................................................................................12-3
Practice 12-2: Review, Edit, and Run the Parameter Migration Script ...........................................................12-5

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Siebel 8.1.x System Administration Table of Contents

Practices for Lesson 13 ...................................................................................................................................13-1
Practices for Lesson 13..................................................................................................................................13-2
Practices for Lesson 14 ...................................................................................................................................14-1
Practices for Lesson 14..................................................................................................................................14-2
Practice 14-1: Enabling Application Deployment Manager (ADM) .................................................................14-3
Practices for Lesson 15 ...................................................................................................................................15-1
Practices for Lesson 15..................................................................................................................................15-2
Practice 15-1: Tuning the Siebel Web Client ..................................................................................................15-3
Practice 15-2: Exploring Other Tuning Options .............................................................................................15-7

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Siebel 8.1.x System Administration Table of Contents

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Practices for Lesson 1
Chapter 1

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Practices for Lesson 1

Chapter 1 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 1
Practices Overview
There are no practices for this lesson.

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Practices for Lesson 1

Chapter 1 - Page 2
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Practices for Lesson 2
Chapter 2

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Practices for Lesson 2

Chapter 2 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 2
Practices Overview
There are no practices for this lesson.

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Practices for Lesson 2

Chapter 2 - Page 2
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Practices for Lesson 3
Chapter 3

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 3
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will examine the settings and locations of Siebel architecture

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 2
Practice 3-1: Exploring the Siebel Architecture
• To examine the locations and settings of the Siebel architecture components

30 - 40 minutes

In this practice you will explore the Siebel architecture, starting with the Siebel Gateway Name
Server (GNS) and working your way all the way up to the Siebel Web client.

1. Explore the Siebel Gateway Name Server service and installation directory.

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The common administrative tasks performed on the Siebel Gateway Name Server machine
include starting up and monitoring the Siebel Gateway Name Server service, examining the
log files, and backing up the Siebel Enterprise by creating a duplicate of the siebns.dat file.
a. Examine the Siebel Gateway Name Server service and its properties:
1) Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services to bring up the
Windows Services dialog box.
2) Scroll down to locate the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
3) Right-click the service and select Properties.
4) Notice that the executable is siebsvc in D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\bin.
5) Even though it is grayed out, click the "Path to executable" field.
6) Notice that you can scroll through the arguments. They are:
• -s The service to run. In this case, gtwyns, the gateway name server.
• -a The arguments for that service, contained in quotes. These arguments are:
• /f The file in which to store the service's data. In this case
D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\admin\siebns.dat. This is the siebsn.dat file
described in the presentation.
• /t The TCP/IP port on which the service should listen. In this case it is
the default value of 2320.
• /c the configuration file for the service. In this case
• -t The timeout for the service to start. In this case, 120 seconds.
• -h The home directory for the service. In this case D:\OUses\gtwysrvr
7) Click Cancel to close the Siebel Gateway Name Server Properties dialog box.
b. Use the Siebel Developer Web Client to examine how the gateway name server
service provides information for the Server Configuration and Server Management
1) In the Services window, right-click the Siebel Gateway Name Server service and
select Stop.

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 3
2) Double-click the Siebel Call Center - ENU shortcut on the desktop.
Note: This shortcut starts the Siebel Developer Web Client using the Siebel Call
Center configuration file. It is configured to use the Siebel Open UI interface, so it
has the added benefit of getting you accustomed to that interface.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to: Server
Enable Siebel QuickStart <unchecked>
4) Click OK.
5) Notice that even though the Siebel Server and Siebel Gateway Name Server are
not running, you can still log in to the Developer Web client because it connects

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directly to the Siebel database.
6) Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprise Explorer.
7) Notice that you receive an error message:

This appears because the application is attempting to log on to the Siebel

Gateway Name Server but receives no response; hence it assumes that the user
name and password are incorrect.
8) Click OK.
9) Click Cancel in the Siebel Call Center login dialog.
10) Return to the Services window and start the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
11) Return to Siebel Call Center and navigate to Administration - Server Configuration
> Enterprise Explorer. Use the site map rather than the Refresh or Back buttons.
12) Notice that this time you are successfully navigated to the Enterprise Explorer
view. The Siebel Gateway Name Server provides the data for several of the server
configuration views.
13) From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
14) Close the browser window.
c. Explore the Siebel Gateway Name Server installation directory:
1) Select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 4
2) Navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr.
3) Examine the ADMIN subdirectory. Key files to be aware of are:
File Purpose
eapps_virdirs.cfg Used to generate the batch file that generates the virtual
directories on the Web server. System Administrators
may edit this file to change what virtual directories get
created when the SWSE is configured.
siebns.dat Contains the enterprise configuration information. Notice
the backup copies of siebns.dat automatically generated
by the Gateway Name Server. There may be up to five
t_eapps.cfg The template eapps.cfg file, used to generate eapps.cfg
on the SWSE machine.

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4) Examine the bin subdirectory. Key files to be aware of are:
File Purpose
hashpwd.exe Used to hash passwords before putting them into
configuration files.
siebsvc.exe The executable that runs the GNS service.
srvrmgr.exe The executable that runs the command-line server
manager. Details are in a subsequent lesson.
5) Examine the Locale subdirectory. This directory contains locale-specific
configurations and data. System administrators do not normally need to change
things in this folder.
6) Examine the Log subdirectory. This is where the GNS logs are maintained. You
will examine these logs in more detail in a subsequent practice.
2. Explore the Siebel Server service and installation directory.
The common administrative tasks performed on the Siebel Server machine include starting
up and monitoring the Siebel Server service, managing the server using the command-line
interface, and examining the log files. Configuring the server from the GUI or the command
line are topics of subsequent lessons, as is log file management.
a. Examine the Siebel Server service and its properties:
1) Return to the Services window and locate the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr]
The format for the name is Siebel Server [<Enterprise Name>_<Server Name>].
2) Right-click the service and select Properties.
3) Notice that the executable is siebsvc in D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin.
This is the same executable that is used for the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
This indicates the importance of the arguments to this executable.
4) Even though it is grayed out, click the "Path to executable" field.
5) Notice that you can scroll through the arguments. They are:
• -s The service to run. In this case, siebsrvr, a Siebel server.
• -i The string to append to the service name. In this case, OUEnt_OUSrvr.
• -a The arguments for that service, contained in quotes. These arguments are:
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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 5
• -g The host name and port number on which the Siebel Gateway Name
Server is listening. In this case, localhost:2320.
• -e The name of the Siebel Enterprise. In this case, OUEnt.
• -s The name of this particular Siebel Server. In this case, OUSrvr.
• -l The default language for the server. In this case, U.S. English (ENU).
• -u A username for logging in to the gateway name server. In this case
• -ep The encrypted password for logging in to the gateway name server. If
this argument were in plain text, anyone with access to this computer
would be able to access the gateway name server, a significant security
• -t The timeout for the service to start. In this case, 120 seconds.
• -h The home directory for the service. In this case D:\OUses\siebsrvr.

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6) Click Cancel to close the Siebel Gateway Name Server Properties dialog box.
b. Explore the Siebel Server installation directory:
1) Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr.
Notice that there are many subdirectories. We will focus on the most-commonly
used ones.
2) Examine the bin subdirectory. This contains the executables supporting the Siebel
Server. Key files to be aware of are:
File Purpose
hashpwd.exe Used to hash passwords before putting them into
configuration files.
siebmtsh.exe Executable for all multi-threaded components; for
example, SRBroker.
siebmtshmw.exe Executable for application object managers; multi-
threaded. Also used for all multi-threaded components
invoked from within an application object manager.
siebproc.exe Executable for single-threaded batch or background
components; for example, Siebel Remote’s transaction
processor TxnProc.
siebprocmw.exe Executable for single-threaded batch or background
components invoked from within an application object
siebsess.exe Executable for single-threaded interactive components.
siebsessmw.exe Executable for single-threaded interactive components
invoked from within an application object manager.
siebsvc.exe The executable that runs the Siebel Server service.
srvrmgr.exe The executable that runs the command-line server
manager. Details are in a subsequent lesson.
3) Examine the DBTempl subdirectory.
This directory contains database templates for generating local databases for use
by Siebel Remote and Siebel Developer Web clients.
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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 6
4) Examine the Log subdirectory.
This is where the Siebel Server logs are maintained.
5) If it exists, examine the Logarchive subdirectory.
This is where log files are archived when the Siebel Server service starts up. If you
have not restarted the Siebel Server, this directory will not yet exist.
6) Examine the Objects subdirectory. Expand the ENU subdirectory.
This is where the Siebel Repository File (SRF) for this server is located.
7) Examine the WEBTEMPL subdirectory.
This is where the Web templates used by this server’s Application Object
Managers (AOMs) are stored.
3. Explore the Siebel database server installation directory.
The common administrative tasks performed on the database server machine include
adding or removing users from the database, updating the schema, or migrating the Siebel

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repository. While most of these tasks are the job of a database administrator,
understanding the directory structure for the database server can be very useful, especially
when you are called upon to perform one of these tasks.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\dbsrvr.
Each database-specific subdirectory (DB2UDB, DB2390, MSSQL, Oracle) contains
similar information, so you will only explore the binaries directory and the directory for
your classroom installation (Oracle). The files within each database subdirectory are
b. Examine the bin subdirectory. This contains the executables supporting the database
c. Examine the COMMON subdirectory. This directory contains SQL scripts and data files
common to all the database platforms.
d. Examine the ENU subdirectory. This directory contains the English-language seed data
for the application. This includes data that is populated when the application is
installed. For example, initial users and responsibilities, zip codes and cities, lists of
currencies, and so forth.
e. Examine the Oracle subdirectory. This directory contains Oracle database-specific
scripts and data. In particular, grantusr.sql is a template script used to create the
default Siebel users and roles in an Oracle database. DBAs modify this script and run it
against the database to create the initial users.
4. Explore the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) installation directory.
The common administrative tasks performed on the Web server machine include managing
load balancing and security, and adjusting application parameters.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\eappweb.

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 7
b. Examine the bin subdirectory. This contains the executables supporting the SWSE.
Key files to be aware of are:
File Purpose
eapps.cfg The SWSE configuration file. You will need to edit this file
to customize SWSE behavior. Details are in a subsequent
eapps_virdirs.bat This file generates the virtual directories on the Web server.
It was generated from eapps_virdirs.cfg on the GNS
c. Examine the Log subdirectory. This directory contains the SWSE log files.
Depending on your machine and previous activities, this directory may be empty at the
d. Examine the Public subdirectory. Expand the enu subdirectory. This directory contains

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the Web pages used by Siebel applications that are not generated by the Siebel
e. In the ..\public\enu directory, right-click default.htm and select Edit. Note that this is the
default start page for all of the application-specific Web sites. It appends a .swe tag to
the end of the URL that issues the SWE Start command.
f. Close default.htm, not saving any changes.
5. Examine and enable the Web server. Common administrative tasks include enabling SSL
security, managing firewalls, and enabling or disabling Web sites.
a. Select Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS)
This is the Web server used in the classroom environment. Other Web servers are
supported. See the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Guide on Oracle
Technology Network for a complete list.
b. In the left pane, expand <Machine Name> and Sites.
c. Right-click Default Web Site and select Manage Web Site > Stop.
d. Right-click Siebel and select Manage Web Site > Start. This enables the Siebel-specific
web sites.
e. Expand Siebel.
f. Note the list of Web sites in the left pane.
g. Select callcenter_ENU in the left pane.
h. In the center pane double-click Default Document.
i. Notice that Default.htm is the top default content page.
j. Select File > Exit to close the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
6. Finally, start the Siebel Server service and explore shared memory, user preferences, and
browser caching.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\ADMIN.
b. Select Organize > Folder and Search options.
c. Click the View tab.

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 8
d. If necessary, select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".

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e. Click OK.
f. Scroll through the list of files in D:\OUses\siebsrvr\ADMIN and confirm that it contains
no .shm files.
When the Siebel Server stops, it deletes its shared memory file.
g. Return to the Services dialog box, right-click Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr], and
select Start.
While the service indicates that it has started (after only a few seconds), in reality it
takes several minutes for the Siebel Server service to start all of its associated
processes. The best way to determine whether the Siebel Server service is completely
started is to start the Task Manager (right-click the task bar, select Task Manager, and
click the Performance tab) and monitor the CPU usage until it is consistently under
h. Once the Siebel Server service is completely started, return to Windows Explorer to
confirm that D:\OUses\siebsrvr\ADMIN\OUEnt.OUSrvr.shm exists. This is the shared
memory file for the Siebel Server, and is used to improve Siebel Server performance
by storing configuration parameters, object instantiations, and other critical information
i. Navigate to D:\siebfile\userpref and confirm that no user preference files are currently
contained in the directory.

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 9
j. Start the Siebel Call Center Web Client.
Since you haven't enabled Siebel Open UI for the Siebel Server, you must use Internet
Explorer to connect to the High Interactivity (HI) user interface.
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer. Be careful not to select the 64-bit
2) Set Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
Note that with the thin client, you do not need to select a database; you are always
connecting to the server database.

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k. Make an obvious change to the user’s preferences. In this case, make the Accounts
tab appear after the Contacts tab instead of before it:
1) Select Tools > User Preferences.
2) Select Tab Layout from view link list. You may need to use the drop-down.
3) Change the order of Accounts to 3, and the order of Contacts to 2. This will switch
their position the next time you log in.
4) Select File > Log Out to log out of the application.
l. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\siebfile\userpref and confirm that the file
SADMIN&Siebel Universal Agent.spf exists.
A user’s preferences are initially stored in RAM, and then saved to disk when the user
logs out.
m. Return to Internet Explorer and log in as SADMIN/SADMIN.
n. Confirm that the Contacts tab now appears to the left of the Accounts tab.
o. Log out of the application.
p. Delete D:\siebfile\userpref\SADMIN&Siebel Universal Agent.spf.
q. Return to Internet Explorer and log in as SADMIN/SADMIN.
r. Confirm that the Contacts tab is back to its default location to the right of the Accounts
s. Log out of the application and close Internet Explorer.

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Practices for Lesson 3

Chapter 3 - Page 10
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Practices for Lesson 4
Chapter 4

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Practices for Lesson 4

Chapter 4 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 4
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will familiarize yourself with the Siebel Enterprise and create a custom
object manager (AOM).

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Practices for Lesson 4

Chapter 4 - Page 2
Practice 4-1: Exploring Components
• Explore the Siebel Enterprise using the Enterprise Explorer
• Create a custom component group
• Create a custom object manager

30 - 50 minutes

In this practice you will use the Enterprise Explorer to familiarize yourself with components and
component groups. You will then create your own custom component group for use in these

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practices and add a custom component to that component group.

1. Use the Siebel Developer Web (thick) Client to log in to the server database.
This is a useful technique when changing parameters, as you can stop and start
components, including any desired application object managers (AOMs), without having to
log out of the AOM you are configuring. Remember that the Siebel Gateway Name Server
must be running in order to be able to access the Server Configuration or Management
a. If necessary, start the Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client.
1) Double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
3) Click OK.
Notice that the address bar reads http://localhost:8080/start.swe. Notice that a port
is listed, while an application name is not. This is a good indicator that you are
using the thick client. However, it is not a guarantee, as a network administrator
might configure the Web server to provide a similar result. For the classroom
environment, check for the port number when you need to verify that you are using
the thick client. In general, it is safer to select Help > Technical Support from within
the application and check whether the SRF is local (for example, in the Client
directory on your classroom machine) or remote (for example, in the siebsrvr
directory on your classroom machine).
2. Explore the enterprise.
a. Navigate to > Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprise Explorer. The explorer
tree is shown in the left pane. The top level of the explorer tree is the enterprise.
Throughout the course, you will be using the Administration - Server Configuration and
Administration - Server Management screens. Consider using Tools > User
Preferences > Tab Layout to make these tabs visible when you log in. (Deselect the
Hide checkbox next to items 44 and 45).

