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Research Methodology

Energy- M.Sc. class- Lecture no.5

Section Five
Research Methodology

Section one: What is a Research?

Section two: Characteristics of Research

Section three: Limitations of Research

Section four: Research Process Flowchart

Section five: Writing of a Research

Section Five: Writing of a Research

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Writing methodology of thesis
5.3 Research papers

5.1 Introduction
Research methodology has two domains:
➢ how to work your research
➢ how to write your research
o Notes:
• you need good writing skill
• readers will evaluate your thesis or your paper, not your work
• you are responsible for everything in your thesis or paper
• writing should be in accordance with the publisher rules “Guides for
• M.Sc. thesis ≤ 125 pages, research paper ≤ 25 pages

5.2 Writing methodology of thesis
The instructions & rules for the University of Baghdad can be found in the
following reference:
• Methodology of Writing M.Sc. Theses & Ph.D. Dissertations. Prof. Dr.
Ihsan Y. Hussain. University of Baghdad 2014.

General structure of M.Sc. thesis

The M.Sc. thesis is composed of many items that are well described in the
above Reference including: font, size, spacing, margins, page numbering &
headings, arrangements of equations, figures & tables, table of contents,
nomenclature for Latin & Greek symbols, subscripts & superscripts,
abbreviations, …etc.
The main chapters and sections of the thesis are also described in
accordance to requirements of the University of Baghdad.
However, the main body of the thesis will be described in this Lecture.
➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Title of the thesis
✓ Abstract
✓ Chapter one: Introduction
✓ Chapter two: Literature Review
➢ Part II: Description of different aspects of your work
✓ Chapter three: Mathematical Modeling
✓ Chapter four: Numerical Solution
✓ Chapter five : Experimental Work
➢ Part III: Outcomes of your work
✓ Chapter six: Results and Discussion
✓ Chapter seven: Conclusions and Recommendations
➢ Part IV: Extra
✓ References
✓ Appendices 6
➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Title of the thesis
It should be carefully chosen to express the research problem. The title
usually includes the: problem +objective +method of approach
✓ Abstract
A brief summary of your research in the form of four major paragraphs
❖ importance of the research problem by its applications
❖ main objective of the work
❖ important information (qualitative & quantitative) about the work that
describe the theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects of the work
including models, algorithms, setups, procedures, techniques, tools,
operating conditions, …etc.
❖ numbers and ranges for the most important finding including
comparisons, improvements, conclusions, …related to your own work.
➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Abstract
o Notes:
• use past tense
• no sections
• no references
• no equations
• pages ≤ 2

➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Chapter one: Introduction
It is the key entry to your research. The introduction should include clear
description of the following five items:
❖ define and explain your research problem in specified terms using
figures, sketches, …You should answer: what is the problem?
❖ explain the interesting value of your problem by its most important
engineering applications. Answer: why it is an interesting problem?
❖ specify your method of approach to the problem including: procedures,
techniques, tools, models, …that you will use for the solution along
with their superior features and characteristics.
Answer: how are you going to investigate and solve your problem?
❖ explain the objectives of the work
❖ describe the plan of the work

➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Chapter one: Introduction
o Notes:
• use short sections with small paragraphs; e.g.:
1.1 research problem & its importance (for items 1 & 2)
1.2 method of approach (for item 3)
1.3 objectives of the work (for item 4)
1.4 plan of the work (for item 5)
• use future tense for the last three items
• may use few equations
• no details of your work
• no results
• pages ≤ 10

➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Chapter two: Literature Review
❖ the chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing its
contents and sections including number of reviewed references,
categories and period.
❖ divide the chapter into sections according to some specific classification
❖ use references that are closely related to your specific problem.
❖ references should be updated and of high-quality, both local &
❖ give equal discussion for each reference
❖ make comprehensive survey of what has been done in previous studies
including methods and findings, not only description of the works
❖ provide critical description, i.e. discuss the drawbacks & shortages in
the literature
➢ Part I: Introductory
✓ Chapter two: Literature Review(continued)
❖ summarize the reviewed literature in a table that includes: authors, year,
type of study, boundary conditions, range of parameters, correlations,…
❖ scope of the present work: an individual section at the end of the chapter
such that to:
▪ explain the position of the present research with respect to the past
reviewed literature
▪ clarify the difference between them
▪ declare the shortages and gaps which will be covered by the present
work, especially your new points
o Note:
• each chapter, 2-7, starts with small paragraph (without number)
describing its contents and sections
➢ Part II: Description of different aspects of your work

Part two consists of three chapters that contains the modeling, numerical
and experimental analysis of your own problem.
This part, which represents the main body of the thesis, is flexible and can
be changed according to the research problem.
Some chapters may be canceled and others may be added or merged.

