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The purpose of this report is to outline some of the key social problems of Argentina in order to provide the
television company a guide for the upcoming documentary. It focuses on crucial areas that need attention to offer a
comprehensive view of the challenges faced by the country.


Factors like insufficient resources, inadequate facilities, socio-economic disparities contribute to this problem.

Consequently, the perpetuation or aggravation of the cycle of poverty leads to a mayor pause in the country’s
development compromising and limiting future opportunities for inhabitants.


A significant segment of our population faces challenges in accessing adequate healthcare services. This issue arises
due to inadequate healthcare infrastructure and lack of medical supplies. The constant economic fluctuations of the
country have devastating impact on health care funding affecting the quality and availability of services. Additionally,
not everyone has health insurance as to be capable of accessing medicines and a proper health service.

The consequences include increased mortality rates, decreased social well-being and again a perpetuation of poverty
cycle as health issues affect individuals and family’s overall well-being leading to reduced quality of life and potential
social exclusion.


Crime rates pose a significant challenge in Argentina, especially in urban areas. Economic instability and social
disparities contribute to higher crime rates, pushing individuals toward illegal activities. This percentages are also
being affected in a profound level by the number of children and teenagers quitting school, and the increased
amount of drug in the streets.

All this perpetuates social division and deepens people’s fear which results in extreme security measures and fosters
mistrust. Not to mention the victims who, in most of the cases, are permanently affected.


On the basis of the points mentioned above, it would seem that addressing these issues requires a multifaceted
approach involving policy changes, resource allocation, and community engagement. The documentary should shed
light on these problems, emphasizing their causes, consequences, and the urgent need for collective action to foster
a more equitable and inclusive society.
The two texts explore the origins and nature of ‘youth culture’, a cultural movement that began in the early 1960s
and eventually became a global phenomenon, but they approach the topic from different angles.

In the first text, the author focuses on the birth of this culture wave and explains how it was initially perceived as
offensive or uninteresting by the majority. However, it gradually gained popularity and generated widespread
admiration resulting in a social shift in which being young became an esteemed and virtuous characteristic.

The second text presents a different perspective on ‘youth culture’ in which the writer goes deeper through its
essence and background. While some view it as a way of commercial manipulation which is focused on products
targeting the young, others see it as a genuine expression of innovative styles reflecting experiences, ambitions, and
socio-economic realities.

Both texts explore the transformative impact of 'youth culture' while discussing its origins, social acceptance, and
authenticity. While the first text illustrates the cultural and social change and the following adoration of youth, the
second text portrays opposite views over its nature, discussing whether it is a commercial creation or a truly artistic
and contextual expression.

In my opinion, ‘youth culture’ emerged as a multifaceted phenomenon which represented a rebellion against norms.
Whereas commercial interests certainly played a role, reducing it partially to consumerism, it certainly challenged
established conventions and changed the perception of youth, art, fashion, and social values. Additionally, this
continues to be a topic of debate and continues to shape our understanding of generational dynamics and cultural

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