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Practices for Lesson 4

Chapter 4 - Page 3
b. Click the right arrow next to the OUEnt enterprise to expand the explorer tree. The
folders listed indicate objects that can be configured or examined at the enterprise
c. Examine the objects can be configured at the enterprise level. If necessary, you can
drag the dividing line of the explorer to the right to increase the size of the left pane.
Notice the objects that can be configured or examined at the enterprise level include
Servers, Component Groups, Component Definitions, Parameters, System Alerts, and
d. Select the Servers folder. Notice the Siebel Server contained within the Siebel
Enterprise is OUSrvr, and it is installed in D:\OUsea\siebsrvr on your machine.
e. Expand the Servers and OUSrvr folders. Notice the objects can be configured or
examined at the server level are Component Groups, Components, Parameters, and
f. Select the Component Groups subfolder of the OUSrvr folder and examine the Enable

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State of the component groups. This shows you which component groups are enabled
or disabled on the selected server.

g. Notice there are already component groups currently enabled on your server, such as
Auxiliary System Management, Siebel Call Center, System Management, and more.
Note that you cannot enable or disable component groups from this view.
h. Now select the top-level Component Groups folder. Notice most of the component
groups in this view are enabled. These are component groups enabled for the
enterprise, rather than component groups enabled on the server.
i. Explore the other nodes of the Enterprise Explorer, not making any changes. In the
next few steps you will create a custom component group and a custom component.
3. Create a custom component group and a custom component definition.
You are creating a custom component group to contain a component definition for your new
custom application object manager, so you can safely modify its parameters without risking
making unrecoverable changes to your enterprise.
a. Navigate to Administration > Server Configuration > Enterprises.
The Enterprises > Component Groups view should be displayed by default.
b. Select the Component Groups applet.
c. Create a new Component Group with:
Name SSA Example Group
Alias SSAExampleGroup
Description Custom Component Group

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Practices for Lesson 4

Chapter 4 - Page 4
The Alias must not contain spaces or special characters, and must be at most 30
characters, as the alias is used by the command-line server manager, covered in a
subsequent lesson.
Once you step off the record to save it, the Number of Components and Enable State
fields are automatically populated. By default, newly-created component groups have
no components, but are enabled for the enterprise.
As soon as you step off a new record to save it the list will sort the component groups
again which may cause you to lose sight of your new record.
d. Query for SSA Example Group and confirm that it is enabled with no components in it.
e. Click the Component Definitions tab in the middle of the screen.
f. Query for the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) component definition.
g. Select Copy Record from the applet-level dropdown menu.
Copying a component definition creates a new component definition of the same
component type; it does not copy the parameter values. All the parameters of the new

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component definition are set to their default values; they are either inherited from the
enterprise or set to the defaults for that component type.
h. Configure the component definition. Leave unspecified values at their defaults.
Component SSA Example Component
Alias SSAExampleComponent
Component Group SSA Example Group
Description SSA Custom Object Manager
The component parameters are populated once you step off the record.
i. Step off the record to save it, and then re-select it.
j. Click Activate to activate the component.
k. In the Component Parameters applet below the Component Definitions tab query for
Be sure to include the wildcard asterisks: *
l. Click Advanced to show the three advanced repository parameters
m. Set the value of Application Repository File to siebel_sia.srf

n. Verify that your newly-created component now appears in your custom component
1) Click the Component Groups tab.
2) Query for SSA Example Group.
3) Confirm that SSA Example Component is listed as a component in the SSA
Example Group.

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Chapter 4 - Page 5
o. Select SSA Example Group and click Assign in the Component Group Assignments
applet. This assigns the component group to the server, and automatically enables it
on the server.
p. Click the Synchronize tab.
q. Click Synchronize. Wait about 20 seconds for the hourglass to disappear.
4. Restart services and configure eapps.cfg.
You will need to edit eapps.cfg to provide access to this object manager. eapps.cfg is
described in detail in a subsequent lesson.
a. Log out of the thick client. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
When you restart the server, it shuts down the Server Manager task with which the
thick client is communicating to get data for some of the Server Management views.
(The rest of the application continues to work normally, as it does not involve
communication with the server). Logging out before restarting the server and then
logging in again afterwards avoids this issue. This is a rare case where doing

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something with the Siebel Server service affects the thick client.
b. Return to the Services Window and stop and then start the Siebel Server
[OUEnt_OUSrvr] service. It is recommended you do not use Restart to avoid issues.
The Siebel Server service takes several minutes to fully start, impacting performance
of your system until it is completely started. Proceed with the next few steps, and do
not be surprised if your machine seems a bit slow while performing them.
c. Use Windows Explorer to create a backup copy of D:\OUses\eappweb\BIN\eapps.cfg.
named eapps.cfg.bak.
d. Use Notepad to open D:\OUses\eappweb\BIN\eapps.cfg.
e. Use Edit > Find to locate the [/sales_enu] section.
You will not be using Siebel Sales in this class, so it is OK to replace its reference with
one to your custom AOM. In a real deployment, you would have to create a new virtual
directory on the web server and create a new section in eapps.cfg that provides details
for that virtual directory.
f. In the ConnectString parameter, replace SSEObjMgr_enu with
This is the alias of the AOM component you created in a previous step. You are
replacing the Siebel Sales object manager with your custom object manager.

g. Save and close eapps.cfg.

h. In the Services Window, right-click Windows Process Activation Service and select
This is one of the Microsoft IIS services. You must restart the web server for the SWSE
to read the new eapps.cfg file.
i. When prompted to restart other services, click Yes. You must also restart the World
Wide Web Publishing Service.
j. Minimize the Services Window.

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Chapter 4 - Page 6
5. Verify functionality of the new custom object manager
a. Start your custom Siebel Web Client.
b. Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer.
c. Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
This shortcut now accesses the custom object manager you just created. After a few
moments, you should see the Siebel Sales login screen. If you receive a “Server is
busy” error message, wait about a minute and try again.
Password SADMIN
d. Click the arrow to log in.
e. If you are prompted to update Java, Select "Do not ask again until the next update is
available." and click Later.

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f. Notice that the application is in Standard Interactivity (SI) mode by default. You can tell
because of the grey drop-down menus replacing the HI integrated menus. The default
AOM uses SI, so since you have not changed the HighInteractivity parameter, your
custom AOM is in SI. You will change this later in this practice.
If you are prompted about the application’s digital signature, click Run.
g. Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Sessions.
h. If necessary, query for the SSAExampleComponent component to confirm that you are
logged in to your custom component.

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Chapter 4 - Page 7
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Practices for Lesson 4

Chapter 4 - Page 8
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Practices for Lesson 5
Chapter 5

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Practices for Lesson 5

Chapter 5 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 5
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will manage parameters, enable Open UI in the thin client, and backup
and restore the enterprise configuration using siebns.dat files.

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Practices for Lesson 5

Chapter 5 - Page 2
Practice 5-1: Managing Component Parameters
• Manage parameters and explore effective settings

30 - 50 minutes

In this practice you will make changes to various parameters and verify functionality after
completing the effective requirements for each parameter

1. Explore the Effective setting by changing some of your component’s parameters. Once

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again, make the parameter changes using the thick client to maintain connectivity with the
a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client.
1) Double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
3) Click OK.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components.
c. Query for the SSA Example Component.
d. Click the Parameters tab in the bottom applet. These are the parameters for the SSA
Example Component.
e. Query using the string *SARM*. This returns all SARM-related parameters. You will
learn more about Siebel Application Response Measurement (SARM) in a later lesson.
Notice the current value of the SARM Granularity Level parameter is 0 and changes
become effective immediately.
f. Change the value of the SARMGranularityLevel to 2 and step off the record to save it.
Your application is now recording SARM data, and will save it to a file in approximately
3 minutes. Rather than waiting for this, you will examine additional parameters before
coming back to the SARM Granularity Level.
g. Click the Hidden button. Notice that your query is preserved; only hidden parameters
containing the string “SARM” are displayed.
h. Click the Advanced button. Once again, your query is preserved.
i. Click the Reset button to return to the base parameters.

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Chapter 5 - Page 3
j. Confirm that the SARM Granularity Level parameter change you made a few steps ago
has now become effective.
1) Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log and confirm the
existence of at least one *.sarm file. This confirms that SARM records started
being recorded while your task continued to run; that is, the SARM Granularity
Level parameter change was immediate. If the file is not visible, wait up to 3
minutes for it to appear.
k. Remove your change.
1) Return to the thick client (Call Center) and query for the SARM Granularity Level
2) With the parameter selected, click the Component Parameters applet Menu >
Delete Parameter Override.
You may need to scroll down in the menu list to fine Delete Parameter Override.
This should return the parameter to its inherited value of 0. In class it may be

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necessary to run another query for SARM Granularity Level to refresh and/or log
out and back into the thick client to get this value to refresh on your screen.

Best practice when removing parameter changes is to delete the parameter

override. This ensures the parameter inherits the value from higher levels. For
example, if, at a later date, you set the entire Siebel Server to use a SARM
Granularity Level of 1, if you manually set the value to 0, your custom component
would continue to use a value of 0. On the other hand, by deleting the parameter
override, your custom component will inherit the value of 1.
2. Explore component reconfiguration.
a. Return to the thin client (SSA Example)
1) If necessary, log back in to the thin client.
a) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
b) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
c) Enter:
Password SADMIN
d) Click the arrow.
b. Examine the application-level menus of the thin client (SSA Example). Notice that they
are grey, and stand out from the rest of the application. This is one indication that you
are in SI (Standard Interactivity) mode.
c. In the thin client, navigate to Administration - Data > Zip Code Administration and query
for a City of Al. Notice that all cities starting with Al are listed, indicating that your query
had a trailing wildcard appended to it.

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Chapter 5 - Page 4
d. Return to the thick client (Call Center) and query for the HighInteractivity parameter.
Notice changes become effective at component restart. However, notice that the
Requires Reconfiguration checkbox is also selected, indicating that you can
reconfigure the component without having to restart it.
e. Query for the Application Message Bar Flag parameter. This parameter determines
whether or not users see the black message bar at the bottom of the screen when they
log in. Notice its current value is “User Enable”, meaning that users can set user
preferences to determine whether or not they see the message bar. By default, the
message bar is visible, as indicated by the black bar at the bottom of the screen. Also
notice changes become effective at next task. This indicates that any existing sessions
will continue to use the old value of the parameter, while new sessions will use the new
f. Create and test a broadcast message to explore the parameter change.
1) In the thin client (SSA Example), navigate to Administration > Communications >
Message Broadcasts.

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2) Create a new record with:
Abstract Test
Message This is a test broadcast
All Users Selected
3) Click Save to save the record; the Standard Interactivity client does not support
implicit saves.
g. Log out of the application.
h. Log in to your custom Siebel Web Client.
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
i. Verify that the message appears in the black message bar at the bottom of the

j. Remain logged in to the thin client (SSA Example).

k. Return to the thick client (Call Center) and navigate to Administration - Server
Configuration > Enterprises > Component Definitions.
Reconfiguration must be performed at the component definition level.
l. Query for the SSA Example Component in the Component Definitions applet.

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Chapter 5 - Page 5
m. With SSA Example Component selected in the Component Definitions applet click
Menu > Start Reconfiguration.
Any parameter changes you make during reconfiguration will not be committed until
you manually commit them. Notice that you will be changing the Application Message
Bar Flag, which does not require reconfiguration. This shows that you can voluntarily
reconfigure additional parameters when performing a reconfiguration.
n. Query for the HighInteractivity parameter in the Component Parameters applet.
o. Change the value to TRUE and step off the record to save it.
p. Query for the Application Message Bar Flag parameter in the Component Parameters
q. Change the Value of the Application Message Bar Flag parameter to False, then step
off the record to save it.
r. With SSA Example Component selected in the Component Definitions applet click
Menu > Commit Reconfiguration.

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Notice that you also have the option of canceling the reconfiguration, deleting all
parameter changes you made during reconfiguration.
s. Return to the thin client (SSA Example), log out and log back in again as
t. Confirm that you are in HI mode, with blue menus, and no message bar at the bottom.
Reconfiguration allows you to propagate changes without having to restart the
u. Log out of the thin client (SSA Example).
v. Return to the thick client (Call Center) and query for the AutomaticTrailingWildcards
parameter. Notice that changes to it are also effective at component restart, with the
Requires Reconfiguration checkbox selected.
w. Change the value of this parameter to FALSE.
x. Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Components.
y. Query for the SSA Example Component.
z. Click Shutdown. Notice that the state changes to Shutting Down. The shut down may
take several minutes.
aa. Perform several empty queries until the component state changes to Shutdown. Notice
that the status icon changes to red.
bb. Click the Startup button.
cc. Perform empty queries until the component state changes to Online, and the icon
changes to green.
dd. Log back in to the thin client.
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.

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Chapter 5 - Page 6
ee. Navigate to Administration - Data > Zip Code Administration and query for cities
starting with Al. Notice that the trailing wildcard is no longer appended. This
demonstrates that restarting the component was also effective in propagating the
parameter change. However, any user sessions that were running when you shut down
the component would have been ended.
ff. Log out of the thin client (SSA Example) and close that instance of Internet Explorer.
3. Set a component to Manual Start to preserve system resources.
a. In the thick client (Call Center), navigate to Administration - Server Configuration >
b. Query for the eService Object Manager.
c. Click Manual Start. This ensures the component will not start when the server starts,
but if you want to start it, you can manually start it from this view.
4. Examine a profile.
a. Navigate to Administration > Server Configuration > Servers > Components.

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b. Query for SSA Example Component, it should be selected by default once you run the
query. (Selected objects are highlighted with yellow.)
c. While the SSA Example Component is still selected, click the Parameters tab in the
third applet.

d. Conduct a query in the Component Parameters section for parameters including the
term “Security Adapter”.
Recall that since you disabled the automatic trailing wildcard, your query will have to be
of the form Security*.
The two parameters returned determine the Security Adapter Mode, which determines
which DLL will be used for application security, and the Security Adapter Name, which
is the name of the profile used to pass parameters to the DLL.

e. Notice the Security Adapter Name is DBSecAdpt.

f. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile Configuration
and query for an alias of DBSecAdpt.

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Chapter 5 - Page 7
g. Examine the profile parameters in the lower applet. These are the parameters the
database security adapter uses to connect to the database for authentication purposes.
h. Query for the LDAPSecAdpt. Notice that it has many more configuration parameters,
all involved in connecting the security adapter to an LDAP authentication server.

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Practices for Lesson 5

Chapter 5 - Page 8
Practice 5-2: Enable Open UI
• To enable Open UI in a custom application object manager (AOM)

15 - 20 minutes

In this practice, you enable Open UI in a custom application object manager (AOM) and verify
access without Internet Explorer.

1. Enable Open UI in the thin client

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a. Return to the thick client.
1) If necessary, double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
3) Click OK.
b. Configure settings for your SSA Example Component to use Open UI.
1) Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components >
2) In the Components applet, if necessary query for SSA Example Component.
3) In the Component Parameters applet, query for Parameter = HighInteractivity.
You may need to scroll down to see this applet.
4) Verify that Value = True.
This is the same value we set to true in a previous practice.
5) Query for Parameter = EnableOpenUI.
6) In the Component Parameters applet, notice that EnableOpenUI = False
7) Set Value on Restart = True and step off the record to save it.
Siebel Call Center is now configured to support Open UI when the component
8) Click File – Logout to close Siebel
9) Close all open internet browsers
2. Stop the OUEnt_OUSrvr
a. If necessary, open the Services Window by selecting Start > Administrative Tools >
b. In the Services window, scroll down to locate the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr]
c. Right-click the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service and select Stop.

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Chapter 5 - Page 9
d. Verify that the server completes the shutdown task before proceeding.

3. Start the OUEnt_OUSrvr

a. If necessary, open the Services Window by selecting Start > Administrative Tools >

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b. In the Services window, scroll down to locate the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr]
c. Right-click the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service and select Start.
d. Verify that the server shows a status of "Started" and CPU usage levels out in
Windows Task Manager before proceeding.

4. Log in to Siebel Open UI without Internet Explorer.

a. Start Google Chrome by selecting Start > All Programs > Google Chrome > Google
b. Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
c. Verify you see an Open UI splash screen, confirming that Open UI is now enabled.

d. Log in using:
Password SADMIN
e. Verify you are able to login to Open UI, you should see the Siebel Home tab open by

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Chapter 5 - Page 10
f. Log out of the SSA Example Component thin client.
g. Close the browser you were using to log in to SSA Example Component.

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Practices for Lesson 5

Chapter 5 - Page 11
Practice 5-3: Backing up and Restoring the Enterprise
• To back up and restore the Siebel Enterprise using the siebns.dat file

5 - 10 minutes

In this practice you will first back up Enterprise configurations to the siebns.dat file. Then you
will cause an intentional error in the configuration of the Enterprise and then restore it to its
previous correctly configured state.


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1. Back up and restore the enterprise.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\ADMIN and confirm that the
backup versions of siebns.dat are all numbered sequentially; that is, siebns.dat.001,
siebns.dat.002, and so forth.
b. In the Siebel Developer Web client, navigate to the Enterprise Explorer (under
Administration - Server Configuration) and click Backup Enterprise.
c. Return to Windows Explorer and confirm that there is now a file named
siebns.dat.<timestamp>, for example, siebns.dat_20080617_145314.
d. Change a parameter.
1) In the Siebel Developer Web client, navigate to Administration - Server
Configuration > Enterprises > Parameters.
2) Query for the Database TABLEOWNER parameter and change the value to
3) Step off the record to save it.
e. Restore the enterprise.
1) Log out of the Developer Web client and any open thin clients.
2) In the Services Window:
a) Stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
b) Then stop the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.
3) Using Windows Explorer, change the name of siebns.dat to siebns_old.dat.
4) Change the name of your backup file to siebns.dat.
5) In the Services Window:
a) Start the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
b) Start the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.
6) Minimize the Services Window.

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Chapter 5 - Page 12
f. Confirm that the parameter change has been undone.
1) Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client.
a) Double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
b) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
c) Click OK.
g. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Parameters.
h. Query for the Database TABLEOWNER parameter and confirm that is no longer set.