➢ Part II: Description of different aspects of your work
✓ Chapter three: Mathematical Modeling
This chapter presents the theoretical background of your own problem. In
general, it consists the following:
❖ the chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing its
contents and sections.
❖ description of the mathematical model for the problem under
consideration including the geometry and conditions of the system with
clear figures & sketches
❖ assumptions & their justifications
❖ governing equations & correlations
❖ method of solution and calculations

➢ Part II: Description of different aspects of your work
✓ Chapter three: Mathematical Modeling
o Notes:
• all sections of the chapter should be devoted to your own problem &
they should not be general in any way.
• put long derivations in Appendix
• all symbols should be clearly defined in the Nomenclature, and also in
the text for first appearance
• use references

➢ Part II: Description of different aspects of your work
✓ Chapter four: Numerical Solution
This chapter includes the numerical solution of your mathematical model
derived in chap. 3. The solution may be by your own computer program or
using existing software package. The chapter consists the following:
❖ the chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing its
contents and sections.
❖ numerical formulation of model equations
❖ initial and boundary conditions
❖ flow chart or algorithm
❖ computer program
❖ software specifications
❖ input & output data
o Note: the chapter should be designed to fit the demands of your own
problem & it should not be general in any way. 16
➢ Part II: Description of different aspects of your work
✓ Chapter five: Experimental Work
The chapter includes the description of experimental setups,
instrumentation and technical procedure for your own problem.
The chapter consists the following:
❖ the chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing its
contents and sections.
❖ experimental facilities and components
❖ measuring sensors, instruments and processing devices
❖ calibration curves
❖ experimental procedure
❖ sample of calculations of experimental data
❖ error analysis
o Note: place & time of experiments, engineering drawings and design
considerations are to be provided. 17
➢ Part III: Outcomes of your work
This is the most important part of the thesis by which readers will evaluate
and judge the quality of your work.
✓ Chapter six: Results and Discussion
The general guidelines for the chapter:
❖ the chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing its
contents and sections.
❖ arrange the chapter with several sections according to the results.
❖ evaluate all results and investigate their significance
❖ present the relative effectiveness of the results in terms of existing
❖ make objective, strong and valuable discussion
❖ show the meaning of your findings to the entire area of knowledge.
❖ evaluate the research as a whole
❖ discuss and suggest methods for extending your work 18
➢ Part III: Outcomes of your work
✓ Chapter seven: Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter summarizes all the results of the work and suggests further
lines of the research problem. General guidelines for the chapter:
❖ the chapter starts with small paragraph (without number) describing the
research problem of the thesis.
❖ the chapter is usually divided into two sections: Conclusions and
❖ Conclusions:
▪ it is to be derived/found from discussion of results
▪ effect of each parameter on the problem, as explained in the figures of
results, should have separate conclusion
▪ it should be written in compact, short and clear sentences
▪ avoid well-known fundamentals, principles and facts
❖ Recommendations: suggest applicable and logical future works 19
➢ Part IV: Extra
✓ References
Arrangement and numbering of references should be in accordance with
the Instructions & Rules.
✓ Appendices
It is an integral part of the thesis, however it contains useful material of
secondary importance, yet included for record purposes such as:
▪ tables, graphs or illustrations that are not conveniently fit in the main
body of the thesis
▪ detailed tabulations of data
▪ description of equipment, procedure and specifications
▪ derivations of equations
▪ list of computer program
▪ samples of forms, data sheets or calculations
5.3 Research papers
The main sections and contents of a research paper are as follows. For
more information, read the “Guides for authors” of the journal
✓ Title: problem +objective +method of approach
✓ Abstract: a brief summary of your problem, important information of
research work, and the research findings
✓ Introduction: introductory to your problem and its importance, literature
review of related papers, and the main objectives of your research with
a brief description of the corresponding work to be carried out for that
note: the literature review could be placed in a separate section
✓ Description of work: several sections for detailed description of the
different aspects of your own work such as mathematical modeling,
numerical solution, experimental setups, instrumentation, …etc.
5.3 Research papers
✓ Results and discussion: outcomes of your research
✓ Conclusions: short description of the research problem, research work
with its main variables, findings and conclusions
✓ References


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