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Alysha Ananda Shafa (03) XII MIPA 6


Questions :
1. Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?
2. What is the meaning of the sentence?
Answer :
1. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was 19th century German philosopher
whose writings reflected ideas of morality, religion, and science.
Nietzsche who became one of the most influential of all modern
2. "Fear is the mother of morality" means that people follow moral rules
because they're afraid of getting into trouble. In simple terms, fear of
punishment or bad outcomes makes people act morally. It posits that
fear of punishment or retribution leads to adherence to moral standards
and ethical norms.

Questions :
1. Explain the meaning from this movie clip!
2. What is the purpose of the caption? What do you feel after reading the
Answer :
1. The quote "My mama said, 'You've got to put the past behind you before
you can move on.'" suggests that in order to progress and move forward
in life, it's important to let go of or leave behind the things that have
happened in the past. This advice encourages individuals to not be
burdened by past mistakes or regrets and instead focus on the present
and the future.
2. The purpose of the caption is to convey a piece of advice or wisdom
from the speaker's mother. It emphasizes the importance of letting go
of the past in order to make progress in life.

After reading the caption, one might feel a sense of reflection and
understanding. It reminds the reader that dwelling on past mistakes,
regrets, or burdens can hinder personal growth and moving forward. It
encourages a sense of hope and the idea that by leaving the past behind,
one can embrace new opportunities and a brighter future.

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