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Chapter 5 - Page 13
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Practices for Lesson 5

Chapter 5 - Page 14
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Practices for Lesson 6
Chapter 6

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Practices for Lesson 6

Chapter 6 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 6
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will use Administration - Server Management to monitor the system and
submit a batch job.

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Practices for Lesson 6

Chapter 6 - Page 2
Practice 6-1: Exploring Server Management
• Monitor the Siebel Enterprise from within the application

25 - 30 minutes

In this practice, you will use the Administration - Server Management screen to monitor the state
of the system. You will intentionally cause a problem in the system, and monitor how it appears
on the screen.


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1. Create a thin client session and conduct some activity to monitor.
a. Start the thin client.
b. Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
c. Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
d. Enter:
Password SADMIN
e. Click the arrow.
f. Navigate to Administration - Data > Zip Code Administration.
This view has a large number of records, making it easy to perform long queries, step
through records, and perform other tasks that should show up in the logs or the server
management screen.
2. Return to the thick client.
a. If necessary, double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
b. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
c. Click OK.
Once again, you are using the thick client because it will continue to provide you
access to the system even after you disable critical components.
3. In the thick client, explore the Administration - Server Management > Enterprises view.
a. Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Enterprises.
This is the default view of the Administration - Server Management screen.
b. Examine the states of the components in the enterprise. You may need to scroll to the
right to see the text descriptions of the component states. Notice the states that are
shown are "Running" and "Online".
c. Expose the rest of the available component columns.
1) In the Components applet click Menu > Columns Displayed.
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Chapter 6 - Page 3
2) Click the Show All (double arrow) button to display all of the available columns.
3) Sort the columns as shown below:

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4) Click Save.
d. Examine the results. This table should help you interpret each column:
Column Name Purpose
State Graphical display of current component state: Shutdown or
unavailable (Red), paused or shutting down (Yellow), or
running or online (Green).
Name The name of the component definition.
Component Type The type on which the component definition is based; for
example, all object manager components are based on the
AppObjMgr type.
Siebel Server The server on which that component is located. If a
component is enabled on multiple servers, it appears
multiple times in this list.
ID A unique identifier for the component.
Running Normal Tasks The current number of tasks (threads) running the
Max Tasks The maximum number of tasks allowed for that component.
This is one of the more commonly-configured parameters
during performance testing, as more tasks may be required
for larger environments, while fewer tasks may be required
on a less powerful server.
Running MTS The current number of multi-threaded processes for the
component. Usually a multi-threaded component spawns
one process, which then runs multiple threads (tasks).
Max MTS The maximum number of multi-threaded processes the
component can run. Once again, this is frequently adjusted
during performance tuning.

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Chapter 6 - Page 4
Service The alias of the component definition. A shortened version
of the component definition name with no spaces or special
characters, used to reference the component definition
from the command line or other places.
Start Time The time the component started.
End Time The time the component stopped.
State A text version of the state, as opposed to the graphic
e. Click the Tasks tab in the middle of the screen.
f. Notice that while graphical task statuses are not displayed, you can still see the
component name, task ID, start time, end time, task status, log file name, server name,
and Enterprise Server.
4. Explore the rest of the Administration - Server Management views.

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a. Click Servers in the view link bar at the top of the screen. You have moved from
examining the enterprise as a whole to examining one particular server in the
enterprise. The view should default to the sessions view.
b. Query the component column for the SSAExampleComponent. You should see at least
one running session associated with SADMIN. Take a note of the Session ID for the
SADMIN session.
1) Drill down on the Session ID for the SADMIN session. (drilldown by clicking the
session id) Note that you are now in the sessions view of the Administration -
Server Management screen.
2) Select the task number corresponding to the number you noted above. You can
reduce the number of records you need to scroll through by querying for SADMIN
in the OM Login column. Notice that the Session ID is nothing more than the task
ID for that task.
3) Examine the Log applet at the bottom of the screen. Notice that the log lists
activities for that session.
4) Click the State Values tab. This displays the current values of the session,
including which applet and business component the user last acted on.
5) Leave the thick client open to this view.
6) Return to the thin client session and query for a Zip Code of 94*.
7) Leave the thin client open.
8) Return to the thick client session and press ALT+ENTER to refresh the view. Note
that SADMIN’ activity has been recorded as the Current Value of the Applet Name
State Value. (An ExecuteQuery activity).
c. Return to the Administration - Server Management > Servers view.
d. Click the Component Groups tab.
This displays the component groups and components on this server. Select various
component groups (when selecting do not click the component group name or it will
drill down out of this view) and examine the components they contain. In particular,
notice that the Siebel Call Center component group contains the Call Center, eService,
and Self Service Object Managers.
e. Click the Log tab. This is a list of events in the OUEnt.OUSrvr.log file from the server
log directory.

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Chapter 6 - Page 5
f. Click the Statistics tab. This is a convenient location to see key server statistics. These
statistics are recorded by tasks as they perform their operations.
g. Click the Tasks tab. Note that this task applet includes a state and a process ID for
each task. Take a note of the PID for that corresponds to the Task ID you noted above.
h. Verify that the process ID matches the process ID in your operating system.
1) Right click the taskbar.
2) Click Task Manager.
3) Click the Processes tab.
4) Select View > Select Columns.
5) Select the checkbox next to PID (Process Identifier).
6) Click OK.
7) Click the PID header to sort the entries by PID.
8) Locate the PID you noted above. Notice the executable is it running is

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siebmtshmw.exe. This is the multi-threaded shell executable used to support all
Application Object Managers; by default, one of these processes is spawned for
each AOM on your server.
9) Close the Task Manager.
i. Explore the Administration - Server Management > Components view.
This view allows you to see the current states, statistics, and tasks for each component
enabled in the enterprise.
j. Use the navigation arrows move through the component list until you find the eService
Object Manager.

k. Notice that all of the components except the e-Service Object Manager are either
online or running. These are the two “normal” states of components; any other state
should be investigated. (The e-Service Object Manager was set to Manual Start for this
course to preserve system resources).
l. Explore the Administration - Server Management > Tasks view.
This view shows all of the tasks that have run in the enterprise, with a maximum history
of 20 exited tasks per component (configurable using the advanced Maximum Historic
Tasks parameter of the Server Manager component). It also shows the logs,
parameters, state values, and statistics for each task.
m. Notice the Server Manager task; this is being used to support your navigation on the
Server Management screen.
n. Explore the Administration - Server Management > Sessions view.
This view shows a history of the user sessions that have run, up to 100 sessions
(configurable using the UsageTracking Session Cache Size parameter of the Server
Manager component). Note that it shows components Server Manager, SRBroker, and
SRProcessor sessions in addition to AOMs.

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Chapter 6 - Page 6
o. Examine the Administration - Server Management > Jobs view.
Note that it is empty at the moment. You will do more with this view in a subsequent
5. Intentionally cause a database error on the server and examine the results.
a. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile Configuration.
b. Query for the Server Datasource profile.
c. Under Profile Parameters, change the value for the Data source Connect String to
OOPS. This is an invalid connection string.

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d. Restart the Call Center Object Manager. Note that this will kill the thin client session.
1) Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Enterprises > Servers >
2) Select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) and click Shutdown.
3) Perform several empty queries until the component is fully shut down. This should
take less than a minute. Other active client sessions you have open may generate
4) Select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) and click Startup.
5) Perform an empty query to ensure the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) is
e. Observe the results.
1) Start Internet Explorer and enter an address of
http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu. Notice you receive an error message
stating that the server you are trying to access is either busy or experiencing
2) Return to the thick client and navigate to Administration - Server Management >
3) Query for the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) component. Notice the state of
the most recent task is "Completed". This is not normal for an interactive
component. The status indicates that the component was able to successfully run,
but shut itself down for an unknown reason.
4) Examine the Log applet. Verify you can find the error message, “An Oracle
database error has occurred.”
f. Fix the problem and verify you can log in again.
1) Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile
2) Query for the Server Datasource profile.
3) Under Profile Parameters, change the Data source Connect String to SIEBELDB.

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Chapter 6 - Page 7
4) Restart the Call Center Object Manager:
a) Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Enterprises > Servers >
b) Select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) and click Shutdown.
c) Perform several empty queries until the component is fully shut down.
d) Select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) and click Startup.
e) Perform an empty query to ensure the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) is
5) Start Siebel Call Center Web Client:
a) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
b) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/sales_enu.
c) Enter:

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Password SADMIN
d) Click the arrow. Confirm you can log in again.
g. Log out of the thin client and close this instance of Internet Explorer.

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Practices for Lesson 6

Chapter 6 - Page 8
Practice 6-2: Invoking and Monitoring Jobs
• Create a job template and use it to submit a batch job
• Monitor a batch job on the server

10 - 15 minutes

In this practice, you will explore creating job templates and invoking and monitoring jobs. Note
that it is not necessary to create a job template before creating a job, but in this practice you will
create the template first so you can see how it appears in the list of batch components you can

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1. Create a job template to specify parameters and a batch component for a job. While it is not
necessary to create a job template to run a job, job templates are useful for repeating or
frequently-run jobs to avoid having to re-enter parameters.
a. Return to the thick client.
1) If necessary, double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
3) Click OK.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Job Templates.
c. In the Job Templates list, create a new Job Template with the values below.
The component generates error notifications and sends e-mails to administrators. You
will work more with this component in a later practice. For now, it is a job that will have
no impact on your system, so it is an excellent example you can practice with.
Name SSA Notification Template
Short Name SSAAdmNotify
Component Siebel Administrator Notification Component
Description Sample Template
Because all of the batch components from enabled component groups are available
from the component drop-down list, it is possible to submit a job for a component which
is not enabled on any server. This is intentional; the job will remain queued until a
server with that component enabled becomes available.

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Chapter 6 - Page 9
d. In the Job Parameters list, create two new records and enter the parameters below in
order to successfully execute this job.
Name Value
Notification Handler AdminEmailAlert
Disable Notification True
The notification handler is the system alert alias used by this component; the Disable
Notification flag ensures that if this job fails, it will not generate an alert.
e. Step off the record to save the newly created Job Template.
f. Notice in the Job Templates list that the newly created Job Template is enabled
2. Use the job template you just created to execute and monitor a job.
a. Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Jobs.

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b. Create a new record. Note that the ID is automatically populated.
c. Click the Select button in the Component/Job field. The Components/Jobs pick applet
is shown. Note that the SSA Notification Template is the first item listed. Job templates
are shown before components, but you can select either a component or a job
d. Select the SSA Notification Template and click OK. Note that the job parameters at the
bottom of the screen are populated using the values from the template. Otherwise you
would have had to populate them manually.
e. Check the Repeating checkbox in the middle applet and step off the checkbox to
commit the change.
f. Notice that you can now specify the repeat unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks,
months, or years), the repeat interval, and the number of repetitions.
g. Uncheck the Repeating checkbox and step off of it.
h. Notice the current status is "Creating".
i. Click Submit Job to start the job. Notice the current status of the job is "Queued".
j. Perform an empty query. Because the views do not automatically update, you must
manually refresh the view. The job should complete with a status of Success after a
few moments.
k. Make note of the Task ID.________________________

l. Click the Tasks link.

m. Query for the Task ID for the SSA Administrator Notification job you submitted. This is
another location where you can monitor the progress of a job. The Tasks view has the
advantage that it shows more information; for instance: the process ID, start time, and
end time. However, it has the disadvantage that it shows all tasks, not just jobs (tasks
run in batch mode).
3. Log out of all clients and close any open instances of Internet Explorer. You will be working
with the command-line interface in the next practice.

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Chapter 6 - Page 10
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Practices for Lesson 7
Chapter 7

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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 7
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will explore the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface.

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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 2
Practice 7-1: Exploring the Command-Line Interface
• Become familiar with the command-line interface
• Use the command-line interface to perform simple server administration tasks

15 - 20 minutes

In this practice you will familiarize yourself with the Siebel command-line interface.

Because of the importance of typing the commands correctly for the server manager, all of the
commands you will enter in this practice are contained in the file

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D:\Labs\SysAdmin\CLI\commands.txt. You may cut and paste these commands instead of
typing them in manually.

Throughout this practice, you will frequently enter similar commands with almost-identical
formats. The keyboard up and down arrows can be used to move backwards and forward
through the server manager history buffer, and the right and left arrows move the cursor within
the current command. This can save you quite a bit of typing or cutting-and-pasting.

1. Verify that the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server services are both running.
The command-line interface can be used with only the Siebel Gateway Name Server
running. In this case, it is possible to perform enterprise-level operations such as setting
enterprise-level parameters, assigning servers to server groups, or enabling component
groups on servers. However, in this case it cannot set server- or component-level
a. Return to or, if necessary, start the Services application by selecting Start >
Administrative Tools > Services.
b. In the Services window, confirm that both the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel
Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] services have a status of Started.
c. If either service is not started, right-click it and select Start from the context menu. Be
sure to start the Siebel Gateway Name Server before starting the Siebel Server.
2. Open a command prompt and change to the Siebel Server’s bin directory.
The command-line server manager is also available in the Gateway Name Server’s bin
a. Select Start.
b. In the "Search programs and files" field enter cmd and press Enter.
c. Verify that a command prompt is shown:

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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 3
d. At the prompt, enter the command
cd D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin
to change to the directory containing the srvrmgr executable.
If you will be using the command-line server manager frequently, consider adding this
directory to your operating system’s PATH environment variable.
3. Start the command-line server manager and explore the help and output options.
a. At the command prompt, enter the command:
srvrmgr -g localhost -e OUEnt -u SADMIN -p SADMIN
You should successfully connect to 1 of 1 servers in the enterprise.

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The -g flag indicates the hostname of the gateway name server, the -e flag indicates
the enterprise name, and the -u and -p flags indicate the username and password,
respectively. By not including a -s (server) or -z (server group) flag, the command-line
server manager starts a server manager task on all of the servers in the enterprise. By
not including a -l (language) flag, the server manager defaults to U.S. English (ENU).
b. at the srvrmgr> prompt, enter:
this displays a summary of the available commands.
c. Enter:
help list
to filter the help to show only list commands.
d. Enter:
help list parameters
to see the syntax for the list parameters command.
e. Notice that you can list parameters for servers, components, named subsystems, or

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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 4
f. Enter:
spool srvrmgrsession.txt
to spool all dialog to a text file.
The output file will be in your current working directory; in this case,
g. Enter:
list parameters for component SCCObjMgr_enu
h. Notice the large number of parameters returned, and the difficulty reading them in the
command window.
It may take a minute or more for all of the parameters to finish listing.
i. Once the command completes, use Notepad to open
D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin\srvrmgrsession.txt. Note that the output is now in simple text
format, making it easier to search this file.

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j. Search for JVMSubSys.
k. Notice that the value is JAVA. This shows that it is very easy to find the parameter
values you are looking for if you know which parameter you are interested in.
l. Close srvrmgrsession.txt, not saving any changes.
m. Return to the command prompt.
n. Enter:
spool off
to turn spooling off.
4. Add your server to a server group.
change attribute groupname=OUSrvrGroup for server OUSrvr
You should see that the command completed successfully.
Server groups can only be managed by the command-line server manager, and allow you
to connect to and configure a subset of servers in the enterprise. You will find that there are
several tasks such as creating server groups or manually starting background tasks that
can only be performed from the command-line interface.
Notice that you did first not create a server group named OUSrvrGroup. The Siebel
Enterprise recognizes that this group does not exist and creates it for you.
5. Explore the connection options.
The command-line server manager can connect to a single server, a server group (a subset
of servers in the enterprise), or to every server in the enterprise. Unlike the Administration -
Server Management screen in the GUI, a server manager task is only started on connected
servers; for example, if you directly connect to Siebel Server 1, no server manager task is
started on Siebel Server 2.
a. Enter:
to see a list of the current environment variables.
b. Notice that the app server environment variable is (null).

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Chapter 7 - Page 5
c. Enter:
set server OUSrvr
This connects the current server manager session to the specified server, allowing you
to work directly with that server.
d. Notice the change in the prompt from srvrmgr> to srvrmgr:OUSrvr>.
Because you originally connected to the entire enterprise, the server manager tasks on
any other servers continue to run; they are simply idle. Had you connected the srvrmgr
executable to a single server, a server manager task would have spawned on just that
server. On the other hand, you would not be able to connect to other servers.
e. Enter the command:
f. Notice that the value of the app server environment variable is OUSrvr.

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g. Enter:
unset server
to disconnect from the selected server.
h. Enter:
to exit the server manager.
6. Start the server manager connected to an individual server:
a. Enter:
srvrmgr -g localhost -e OUEnt -u SADMIN -p SADMIN -s OUSrvr
This starts a server manager task on only the specified server.
b. Enter:
c. Notice that this session is identical to connecting to a server using the set command,
except that it does not start server manager tasks on any of the other servers.
d. Enter:
7. Start the server manager connected to a server group:
a. Enter:
srvrmgr -g localhost -e OUEnt -u SADMIN -p SADMIN -z OUSrvrGroup
b. Enter:
c. Notice that this session seems identical to the one where you were connected to the
entire enterprise; however, any component-level parameter changes you make will
only affect components on servers in the server group.

