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Candidate's name: Tratibo Omar Ussene
Destination HEI: Khalifa University Postgraduate Admissions
Candidate's academic qualities:
I know Tratibo, as a student in 2018, from the Applied IT course at Pungue University, Tete
where I was a student.
Throughout this period, the candidate demonstrated maturity in the development of
administrative activities, leadership in individual and team work.
As a degree student, he always excelled in honesty, integrity and friendliness. Likewise, he
was always kind, competent and respectful towards his colleagues and teachers, in addition
to having good intellectual capacity and a high sense of responsibility.
Onélia has good oral expression and written communication skills. I consider it relevant to
reflect on your skills and, at the same time, I favorably support your candidacy for the
master's degree in IT.
Justification for undertaking the Master's degree in Informatics at Khalifa University
Postgraduate Admissions.
It is opportune to train the candidate in the desired course, on the one hand, due to the lack
of staff in the desired area. On the other hand, the prestige that Khalifa University
Postgraduate Admissions enjoys nationally and internationally, in terms of teaching quality,
and potential in terms of infrastructure and (highly qualified) teachers, make it a higher
education institution of reference.
Training in this course constitutes a significant gain not only for the candidate, but also for
the institution where he works at the Gorongosa District Secretariat, as currently the number
of employees, technicians at this institution with a master's degree and the respective course,
is practically non-existent.
Justification for choosing the candidate's destination institution and, in particular, the
department in which they will carry out their studies:
The prestige that Khalifa University Postgraduate Admissions enjoys internationally, in
terms of the quality of its postgraduate courses, is undoubtedly a relevant factor that
prompted us to apply for it. In the case of a candidate whose basic training is in Applied
Informatics, and works professionally in this area as an IT Technician, at the District
Secretariat, it seems logical that he intends to develop studies in this field and, therefore, the
department where studies of this nature are carried out, is the most suitable.

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