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Chapter 7 - Page 6
8. Enable a component group on your server.
a. Enter:
enable component group ADM for server OUSrvr
This command must be issued on a server-by-server basis; you cannot enable a
component group for an entire server group at once. You should see the command
complete successfully.
b. Enter:
synchronize components
Whenever you enable or disable a component group you should synchronize the
component definitions with the Siebel servers.
c. Notice that this command is not available. This is a disadvantage of connecting to a
server or server group; some enterprise-level commands are not available to you.
You will use the graphical user interface (GUI) to synchronize this component group in

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a subsequent practice.
d. Enter:
e. Leave the command prompt open for the next practice.

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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 7
Practice 7-2: Invoking Jobs and Scripts
• Run a job from the command-line interface
• Invoke a script from the command-line interface

5 - 10 minutes

In this practice, you will run a sample job from the command line, then run it from a script. This
will familiarize you with common job-based server administration tasks.


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1. Run the AdminNotify job from the command-line server manager.
a. Use the server manager to connect to the Siebel Server.
srvrmgr -g localhost -e OUEnt -u SADMIN -p SADMIN –s OUSrvr
b. Enter:
run task for component AdminNotify with AlertLevel=5
This runs an administrator notification task that alerts the administrator if anything is
wrong with the system. Since nothing is wrong, the task will complete without
generating any errors. Note that for interactive or background components, the
command is start rather than run. For example, you would use start to start a
Workflow Monitor Agent task.
c. Enter:
2. Examine the runscript.bat server manager script:
a. Right-click D:\labs\SysAdmin\CLI\runscript.bat and select Edit.
b. Notice that this file invokes the server manager with
D:\Labs\SysAdmin\CLI\scriptCommands.txt as an input file.
c. Close runscript.bat, not saving any changes.
d. Use Notepad to open D:\labs\SysAdmin\CLI\scriptCommands.txt.
e. Notice that it disables the ADM component group that you enabled in a previous
practice, enables the workflow component group, and ensures that Siebel Call Center
will run in High Interactivity mode.
f. Close scriptCommands.txt, not saving any changes.
g. Enter:
on the command line to invoke the script.
h. Examine the output and confirm that the script ran as expected.
i. Close the command window.

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Chapter 7 - Page 8
3. (Optional) Examine our old classroom initialization script:
To prepare the Siebel Server for our courses, we used to use this command-line script.
a. Right-click D:\Labs\SysAdmin\CLI\ClassroomConfiguration.bat and select Edit.
b. Explore how it manages the Siebel services as it invokes a server manager script.
The previous classroom image used D:\OUsea instead of D:\OUses. You may notice
these references in this script.
c. Close ClassroomConfiguration.bat, not saving any changes.
d. Open ServerInitialization.txt and examine what it does. Note that it ensures that most
component groups are disabled, most components are set to automatic startup, yet it
enables the Call Center component group and sets the eService object manager to
manual startup to preserve system resources.
e. Close ServerInitialization.txt, not saving any changes.

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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 9
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Practices for Lesson 7

Chapter 7 - Page 10
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Practices for Lesson 8
Chapter 8

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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 8
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will explore many of the configuration files associated with a Siebel
Enterprise and the Siebel Developer Web Client.

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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 2
Practice 8-1: Exploring Siebel Enterprise Configuration Files
• Examine the configuration files associated with a Siebel Enterprise
• Examine the configuration files associated with a Siebel Server

20 - 25 minutes

In this practice you will explore configuration files associated with the Siebel Enterprise,
including eapps.cfg, lbconfig.txt, gtwycfg.cfg, srvr.cfg, and uagent.cfg.


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1. Explore eapps.cfg.
This configuration file is read by the Web server when it starts up, and determines the
behavior of the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE). Recall that in a previous practice,
you edited eapps.cfg to have the sales_enu virtual directory reference your custom
application object manager.
a. If necessary, start Windows Explorer by selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories >
Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\OUses\eappweb\bin.
Note: In previous versions of the Siebel application, this directory's default name was
c. Right-click eapps.cfg and select Edit With Notepad++.
d. Examine lines 1-4. These lines include eapps_sia.cfg, eapps_fins.cfg, and
eapps_sis.cfg. You will examine one of these files as soon as you are done examining
e. Examine lines 6-16. These are the default Siebel Web Extension settings.
• The default language is U.S. English (ENU).
• The log level is errors only.
• Log files are saved in D:\OUses\eappweb\log.
• The base installation directory for the Siebel Web Server Extensions is
• The session monitor is turned off (False). You will learn more about the session
monitor in a subsequent lesson.
• Statistics are enabled (true). You will learn more about Siebel Web Server
statistics in a subsequent lesson.
• The maximum log file size (LogSegmentSize) and number of logs
(LogMaxSegments). Values of 0 indicate to use the defaults defined in the
• Nagle's algorithm (buffer outgoing packets) is enabled (DisableNagle = False).
• The encryption seed file is seedfile.bin.

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Chapter 8 - Page 3
f. Examine lines 18-26. These are the load balancing and security settings.
• Siebel native load balancing is not enabled. (EnableVirtualHosts = false)
• If Siebel native load balancing were enabled, it would use lbconfig.cfg as its
configuration file. Notice that this file has a .cfg suffix.
• Security information, such as the certificate file names, key file names, and peer
authorities are all retrieved from the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
g. Examine lines 28-40. These control the default behavior of the Siebel Web Server.
• The passwords are encrypted both in transit and in the configuration files.
• The default anonymous user is GUESTERM; this is the default user for employee-
facing applications, so you would expect customer-facing applications to override
this setting.
• The default statistics page is _stats.swe. Recommended practice is to change the
name of this page as it is not secured so anyone knowing the page name can view

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usage statistics for your enterprise. You will learn more about usage statistics in a
subsequent lesson.
• The default ports are the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443,
• Fully-qualified domain names (FQDN), used to bypass popup blockers by putting
all web addresses in the form, are disabled (False). For
example, entering "mysite" will resolve to "mysite", rather than "mysite.".
• If FQDN were to be enabled, it would take the domain name from the Siebel
Gateway Name Server.
• Web Single Sign-On is not enabled; otherwise there would be a TrustToken entry.
• ZLIB compression of communications is enabled.
• The timeout value for a guest session is 5 minutes. (300 seconds.)
• The timeout value for a user session is 15 minutes. (900 seconds.)
h. Explore the settings for a customer-facing application.
1) From the application-level menu, select Search > Find.
2) Set Find what = ecustomer_enu.
3) Click Find Next. You should be navigated to line 1288.
4) In the Search dialog, click Close to return to eapps.cfg.
5) Examine lines 1288-1294.
• The anonymous user is GUESTCST, overriding the default of GUESTERM.
• The ConnectString describes how to connect to the server. Notice that the
server is localhost, the port is 2321, the enterprise is OUEnt, and the name of
the application object manager is eCustomerObjMgr_enu.
• The StartCommand specifies a non-default home page; in this case, Home
Page View (eCustomer).
• The web public root directory specifies the location of the Siebel Web Server
• The Siebel Enterprise Security Token provides security for the proprietary
SISNAPI communication protocol for communication between Siebel

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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 4
i. Explore how to configure an application to support anonymous users.
1) Scroll up to line 1274 (the eai_anon_enu section).
2) Examine lines 1274-1280.
• UseAnonPool = TRUE indicates that this application will allow anonymous
users to log in and navigate the application. Since no anonymous user is
specified, GUESTERM will be used for position and responsibilities.
• AnonUserPool = 10 allows up to ten anonymous users to connect
simultaneously. All of them will be logged in as GUESTERM.
j. Minimize eapps.cfg.
k. Return to Windows Explorer
l. Right-click eapps_sia.cfg and select Edit With Notepad++.
m. Scroll through eapps_sia.cfg, taking notice of each section title; for example,

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n. Notice that every section in the file corresponds to a virtual directory of the form
[application_language]; for example, [/finsechannel_enu].
This is true of the other included files as well: All three included files include
descriptions of other virtual directories and their associations with application object
managers, rather than additional functionality.
o. Close eapps_sia.cfg, not saving any changes.
2. Use the command-line server manager to generate lbconfig.txt:
a. Verify that the Siebel Server and Siebel Gateway Name Server services are running.
1) If necessary, start the Services window by selecting Start > Administrative Tools >
2) Scroll down to locate the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
3) If its Status is not Started, right-click it and select Start.
4) Locate the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.
5) If its Status is not Started, right-click it and select Start.
6) Minimize the Services window.
b. If necessary, open a command prompt by selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories
> Command Prompt.
c. Change directories to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin:
cd D:\OUSes\siebsrvr\bin
d. Start the server manager:
srvrmgr -g localhost -e OUEnt -u SADMIN -p SADMIN
e. Generate lbconfig.txt:
generate lbconfig
This command reads application object manager information from all of the servers in
the enterprise and writes it to lbconfig.txt.
Recall that the name of the file specified in eapps.cfg is lbconfig.cfg. You must either
change the name of the output file or modify the setting in eapps.cfg.
f. Exit the server manager:
g. Minimize the command prompt.
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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 5
3. Examine lbconfig.txt.
a. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\ADMIN.
b. Right-click lbconfig.txt and select Edit with Notepad++.
c. Examine lbconfig.txt.
• The first section (lines 1-9) lists only one virtual server, along with its port number.
This section is used for Siebel native load balancing, a simple round-robin
• The subsequent sections (lines 10-280) are used for third-party load balancers.
For more information see the Siebel Installation Guide for your platform.
d. Close lbconfig.txt, not saving any changes.
e. Rename lbconfig.txt to lbconfig.cfg.
4. Modify eapps.cfg to use the lbconfig.cfg you generated.
This would normally be done automatically for every application object manager section

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when you reapplied the SWSE logical profile, but this exercise shows you how to make the
changes manually.
a. Return to eapps.cfg.
b. On line 19, set EnableVirtualHosts = true.
c. On line 20, set VirtualHostsFile = D:\OUses\siebsrvr\ADMIN\lbconfig.cfg.
d. Search for smc_enu (line 1388).
e. One line 1389, set ConnectString =
Note: You are replacing the server name and port number with VirtualServer, and
replacing the object manager alias with the Siebel Call Center application object
manager alias.
f. Save and close eapps.cfg.
5. Test the results.
a. Return to the Services window.
b. Scroll down to locate the Windows Process Activation Service.
c. Right-click the Windows Process Activation Service and click Restart.
d. Click Yes to also restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
e. If necessary, start Internet Explorer by selecting Start > All Programs > Internet
f. Enter an address of http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
g. Notice that you are navigated to the Siebel Call Center login page.
Although you set EnableVirtualHosts to TRUE, the SWSE recognizes that the connect
string for callcenter_enu in eapps.cfg is for a single server (you did not modify this
string, so it remains a server name rather than a virtual server name) and connects
directly to that server.
h. Enter an address of http://<machine_name>/smc_enu.
i. Notice that this also succeeds in bringing up the Siebel Call Center login screen,
showing that the load balancing virtual host is also working.
Note: This demonstrates that you can mix single servers for some application object
managers with load balanced servers for others.
j. Close Internet Explorer.

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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 6
6. Examine the Siebel Server’s Siebel Call Center configuration file.
a. Return to Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin\ENU.
c. Right-click uagent.cfg and select Edit with Notepad++.
d. Examine the [Siebel] section on lines 26-78:
• On line 35, notice that the default data source is a value read from the Siebel
• On line 36, notice that the root directory is D:\OUses.
• On line 50, notice that the server ODBC data source is
• On lines 74-75, notice that fully-qualified domain names are enabled, but no
domain name is provided.
e. Scroll down to the [ServerDataSrc] section on lines 143-159.

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f. Notice that almost all of these values are retrieved from the server.
g. Scroll down to line 176. This is the beginning of the client-only sections; that is,
sections that do not get their values from the server.
h. Notice there are no longer any settings with $ symbols, as these settings do not have
corresponding settings on the server.
i. Scroll down to the [InfraUIFramework] on lines 290-362.
j. Notice two important facts:
• This section is NOT marked client-only; these settings are normally set on the
server for the Siebel Web Client (thin client).
• There are no references to Siebel Open UI in this section.
k. Close uagent.cfg, not saving any changes.

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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 7
Practice 8-2: Exploring Client Configuration Files
• To examine a configuration file for the Siebel Developer Web Client (thick client)
• To examine the configuration file for Siebel Tools

10 - 15 minutes

In this practice, you will first explore the uagent.cfg configured for the classroom image, and you
will then explore the tools.cfg configured for this classroom image.


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1. Examine the Siebel Developer Web Client's Siebel Call Center configuration file.
You explored the server version of this file in a previous practice.
a. Return to Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\OUses\Client\bin\ENU.
Note: In a typical deployment the Siebel Developer Web Client would not be co-located
on the same machine as a Siebel Server, but instead on a developer's laptop. Since
you have only one machine in the classroom environment, Oracle University chose to
put all of the installations within a single top-level directory (OUses) for convenience.
c. Right-click uagent.cfg and select Edit with Notepad++.
d. Examine the [Siebel] section on lines 26-78:
• On line 35, notice that the default data source is Sample; on the server it was a
value read from the Siebel Server.
• On line 36, notice that the root directory is D:\OUses\Client; on the server it was
• On line 50, notice that the server ODBC data source is SEAW OUEnt. On the
server it was %MASTER_DATASOURCE%.
• On line 74, notice that fully-qualified domain names are disabled. This was done
for the classroom image to support using "localhost" for the thick client.
e. Scroll down to the [ServerDataSrc] section on lines 142-158.
f. Notice that all of these values are specified; in the server version of the file they were
retrieved from the server.
g. Scroll down to the [InfraUIFramework] on lines 289-361.
h. On line 290, notice that Open UI is enabled for the Siebel Developer Web Client. This
was done for the classroom image.
2. Modify uagent.cfg to change the application title and splash screen, and default to the
Server database.
It is surprisingly useful to modify the application title, as many developers have trouble
distinguishing the Siebel Developer Web Client from the Siebel Web Client, and this
provides a convenient visual reminder to them.
a. Scroll up to line 26, the start of the [Siebel] section.
b. On line 29, set ApplicationTitle = Siebel Call Center Thick Client.

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Chapter 8 - Page 8
c. On line 35, set DataSource = ServerDataSrc.
d. Save and close uagent.cfg.
e. On the desktop, double-click the Siebel Call Center - ENU shortcut.
f. Notice that the title of the window is now "Siebel Call Center Thick Client".
g. Notice that the "Connect to" field defaults to Server.
h. Click Cancel.
3. Examine the Siebel Tools configuration file.
a. Return to Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\OUses\Tools\bin\ENU.
c. Right-click tools.cfg and select Edit with Notepad++.
d. Notice how similar tools.cfg is to uagent.cfg .
e. Scroll down to the [InfraUIFramework] section on lines 146-203.
f. Notice line 148 (EnableOpenUI = True).

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Note: In order to use the modified Siebel Open UI web templates, you must set this
flag in Siebel Tools. This has been done in the classroom image.
g. Close tools.cfg, not saving any changes.

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Chapter 8 - Page 9
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Practices for Lesson 8

Chapter 8 - Page 10
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Practices for Lesson 9
Chapter 9

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Practices for Lesson 9

Chapter 9 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 9
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will explore server event logging, gateway name server logging, Siebel
Web Server logging and statistics, and client-side logging and diagnostics.

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Practices for Lesson 9

Chapter 9 - Page 2
Practice 9-1: Exploring Logging
• Configure event logging for a Siebel Server
• Spool SQL for an application object manager
• Configure logging for the Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Web Server Extension,
and Siebel Developer Web Client
• Configure session monitoring for the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)
• Examine the SWSE statistics page

50 - 90 minutes

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In this practice, you will first adjust event logging for the Siebel Call Center application object
manager (AOM) cache. This will allow you to see which data is cached and which is not. You
will then adjust event logging to be able to spool the SQL. Finally, you explore logging on the
Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Web Server Extension, and Siebel Developer Web Client.

1. Enable AOM cache logging for the Siebel Call Center object manager.
This event was chosen because it provides clear, easy-to-read logs without having to
restart the component or server. Every component has dozens (or even hundreds) of
possible event types to log.
a. Ensure that the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server services are running.
1) If necessary, start the Services application by selecting Start > Administrative
Tools > Services.
2) In the Services window, confirm that both the Siebel Gateway Name Server and
Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] services have a status of Started.
3) If either service is not started, right-click it and select Start from the context menu.
Be sure to start the Siebel Gateway Name Server before starting the Siebel
b. Ensure that any Siebel clients from previous practices have been closed.
This ensures the caches will behave as described in this practice.
c. Start the Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client, connecting to the Server database.
1) On the desktop, double-click the Siebel Call Center - ENU shortcut.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to: Server
Enable Siebel QuickStart <unchecked>
3) Click OK.
d. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components.

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Chapter 9 - Page 3
e. In the middle (Components) applet, select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU)
f. In the bottom (Events) applet, query for Event Type = Cache Manager.
g. For the Cache Manager Logging event, set Log Level = 5.
h. Step off the record to save it.
2. Examine the effects of setting this parameter.
a. Log in to the Siebel Call Center web client:
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN

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4) Click the arrow.
b. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List.
c. Return to the thick client and navigate to Administration - Server Management > Tasks.
d. Query for Component = Call Center.
e. Select the record where the Task State is “Running” and the Status is “Waiting for
This is the session you just logged into. You could verify this by navigating to the
Sessions view and determining the Task ID of the session.
f. Examine the log records in the GUI. Scroll down and examine which items are cached
in the application. (The “Item in cache” entries).
g. Return to the thin client and navigate to Administration - Web Services > Inbound Web
h. Click Clear Cache.
i. Return to the thick client, query to refresh the log, scroll to near the end of the log, and
confirm that the cache invalidator invalidated the cache.
This verifies that the log is recording caching activity as per your setting.
3. Disable cache logging.
a. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components > Events.
b. In the Components (middle) applet, select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU)
c. In the bottom (Events) applet, query for Event Type = Cache Manager.
d. For the Cache Manager Logging event, set Log Level = 1.
e. Step off the record to save it.
4. Enable SQL logging for the Call Center AOM:
a. Query for Event Type = Object Manager SQL Log.
b. Set log level = 5.
c. Step off the record to save it.
5. Test the results.
a. Return to the thin client.
b. Navigate to Administration - Data > Zip Code Administration.
c. Query for city = Albany.
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Chapter 9 - Page 4
d. Return to the thick client and navigate to Administration - Server Management > Tasks.
e. Query for tasks running the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) component.
f. Select the record where the Task State is “Running” and the Status is “Waiting for
g. Examine the log records in the GUI. Scroll down and examine the SELECT statements.
h. Notice that the SELECT statement that queries for Albany does not include the word
"Albany", making it hard to recognize:

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i. If necessary, start Windows Explorer by selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories >
Windows Explorer.
j. Navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.
k. Right-click SCCObjMgr_enu_00nn_<task ID>.log and select Edit with Notepad++.
l. Search the log file for Albany. Note that it is quite easy to find the SQL in the log file
The SQL style depends on the database; in this case, it is specific to an Oracle
m. Close the file, not saving any changes.
n. Minimize Windows Explorer.
o. Log out of the thin client and close the browser.
6. Disable SQL logging:
a. In the thick client navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers >
Components > Events.
b. In the Components (middle) applet, query for Call Center Object Manager (ENU).
c. In the Events (bottom) applet, query for Event Type = Object Manager SQL Log.
d. Set log level = 1.
e. Step off the record to save it.
f. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
g. Close the browser.
7. Enable and test SQL logging for the Siebel Developer Web Client. This is important, as the
mechanism is different from the mechanism for SQL logging for an AOM.
a. On the Windows desktop, right-click the Siebel Call Center - ENU shortcut and select
Create Shortcut.
b. Right-click the newly-created shortcut and select Properties.
c. Click the General tab.
d. Set Name (the unlabeled field) = Siebel Call Center - Spooled.
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Chapter 9 - Page 5
e. Click the Shortcut tab.
f. In the Target field, AFTER all of the other arguments, add /s D:\Temp\spool.sql. Be
sure you add this argument outside of the quotes.
g. Click OK.
h. Double-click the Siebel Call Center - Spooled shortcut.
i. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
Enable Siebel QuickStart <Unchecked>
j. Navigate to Administration - Data > Zip Code Administration.
k. Query for City = Albany.

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l. Return to Windows Explorer.
m. Navigate to D:\Temp.
n. Right-click spool.sql and select Edit with Notepad++.
o. Search the file for Albany, confirming that the thick client’s SQL commands are indeed
being spooled.
p. Close spool.sql, not saving any changes.
q. Return to the thick client.
r. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
s. Close the browser.
8. Enable logging for the SWSE and gateway name server. Because they are co-located,
enabling logging on one automatically enables logging on the other.
Since the Siebel Developer Web Client is also co-located on this machine, this setting also
enables logging for the thick client.
a. Set the SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS environment variable:
1) On the desktop, right-click your computer icon and select Properties.
2) On the left, click Advanced system settings.
3) Click Environment Variables.
4) Under "System variables", click New.
5) Set:
Variable value 5
6) Click OK.
b. Create a second environment variable named SIEBEL_SESSMGR_TRACE with a
value of 5.
c. Click OK twice to close the System Properties dialog box.
d. Minimize the System window.

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Chapter 9 - Page 6
9. Restart the Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr], and Windows
Process Activation Service (also restarting the World Wide Web Publishing Service). This
enables gateway name server and SWSE logging:
a. Return to the Services window.
b. Right-click Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] and select Stop. Wait for it to stop
c. Right-click Siebel Gateway Name Server and select Stop.
d. Right-click Windows Process Activation Service and select Restart.
e. Click Yes to also restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
f. Right-click Siebel Gateway Name Server and select Start.
g. Right-click Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] and select Start.
The Siebel Server service may take several minutes to fully start. Either use Task
Manager to monitor the CPU or proceed with the next steps and be patient if you

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receive a "Server is busy" error message.
10. Verify that logs are being generated.
a. Return to Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\log.
c. Notice that NameSrvr.log exists and is quite large; at least over 10 MB.
Recording all gateway name server information should only be done when you are
trying to debug an issue; not in a production environment.
d. Navigate to D:\OUses\eppweb\log.
e. Notice that there is at least one file of the form ss<date>_<process id>.log.
11. Generate data for the log.
a. Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer
b. Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
c. Enter:
Password SADMIN
d. Click the arrow.
e. Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Sessions.
f. Query for Component = SCCObjMgr_enu.
g. Locate the SCCObjMgr_enu session with Status = Running.
h. Make a note of the Task number.
12. Examine the log data.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\log.
b. Right-click NameSrvr.log and select Edit with Notepad++.
c. Search for SADMIN.
d. Notice that SADMIN appears multiple times in the log; for example, while writing this
lab the first instance of SADMIN was a security login.
e. Find a few more instances of SADMIN, noting the SADMIN entries in the log.
f. Close NameSrvr.log, not saving any changes.
g. Navigate to D:\OUses\eappweb\log.
h. Right-click the most recent log file and select Edit with Notepad++.
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Chapter 9 - Page 7
i. Search for the task number you recorded above and notice that information on the
session has been logged, using a session ID rather than the user ID.
j. Close the log file, not saving any changes.
k. Log out of the Siebel application.
13. Examine the SWSE statistics page.
a. In Internet Explorer, enter Address =
http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu/_stats.swe. This is the statistics page for
the Siebel Web Server Extension.
b. Explore the statistics. These provide an overview of web server usage that might be
useful in adjusting performance.
c. Enter Address =
http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu/_stats.swe?Verbose=High to see
somewhat more detailed statistics.
14. (Optional) Test the SWSE session monitor setting:

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a. Edit D:\OUseS\eappweb\bin\eapps.cfg to change the SessionMonitor variable to true.
b. Restart the Windows Process Activation Service (also restarting the World Wide Web
Publishing Service).
c. Log in to the Siebel Call Center Web Client as SADMIN/SADMIN.
d. Return to the SWSE statistics page and confirm that the SADMIN session now appears
under "Current Sessions" as a statistic.
e. Close Internet Explorer.
f. In eapps.cfg, change SessionMonitor back to FALSE, then save and close the file.
15. Explore logging for the Siebel Developer Web Client.
a. On the desktop, double-click the Siebel Call Center - ENU shortcut.
b. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
Enable Siebel QuickStart <Unchecked>
c. Click OK.
d. Once you have logged in, return to Windows Explorer and navigate to
e. Notice the massive size of the most recent siebel.log file.
f. Right-click siebel.log and select Edit with Notepad++.
g. Search for SADMIN.
h. Notice that there is a security adapter log entry noting when SADMIN logged in.
i. Optionally, scroll through the log and look at some of the other available information.
j. Close siebel.log, not saving any changes.
k. Return to the thick client and from the application-level menu select File > Log Out.
l. Close the browser.

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Chapter 9 - Page 8
16. Disable gateway name server and SWSE logging:
a. Log out of all instances of Siebel applications and close the browsers.
b. Delete the SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS and SIEBEL_SESSMGR_TRACE environment
1) If necessary, right-click your computer icon and select Properties.
2) On the left, click Advanced system settings.
3) Click Environment Variables.
4) Under System variables, scroll down and select SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS
5) Click Delete.
6) Repeat this step to delete SIEBEL_SESSMGR_TRACE.
7) Click OK.
8) Click OK.
9) Minimize, but do not close, the System window.

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c. Restart the services:
• Windows Process Activation Service
• World Wide Web Publishing Service
• Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr]
• Siebel Gateway Name Server

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Chapter 9 - Page 9
Practice 9-2: Exploring Client-side Logging
• Enable client-side logging for the High Interactivity (HI) client
• Examine JavaScript and CSS files downloaded to the Siebel Open UI client

10 - 15 minutes

In this practice, you will first enable client-side logging. You would normally do this on the client
machine. Client-side logging works for all client types. Once you have explored client-side
logging, you will explore additional options available to users of Siebel Open UI.

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1. Set the environment variables that enable client-side logging.
a. Set the SEBLCL_LOGDIR environment variable:
1) Return to the System window.
2) On the left, click Advanced system settings.
3) Click Environment Variables.
4) Under "System variables", click New.
5) Set:
Variable name SEBLCL_LOGDIR
Variable value D:\Temp
6) Click OK.
b. Create a second environment variable named SEBLCL_TRACEMODE with a value of
c. Click OK twice to close the System Properties dialog box.
d. Minimize the System window.
2. Test the results
a. Log in to the Siebel Call Center web client:
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Data > Zip Code Administration.
c. Query for City = Albany.
d. Return to Windows Explorer.
e. Navigate to D:\Temp.
f. Verify that there is a log file of the form SiebelCL.<long_string>.log.

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Chapter 9 - Page 10
g. Right-click the file and select Edit with Notepad++.
h. Notice the large amount of information in the trace log.
i. Search for Albany.
j. Notice there are trace records for the search for Albany.
k. Close the trace log, not saving any changes.
l. In the Siebel application, from the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
m. Close the browser.
3. Unset the environment variables.
a. Return to the System window.
b. On the left, click Advanced system settings.
c. Click Environment Variables.
d. Under System variables, scroll down and select SEBLCL_LOGDIR.
e. Click Delete.

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f. Repeat this step to delete SEBLCL_TRACEMODE.
g. Click OK.
h. Click OK.
i. Close the System window
4. Use the Google Chrome Property Inspector to examine Siebel Open UI files downloaded to
the client.
a. On the desktop, double-click the Siebel Call Center - ENU shortcut.
b. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
Enable Siebel QuickStart <Unchecked>
c. Click OK.
d. Once you have logged in, right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect Element.
e. In the pane that opens at the bottom of the window, notice that you are examining the
raw HTML for the page.
f. Click Sources.
g. Click the Show Navigator icon.
h. Scroll down and examine the scripts. These are the JavaScript and Cascading Style
Sheet (CSS) files that are downloaded to the client when you start Open UI.
These files are cached on the client and are not re-downloaded on subsequent logins
unless they have been modified on the server.
i. Towards the bottom of the list, select
jqgridrenderer.js?_scb=[23030]_ENU. This is the physical renderer for a
list applet.
j. Notice that you can examine the source code for this JavaScript, and even set
breakpoints to test it.
You can learn more about creating and editing JavaScript files for Siebel Open UI in
Oracle University's Siebel Open UI courses.

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Chapter 9 - Page 11
k. Click Console. The JavaScript console shows any JavaScript errors that have occurred
while the JavaScript files were downloaded and run.
l. In the upper right corner of the Property Inspector, click the Close icon.
m. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
n. Close the browser.

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Practices for Lesson 9

Chapter 9 - Page 12
Practice 9-3: Exploring Event Notification
• Configure and test event notification

15 - 20 minutes

In this practice, you will create a new event notification profile, and then generate an event to
confirm that the Siebel application is correctly notifying you of system events.

1. Create a new event notification profile

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a. Log in to the Siebel Call Center web client:
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > System Alerts.
c. Verify that the Administrator Email Alerts record is selected.
d. From the applet-level menu, select Menu > Copy Record.
Recommended practice is to copy the original record and modify it, rather than
modifying the original.
e. Set:
Name SSA Email Alerts
Alias SSAEmailAlerts
Media EmailNotification
Description Custom alert profile
f. Step off the record to save it.
g. Select the record and set these parameters in the lower applet:
DLLName ssemailntfy
SMTPServerPort 25
SMTPServer localhost
Message This is a test of the mail notification service.

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Chapter 9 - Page 13
These parameters are specific to the mail server installed on your classroom machine.
2. Enable the Workflow Process Manager component and configure it to use this event
notification profile.
a. Enable the Workflow Management component group:
1) Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component
2) Select the Workflow Management component group.
3) In the Component Groups applet, verify that Enable sate = Enabled.
4) In the Component Group Assignments applet in the lower right, verify that
Assigned is checked.
5) If it is not, click Assign.
6) Verify that Enabled on Server? is checked.
7) If not, click Enable.

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b. Set the Workflow Process Manager component to use the custom notification profile.
1) Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component
2) Query Component = Workflow Process Manager.
3) In the Component Parameters (bottom) applet, query for Name = Notification
4) Set Value = SSAEmailAlerts.
This specifies the error handler to use when an error occurs.
5) Click the Advanced button.
6) Query for the “Notification Action on Task Exit” parameter.
7) Change its value to 1. This enables error notification.
c. Synchronize components.
1) Click the Synchronize tab.
2) Click Synchronize. Synchronization should take approximately 1 minute to
d. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
e. Close the browser.
3. Restart the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.
4. Configure Mozilla Thunderbird to receive this e-mail notification.
a. Select Start > All Programs > Mozilla Thunderbird. The "Welcome to Thunderbird"
window should display.
b. Click "Skip this and use my existing email".
c. Enter:
Your name Siebel Administrator
Email address
Password oracle
d. Click Continue. The configuration will fail.

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Chapter 9 - Page 14
e. Set:
Incoming IMAP
Server hostname localhost
Port Auto
SSL Autodetect
Authentication Autodetect
Outgoing SMTP
Server hostname localhost
Port Auto
SSL Autodetect

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Authentication Autodetect
f. Click Re-test. This time the connection succeeds.
g. Click Done.
h. If you receive a security warning, check "I understand the risks" and click Done.
i. Minimize, but do not close, Mozilla Thunderbird.
j. In the Windows Services dialog box, if necessary start the hMailServer service. This
service acts as your e-mail server.
5. Generate an error and check for the message.
a. Log in to the Siebel Call Center web client:
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address = http://localhost/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Jobs.
c. Create and submit a job based on the Workflow Process Manager component with no
parameters. This job will fail, as the Workflow Process Manager has several required
d. Perform empty queries on the job list applet until the job fails.
e. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
f. Close the browser.
g. Switch to Mozilla Thunderbird.
h. In the left pane, click Inbox.
i. Confirm that you have received an e-mail notification of the error.
j. Select the message and confirm that it describes the error, and includes the message
you specified when you created the alert profile.
k. Close Mozilla Thunderbird.

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Practices for Lesson 10
Chapter 10

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Practices for Lesson 10

Chapter 10 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 10
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will first enable Siebel Application Response Measurement (SARM) and
generate a human-readable output file. You will then use SARMQuery to explore querying
SARM data files.

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Practices for Lesson 10

Chapter 10 - Page 2
Practice 10-1: Enabling SARM
• Enable SARM at the component, server, or web server level
• Create a human-readable SARM output file

25 - 30 minutes

In this practice you will first enable SARM for an individual component on the server. This is
useful in situations where you suspect that a single component (such as an Application Object
Manager) is causing performance problems, and you do not want to be overwhelmed with
extraneous data. You will next enable SARM for the server itself and observe the differences in

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the SARM files that are generated. You will then enable SARM for the Siebel Web Server
Extension, since this is a different process from enabling SARM on the server. Finally, you will
run SARMAnalyzer to translate your results to a human-readable format; in this case, to an XML

1. Enable SARM for the Siebel Call Center Object Manager (SCCObjMgr) component.
Since you will be logged into Siebel Call Center to do this, this guarantees that SARM data
will be generated.
a. If necessary, start the Siebel Call Center Web Client:
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address = http://<machine name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the blue arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components >
c. Select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) component.
d. Query for Parameter = SARM.
e. Notice that the only parameter returned is SARM Granularity Level.
f. In the lower right, in the applet labeled SARM Granularity Level in the lower right,
notice that this change is effective immediately; SARM is activated as soon as you set
this parameter to a nonzero value.
g. Set Value = 2 and step off the record to save it.
This level will store detailed SARM information in the SARM file.
h. At the top of the Component Parameters applet, click Hidden.
i. Notice that SARM Enabled = False. This parameter is obsolete.
j. Notice that SARM Memory Size Limit = 4,000,000. You should not need to change this
parameter, which is why it is hidden.
k. Click Advanced.
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Chapter 10 - Page 3
l. Notice that the rest of the commonly-configured SARM parameters are listed under the
Advanced parameters. This allows novice administrators to easily enable and disable
SARM without having to worry about additional features.
m. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log. You should see a single
SARM file. If you do not see any SARM files, wait up to three minutes (the SARM
Period) until one appears.
n. Notice that the name includes an A (application) prefix, the component
(SCCObjMgr_enu), a timestamp starting with T, a process id starting with P, a file
number starting with N, and a .sarm suffix.
2. Enable SARM for the entire Siebel server.
For this exercise, you will first disable SARM on the Call Center Object Manager
component so you can clearly observe inheritance of the parameter. You will also restart
the Siebel Server service to observe the archiving properties of SARM files. Normally,
restarting the server to enable SARM is not necessary.

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a. Return to Siebel Call Center, where you should still have the Siebel Call Center Object
Manager (ENU) selected.
b. In the Component Parameters applet, if necessary click Reset to return to the basic
c. Right-click the SARM Granularity Level and select Delete Parameter Override.
Use "Delete Parameter Override" whenever you want to reset a component parameter
to its base value. If you manually set the value it still counts as an override, even if you
set it to the parent value.
d. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\OUsea\siebsrvr\log. Note that the SARM file is
still there. Turning off SARM does not impact the existing files.
e. Return to Siebel Call Center.
f. Above the middle (Components) applet, click the Parameters tab.
g. Query for Parameter = SARM.
h. Set SARM Granularity Level = 2.
i. Step off the record to save it.
j. Confirm that the Call Center Object Manager component has inherited this value as the
default value and the value on restart.
1) In the middle (Server Parameters) applet, click the Components tab.
2) If necessary, select Call Center Object Manager (ENU).
3) In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab.
4) Verify that Value on Restart and Default Value are both 2.
5) Notice that the value itself has not immediately changed.
This is because the component is still running and components only read the
inherited values when they are restarted. You could restart each component
manually, but it is faster to do a full server restart to ensure all the components
start with the new value.
k. From the application-level menu, select File > Log out.
l. Minimize Internet Explorer.
m. If necessary, start the Services window by selecting Start > Administrative Tools >
n. Right-click the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service and select Stop.
o. Wait for the service to stop completely before proceeding.
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p. Use Windows Explorer to confirm that the SARM file is still in the log directory.
q. Return to the Services window.
r. Right-click the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service and select Start.
s. Wait for the service to start completely before proceeding.
t. Use Windows Explorer to examine the log directory. Notice that the SARM file for
SCCObjMgr_enu is now gone.
u. Navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\logarchive.
This directory contains archives of previous sets of log files. Each time the server
starts, it moves all of the existing files in the log directory to an archive directory in this
v. Locate the most recently-created log archive directory (typically the one with the
highest number) and confirm that the SARM file has been stored in this directory.
This mechanism ensures that SARM data is segregated into individual invocations of

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the server; once the server restarts, a new set of SARM files is generated.
w. Return to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.
x. Confirm that there are now multiple SARM files corresponding to various server
components in the directory.
If you do not see any SARM files, wait up to three minutes for them to be created.
3. Enable and explore SARM on the Siebel Web Server Extension.
This allows tracking performance of the Web server. You set Web server SARM
parameters by setting environment variables.
a. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\OUses\eappweb\log.
b. Verify that there are no SARM files in this directory.
c. Add an environment variable to enable SARM for the Siebel Web Server Extension
1) Right-click the Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties.
2) In the left pane, click Advanced system settings.
3) Click Environment Variables.
4) Under the System Variables pane, click New. It is recommended that you set
SARM environment variables at the system level rather than the user level to
ensure they are visible no matter which user logs in.
5) Set:
Variable name SIEBEL_SARMLevel
Variable value 2
Case is important, so enter the variable name extremely carefully.
A complete list of SARM environment variables is available in the Siebel
Performance Tuning Guide.
6) Click OK.
7) Click OK to close the Environment Variables dialog box.
8) Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.
9) Minimize the System window.
d. Return to the Services window.
e. Restart the Windows Process Activation Service.

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Chapter 10 - Page 5
f. Click Yes to also restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
g. Restart the Siebel Gateway Name Server:
1) Stop the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.
2) Stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
3) Start the Siebel Gateway Name Server service.
4) Start the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service. Wait for it to fully start before
h. Return to Internet Explorer.
Some Web activity is required to generate the Siebel Web Server Extension SARM file.
i. If necessary, enter Address = http://<machine name>/callcenter_enu.
j. Enter:

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Password SADMIN
k. Click the blue arrow.
l. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\OUses\eappweb\log.
m. Verify that a SARM file of the form W (web application)_<machine
name>_T<timestamp>_P<process id>_N<file number>.sarm is listed.
n. Navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\log.
o. Verify that a SARM file has been generated for the gateway name server as well, with
an M prefix.
p. Disable GNS and SWSE logging.
1) Return to the System window.
2) In the left pane, click Advanced system settings.
3) Click Environment Variables.
4) Under the System Variables pane, double-click the SIEBEL_SARMLevel record.
5) Set Variable value = 0.
6) Click OK.
7) Click OK to close the Environment Variables dialog.
8) Click OK to close the System Properties dialog.
9) Close the System window.
4. You will finally use SARMAnalyzer to convert a SARM file to XML format.
While SARMAnalyzer has been almost entirely replaced by SARMQuery, it is still a useful
tool for converting SARM files to human-readable format.
a. If necessary, open a command prompt by selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories
> Command Prompt.
b. Enter:
cd D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin
This is where the SARMAnalyzer executable is located.
Note: All of the strings used in this practice are included in

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Chapter 10 - Page 6
c. Enter:
sarmanalyzer –h
Case is not important. This brings up the help information for SARMAnalyzer.
d. Return to Windows Explorer and navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.
e. Copy the name of one of the SARM files.
f. Return to the command prompt.
g. Enter:
sarmanalyzer -o output.xml -d xml -f ..\log\<filename>
where <filename> is the name of one of your Siebel Server SARM files. This command
parses the SARM file and outputs it in XML format..
You will see a message that the SARM index is out of date and is being rebuilt.
This is normal.

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h. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUsea\siebsrvr\bin.
i. Right-click output.xml and select Edit with Notepad++.
j. Verify that output.xml is a human-readable XML file containing SARM data.
k. Close output.xml, not saving any changes.
You will generate more human-readable SARM files in the next practice.

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Chapter 10 - Page 7
Practice 10-2: Using SARMQuery
• To use SARMQuery to analyze SARM data files

20 - 25 minutes

In this practice, you will experiment with the SARMQuery tool. SARMQuery has a large number
of options; you will explore a subset of these.
Practice Hint: Throughout this practice, you will be entering commands with almost-identical
formats. The keyboard up and down arrows can be used to move backwards and forward
through the command shell history buffer, and the right and left arrows move the cursor within

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the current command. This can save you quite a bit of typing or cutting-and-pasting.

1. Access the SARMQuery tips and help options. These are useful when first starting with
a. If necessary, open a command prompt be selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories
> Command Prompt.
b. Enter:
set PATH=%PATH%;D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin
c. This adds the Siebel Server executables directory to the PATH environment variable.
d. Enter:
cd D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log
Recall that this is the directory containing all of your server-generated SARM files.
Choosing the log directory minimizes your typing because you don’t have to qualify the
SARM file names.
e. Enter:
Case is not important.
f. Notice that SARMQuery provides you with a synopsis of command options.
g. Enter:
SARMQuery -tips
h. Notice the large number of tips listed. You could redirect this output to a file using the >
outputfile.txt suffix to examine this in a more convenient form. You will see a different
method for saving the output in a subsequent step.
i. Enter:
SARMQuery -help
j. Notice that this provides a much more robust help dialog, but there is so much
information it is hard to parse.

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k. Enter:
SARMQuery -output verbose=help.txt -help
This saves the output from the SARMQuery -help command in a text file named
help.txt. If you have extra time at the end of this practice, you can refer to this file to
experiment with SARM queries of your own.
l. In Windows Explorer, if necessary navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.
m. Right-click help.txt and select Edit with Notepad++.
n. Review the help file.
o. Minimize Notepad++.
2. Experiment with narrowing down a query by area and subarea.
This allows you to quickly determine exactly what part of the application is causing
performance issues.
a. Enter:

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SARMQuery -input .
Do not forget the space between input and the dot. The single dot tells SARMQuery to
read all of the SARM files from the current directory. Since you provided no other
options, SARMQuery prints summary information about the SARM files it found.
b. Enter:
SARMQuery -input . -aggregate area
This command aggregates the output by area.
c. If your command prompt is too small to contain the histogram, resize it:
1) Right-click the top of the Command Prompt window and select Properties.
2) Click the Layout tab.
3) Under Screen Buffer Size, set Width = 120.
4) Set Height = 5000.
5) Under Window Size, set Width = 120.
6) Set Height = 50.
7) Click OK.
8) Reposition the window so it is entirely visible.
9) (Optional) Rerun the previous command to get a better-formatted histogram.
d. Notice that the database area (DBC) takes a fairly high percentage of the time
(7.390% on the test machine) when you weren't performing many database operations.
You will examine the DBC area in more detail.
e. Enter:
SARMQuery -i . -select area=DBC -agg subarea
This lists the subareas of the area you are interested in, allowing you to narrow in on
the problem. Notice that you have abbreviated both the input and aggregate flags.
From now on the practice instructions will abbreviate commands you have previously
f. Notice that the DBC_FETCH subarea takes the most time.
This seems very reasonable; since you weren't performing any database operations,
most of the database time must have been spent retrieving database information.

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Chapter 10 - Page 9
3. Explore multiple aggregations by determining whether a particular user was performing
unusually large or complex queries.
Because the command line output screen will only show the top-level aggregation, it is
necessary to send the output to a file to see deeper aggregations. The -output
agg=<filename> flag sends aggregated data to an XML or text file.
a. Enter:
SARMQuery -i . -sel area=DBC -agg subarea -agg user -output
This aggregates the results by subarea and then by user and sends the output
aggregated data to a file named aggusers.xml. This query is useful in that you can see
which user spent a lot of time in each subarea, quickly identifying any users who are
taking up too many resources.
b. Return to Windows Explorer.
c. Navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.

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d. Right-click aggusers.xml and select Edit with Notepad++.
e. Find "User Name".
f. Notice that the users listed in the data are ?Unknown?, SADMIN, and GUESTERM.
You can also scroll through the file and note the maximum response times for each
user in each subarea. Once you found the user with the highest response time, you
could start performing further queries to find out what that user was doing to use so
many database cycles.
g. Close aggusers.xml, not saving any changes.
4. Explore call trees.
For this exercise it is useful to locate a single SARM record and examine its call tree.
Normally you would perform this analysis to find bottlenecks in individual requests.
To locate an individual SARM record in a call tree, you need to generate a human-readable
SARM record. In the previous practice you did this using SARMAnalyzer. Here you will
perform the same step using SARMQuery.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log and select and copy the
name of one of the SCCOBJMgr SARM files. Be sure to copy the name rather than the
file itself. It may be easier to rename the file copy.sarm and use that name instead.
b. Return to the command prompt and enter:
SARMQuery -input <filename> -output sarm=SCCsarmdata.csv
Where <filename> is the name you just copied. This generates a CSV file containing all
of the SARM data from the input file.
c. Use OpenOffice Calc to open D:\OUseS\siebsrvr\log\SCCsarmdata.csv.
1) In Windows Explorer, if necessary navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.
2) Double-click SCCsarmdata.csv.
3) If necessary, set the delimiter to comma-delimited and click OK.
d. Locate a record with a depth value greater than 1; preferably greater than 2. Record
the SARMID and ParentID.
Finding a depth of 2 or more indicates that you have found a SARM record that was
invoked by a different SARM record; that is, the record you recorded is guaranteed to
have a parent record.

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Use the Window > Split command to split the window so you can keep track of the
column headers.
e. At the command prompt, enter:
SARMQuery -i . -sel sarmid=<SARMID> -sel tree=parent -output
The added tree flag identifies the parent of this SARM record; that is, the record that
called it.
f. Open D:\OUsea\siebsrvr\log\parentrecord.csv.
g. Examine the file. Confirm that this query returned the appropriate parent record; that is,
the parent ID matches the one you recorded.
h. Close parentrecord.csv, not saving any changes.
i. At the command prompt, enter:
SARMQuery -i . -sel sarmid=<SARMID> -sel tree=all -output

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This returns the entire call tree for this record.
j. Open D:\OUsea\siebsrvr\log\entiretree.csv.
k. Examine the file. Confirm that this query returned the full call tree for the record. This
would be useful for looking for bottlenecks in the system.
l. Close entiretree.csv, not saving any changes.
5. Explore macros.
a. In Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\Labs\SysAdmin\SARM.
b. Copy MyMacro.txt to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log.
c. Right-click MyMacro.txt and select Edit with Notepad++.
d. Examine the file:
• Line 1 names the macro MyMacro
• Line 2 specifies the input directory
• Line 3 sets the area to the argument passed to the macro. If no argument is
passed, the area defaults to OBJMGR.
• Line 4 aggregates over subareas.
• Line 5 sets the output file name to the second argument passed to the macro. If no
argument is passed, the output file name defaults to agg.txt.
e. Close myMacro.txt, not saving any changes.
f. At the command prompt, enter:
SARMQuery -config file=myMacro.txt -config macro=MyMacro
With no arguments, the macro uses its default values.
g. Open D:\OUses\siebsrvr\log\agg.txt and confirm that the query completed correctly;
that is, the query performed over the OBJMGR area and aggregated by subarea.
h. Close agg.txt, not saving any changes.
i. At the command prompt, enter:
SARMQuery -config file=myMacro.txt -config macro=MyMacro(DBC)
Note that there is no space between the macro name (MyMacro) and the argument
(DBC). Macros can be called with only some of their arguments, the rest will use

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Chapter 10 - Page 11
default values. This provides versatility in calling the macros from batch files or the
command line.
j. Examine agg.txt and confirm the results; that is, the query performed over the DBC
area and aggregated by subarea.
k. Close agg.txt, not saving any changes.
l. At the command prompt, enter:
SARMQuery -config file=myMacro.txt -config
Multiple arguments are comma-delimited.
m. Use Notepad++ to examine aggregated.xml and confirm the results; that is, it still
performed over the DBC area but saved it in a different file format.
n. Close any open files.
6. If you have extra time, perform additional SARMQueries to familiarize yourself with this tool.

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Practices for Lesson 11
Chapter 11

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Practices for Lesson 11

Chapter 11 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 11
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will first explore managing the high interactivity (HI) client using the
browser health check and predeploy.htm. You will then explore managing the Open UI client by
clearing the browser cache.

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Chapter 11 - Page 2
Practice 11-1: Managing High Interactivity (HI) Clients
• Configure and test the Browser Health check for HI clients

20 - 25 minutes

In this practice you will first explore the Browser Health Check for both the Siebel Web Client
(thin client) and Siebel Developer Web Client (thick client). You will then remove the ActiveX
controls from Internet Explorer's cache and use the as-delivered predeploy.htm file to reinstall

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1. Verify that the Browser Health Check is enabled for Siebel Call Center.
a. Log in to the Siebel Call Center Web Client (thin client):
1) If necessary, start Internet Explorer by selecting Start > All Programs > Internet
2) Set Address = http://<machine name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the blue arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component
c. In the Component Definitions (middle) applet, query for Component = Call Center.
d. If necessary, select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) component definition.
e. In the Component Parameters (bottom) applet, query for Name = HighInteractivity.
f. Verify that Value = True.
While you should be able to tell that you are in the HI client, the Browser Health Check
only works for HI clients so it is a good idea to make sure the client is HI before
administering the check.
g. Query for Name = EnableClientHealthCheck.
h. Verify that Value = True.
i. Query for Name = DisableScriptDebug. This is one of the parameters the Browser
Health Check uses to configure Internet Explorer.
j. Verify that Value = Recommended. The Browser Health Check will recommend
enabling this feature, but will not require it.
k. Remain logged in to Siebel Call Center.

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2. Configure Internet Explorer so that it does not meet the Browser Health Check's
recommendations and confirm that the Browser Health Check runs and corrects the
a. From Internet Explorer's application-level menu, select Tools > Internet Options.
b. Click the Advanced tab.
c. In the Browsing section, locate "Disable script debugging (Other)" and uncheck it.

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d. Click OK.
e. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List.
f. Notice that the Browser Health Check does not run.
It only runs when a user first logs in to the application.
g. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
h. Log in again as SADMIN/SADMIN.
i. Confirm that the Browser Health Check runs and lists the setting as Recommended.
Note that other related settings may also have been changed; for example, during
testing users saw a "Print Background Colors and Images" checkbox. As long as the
original checkbox is also shown, this is not an issue.
j. Click Auto Fix.

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k. Click Run.
l. From Internet Explorer's application-level menu, select Tools > Internet Options.
m. Click the Advanced tab.
n. Verify that "Disable Script debugging (Other)" is now checked; that is, the Browser
Health check re-enabled it.
o. Click Cancel.
p. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
q. Set the Disable script debugging checkbox again:
1) From Internet Explorer's application-level menu, select Tools > Internet Options.
2) Click the Advanced tab.
3) In the Browsing section, locate "Disable script debugging (Other)" and uncheck it.
4) Click OK.
r. Close Internet Explorer.

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3. Repeat these tests for the Siebel Developer Web Client (thick client).
a. If necessary, start Windows Explorer by selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories >
Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\Labs\SysAdmin\Clients.
c. Right-click uagent.cfg and select Edit with Notepad++.
This is the same uagent.cfg that is used for the classroom image's Open UI client; the
EnableOpenUI line has just been commented out.
d. Scroll to line 289. This is the beginning of the [InfraUIFramework] section.
e. Scroll to line 348. Notice that EnableClientHealthCheck = TRUE.
f. Examine lines 350-361. This is the section on the Browser Health Check settings.
g. Notice that, similar to the thin client, DisableScriptDebug = Recommended.
h. Close uagent.cfg, not saving any changes.
i. In Windows Explorer, in D:\Labs\SysAdmin\Clients, double-click the Siebel Call Center
- ENU (HI) shortcut.
j. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
Enable Siebel QuickStart <Unchecked>
k. Click OK.
l. Confirm that the Browser Health Check runs and lists the setting as Recommended.
m. Click Auto Fix.
n. Click Run.
o. From Internet Explorer's application-level menu, select Tools > Internet Options.
p. Click the Advanced tab.
q. Verify that "Disable Script debugging (Other)" is now checked.
r. Click Cancel.
s. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.

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Chapter 11 - Page 5
Practice 11-2: Managing Open UI Clients
• Clear the browser cache to reload JavaScript and CSS files

20 - 30 minutes

This practice assumes you created a custom application object manager and assigned it to the
Sales virtual directory, so http://<machine name>/sales_enu should support Siebel Open UI. If
you did not perform that lab, configure Siebel Call Center to support Open UI:
• Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component

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• In the Component Definitions applet, query for Component = Call Center Object
Manager (ENU).
• In the Component Parameters applet, query for Name = EnableOpenUI.
• Set Value = True.
• From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
• Restart the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.

In this practice, you will explore options for managing Siebel Open UI. While Siebel Open UI
should run on "any standards-compliant browser", you should be able to check whether or not a
browser is standards-compliant. Also, as the Siebel Open UI scripts are updated on the server,
you may need to clear the browser cache on the client or mark the files as expired on the web
server to force the updated files to be re-downloaded to the client. You will perform these steps
for the classroom image software. (Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Information Services

Note that many web sites exist to check whether a browser is standards-compliant. For
example, or Wikipedia
provides a table of which browser supports which version of JavaScript at Unfortunately, most browsers support features rather
than version numbers so it can be hard to tell. The HTML5test web site provides the most
comprehensive lists of features supported by each browser.

1. Test clearing the browser cache to load updated files.
a. Log in to the Siebel Open UI Web Client.
1) Select Start > All Programs > Google Chrome > Google Chrome.
2) Enter Address = http://<machine name>/sales_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN

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4) Click Login.
b. Right-click anywhere in the browser window and select Inspect Element.
c. In the Property Inspector (bottom) pane, click the Sources tab.
d. Click Show Navigator .
e. Notice the large number of scripts that are available; Google Chrome caches the
Siebel Open UI scripts so that they do not have to be downloaded again the next time
the user logs in.
f. Under sales_enu/23030/scripts, select alarm.js.
If you are using Call Center, the directory will be callcenter_enu.
g. Notice that the source code for alarm.js is shown, including a set of comments at the
top of the file.
h. Close alarm.js.

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i. Close the property inspector.
j. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
k. Close Google Chrome.
l. Modify alarm.js.
1) In Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\eappweb\PUBLIC\enu\23030\scripts.
This is where Siebel OpenUI JavaScript files are stored.
2) Right-click alarm.js and select Edit with Notepad++.
3) At the top of the file, add a comment:
// This file modified by <your name> on <date>

4) Save alarm.js.
5) Minimize Notepad++.
m. Log back in to the Siebel Web Client.
1) Select Start > All Programs > Google Chrome > Google Chrome.
2) Enter Address = http://<machine name>/sales_enu.
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3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click Login.
n. Verify that the new alarm.js file is not loaded.
This is expected behavior: It is very efficient for the client machine to cache files
downloaded from the server, and it would be inefficient for it to check for updates every
time it loads. Either the client must clear its cache, or the server must notify the client
that the file is stale.
1) Right-click anywhere in the browser window and select Inspect Element.
2) In the Property Inspector (bottom) pane, click the Sources tab.
3) Click Show Navigator.

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4) If alarm.js is already open, close it.
5) Under sales_enu/23030/scripts, select alarm.js.
6) Notice that your comment is not shown in the source code for the file.
7) Minimize but do not close alarm.js.
8) Close the Property Inspector.
o. Clear the browsing cache.

1) In the upper right, click the "Customize and control Google Chrome" icon .
2) Select Tools > Clear Browsing Data.
3) Verify that "Obliterate the following items from" = The past hour.
4) Verify that only "Empty the cache" is selected.
5) Click Clear browsing data.
6) Close the Settings tab.
p. If necessary, return to the Siebel Call Center tab.
q. Navigate to a different page, then back to the Home page.
1) Right-click anywhere in the browser window and select Inspect Element.
2) In the Property Inspector (bottom) pane, click the Sources tab.
3) Click Show Navigator.
4) If alarm.js is already open, close it.
5) Under sales_enu/23030/scripts, select alarm.js.
6) Notice that the updated file still isn't loaded.
Browsers cache information in two ways: On the filesystem and in memory.
Clearing the cache cleared the filesystem, but not from memory. You must clear
both the filesystem and memory to force Google Chrome to read the new file.
2. Explore techniques for clearing both the browser cache and memory.
a. Manually clear the browser cache and memory.
1) From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
2) In the upper right, click the "Customize and control Google Chrome" icon.
3) Select Tools > Clear Browsing Data.
4) Click Clear browsing data.
5) Close the Settings tab.
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Chapter 11 - Page 8
6) Close Google Chrome.
b. Log back in to the Siebel Web Client.
1) Select Start > All Programs > Google Chrome > Google Chrome.
2) Enter Address = http://<machine name>/sales_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click Login.
c. Verify that the new alarm.js file is now loaded.
1) Right-click anywhere in the browser window and select Inspect Element.
2) In the Property Inspector (bottom) pane, click the Sources tab.
3) Click Show Navigator.

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4) If necessary, under sales_enu/23030/scripts, select alarm.js.
5) Notice that your comment is now shown in the source code for the file.
6) Close the Property Inspector.
d. Return to Notepad++.
e. Add a second comment to alarm.js.
f. Save and close alarm.js.
g. Use Google Chrome's reload functionality to perform a one-step cache and memory
1) Return to Google Chrome.
2) Click and hold the Refresh button .
3) From the drop-down, select Empty Cache and Hard Reload.

Depending on your version of Google Chrome, sometimes a normal reload will

work (as it has during our tests on the classroom image) and sometimes it won't
(as we have seen with older versions of Google Chrome). Recommended practice
is to use Empty Cache and Hard Reload, as this works on all versions of Google
4) If necessary, log back in as SADMIN/SADMIN.
h. Verify that the new alarm.js file is now loaded.
1) Right-click anywhere in the browser window and select Inspect Element.
2) In the Property Inspector (bottom) pane, click the Sources tab.
3) If necessary, click Show Navigator.
4) If necessary, under sales_enu/23030/scripts, select alarm.js.
5) Notice that your comment is now shown in the source code for the file.

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Chapter 11 - Page 9
6) Close the Property Inspector.
i. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
j. Close Google Chrome.
3. If you enabled Open UI for Siebel Call Center, reverse the steps you performed at the
beginning of the practice (log in, set EnableOpenUI = False, and restart the Siebel Server)
to disable it once again.

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Practices for Lesson 11

Chapter 11 - Page 10
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Practices for Lesson 12
Chapter 12

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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 12
Practices Overview
In these practices you will create and compare enterprise backup files, then use a migration
script to update your Enterprise.
Because of the importance of typing the commands correctly for the server manager, all of the
commands you will enter in this practice are contained in the file
D:\Labs\SysAdmin\ParamMigration\commands.txt. You may cut and paste these commands
instead of typing them in manually.

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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 2
Practice 12-1: Create a Migration Script
• Create a backup of the current Siebel Enterprise configuration
• Run the cfgmerge utility to create a migration script

25 - 30 minutes

In this practice, you will use the cfgmerge utility to compare two enterprise configuration files to
produce a parameter migration script. You will then examine the parameters that will be
changed when we run the migration script. Note that in the classroom we have only one Siebel
Enterprise and server setup. You will simulate merging with a second Enterprise by using two

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backup siebns.dat files for comparison.

1. Create a siebns.dat file backup of the current Siebel Enterprise configuration.
a. If necessary, start the Siebel Developer Web Client, connecting to the Server
1) Double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
3) Click OK.
b. In the Siebel Developer Web client, navigate to Administration - Server Configuration >
Enterprise Explorer.
c. Click Backup Enterprise.
d. If necessary, open Windows Explorer.
e. Navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\ADMIN.
f. Sort by the date modified column, (to make it easier to spot your backup file) and
confirm that there is now a file named siebns.dat.<timestamp>, for example,

g. Rename this siebns backup file to siebns_target.dat.

We will use this backup file as our target for the cfgmerge utility.
2. Change a parameter in what will be considered our source Enterprise by the cfgmerge
a. In the Siebel Developer Web client, navigate to Administration - Server Configuration >
Enterprises > Parameters.
b. Query for the Max Threads parameter.
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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 3
c. Set Max Threads = 30.
d. Step off the record to save it.
3. Create an Enterprise backup that contains the Max Threads parameter change.
a. In the Siebel Developer Web client, navigate to Administration - Server Configuration >
Enterprise Explorer.
b. Click Backup Enterprise.
c. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\ADMIN.
d. Sort by the date modified column, (to make it easier to spot your backup file) and
confirm that there is now a file named siebns.dat.<timestamp>, for example,
e. Rename this siebns backup file to siebns_source.dat.
You will use this backup file as the source for the cfgmerge utility.
4. Move the siebns_source.dat and siebens_target.dat files to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\BIN.

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a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\gtwysrvr\ADMIN.
b. Right click and copy the siebns_source.dat and the siebns_target.dat files into
5. Run the cfgmerge utility.
a. Open a command prompt and change to the Siebel Server’s bin directory.
a. Select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
b. Verify that a command prompt is shown:

c. Change to the directory containing the cfgmerge executable.

1) At the prompt, enter the command:
cd D:\OUses\siebsrvr\bin
d. At the prompt, enter the command:
cfgmerge -l ENU -i siebns_source.dat,siebns_target.dat -e
OUEnt,OUEnt -o output_file.cmd
If you prefer to copy-and-paste the commands, they are included in
D:\Labs\SysAdmin\ParamMigration\commands.txt. Note that the practice number in the
solution file is off by one (13 instead of 12). This is not an issue.
You should notice a pause for a couple of seconds as the migration script is generated,
after the pause you will return to the prompt without receiving notice of any activity.
e. Leave the command prompt open.
6. Verify the creation of the migration script.
a. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUses\siebsrvr\BIN.
b. Confirm you have a file titled: "output_file.cmd".
This is the name you specified in the output flag of cfgmerge.
-o output_file.cmd

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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 4
Practice 12-2: Review, Edit, and Run the Parameter Migration Script
• Review the Siebel Parameter migration script that was generated by the cfgmerge utility
• Edit the migration script to use a different value than was found on the source
• Run the Siebel Parameter migration script that includes your customized parameter

25 - 30 minutes

In this practice, you will review the Siebel migration script in a text editor. You should become
familiar with how each component definition is compared and how it is displayed in the script

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when it has a change suggestion or not. You will discover a recommended change in the
migration script containing the values found in the source Siebel Enterprise configuration file.
You will then modify the recommended value in the migration script so it will apply a customized
Enterprise parameter value to our active Siebel Enterprise when the script is run. Next you will
connect to the OUEnt Siebel Enterprise and run the Siebel parameter migration script to update
the targeted parameter in our live Siebel Enterprise. Finally, you will return to the Siebel thick
client to verify the parameter was changed to the customized value you inserted into the
migration script.

1. Review the migration script.
a. Right click the output_file.cmd and select Edit with Notepad ++.
b. Examine the file looking for any recommendations.
c. Notice that many of the component definitions are showing no recommendations.
When no recommendation is found the migration script will show a block such as this:
; Merging component definition SMObjMgr_enu
; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
d. Review the recommendation near the top for "enterprise OUEnt".
e. Notice it is listed with a recommendation to update the MaxThreads parameter.
; Merging enterprise OUEnt
; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; Value of parameter MaxThreads in the source configuration:
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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 5
; Parameter MaxThreads had no specified override in the target
; Recommended action: set the parameter value in the target
; Delete the next line (or use a semi-colon to comment the
line out) if you don’t want to make this change to the target
change entparam MaxThreads=30

; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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To exclude parameters from being updated comment out the "change" action line. If we
wanted to exclude this change we could add a semicolon preceding it, for example:
;change entparam MaxThreads=30
2. Directly edit the values of the migration script to demonstrate the flexibility the process
a. Set MaxThreads = 40 in the "output_file.cmd" migration script. For example:
change entparam MaxThreads=40
Remember, the MaxThreads value in the target siebns.dat file for our Enterprise is 20
and the MaxThreads in the source siebns.dat is 30. 30 is also the value that is currently
set in our live Enterprise.
b. Click File > Save to save the output_file.cmd migration script.
3. Run the migration script from srvrmgr.
a. Exit all Siebel Clients and any open browsers.
b. Return to the command prompt.
c. Verify the directory you are viewing is D:\OUSes\siebsrvr\bin.
d. Enter:
srvrmgr /g localhost -e OUEnt -u SADMIN -p SADMIN
e. At the srvrmgr> prompt, enter:
read output_file.cmd
The command window should scroll through its actions and stop after the final merge:

You can also run the migration script when logging into the srvrmgr program by using
the /i or -i flag and specifying the input file name along with the other login parameters.
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Chapter 12 - Page 6
4. Confirm the Enterprise parameter MaxThreads=40 was migrated to the target Enterprise.
a. Start the Siebel Developer Web Client, connecting to the Server database.
1) Double click the desktop shortcut: Siebel Call Center – ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
3) Click OK.
b. In the Siebel Developer Web client, navigate to Administration - Server Configuration >
Enterprises > Parameters.
c. Query for the Max Threads parameter and verify the value is now set to 40.

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d. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
e. Close Google Chrome.

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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 7
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Practices for Lesson 12

Chapter 12 - Page 8
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Practices for Lesson 13
Chapter 13

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Practices for Lesson 13

Chapter 13 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 13
Practices Overview
There are no practices for this lesson.

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Practices for Lesson 13

Chapter 13 - Page 2
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Practices for Lesson 14
Chapter 14

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Practices for Lesson 14

Chapter 14 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 14
Practices Overview
In these practices, you will explore exporting and importing application customizations using
Application Deployment Manager (ADM).

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Practices for Lesson 14

Chapter 14 - Page 2
Practice 14-1: Enabling Application Deployment Manager (ADM)
• Enable component groups to support ADM
• Activate workflows to support ADM
• Set profile parameters to support ADM
• Use ADM to export a database customization
• Use ADM to import a database customization

30 - 40 minutes


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In this practice you will first enable the component groups that are required to support
application deployment manager (ADM). You will next configure the required profile parameters.
While you are waiting for the Siebel Server to restart, you will configure the Siebel Developer
Web Client to export data, perform a database customization, and export the customization.
You will then complete enabling ADM by activating the required workflows. Finally, you will
import and verify the database customization.
NOTE: This practice does not use an orchestration environment, hence not all of the steps are
required. Optional steps are either marked or noted as optional to give you a concrete
understanding of which components are used when.

1. Enable the ADM, Workflow, and EAI component groups to support ADM.
The ADM and EAI component groups are only used when you are working with an
orchestration environment. The Workflow component group should be enabled for file-
based imports and exports.
a. If necessary log on to the Siebel Call Center Web Client (thin client).
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer.
2) Set Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the blue arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component Groups.
c. In the Component Groups (middle) applet, query for Name = ADM.
d. In the lower right applet, click Enable.
If the Enable button is disabled, check to see whether the component group is already
assigned to and enabled on the server.
e. In the Component Groups applet, query for Name = Workflow.
f. If necessary, in the lower right applet click Enable.
g. In the Component Groups applet, query for Name = EAI.
h. If necessary, in the lower right applet click Enable.

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Chapter 14 - Page 3
i. Above the Component Groups applet, click the Synchronize tab.
j. Click Synchronize.
You should always synchronize after enabling or disabling component groups. This
synchronizes the settings on the Siebel Gateway Name Server with all of the Siebel
2. (Optional) Enable ADM for the appropriate object managers.
This step is required only when you are using an orchestration environment.
a. Above the Component Groups applet, click the Component Definitions tab.
b. Query for Component = Call Center.
c. If necessary, select Call Center Object Manager (ENU).
d. In the Component Parameters (bottom) applet, query for Name =
e. Set Value = True.

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f. Step off the record to save it.
g. In the Component Definitions (middle) applet, query for Component = Application
Deployment Manager.
h. Select the Application Deployment Manager Object Manager (ENU).
i. In the Component Parameters (bottom) applet, set EnableADMSupport = True.
j. Step off the record to save it.
3. (Optional) Manage the Java parameters used by ADM.
This step is required only when you are using an orchestration environment.
a. Edit the ADMJavaSubsys profile to point to the necessary Java ARchive (JAR) files
used by ADM:
1) Above the Component Definitions applet, click the Profile Configuration tab.
2) Query for Profile = ADMJavaSubsys.
This profile is used by ADM to access the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and
the correct JAR files.
3) In the Profile Parameters (bottom) applet, in the Value column set:
JVM Classpath D:\OUses\siebsrvr\mgmtagent\lib\admstatussvc.jar;
JVM DLL Name D:\Progra~2\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll
JVM Options -Xusealtsigs
These strings are contained in D:\Labs\SysAdmin\ADM\ADMJavaSubsys.txt.
Important note: Because the Java version may be different on different
installations, verify the existence of jvm.dll before entering this value. If the JRE is
installed in a different location, adjust the parameter accordingly.
b. Change the enterprise-level JVM Subsystem Name parameter to point to the
ADMJavaSubsys profile.
1) Above the Profile Configuration (middle) applet, click the Parameters tab.
2) Query for Name = JVM Subsystem Name.
3) Set Value = ADM Java Systems.

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Practices for Lesson 14

Chapter 14 - Page 4
4) Step off the record to save it.
c. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
d. Close Internet Explorer.
4. Restart the Siebel Server service.
a. If necessary, start the Services application by selecting Start > Administrative Tools >
b. Scroll down to locate the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service.
c. Right-click the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service and select Stop.
d. Wait for the service to stop completely before proceeding.
e. Right-click the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] service and select Start.
f. Proceed with the practice; there is no need to wait for the service to fully start.
5. Configure the Siebel Developer Web Client (thick client) to support data exports.
a. If necessary, start Windows Explorer by selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories >

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Windows Explorer.
b. Navigate to D:\OUses\Client\bin\ENU.
c. Create a backup copy of uagent.cfg.
d. Right-click uagent.cfg and select Edit with Notepad++.
e. At the end of the file, add:
EAIFileTransportFolders = D:\export
This section gives the Siebel Developer Web Client write permission to the D:\export
These lines are contained in D:\Labs\SysAdmin\ADM\cfglines.txt.
f. Save and close uagent.cfg.
g. Create the D:\export folder.
6. Use the Sample database to create and export a database customization.
a. Start the Siebel Developer Web Client, connecting to the Sample database.
1) On the desktop, double-click Siebel Call Center - ENU.
2) Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Sample
Enable Siebel QuickStart <Unchecked>
3) Click OK.
b. Create a user list. User lists are an exportable customization.
1) Navigate to Administration - Group > User Lists.
2) In the top applet, create a new record with Name = SSA User List.
3) In the bottom applet, create a new record and select Siebel Administrator.
If necessary, query for User ID = SADMIN to find this record.
4) Click OK to close the "Add Users" dialog.
5) Verify that Siebel Administrator has been added to the bottom applet.

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Practices for Lesson 14

Chapter 14 - Page 5
c. Create a filter to export only the SSA User List.
Filtering the records to export improves deployment time. The filter is a predefined
query (PDQ) that extracts only the records you wish to export.
1) In the top applet, query Name = SSA.
2) Verify that only the user list you created is returned.
3) From the application-level menu, select Query > Save Query As.
4) Enter Name = SSA User List Query.
5) Click OK.
You have now created a PDQ that acts on user lists. This will be your filter when
you create your ADM project.
6) In the drop-down list near the top right of the screen, select SSA User List Query.
7) Confirm that it returns only the SSA User List record.
d. Create and enable a deployment project specifying the data you wish ADM to export.

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You can create as many deployment projects as needed to support exporting different
subsets of application data at different times or with different filters.
1) Navigate to Application Deployment Manager > Deployment Projects.
2) Create a new deployment project with:
Name SSA User Lists
Description All SSA User Lists
Active Flag <Checked>
Export to File <Checked>
3) In the bottom applet, create a new record with:
Data Type Name UserList
Active Flag <Checked>
Name UserList
Deployment Mode Synchronize
Deployment Filter SSA User List Query
After selecting the Deployment Filter you will see "SSA User List Query" replaced
by the contents of the query, for example:
[User List Name] LIKE "SSA*"
This is normal application behavior. Notice that the PDQ name is the name of the
e. Save the record, either by stepping off of it and back on again or by selecting Menu >
Save Record from the applet-level menu.
f. In the top applet, verify that SSA User Lists is selected.
g. Click Enable.
The status of the project should change to Enabled. This indicates the project can be
deployed as part of a deployment session.
h. Create an ADM deployment session for this deployment project and deploy the custom
user list to a file.
The deployment session performs the data export. You may run multiple deployment
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Practices for Lesson 14

Chapter 14 - Page 6
sessions for a given deployment project to export the data at different points in time.
1) At the top of the Deployment Projects applet, click the Deployment Sessions view
2) Create a new record with:
Project Name SSA User Lists
Description All SSA User Lists
Export to file <Checked>
3) Step off the record to save it; alternatively, from the applet-level menu select Menu
> Save Record.
4) If necessary, re-select the SSA User Lists record.
If the Deploy button is still not enabled, click Refresh.
5) Click Deploy.

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6) Set File Path = D:\export.
7) Click Export.
8) Verify that Status = Export Completed.
If the status is not an error and not completed, click Refresh until you receive a
completion notice. If the notice is, "Deployment Failed", check your application
settings. The most common error is entering a file path that is not specified in
i. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
j. Close Google Chrome.
7. Examine the export file.
a. In Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\export.
b. Verify that there are three files corresponding to your export: a .ini file, an .xml file, and
a des.xml file.
c. Use Notepad++ to examine each file in turn:
• The .ini file identifies the .xml file.
• The .xml file contains information about the schema, .srf, workflows to use, and the
exported data itself.
• The des.xml file is a description of the export.
d. Close all files, not saving any changes.
e. Minimize Windows Explorer.
8. Complete configuration of the Siebel Server.
a. Start the Siebel Call Center Web Client:
1) Select Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer.
2) Set Address = http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the blue arrow.

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Practices for Lesson 14

Chapter 14 - Page 7
b. Activate the ADM workflows. These provide the business process automation required
by ADM.
1) Navigate to Application Deployment Manager > Data Type Details.
2) From the applet-level menu, select Menu > Activate ADM Workflows.
3) In the "Activate ADM Workflows" dialog box, click OK.
c. Verify that the workflows have been activated.
1) Navigate to Administration - Business Process > Workflow Deployment >
Repository Workflow Process.
2) In the Active Workflow Processes (bottom) applet, query for Name = ADM.
3) Your query should return at least two workflows, including ADM Deployment and
ADM Restore.
4) Query for Name = UDA.
5) Your query should return at least nine workflows.

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9. Import and verify the database customization.
a. Navigate to Administration - Group > User Lists.
b. Query for Name = SSA.
c. Verify that there is no SSA User List.
You created this user list in the Sample database, not in the server database.
d. Use file-based import to import the database customizations.
1) Navigate to Application Deployment Manager > Deployment Sessions.
2) From the applet-level menu, select Menu > Deploy from Local File.
3) In the ADM - Deploy from Local File dialog box click Browse.
4) Navigate to D:\export.
5) Select the XML file of the form <session_id>_UserList.xml; for example, 9SIA-
6) Click Open.
7) Click Import.
e. In the Deployment Sessions applet, perform an empty query.
f. Notice that no records are returned; file-based import does not create a deployment
g. Verify the import.
1) Navigate to Administration - Group > User Lists.
2) Query for Name = SSA.
3) Verify that there is now an SSA User List record.
4) Select the SSA User List record.
5) Verify that in the bottom applet Siebel Administrator is listed.
h. From the application-level menu, select File > Log Out.
i. Close Internet Explorer.

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Chapter 14 - Page 8
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Practices for Lesson 15
Chapter 15

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Practices for Lesson 15

Chapter 15 - Page 1
Practices for Lesson 15
Practices Overview
You will tune the performance of the Siebel Web Client, a Siebel Server, the database and the
operating system to reduce latency.

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Practices for Lesson 15

Chapter 15 - Page 2
Practice 15-1: Tuning the Siebel Web Client
• To adjust cache settings for the Siebel Web client

15 - 20 minutes

In this practice, you will practice adjusting the parameters related to tuning Siebel Web clients.

1. Ensure that the browser cache is enabled, has enough space, and maintains the cache
between sessions:

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Typically, you can only manipulate the cache when you have access to the client machines.
a. If necessary, start Internet Explorer.
b. Select Tools > Internet Options.
c. If necessary, click the General tab.
d. Click Settings under Browsing History. Notice the "disk space to use" is set to only 250.
Change the disk space used to 1024 mb to maximize space available for application
Setting the size of the temporary Internet files folder to 0 would disable the beneficial
"persistent view layout caching and preloading" capabilities, which are described in the
section titled "Improving Performance Using View Layout Caching" Siebel Performance
Tuning Guide on Bookshelf:
e. Verify that under "Check for newer versions of stored pages", Automatically is selected;
this allows the Web server to notify the browser when it needs to update a page.
f. Click OK to close the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box.
g. Click Delete under Browsing History.
h. Leave the default selections and click Delete. This clears the browser cache.
i. Click the Advanced tab.
j. In the Security section, if necessary deselect "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder
when browser is closed". This ensures the browser will maintain cached pages
between sessions.
k. If necessary, also deselect "Do not save encrypted pages to disk". This allows Internet
Explorer to cache encrypted Siebel pages.

l. Click OK.

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Chapter 15 - Page 3
2. Verify that caching now works for your browser:
a. Start Siebel Call Center Web Client:
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
b. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List.
c. Hold down the SHIFT key and select Help > About View.

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A window will appear indicating the Cache Mode.
d. Notice this view came from the server. If yours shows it came from memory it is likely
that you clicked the Accounts List link a couple of times since clearing the browser
cache. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box.
e. Click the Contacts tab to navigate away from the view.
f. Click the Accounts tab and the Accounts List link.
g. Hold down the SHIFT key and select Help > About View.
h. Notice the same view is now showing from memory cache.
i. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box.
3. Disable view caching for SADMIN and confirm that cached views are no longer pre-loaded
into memory.
a. In Siebel Call Center, select Tools > User Preferences.
b. Click the Behavior view link.
c. Click the Show More/Show Less button to expose the View Cache Size parameter.

d. Set the View Cache Size to 0 and click the Save button.
e. Log out of Siebel Call Center and close Internet Explorer.
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Chapter 15 - Page 4
f. Start a new instance of Siebel Call Center Web Client:
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
g. Click the Accounts tab.
h. Click the Accounts List link.
i. Select SHIFT Help > About View and confirm that the view is now read from the Server
instead of from memory. Note that this is the first time you've visited this view in this
session, which is why it was read from the Server.

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j. Click OK.
k. Click the Contacts tab.
l. Click the Accounts tab and then return to the Accounts List link.
m. Notice with View Cache Size set to 0 the view is now loading from server instead of
n. Re-enable view caching:
1) Select Tools > User Preferences.
2) Click the Behavior View link. If necessary, click the Show More button.
3) Set the View Cache Size to 10.
4) Click the Save button to save the record.
5) Leave Internet Explorer open for the next step.
4. Explore static file caching.
a. Examine the static files cached by Internet Explorer:
1) In Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options.
2) Under the General tab in the Browsing history section, click Settings.
3) Click View Files.
4) Scroll through the file list.
5) Notice the three most common file types are GIF images, JS JavaScript Files, and
HTML files.
These represent images, scripts, and cached pages from the Siebel application.
By default, these files do not expire, hence the application could show the incorrect
image or run the incorrect script if these files are not periodically forced to expire.
6) Close the file list, along with all of the open internet options dialog boxes. You may
leave Internet Explorer running for the next practice.
b. Configure the Web server to force these files to expire every 7 days:
1) Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services
(IIS) Manager. This is the Web server used in the classroom.
2) If necessary, expand the <machine name> (local computer) node to expose the
Sites folder.
3) Expand the Sites folder in the left navigation panel.
4) Click the Default Web Site.
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5) Double click the HTTP Response Headers icon.

6) Click Set Common Headers in the top right corner.
7) Verify the "Expire Web content" checkbox is selected and set the content to expire
after 7 days.

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8) Click OK.
9) Select File > Exit to close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
5. If you have extra time, consider timing the performance of the application with view caching
enabled and disabled. You may be able to measure the difference. Even more importantly,
view caching significantly reduces the traffic between the thin client and the server,
significantly improving network performance and the end user's experience.

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Chapter 15 - Page 6
Practice 15-2: Exploring Other Tuning Options
• To explore tuning options for a Siebel Server
• To explore tuning options for the Siebel database
• To explore tuning options for the OS (Microsoft Windows)

15 - 20 minutes

In this practice, you will explore other tuning options discussed in the lecture.


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1. Explore parameters associated with tuning an application object manager:
a. If necessary, start Siebel Call Center Web Client:
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
b. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Components >
c. Select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) and query for the Maximum Tasks
d. Notice the current value is 20. Also notice the effective settings indicate that changes
do not take effect until the server restarts.
e. Change the Value on Restart of MaxTasks to 6. This allows only 6 sessions per
f. Query for the Maximum MT Servers parameter.
g. Notice its current value is 1. This means that only one AOM process can run, and all 20
sessions must run within that process.
h. Change the Value on Restart of Maximum MT Servers to 2. This should allow you up
to two processes, each running up to three sessions. (You set the maximum number of
sessions to six in a previous step).
i. Click the Advanced button.
j. Query for DB Multiplex*. These are the parameters that affect database connection
k. Set the value on restart of Max Number of Shared DB Connections and Min Number of
Shared DB Connections both to 2. Leave the dedicated DB connections at -1. This
would be extremely poor practice in a real deployment; with only two dedicated
database connections, any long-running queries are likely to lock out all other users.
But it will save you significant amounts of RAM in this deployment. Thus, for demos,

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Chapter 15 - Page 7
prototyping, or quick testing on single servers, this may be useful for you. DO NOT do
this in production.
2. Tune the Siebel Server to support just Siebel Call Center:
a. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Component Groups.
b. Select the Workflow Management component group and disable it on the server by
clicking Disable in the lower right applet.

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The advantage of disabling a component group on a particular server is that any
customizations you have made to the components on that server are stored. The
disadvantage of leaving it assigned to the server is that it takes a small amount of
server shared memory to maintain a record of that component group.
Another significant advantage of the command-line server manager is the ability to use
the command:
list component groups for server <Server Name>
to determine which component groups are currently enabled on a server, greatly
facilitating disabling them.
3. Examine the effects of your changes:
a. Log out of any other Siebel Call Center instances and close all open windows except
the Windows Services dialog box and the one Call Center instance you are working in.
b. Right-click the task bar and select Task Manager.
c. Click the Performance tab.
d. Make a note of the total RAM currently in use.
e. Start six additional Siebel Call Center Web Clients:
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow. You should have seven total sessions.
This should succeed, as your server supports up to 20 sessions per process, as you
noticed when you checked the MaxTasks parameter.
f. Close all instances of Internet Explorer.
g. Restart the Siebel Server [OUEnt_OUSrvr] Windows service. You may need to stop it
first, as it may take a minute or more to stop. Dismiss any warnings and let the service
stop completely. Then start it again.
h. Once the Siebel Server is up and running, start Siebel Call Center Web Client:
1) Select Start > Programs > Internet Explorer
2) Enter Address: http://<machine_name>/callcenter_enu.
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Chapter 15 - Page 8
3) Enter:
Password SADMIN
4) Click the arrow.
i. Notice how long the first login takes; this is because the AOM is instantiating its first
j. Use the Windows Task Manager to examine RAM use. You should have saved roughly
20-25% RAM.
k. (Optional) Attempt to log in on all seven instances of Internet Explorer. This time the
sixth session fails, as you set MaxTasks to 6. This can reduce impact on RAM-bound
servers, but may frustrate your users as they have to wait for free sessions to log in.

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Chapter 15 - Page 10

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